Insanity And Fear

" Oohh ok, baahhhh...Got so much to learn about this academy and everything revolving around it. I used to think I was the only one, or a rare anomaly, or something like that. I come from an island you see...And nobody had such an ability there. Then I moved to the mainland, nobody had such an ability there either... But I'm glad I'm not the only one though, makes you feel like a part of something. I've known the life of being on your own well enough by now, I'm eager to learn about co-operating. "

The last phrase was spoken without thinking, Talhar wasn't the type to talk about his past easily. He was so psyched about this new life that he was starting, that he really started to learn to live without a constant guard up. Takes some adjustments though, it used to be a rare occasion where he talked to someone without asking for money or food. Now those days are over, which made him extatic eventhough he looked only slightly happy, guess Talhar sorta learned to not show his true emotions and always keep a strong facade up.

As they walked through the hallways and corridors, Talhar stared holes in the woodsculptures, wallpaintings, chandeliers, Persian rugs and whatnot. It seemed like he became a member of royalty or something. Never, not in his wildest dreams, has he ever thought he could call a place like this home. After soaking in everything between where they were and where they are now, Talhar felt genuinely exhilerated. Now to make sure he doesn't mess it up, he has a knack for losing his temper...Usually when he feels that someone is mistreating him or being unjust. Still, he knew himself and he knew he easily pushed things too far when riled up.

' It'll be fine. '
He assured himself, about not getting kicked out, as they continued their walk through the fancy labyrinth of passageways.
Jay walked to the door and, in his haste, attempted to pull it open several times before he saw the note. Reading with an ill-trained eye, he slowly deciphered the message.

"Lord... Death. So he weren't just making it up," Jay said to himself. The stranger had told him many strange things about the academy- the principal's name the least of them.

He turned around to look at the polished surroundings. Now where in hell was this office of Death?
Balir nodded. "That's really interesting. I...grew up in Nevada, actually," she added, shaking her head. This boy was interesting. From an island, the only weapon there. Seemingly shy, and always on his toes. She couldn't help but wonder when the last time he relaxed was. "I would love to hear more about the island, later, if you don't mind....But, I think we're here." She stopped in front of a long door. A cartoonish 4-D skull served as a door handle. Blair took one last nervous breath, and walked in.


"This place is way too damn big," Lane repeated, this time out loud. He was one of the only people in the hall way, and he didn't care who heard him and who didn't. The tall boy turned a corner, and saw an adult male, most likely a teacher. Feeling slightly annoyed, he walked up to the man. "Excuse me sir, I am looking for the Death Room, can you -"

"The Death Room?" the man said, putting his manilla folder in to his laptop bag. Lane just noticed he was holding the two, and this only increased his irritation. "I was on my way there, myself. You must be in my class. Call me Professor Navara. Follow me this way."

Lane blinked, but did what the teacher, Professor Navara, told him to. At least he wouldn't be walking in circles anymore....
Collin pushed his way around students, he liked walking with a purpose, so it irritated him to wait behind kids who were preoccupied with talking with their friends and meandering through the hallways at their own leisure. Didn't they know he had someplace to be? He sighed and ran an exasperated hand through his hair, this was not a good day for him. Collin had dark bags under his eyes. Just barely rolling out of bed that morning after his neighbors kept him up all night with their incessant racket, he hardly got any sleep--and on one of the most important school days.

Finally he made it and followed a few other students into Lord Death's office. It could hardly be called an office in all of it's grandeur. "Wow," he muttered softly, then his gaze shifted to Lord Death himself. His pressence commanded attention, he was impossible to miss. However his silliness did catch Collin off guard, goofiness was not something he expected from one who calls himself "Lord Death". Collin put a smiled on his face, it was time to make good impressions, "Hello, sir, I must compliment your school, its most impressive,"
Jay meandered through the corridors, on a lookout for directions. A deep-seated irritation bubbled inside of him, as every hallway he turned down only served to confuse him more; he felt like an ant shoved into a home-made maze, wandering around for the amusement of someone else. And really, the feeling of being an ant isn't a good one.

There were few other students at that point. Jay knew he should probably ask for directions, but he was hesitant to approach anyone; anything that was unknown was an object of high suspicion to him.

Talhar didn't know how to respond to Blair's request to hear more of the hell that he had to call home for so long. He didn't want to talk about it but he didn't want to sound rude, fortunately for him they just arrived at the Death Room so their conversation was cut short. Following Blair inside the room, all kinds of thoughts were running rampant in his mind. The main one, who kept repeating itself louder and louder was:

' Don't mess up, don't mess up, don't mess up, don't mess up! '

Unvoluntarily he had put his guard back up, he didn't know what was to come and he readied himself both in body and mind for the worst. Talhar should've realized nobody meant him harm here, but logic fell apart when he feels stress. Thanks to his past, his guarding paranoia, awareness and readiness had been able to grow and prove itself vital since it saved his hide more than once. But this wasn't the past.

Silent and with a serious look on his face, he entered the room slowly and quickly scanned who and what was inside.

Jay shook his head and headed on a beeline to the closest student, tamping down his irritation. If he was going to break his solitary habits, he may as well get it over with.

Approaching the person, he muttered, "'Scuse me, but d'you know where this room of Death thing is?"
Riley turned around and looked at the boy, and the first thing that grabbed her attention was his bright red hair, she didn't show a smile but she nodded, "Yeah, I'm headed there." She motioned for him to follow her, guessing he needed help getting there. She stuck her hands in her jacket pockets as they walked, "Partner assignment?" She asked him, looking out of the corner of her bright blue eyes to observe his features. She found his red hair rather entrancing since she had never met someone with red hair before, and his dark brown eyes seemed rather mysterious.

(Sorry if you meant someone else!)
Jay felt rather uncomfortable. "Sure," he muttered at the girl's question. He hadn't taken a good look before he had approached her, and now- looking down at his feet- he wished he had chosen someone other than the attractive student before him. Had he ever really talked with a girl that wasn't his mother before? No, he didn't think he had, and this wasn't the ideal time to start.

Stealing a furtive look at his surroundings, he shuffled his feet and started after her.
Riley could almost feel the awkward silence between them as they walked and she gripped her hands into fists as they hid inside her pockets. She also hadn't spent much time with any boys since she was always busy dealing with 'home issues' or her karate/kick-boxing/taekwondo lessons. She realized that since she was here at this school, and soon have to be making 'friends' with her partner she might aswell try it out on this guy first, being social was hard for her. "So....What's your name?" She decided to start with simple things, rather than jump right into, 'Tell me your lifeeee story!' She didn't particularly want anyone to ask her that question, so she wouldn't ask anyone else it.
"Riley" She responded just as they reached the door to Lord Death's room, she chuckled lightly as she observed the skull, tracing it lightly with her fingers before she gripped the door handle, looked back to check Jay was still there and then pushed it open silently.

She stepped inside the room and took it in, amazed by how fancy it was compared to her own home. Then again, her home isn't the ideal place to compare it to. She picked out Lord Death amongst the crowd, recognizing him because of his age, she was surprised by how goofy he seemed but walked over to him anyway and looked up at him. "Hello, you must be Lord Death?" She asked and then looked around the room once more. She noticed a rugged looking boy standing by the door and took in the serious expression on his face, she stared at him as she waited for a response from Lord Death, not really knowing how to speak to teachers since her old school had been more like a students-run-the-school place.
Jay stood back as Riley stepped into the classroom, staring at the intricate door for a long moment. Eventually, he found his way to a seat by the door and began to observe his fellow students. They were a mismatched bunch; and none of which he would like to be involved with.

Unless what the stranger had said had held some kernels of truth. Yeah, most of it was complete bullcrap, but what if they were really assigned to a partner?...
"Oh, thank you, Collin!" lord Death exclaimed, throwing his large hands. He looked at the door, at the boy an dthe girl who just enetered. "Nice of you two to join us." He looked at the rest of teh students. "We shall begin the partner assignment soon. We are waiting for three more students, and one of my professors."

(Sorry, crummy post.
Blair blinked, trying not to act surpried at Lord Death's voice and appearance. Her dad had told her about him, and that did cushion her mild shock. She studied the other students, wondering who she would be partnered with. She hoped it wasn't some one that would leave her to do everything; someone she could get along with. The girl heaved a sigh and twirled her hair in her fingers while she looked around, waiting for something to happen.


Lane followed Navara in silence, having nothing to say to the man. He had no questions, or comments - except that the man looked a little shaken. When they finally arrived to the Death Room, Lane studied the door handle. A cartoon skull. He knit his eyebrows, studying it and finally opening it before the man behind him could say something. "I apologize," Navara said as he entered, "for any delay. This is Lane, a weapon. have we begun?"


{I apologize for the delay. I joined a bit late.}

{Muse overload!}

Farren stared in shock at the large building. It was gorgeous. Just as her father had explained. She shook her thoughts away, knowing that if she stayed outside for one more minute, she would be late for class. She walked up the steps, which seemed endless, keeping a surprisingly steady pace. She glanced at her schedule once again. She wanted to make sure that she was arriving to the correct class.

The paper read, " Room seventeen. History with Professor Navara." She began glancing at the doors scattered along the halls' walls, and repeated the numbers on the doors. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleve-". She stopped as she spotted the small note taped to the door. She skimmed it, only knowing that it said something about reporting to Lord Death-regarding meister-weapon pairs. She sighed, knowing that she would have to roam the halls again, searching for the correct room. She slithered through the halls until she found what looked as if it was the correct room, and opened the door slightly, peering in.

Lord Death was speaking to the group of students, something about that there would be more students arriving. She swung the door open hastily, and quickly walked to the group, but not so that she looked late, and nervous. As she finally heard Lord Death's voice, she was shocked. Her father had told her about him, but she was still shocked. She knew that she had work to complete, and she shook her thoughts away, waiting for Lord Death to speak, and for the other students to arrive. As she waited, she could not help but glance around the room. A bit peculiar, but once again, she was not very surprised, as her father had told her about much of the Death Weapon Meister Academy.

She then started to wander what kind of weapon she would be paired with. She hoped not a gun, spear, or any other weapon similar. She hoped for a household tool. She found them very affective. More than things actually made to be weapons. It seemed a bit odd, but that was how she grew up. Her mother had used household tools for weapons, and she actually refused any weapon that differed.

Her father, was, is, a weapon. Specifically chainsaw. Farren's mother mostly used her father, the chainsaw, to hit people in the jaw, actually breaking their jaw with the force. Farren found that a bit disturbing, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? Her mother died when she was three. All she heard was stories. Stories, stories, and stories.

She had not remembered anything about her mother. Only that she was brave, determined, and spirited. That was what killed Farren's mother. Her self confidence. Farren shuddered, shooing her thoughts away. She began becoming impatient. She murmured, "When will the other students arrive!?"

She glanced at her watch. There was still a few minutes left. What did she have to worry about?

Jay was duly surprised by Lord Death's bouncy tone. Left alone to narrow his eyes all he could want in the corner, he wondered, What sort of madness is this? He really had no information about this school- except that it seemed to be populated by lunatics. People turning into weapons, indeed.
Death's tone was a little bit surpring, though it did fit with his somewt silly mask. Being disregarded, Sparrow just cleared out of the way to give him some space.
"Certainly, sir," Collin replied. Valour struted leisurely through the hallways, taking his time, there was no need for him to rush. He checked a clock on the wall, a few minutes to get to Lord Death's office, he had plenty of time. He saw a group of older girls huddled together outside a classroom door. Valour winked at them, they scowled back, and he smirked. He sunk his fists deep in his jean pockets and flipped his hair like he had seen in some cheesy TV sitcom, he chuckled at how stupid he felt doing it--but at least it gave the ladies something to talk about and that was the point. As he past them he heard them murmmering amongst themselves, something about underclassmen, he rolled his eyes. Turning the corner he found himself at his destination.

Valour opened the heavy intricately ornate door and stepped inside, placing himself next to his brother, "Nice place, this is a setting I could handle," Collin nodded, aware of his brother's lame use of a pun, he said, "You're late," Valour rolled his eyes and nudged him with his elbow, "Nearly, but get used to it," Collin sighed, "I'm surprised you havent made a showcase of yourself yet," Valour chuckled, "I'm not quite there yet, you can't rush things like that, it all about timing. What about you, Mr. Suck-up?" Collin sighed exasperated, Valour chuckled in response.
Lord Death glanced around, it seemed people were still missing. He was getting a bit impatient. He sighed, deciding to go on ahead and start. "Okay, let's get started everyone!" he began, gesturing with a wave of his hands. As he looked around the room, he thought of who to annonce first. "Now, remember everyone, after I give you your partner you two may go and chat amongst yourselves, get to know each other. Unless you have a question, then you may step aside and wait untill I am finished giving partners." Not taking his eyes off the students, he pulled out the piece of paper which had the partners on it, from his robe. Glancing at the paper he started to speak "First we have Lane," he spoke out as he looked at the two boys. "Next we have Blair and Talhar. Also, Jay and Elizabeth." He inspected his paper again before continuing. " Collin and Sparrow, you two are together and Valhour and Farren are together. Laastly we have Riley and Megan. Now find your partner and go mingle! Goodbye everyone!!"
"Collin?" Sparrow spoke aloud, looking around for his meister.This seemed to be quite an impromptu match-up, and it would change the lives of these students forever, though their lives were tiny splinters next to what lord Death had already experienced. Maybe a few dozen years didn't mean so much to him?
Jay fiddled with his slingshot when Lord Death started talking, but snapped to attention when he began to name partners. The first names he didn't recognize, but then came the words... "Jay and Elizabeth."

Well, crap, he thought, scanning the female students in the room. ​A girl.
Jameson looks at Lord Death a little confused, but it fades and he decides to find his Partner. He walks up to a random boy who seems like a pretty cool guy. He then proceeds to ask, "Excuse me, are you Lane?" He ask in a kinda nervous tone, hoping he had the right guy.
Elizabeth looked around, a bit confused. Who could this Jay guy be? She shyly called out "Jay?" She was nervous about who it would be, but at the same time a bit excited. Maybe they would become best friends, maybe they would hate each othe, who knows anything could happen.

(Sorry, this post sucks)
Lane narrowed his eyes. His partner's name was Jameson....WHo he assumed was Jameson walked up to him and asked if he was....Himself. "Yeah, I'm Lane, nice to meety you," he said, sticking his hand out. He wasn't too nervous....He was more excited. However, he wasn't sure if Jameson's obvious shyness was so much a pro as it was a con. Lane didn't know how well he could work with a shy partner.

Blair blinked...Talhar wa s her partner? She decided she was glad she had already met him, but wasn't sure how well they would work togethor. With a sigh, she walked up to him again. "Howdy, partner," she said with a smile. She couldn't help but wonder what sort of weapon she was going to get to wield, or how they would co-operate with each other in the future.

(Bleh, damn block.....)

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