Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

Emmie salvaged the bows that didn't break when they killed the zombies, handling them gingerly. "We're pretty badass," she said, looking for something to wipe off the zombie brains with.
Emmie used the cloth to clean off 3 arrows, and placed them in her blue bag, keeping one to arm her bow with, in case of more Zombies.

She raised her eyebrows at Austin, and looked pointedly back at Vermillion. "I like that name," Emmie said. "Vermillion is a color, did you know that?"
Faust: He grins tiredly. "I'm fine. Just gonna recover from battle excitement." He leans against a tree and closes his eyes.
"Yes, everyone in my family was named after a color, except my dad that is. My mother was Lavender and my brothers name was Crimson." After Vermillion said that, she looked a bit sad and unhappy.
"My dad's name was Red, and my mom's was Opal." Austin admitted.

[actually my grandad's parents name IRL :P ]
"Whatever, doesn't matter guys! Let's just get to the shed!" said Vermillion as she pointed down the path and started walking with her knife out just in case.
"My moms name was Cortney. She was a cheerleader," it didn't really have anything to do with the other names, but she said it anyway. "My baby brother was gonna be Pete." Emmie smiled sadly.
Faust: He blinks awake and sees the rest of the group starting to move. He gets up and stretches, then follows them, mumbling something to himself, still half asleep.
Vermillion looked down trying not to say anything since everything just got more and more depressing. "Look, there it is!" She pointed at a pretty sized shed with a lock on the front. "Crap...." She stood there thinking for a bit then got an idea. She brought her foot up and axe kicked it so hard the rusty lock actually fell off.
Austin carried her to the shed, where he saw Vermillion kicking locks. "You could've just picked it.." he said.
"Woah!" Emmie exclaimed, impressed by V's kick, but covered it up by saying "If I had kicked it, it would have shattered altogether." She smirked mischievously
"Please, Emmie" Austin said as he set her down "had you kicked it, your LEG would have shattered".
Faust: He chuckles, but pulls out a match box and starts picking up sticks. "How long shall we stay here then?"
"Well, in my opinion... I think she would have knocked the whole shed down." she said while smiling at the both of them.

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