Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

"We need to get out of here! There are too much coming!" Vermillion yells as she's dealing with some zombies in the back of the shed. "Any plans?"
Faust yelled "Hold on!" He swung his sword at another undead, beheading it. Knocking another zombie out of the way, he scrambled over to Austin and Emmie. "Do we have anything to stop the bleeding once it's off?"
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"We've got a fire.." Austin said pointing the the embers of last nights fire. "I'm sorry Faust.. I'll let you take this one.." Austin said. "I'm not good with human blood."
Vermillion stood there over Emmie thinking of a possible way to save her from dying... "Guys, I don't think there is much we can do save her from changing into a zombie.... Unless we amputate right now!"
He nodded, but his stomach twisted at the memory of his mother dying by his hand. Faust quickly wiped his sword off on his pants, then used the blade to cut off Emmie's arm. Still moving quickly, he grabbed a burning brand from the fire and held it to the gushing wound. As Faust cauterized the wound, he whispered to Emmie "I'm sorry."
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Austin flinched when he heard the slicing sound of the sword hitting bone. "Sorry Faust..." he repeats.
He nods wearily. "Well, I have the most practice with a sword I think. Unless Vermillion has had practice." He glances at Vermillion, then pulls the 'torch' away from Emmie and starts smothering the flames. "I would prefer to spare the lady the trauma though."
"I have great practice actually" Vermillion replies as she looks around to see if there is something they could carry Emmie on. She looks around some more and finds a wheelbarrow hidden in the back of the shed. "Here, we'll use this to get her around until she is responsive."
Libby was halfway through shoving what seemed to be an endless amount of Q-tips into her bag when suddenly a few creaks and pounds on the side of the trailer made her blood freeze. She looked up and out of the bathroom towards the kitchen to see Dean tense up as well. He called to her from across the space and Libby replied with a simple "I know." She took a frustrated breath and stood up before striding silently across the master bedroom. Within a second or two she had crossed the space between them and was right by his side, peering through the little window over the kitchen sink and staring right into the hungry maws of about five undead adults scraping and smacking their slimy, mold covered arms against the dirty aluminum siding.

"Oh look Dear, the neighbors are here, I think they want to borrow a cup of sugar and what-not." Libby spoke flatly and quickly stepped back from the dirty glass window just as the infected began to notice her. It didn't take long for their slick limbs to begin breaking through the window. She looked over to Dean and gave a small smile before calmly wiping off her machete for the next fight.

"Well, let's pack up and head out. First, we'll tend to the neighbors." She sighed pleasantly as she slung her pack over her shoulder and dragged the large twenty four pack of bottled water near the door before suddenly swinging it open and leaping out into the yard.

"Sorry folks, looks like all we have to give out is spice!" She grunted as she rushed up to the nearest on to her that was busy trying to claw through the broken window. She ran past it, and quickly slid the blade across the back of it's calves, forcing it's already shakey legs to cripple underneath him and send it's body toppling to the ground and taking two others with it, stuck beneath it's weight. While those three were busy she quickly moved past them and onto the other two that were now fully aware of her presence and making their way towards her, teeth bared and arms out, ready to tear her apart. She kicked one in the chest, sending it flying into an over grown flower bed and the other was on top of her before she could land a critical strike, instead of it's head where she had aimed, her strike stuck deep into it's shoulder and lodged itself in the infected's collarbone.

"Dean!" She yelled as the infected entwined one of its disgusting hands in her red hair and the other hand, she held away from her with her own free hand. She used her right boot to keep space between her and the infected as she kept an eye out for any other approaching infected. So far, no new ones could be seen coming from any parts of the trailer park or neighboring woods but the two on the ground that could still walk were starting to regain their footing.
He picked up Emmie and carefully lays her in the wheelbarrow. Then, feeling a slimy hand on his shoulder, he spun and slammed into the zombie, picked his sword back up and decapitated it. He raced back out of the barn, hitting the undead who had followed them in after breaking through the door. Once outside, he started battling again, becoming oblivious to anything else.

[i got to go soon, so Faust will fight until they are all dead, or he gets dragged out.
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Emmie's head was spinning, and god damn it hurt. She shifted slightly and never regretted anything more, biting her lip in the agony that she couldn't quite place. She wasn't shifting in an out of consciousness, and fought to keep her eyes open through the pain.

Emmie wiggled the fingers in her left hand, and gritted her teeth. She moved them to her chest where her shirt was damp with blood and sweat. She moved them closer to her shoulder, where the pain was at it's height. The moment her fingers touched the bite, her eyes flung open. All her pain and agony was long forgotten as her face drained of all color:

She had been bitten.

Emmie began to sob.
"Emmie, can you hear me!" yelled Vermillion as she was shaking Emmie's head. "It's going to be all right. You don't have to worry about turning, okay? It will be fine..." Vermillion pushed the wheelbarrow out of the shed and started to go as fast as she could down a trail without knocking it over.
Emmie gasped and grunted as she jerked back and forward. She was moving fast-- really fast. But she didn't now how, or where she was going. A voice called her name loudly, too loud, "Vermillion?" Emmie whimpered, recognizing the voice, and broke out in a cold sweat.
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[sorry guys, had to work]

Austin followed Vermillion to wherever they were going. He had no idea what had happened. He knew Emmie had been bitten, but after all that it was a blur of blood and adrenaline.
Faust smashed his sword into one of the last undead, panting from exhaustion. His adrenaline faded, and his vision cleared. Faust noted that he was alone now, everyone else had left. After another moment, it clicked. "Um...guys?" He looked around. Nothing. "Where did they go?" A sudden thought struck him, perhaps they were among the bodies that littered the ground!
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Dean was already heading Libby's way when she called out to him, coming up behind the dead grappling with his friend. "Hold on." He murmured, grabbing one of the clumps of hair left attached to the zombie's rotting skull and yanking it back to expose the throat. It moaned angrily at him, teeth gnashing together while saliva coated its chin and its' eyes rolled around in their sockets, crazed with hunger.

Bringing his machete up, he gave a hard thrust into the back of its head, the rot having made the bone weak and unprotected. It stopped wiggling immediately, spittle flying into the air as it gave one last cry and went still in his hold. "You're insane." He informed Libby as he carefully began to untangle the zombie's boney fingers from her hair, still holding its weight to keep it from yanking the red strands out. "You're lucky their weren't more."

Finally freeing his friend, he dropped the carcass and wiped his hands off on his pants, wrinkling his nose as bits of cranium stuck to them. "That is disgusting." Their was banging and moaning off in the distance and he knew they may have visitors again sometime soon if they didn't move along, the noise would surely lead any remaining infected right to them.

He was still making a disappointed face at Libby as he wiped his weapon off in the dry grass.
Just as Libby thought this was going to be her last fight with the infected, as always, Dean showed up just in time to get her out of the pickle. She quickly shut her eyes and mouth tight and turned her head as he finished the disgusting, flailing creature to protect herself from any flying fluids. When he was done she quickly turned her head back and flashed him a grin. He had also quickly taken care of the three that had been attempting to get back on their feet, good man.

When he was finished untangling the rotted mess of fingers from her red hair she sighed a heavy breath of relief and climbed to her feet before shaking nasty pieces of skin from the now crust covered strands of her hair. "I should invest in some pony tails cause this shit is getting old." She murmured as she finished raking the nasty from her hair and picked up her backpack. She winked at her friend as he commented on her sanity and shrugged. "Yes well, what would you do without me?" She giggled and examined the area. So far, it was clear around them but in the near distance she cold ear the ragged hot breaths and moans of the undead moving. They needed to get out of there and from the look on Dean's face, he agreed.

"Okay, into the woods, if we're in the part of town I think we're in, just on the other side of these woods there should be a school ground. I know with this time of evening it's really risky going through the more urban part of the city but we cannot stay here, none of these vehicles and definitely none of the homes are stable enough to house us. We'll have to find a little brick home to hunker down in for a bit in the school district so please tell me you're up for some more infected Ass kicking?" She said flashing a dazzling smile over her shoulder to her friend.
He flashed Libby a smile and shrugged, heading back towards the trailer to get the pack of water they'd left. "What else am I going to do? My life is a never ending video game."

Dean hefted the bag onto his back, swiping his hair out of his face as the wind blew warningly. "I'm ready." He said as he came back out of the old trailer, catching the door and closing it before the wind could slam it closed. They made their way towards the tree line, Dean adjusting the pack as they watched the woods for movement. Most of the dead tended to stick to cities and other populated areas, but sometimes they would walk about the trees. Personally, he hated traveling through the woods even though it was safer. It never failed to scare the absolute crap out of him when they stumbled into a large pack of them shambling about the woods.

Libby was already bounding ahead of him, seemingly unconcerned as usual and he gave a fond smile as he caught up to her.
"Alright good!" She called over her shoulder as she marched ahead. She wiped her machete clean on her dirty tight jeans and crossed the treeline. Suddenly they were plunged into darkness. Libby reached behind her head and pulled from her back pack a candle that she'd gotten from the bathroom in the trailer. From her jacket pocket she took out a bic lighter and quickly as she jogged only a few feet ahead of Dean, lit the candle. Instantly, a small dim light illuminated a few feet ahead of them.

"I know if we keep going... this way..." She looked ahead of them, narrowing her eyes against the poor lighting. "We should end up right by the playground." She sighed, setting aside the cliche' creepy feeling that used to come with the idea of being in a school ground at night. They traveled about 100 yards into woods before the smell of undead caught her nose. She stopped and suddenly blew the candle out and rached out behind her to catch Dean's shoulder. She wanted him where she knew exactly where he was in the darkness. The last thing she needed was to lose him in these woods.

"Shh." She listened hard, trying to pinpoint where the sounds and smells of the infected were coming from. She strained her ears and concentrated, controlling the sense of adrenaline that was rising in her gut with the excitement of another fight. Up ahead the woods broke into a clearing and the moon illuminated a random shack. All around the shack were bodies of infected and one guy slashing and fighting with everything he had.

Libby smiled wide and looked over her shoulder at Dean with a wild look in her eye. "Well, look at this, looks like we have someone who may be a little crazier than me!" She whistled and dropped the candle in order to better ready herself to fight. "Let's help the poor guy out." She mumbled and suddenly slashed out at a male zombie that had noticed them and was making it's way in thir direction. Libby gave a loud cackling laugh as she leapt forward and plunged the blade through the infected's molded forehead. She slid the slick blade away as it fell, and skipped forward, stabbing another through the back of it's skull before it could get close to the guy that looked to be a bit younger than Dean and herself.

"Pardon our intrusion-" She started with a grunt as she whipped around and cut the arms off of a teenage female zombie that was almost on top of them, before turning and kicking another in the chest, sending it toppling over a fallen tree. She wiped some sweat from her forehead and turned back to the stranger, continuing her sentence: "-but uh, we couldn't help but notice that you're having your ass handed to you." She smiled and turned away again, finishing the two female teens that had regained their footing and were attempting another go at Libby.
Faust was startled by the two new people who had suddenly appeared. He looked around and noticed that some of the undead were attempting to get back up, so he smashed his sword into them. Faust turned to look at the girl, "Thank you?" It wasn't until then that he realized that a lot of the undead weren't seeming to stay down, and he probably would have been dragged down if it weren't for the girl's intervention. That made Faust wonder if all zombies were this hard to kill, and he had just never noticed it because he never really stayed long enough in one spot. He stabbed a zombie that had started moving toward his feet. "Have you seen anyone else out in the woods?"
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"You're the first." Dean replied to the younger guy's question, cleanly slicing off a zombie's leg at the knee, its' body so decayed and emaciated that he couldn't tell the gender. It went down with a weak howl, arms wind milling in his direction as it fell. Another cropped up in its place, a male about his age with surprisingly little decomposition and an angry snarl.

The male was fast, probably recently turned and had it's nails digging into his shoulders before Dean could bring his machete up, teeth snapping at his face. "Jesus-" His hands came up, grabbing the zombie by the neck to hold it away from him, spittle hitting him in the face as he struggled to bring the edge of his blade to it's neck.

Giving a low grunt, he shoved the zombie back, it's nails ripping his jacket and leaving track marks on his arms as he swung out, the machete catching the male in the head with a wet clump.
Libby took a step back as another infected lurched itself at her lieft side. With a flick of her wrist, it was incapacitated and crumped into a heap with it's fellow fallen infected. She sighed and nodded at Dean's reply to the new guy. "Yeah, the only one we've seen in like months actually. The last person we saw was this absolute crazy old guy who believed that we weren't even real, we were demons here to help the infected eat him alive, it was... it was ridiculous." She shook her head and gave a small grunt as she killed the last infected that lunged at her.

"So, how long have you been alone? Or are you?" She asked suddenly looking arond all the carnage that lay surrounding them.
Faust looked around and his eyes fell upon the remains of last night's fire. "Well, I was with a group, but I go into a sort of...battle rage." He sat down, ashamed that he might not have noticed whether he was battling friend or foe. Faust noticed a decayed hand started moving, so he stabbed it quickly.
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