Insanity And Fear

Jay immediately shrugged away at her gesture of kindness, muttering something that might have been "get your hands off me," and turned his head to watch her. She was looking at him all strange- like a wild animal who hadn't learned to distrust humans. He'd seen a doe once, with eyes big and strangely watery. Something had stopped him from trying to knock it out with a stone, although he had had one at hand. Never knew what.

He was suddenly very uncomfortable at the way she was looking at him. He knew she was trying to be kind, like a few kids in his town, but- but-

"Nothin'," he said abruptly in response to her question, and stood. He turned and started down the street towards the academy, not bothering to see if she was following, or giving a glance at the pigeon that laid on the pavement. He didn't know what to feel. What use was feeling anyways? Just a lot a claptrap and heartbreak, or so his mother had said.

But she was holding the same pack he had tossed to her. That was good. He didn't even know why, anymore; but it was good nonetheless.
Collin looked down the hallway, "Uhhh...which way was it again...?" he asked Sparrow then turned down a random hallway that looked the most familiar to him. He couldn't remember which way they had come. Valour laughed through the strange connection in their heads, "Nope, I'm a spade--sorry to get your hopes down," he joked, "I can't tell if your disappointed or disappointed?"
Looking at the door numbers, Sparrow could see that they'd taken a wrong turn; and decided to point it out.

"Not this way," the albino said, doubling back to check a room they'd just passed. With all the doors at least numbered logically it couldn't be too hard to find room seventeen... right?
Elizabeth jogged to catch up with him, as she slowed down she noticed the pigeon laying on the groud, ignoring it she slowed into a walk. "If you want I can drop theses off at our dorn before we get to our classes?" she said gesturing to the packet off bullets.

(I am so sorry, awful post!!)
To tell the truth, Jay had been planning to skip the classes, or at least this first one. But after going through so much strife to make an okay first impression, it would have been very stupid to go through with the plan.

"Sure," he said. Then, on second thought, "I'll go with you." It was an unthinking decision, but it made sense, in retrospect. He might as well see what his living quarters would be like.

(*Wishes people would stop apologizing and complaining about bad posts and muse, or lack thereof*)
Elizabeth was suprised that he wanted to come with. "Okay." she said half to herself. As they approched the academy, she brushed her hair behind her ear and quickened her step. She was a bit worried about how they would get along living together, she new it would be a challenge, but she didn't want to back down or give up on him and she did not want him to give up on her. When they arrived at the dorm, she turned the doornob and stepped inside the wide room, accupied by a couch, a table, a TV, and a small kitchen. It was nice and homey, but still small and tight, she liked it.
Jay surveyed the room. He'd been in worse sleeping places, he guessed. 'Least it had a telly.

He didn't have any belongings to put down; so after peeking into the sleeping area for a moment (A small recession with two single-sized beds) he was ready to leave. He didn't know why he had wanted to come: there wasn't much there.

"C'mon," he muttered, and strode back out the door. The dorm was too small for his liking. He'd have to get used to living so close to his new partner.
"Okay," Elizabeth said as she quickly tossed the bullets on the table. She was suprised he didn't want to look around a bit more, since he wanted to come in the first place, but she shook off the though knowing it would be piontless to talk to ask him about that. As they walked, she grew tired of the the awkward silence and made the desision to break the ice, "So, we have half an hour left before classes, do you want to just talk?" she asked. She would do anything, talk about anything, if he would just agree to talk. Smoothing out her shirt, she slowed her pace just a tad.
Jay found himself slowing with Elizabeth. What did he want to do? After a moment, he definitely knew. He wanted to pull a trigger for real.

He looked over at his partner, unsure if he should say it. It would be so easy- "Let's go practice..."

But for the first time, since- well, ever, he showed restraint. "Nah," he said. "Just get used to the school..."

He didn't know why he was talking so much. Or why he was acting like he was. Stupid kids are getting to me, he thought.

(I think some other RPers want to time-skip to the lessons, and someone's said that class should start soon. That's not fair to the groups who have hardly met, but really, we've gotten the most done of everyone. As a compromise, I'd say we let every meet each other and catch up, then time-skip into the lesson. How about you guys?)

Farren exclaimed, "Why would I be disappointed!? You are a shovel!" She realized what she had just said may not make sense to Valour. "I grew up training with regular household items and tools that could be used for weapons. You know, knives, saws, shovels." She hoped this all made sense. She never liked being confused, and she would bet that Valour didn't like it much, either. She flung the shovel into the air, and caught it with one hand. It didn't seem that heavy to her.

But, she grew up using stuff like that to train. She didn't use guns, or any weapon of that sort, which seemed practically lightweight to her. She swung the shovel around, experimenting with it's flexibility. She could move it around pretty well, but she needed to work on using two hands. She normally used one hand because she used lighter weapons, but this weapon was a tad heavier.

Megan chuckled at Riley's question. "I'm a bladed cestus. It's like an armoured glove with a sword on the forearm." To demonstrate,Megan turned into her weapon form in a flash of light,and flopped to the ground with a metallic clatter. The top of the hand was covered in simple,yet intricately overlapping steel plates,with the palm covered in textured grip pads,on top of the leather. The top of the forearm was occupied by the blade,and the underside was covered by a single steel plate. The fingertips came to a short,but sharp point. Her voice echoed from the blade, "See? Cestus! I bet we'll work great together!"
Riley blinked down at the weapon, feeling shocked and intrigued at the same time. She slowly bent down and swept up the weapon, gently placing it on her hand like a glove and then turned her hand around, "Nice." She smirks lightly, " does this work then? I've never really fought with anything else than my fists.." She asked, prodding the blunt side of the sword with curiosity.

Riley was unsure already of this place, having to pair up with someone else made no sense to her anyway. She would much rather be on her own, she fought better alone and she liked it better on her own. She didn't plan to get along with anyone at this school anyway so having a 'partner' would just mess things up.
As Riley put Megan over her arm,a very strange sensation passed through her being. Oh no...Why!? She tried to hide the change of tone of voice as she answered her Miester's question. "It's-It's similar to fistfighting...Except you have two extra feet to work with. Punch for stabs,chop for slashes,and slap to parry." After a quick pause,she added, "This is my first time being wielded...And I feel...Wierd..."
Riley frowned at the weapon - Megan - wow, it was going to be hard to get used to that. Of course she had heard of these things, people that turned into weapons, but she had never met one up until now. She slowly took of the weapon and placed it on the floor, so that it could turn back into the girl. "What do you mean?" She inquired, her voice bland and emotionless. She looked down at the weapon as she tried to imagine what it would be like to fight with her, confusing was the first word that popped into her head. Never mind, she wouldn't let the abnormality of it get to her, she was going to fight, and she was going to fight damn well.
"Okay..." Elizabeth sighed. She continued walking in the direction of the academy. As she walked, she hardly looked as cofendent as she had eairliar, her head wasn't as up right and her strides weren't as long. She played with her braclet, hoping Jay might say something to make everything less akward and wierd, yet in the back of her head she new he wouldn't and that she would have to be the one to speak. She did not talk.
Jay thought of nothing as they trooped back into the hallway. Not of Liz, not of himself, or the school. He just looked at his destination, and walked to meet it.

He looked up. Jay took a moment to read the clock on the wall; it read, !0:21.

"'Was nine-thirty last I checked," he muttered to his partner. Which meant, of course, class was staring soon.

Room 17, he thought, making a turn. I hope.
(I'm sorry it's been so long....School has been all over the place. I'll be better =))

Lane stopped walking and groaned, shoving his thumbs in his pockets. The detour through the labrynth that was the Shibusen wasn't as bad as he had made it out to be, but as long as James was helping him pick which way to turn and which poster was there sixty seconds ago and which one wasn't, he was fine. When they were standing at the foot of the steps to the DWMA, just as he was before he got tangled in its web, only now with his new partner, an air of triumph washed over him. It was nice - Lane Auode had actually navigated a labrinth. Er, what
felt like one, any way. "So, any place in particular you want to check out first?"
As they approched the class room, Elizabeth pushed her hair behind her ears and thought of waht the school would be like empty, lonley, sad, empty. "Yeah," she said, in responce to Jay. " I guess I will see you later at out dorm?' she finished, as the clock landed on 10:30.
"Right," said Jay. As he trooped into the classroom, he briefly considered ditching the school after his first lesson; but crap, he really did want to shoot that pistol. Elizabeth.

Inside, it was pretty much empty except for the teacher, who stood at the front. Giving the front of the room a suspicious glance, he strode to the back and plopped himself down in the chair closest to the back corner. He supposed he had to sit through the classes if he wanted to stick it out.

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