Insanity And Fear

Lane smiled and clapped his excited new meister on the shoulder. "Alright, then. I'll try to keep up," he said, his lips curling in to a smirk. Jameson's energy, he could work with. The little threat of arrogance....Not so much. They would definately clash, but would get along more often than not. Of course, though, Lane was just guessing.

Blair's lips stretched in to a smile. "I'm glad we're partners, too, Talhar," she told him, tucking her thumbs into her shallow pockets. "We'll kick ass together. As for trying you out.....Sure. Ha-ha, absolutely." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and shifted her weight on to her right leg. "What kind of weapon do I have the privelage of working with, anyway?"


repost =))
Jay hadn't expected Elizabeth to be the giggly sort, but that was the last thing on his mind at the moment. Meister- weapon- she was crazy like the rest of 'em, with that idiot stranger and that ridiculous Death person! His eyebrows knitted together in a scowl; he hadn't known what to expect in the DWMA, but it wasn't listening to a raving group of lunatics who thought they were inanimate objects!

With an angry sigh, Jay took a step towards her and extended his arms to gesture at Elizabeth. "Look here, I'm sure my eyesight ain't that good, but who the hell do you think you're foolin'? I couldn't say for sure what the other idiots here think, but I know what I see, and you're NOT a frickin' GUN!" He drew back and stalked to the door. "The lot of you should be thrown in the loony house!" he added as he slammed the grand entryway shut.
Elizabeth's mouth dropped. Was he serious? Did he really think all this was a joke? Knocking herself out of shock, she ran off after him. She opening and closed the door behind her, as she spotting him storming down the long hallway. Liz grabbed his shoulder tightly and yanked, turning him around to face her. "Who do you think you are, calling us crazy!?" she began, her voice loud. "You don't think I'm a gun? Fine, I will show you!" she finished, followed by her transforming into her weapon form and landing in his hand.

"Oh, my." Death said, shocked at this students random out burst. He spotted a girl go after him and figured to let her handle him. "To answere your questions, for about an hour you may go around the building and get to know each other, then head on to your next classes." he said with a sigh.
Jay's reaction was immediate. He had no time to talk when she spun him around, and the transformation was much too quick for him to respond- but when he suddenly found himself holding a pistol and scowling at empty space, he shouted "Holy s**t!", juggled the gun once and then backstepped so quickly he practically leaped backwards. Falling to the ground with a thud, he stared at the pistol with surprise written all over his features; it lied so inconspicuously on the tiled floor, yet it thunderstruck Jay as much as if the entire school had decided to disappear at that moment.

"Holy s**t," he said again. That was Elizabeth, wasn't it?
Elizabeth went back to human form with an "OW!" She looked at, hands on her hip, in a sassy pisition. "So, now do you take back what you said?" She asked, full of attitude, with a wide smile from ear to ear.

(Go away writer's block!!! I am so sorry that Nivrad and I are going back and forth, I promise if any, one more post for me, untill someone else posts!!)
Jay couldn't respond for a moment. The little weapon made of aluminum had just sprang up to become the girl once more; so either everyone was telling the truth, or he was going insane himself.

He suddenly remembered an image of the stranger, smiling at him jauntily from under the shadow of his hat. The idiot was telling the truth too, he thought. Fine. You win. People can turn into weapons.

Slowly, shakily, Jay stood. "...Dang," was the only thing he trusted himself to say. For once, he wasn't scowling, but there wasn't any sign of awe or revelation. They balanced each other out; his face stayed perfectly neutral, but he looked at the smiling girl differently now. Cautiously, or at least less angrily.

Then, after a moment, he said, "Do that again."
Elizabeth's face softened. "Really...?" She asked with a bit of hesatation. Now she was happy, he beleived her and she was right. Ha! she thought to herself. She was now sure and cofident that they would make a great team, but she could not help but wonder.....Why did he even come to the school in the first place? Giving him one last smile, she transformed into a pistole, landing perfectly in his hand.
Jay still jumped at the transformation, especially as the metal landed in his hand, but he managed to keep hold of it this time. He felt a bit uncertain with it clutched in his hand- or, to say, her- it was a very weird feeling, holding something he knew was a person- but- oh, God, what was he doing? Seriously, what was he doing here? He didn't know how to use a gun, let alone one that was also a person-

Jay swallowed his indecision. He tried to forget he held Elizabeth at the moment, and turned the pistol over in his hands. It was a nice gun. He had seen guns before. It was nice and clean, polished; for a moment he wondered if it's cleanness had anything to do with the human's own state. He transferred it to his left, dominant hand, and curled his fingers around it experimentally. It didn't weigh any more than a slingshot. Maybe a little. Raising his arm, he aimed at an embroidered man- meister- who was galloping across a tapestry on a horse. His hand did not waver or tremble at all, perfectly still. He had a feeling that a bullet, released just then, would have torn the man's head right out of the picture, as precisely as he could have thrown a rock.

'Course, he didn't shoot. Instead, he took the pistol and examined it once more. He knew enough to know how to reload one, and as he checked- yes, it was out of ammo anyhow.

Silently, he set the pistol down on the tiled floor, hoping Liz was aware of what happened in weapon form.
Jameson's eyes are filled with enthusiasm, as he pats his new weapon on his shoulder, "So, how about you transorm yourself. I'm excited to 'test you out'." He says with a laugh. He's excited about his new partner, and he's a sword! However, he is curious about the other one's in the academy. Also, is he just like any normal sword? Only time will tell.

(Sorry it took so long, I'm having work don on mycomputer :3)
Liz was aware and could see everything going on around her in weapon form. Realizing that he had placed her on the floor, she returned to human form. Taking a sigh and fixing her shirt that had gotten messed up, she looked at Jay, the lights reflecting from her eyes makeing them sparkle "So, what do you want to do know?" she aked.
Lane was distracted by the meister who clearly thought all of this was a big joke. He hoped that his weapon would prove him wrong - that was just disrespectful. With a roll of his eyes, he looked back at James and smirked. "I can feel your excitement, so it would make me an ass to say no, wouldn't it?" And with that, Lane transformed.

(It's okay =) My muse should be back soon....)
A few moments of awkward silence later, Sparrow looked back to Collin, his new meister.

"So... should we go try to practise or something?" he asked, gestring to the door.
Shocked and awed over his transformation, he says to his self, 'Well I guess he CAN transform, this is amazing'. He reaches down and picks him up. He gets a strange feeling, as if he was... part of it. He weilds him in a stance and throws a few practice swings away from the rest of the students, just to get a feel of it. "Wow..." He says to his partner/sword. "This is amazing..." He smiles with sheer awe, and sets it down on the ground so he can transform back.
"Yeah, sure, " Collin said, he walked next to Sparrow as they explored the hallways. This was weird for Collin. It was times like these he wished he had a bit of his brother's personality, Valour always knew how to fill up silence. When it came down to it, Collin was clueless. Sure he could think of things to say, too bad it would be two hours after the conversation when he was bashing himself for being so stupid, his mind just went blank in conversations. Collin cleared his throat, "So, uh, you said you were a spear?" he stuck his hands in his pockets and said curiously, "What kind?"
Jay wasn't sure how to respond. When your world is turned upside-down, you don't know clear-cut what to do right after. He just looked at Liz for a moment, trying to think of her as a pistol, and utterly failing.

Eventually, for the first time since a long time- when was the last time he had done this? Jay....

Jay grinned.

"Let's go 'n' find some ammo."
"Well, greatspear if you wanted to get picky," the albino replied, a bit of a smirk on his face. Two quiet teammates, terrific. Sparrow just walked along, heading back out the way they'd come in. If they had free time to practice, it would probably be for the best not to go swinging a polearm around indoors.
Talhar hmm'd for a while before replying, with a mix of shame and amusemen, that he had no idea what kind of weapon he was. He had never encountered anyone else with a weaponform such as himself nor has he encountered anyone who knew what kind of weapon he was.

" Well, I don't know the name of my weapon but I can tell you it's primarily an offensive weapon for both mid and close range. As for the form, well you'll just have to see for yourself ey. "

He said before a feignt glow shimmered over him, first static but soon it grew in intensity and started to swirl over his body before he vanished from thin air for a split second and a Kurasigama took his place in mid-air.

" Oi, catch me before I fall to the ground. " He said to Blair through the newly formed link between their minds.

{I apologize for my crap-tastic post...}

Thoughts immediately began running through Farren's head.
What is his personality like? What is his weapon form? Wait a second. Wait a second. What is his name? Valour?

Hm... Interesting...
She shook her thoughts away, and focused on finding her partner. Most everyone was with their partners, except one boy, who had blonde hair, and had his fists stuffed in his pockets. She walked up to him confidently, and asked, "Are you Valour?" She surveyed him more closely. He appeared to be the humorous, laid back type.

She tended to judge people by their appearance. Alot.
Great, Farren sighed. Just what I need in battle. She realized she was being a bit too negative, and scolded herself in her thoughts. She knew that she was very determined, and spirited during battle, but she grew up with a father that pushed her. Her mother died from being to determined.

She shuddered, her thoughts upsetting her more an more as she thought about it. When she was little, she vowed to be un-determined, unlike her mother, but that changed when her father thought she was old enough to train.

Blair was a bit dissapointed when Talhar couldn't tell her what kind of weapon he was. She watched him transform, and raised her hands to catch him. The weapon, a Kurasigama, she recognized, landed roughly in her hands. She felt a shock when she caught him, as if she went to shake his hand and their body's electricity sparked together, and she almost dropped him. Just because she wasn't expecting it. The wide-eyed girl smiled and studied the gleaming weapon in her hands, feeling the electricity course through her fingers, but at a softer level then before. Blair smiled wide, then adopted a serious face and took on a battle-ready stance. "Hey, Talhar," she said, her tone brimmed with fascination. "Want to go outside?"


The sword on the ground adopted a soft glow, getting brighter and brighter, and was soon replaced with a teenage boy. Lane smiled and folded his arms. "Have fun?" he asked James, folding his arms over his chest. When James was weilding him...It felt...Very natural. Like his hands were made for Lane's hilt.

(Okay, this post is a bit better....XP)
Jameson smiles and nods happily, "Sure did." He then remembers something and looks over at Lord Death. "Excuse me, Lord Death, when will the other classes start?" He wanted to go ahead and start training for being a meister, and he was sure that Lane felt the same way about being a Weapon.
A grin spread accross Elizabeth's face. "Let's go." she said as she did a little jog over to him. When she caught up she continued to walk, her eyes dead ahead with, but she would sometimes glance behind her to see if he was still there or had run off. As she walked, she carried herself with grace and cofindence. She knew she was powerfull and no one would tell her otherwise.
Jay's way of travel was as different from Elizabeth's as could be. While she held herself proud, Jay managed to slouch even when walking; he preferred to walk slowly by a wall versus striding down the center. His partner's quick pace drew him forward faster than normal, but he quieted his feelings of rebellion. Liz was taking them to get ammunition, and right now, all he wanted to do was load and shoot that pistol more than anything else.

After a while, Jay asked, "You do know where we're goin', right?"
Michael sighed, and looked at the boy, Jameson, who addressed Lord Death. "As Death said before," he said to the boy, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "the classes will start in an hour. Until then, you are free to look around the school, get some food, or talk with your partner. Do what ever you want - just listen next time." He really didn't like it when students didn't listen. That was the only reason they were there - to listen and learn. His weapon may have his hands full.

Lane knit his eye brows and looked at Jameson. That teacher was a bit weird. "Want to go outside then?" he asked, rocking back and forth on his heels.

(*pumps air in to muse*)
Collin smiled as they strides out the front doors into the open air of the courtyard, "Alright then, let's see it," Collin said with a bit of a smirk, truthfully he was looking forward to having another weapon in his hands once again. Welding a weapon came to him naturally, though he had to work hard to get to the skill that his is today, all of it was worth it, no matter how painstakingly slow progress had seemed..... valor stretched out his hand, "Yes I am, and you are..." he struggled with the name, having not really paid attention beforehand, "My partner, master, meister, handler, weilder extraordinaire!" Valour said, filling in his own blank.
"Don't just go throwin' me around now," Sparrow joked, halfway into morphing already; he landed in the form of a spear, point down in the ground where he'd just been standing.

"Let's see what you've got," he continued with a chuckle.

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