Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

Austin, turned towards the sound of a females voice. Without warning he darted off into that direction.
In the middle of a trail, you see a girl pinned to the ground reaching out to grab a knife she dropped, but the zombies weight won't let her move and she is frantically crying out for help.
Without thinking Austin pulled out his handgun, and shot several of the zombies. He ran towards the knife, and kicked it to the girl so it was in reach.
"Thanks!" She yells as she stabs a zombie in the head, then she gets up and stomps on the last zombies head, killing it instantly. She takes a few breathers and then says "Thanks, I didn't know anyone was actually going to come. I'm Vermillion." in a light French accent. "Who are you?"
"Did you come here with others? Or are you by yourself?" She asks. "Cause I've been wandering around these woods for awhile now and haven't seen you once."
"Alright Austin, I'll follow you unless you are going rape me cause in that case I'll leave now..." She replied with a little smirk on her face.
"I don't think rape is a very good option in this situation..." he said bluntly. "While, I'll admit you are attractive, I don't think it'd benefit either of us."
She blushes a bit. "Thanks for the compliment, we should probably get head now before more zombies start heading this way. Agreed?"
Emmie had been walking for miles through the woods. Or at least, what felt like miles. She stumbled through twigs and ducked under over reaching branches, her blue backpack thumping against her back.

The truth was: she didn't know where the hell she was was going, and she was scared to death. Rashes and mosquito bites littered her arms where her jacket had been torn, and she clawed feverishly at the irritation.

Somebody help me Emmie thought. God, she wishes she could yell it at the top of her lungs, but she didn't want to risk being heard by those beasts.
Austin guided the new girl back the where the "camp" was. He sat back up in his tree, and watched them from below.
Emmie continued walking, aimlessly and clumsy. She stopped when she heard the sound of growling. Goosebumps rose on her arms, and she turned around slowly to face the Zombie.

And screamed.

She regretted it as soon as the sound erupted from her lungs, and didn't even think to use her daggers or bow and arrow before she started running, Emmie knew her outcry would attract more of them.
Austin, again, darted toward the sound of a female yelp. 'What, is today the goddamn damsel in distress day?' he thought to himself.
Emmie heard footfall from all around her, "Fuck!" she said under her breath, and drew her dagger from it's sheath at her belt.

"Stay back!" Emmie screamed while she continued to run, her voice cracking. She sounded really stupid and was clearly young, but all she wanted to do was live.
Austin burst through a thick patch of brush to see a young girl standing there. He didn't have much ammo left, and needed to conserve it, for one. He also knew it would attract more zombies.

Austin pushed through the zombies, and grabbed the child, dragging her behind him.
"Let go of me!" Emmie thrashed in the man's grip, and hit his back with the butt of her dagger. He clearly wasn't a Zombie, but she knew well enough not to trust just anyone.

Maybe three days ago, Emmie had encountered a camp of maybe eight men and a pregnant girl. She had hoped to find shelter with them, but they ended up trying to kill her and loot what she had.
Emmie stopped hitting him, but didn't let her guard down. She stared at him, trying to read his body language, but wasn't so successful being 13 years old.

"Who are you?"
"Greenbrier" she gave him her last name, the way her uncle used to do when he was around his coworkers. She wanted to seem mature, and felt pretty satisfied.

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