Infected - A True Zombie RP [Inactive]

"Sorry Vermillion. I didn't think you'd follow me" Austin said and blushed. "I found this little girl named Emmie"
"I'm not little." Emmie said matter-of-factly, finishing the apple cleanly. "I'm thirteen and three quarters." She tossed the core behind a tree.
Emmie pouted playfully, but it was quickly replaced by a mighty yawn that made her eye water.

She rolled up what was left of the sleeves of her jacket, showed her mosquito bites. "Have anything for this?"
Faust: He chuckles at the scene, and cracks a few nuts with the hilt of his sword. Tossing them to Vermillion, he speaks. "I'm Faust. In case you didn't already know."
"I do!" replied Vermillion. She opened her bag and grabbed a jar of a gelatinous substance and gave it to Emmie. "This should help." 
"Hello Faust, thanks for your nuts." She replied as she giggled hysterically and ate the food
"Guys.. we all know that just because we're 'safe' now, doesn't mean we will always be.. right" Austin asked seriously.
Faust: "You're welcome." He turns to Austin. "Very true. It will be harder to feed this larger group, but as long as we keep moving it should be fine."
Austin tossed his apple carnage in the woods. "I more meant that we can't stay here forever."
"He's right, we should seek refuge somewhere. I think I saw an abandoned shed somewhere out here, will that work?"
Emmie took the jelly looking thing and smelled it skeptically, but proceeded to slather it on her arms. It stung at first and and she winced, but it had a cooling sensation immediately after. She handed it back and nodded in thanks, like a grown up. Grown ups are always nodding.

"Faust," she looked to him "crack some nuts for me." She paused "please."
"It was pretty huge, you know that this area is a rich area and has bigger everything..." she replied
"Actually... no. I don't know this area". Austin had grown up in a relatively poor neighborhood.
Faust: He nods and cracks some more nuts, passing them to Emmie. "Anything else my lady?" he jokes.
"Well, we should get headed then." Vermillion pointed down a trail and started walking down it then all of the sudden loads of zombies started tumbling out of the trees and forestry. "Oh hell!"
Austin pulled out his shark knife, and made a dash towards the zombies. "No guns" he said to himself. "They're too loud. Conserve ammo. Knifes. In out, in out, front foot, back foot, backup, slash" he mumbled to himself. "Years of training have prepared me for this moment. To show off".
Emmie dropped the nuts before they even reached her finger tips, and drew her collapsible bow and arrow. She only had six arrows, and used 4 of them as she aimed for the Zombie's eyes. HEADSHOT she thought, finding it kind of fun, in a morbid kind of way.
Vermillion pulls out her knife and is pretty skilled in using it, she gets a few jabs to the head and kills a few. She is pushed out of no where and drops her knife and begins to kick the zombies in the head, once even rupturing one.
Austin slashed through some zombies, and watched Vermillion. 'Dang.. pretty good' he thought to himself.
Faust: He yanks out his sword and shield, jumping into the fray swinging. He uses his shield to knock away zombies that get too close, beheading any undead he can reach. "Oh yeah! You wanna piece of me?"
Faust: He stops in surprise after realizing that the zombie he was attacking was already beyond unlife. "Oh. That was fast." He looks around at the rest of the group.

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