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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Suddenly, Gemini bursts out of the flames completely unharmed. His fist, now made of concrete, slams into Hellboy. Even as dense as his blood may be, that would be guaranteed to hurt.

Spike follows up with two rows of flames.
Hellboy let Gemini hit him in the jaw, not expecting much. When the punch was landed, he stumbled back, not purposely dodging the flames. Hellboy straightened up immediately, his jaw visibly correcting itself. "Ow. I wasn't expecting much from that one. But ow. Now I have to actually fight back. See what you make me do kid?" He said while slightly raising his voice. He felt his jaw with his corrupted hand and got ready with his sword in a countering position, slanted downwards but not touching the ground. If anyone tried to hit him he would guarantee elbow them in the face.
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Spike cursed to himself, a perfect opportunity missed. Gemini sized him up, walking closer as threateningly as he could manage, but making sure to keep his distance. He began to move to the left, walking in an arc around Hellboy. As he did so, Spike charged his flames. When he was ready, he signaled Gemini, unseen by Hellboy as he was facing the other direction now. Spike unleashed all his flames in a wide-sweeping row of fire enveloping the ground where Hellboy and Gemini stood. As he did that, Gemini ran towards Hellboy and jumped into the air, ready to intercept him should he somehow notice the flames and jump to avoid them.
Hellboy waited for Gemini to attack him, until he heard the flames from behind him. He turned around and blocked the flames with his sword and corrupted arm. He then looked upwards and saw Gemini, grabbing his hand and throwing him to the ground, too fast for any kind of maneuver. "Ugh this is boring." He said to them.
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Holding Hellboy's hand, he pushes him to the ground and pins him, putting the sword to the side as Spike releases flame after flame on Hellboy.
"Never touch my sword! Now you're getting it!" Hellboy yelled, rolling slightly to put Gemini in between the fire and himself. He then pushed Gemini flying to Spike. He reached for his sword and cut his arm, letting the copious amounts of blood drip. He raised the blood into orbs floating around him. Of the seven total orbs, he sent three speeding towards the two, changing them into spikes. Hellboy smirked, having a bit of fun.
Gemini flew into Spike, thankfully missing flames as Spike had the presence of mind to manipulate the flames out of his way. They collided, and as they got up they noticed the spikes flying towards them. Gemini pinned Spike to the wall and turned to concrete right as the spikes made contact. Two of them crashed against his body and fragmented, doing little more than a punch would do to the average person. One of the spikes, however, destroyed the concrete shell and pierced his skin, reaching the muscle before stopping. He groaned in pain as his flesh returned to normal and he fell over, a small hole in his back. Sadao and Autumn looked on in shock as he looked up.

"MEDIC!!" He yelled as Autumn jolted and ran over. Meanwhile, while Gemini was covering him, Spike had charged up a fire blast. As soon Gemini fell, he launched a large wall of fire towards him, itself looking like a spike.

Under the cover of fire, Autumn ran over to Gemini and placed her hand over him. A green light emanated from under it as Gemini's muscles regrew and reattached, and the bones went back into place. Even the bruises went away. He got up with a grin and a thumbs up to Autumn.

"Thanks doc," he said to her as his body changed back into carbon-fiber.
Hellboy made two of the four remaining orbs merge together and become a wall, hardening it's density making it nearly impenetrable. The fore hit the wall of blood and dissipated. He sent the last two orbs flying at the group, bound to explode into hundreds of needles.

They were immediately stopped by a wall of white. Bone. Raven had finally gotten bored of the fight and he wanted to get to his mission. "Cmon guys. Let's go kill the other people. Not each other. Please?" Raven asked them.
The three alters get up, and begin walking to Raven, and thus Sadao. However, halfway there, Gemini suddenly turns, turns into concrete, and charges through the bone, smashing the wall. He then charges Hellboy. Spike groans and shoots flames from behind Gemini at Hellboy.

"I want to be here as much as you do," he says to Raven.
Jacob nudged Daniel's body with his foot, yawning lightly. "I found this guy in your personal grave yard and revived him. Had to drain quite a few blood bags to do it."Felix would notice some things were different about Jacob. One of his more prominent features being his dark red eyes. Another was the fanged skull that seemed to be appearing on his skull. All in all, he was beginning to look more and like his sire self than he did his human self.
Felix looked down at Daniel, noticing the distinct lack of cuts and gashes. He then looked up at Jacob, noticing the differences. His eyes widened and he slowly stepped back. Images flashed through his mind; emotions swirled in his head: A hurricane of thought. He quickly turned and ran through a room, shutting the door behind him. Sonic looked at the man, noting the strange white hair.

"I don't get it, who is he?" He asks. Three and Nil arrive and look at the body. A look of recognition crosses their faces, and they very clearly don't know how to react.
Hellboy decided it was enough. He concentrated on his corrupted arm. It became so incredibly dense that nothing with earthly power would break it. He held up his arm to Gemini's face, his arm was dripping blood. Hellboy gripped his sword prepared himself for more.

Before anything else could happen, Gemini received a kick in the face so hard, something would definitely be broken. Raven stood over Gemini and he created another wall from his forearms that blocked the flames. "I said enough!" Raven yelled, now sprouting sharpened bones from his body pointing at the three.
"Some guy name Daniel." Jacob bluntly, staring down at Daniel's body blankly. He looked up when he heard a door shut and furrowed his brow, wondering why Felix had ran off. Usually when someone you cared about died and they came back, you were happy. You didn't run away and lock yourself in a room. Stepping over Daniel's body, Jacob made his way over to the door and knocked on it, waiting for a response.
Sonic leaned down to examine the body. There was something strange about the man, excluding the strange hair. He had a sort of youthfulness to his face that one doesn't associate with the average adult. Yet, at the same time, there was a strange maturity far beyond the average person. A type of maturity, a type of wisdom, that one hopes to never achieve in their lifetime. The type of wisdom gained from taking the lens of fluff created by society off, and seeing the world for the chaos it was. Sonic almost wept for the man: a man less mature than he should have been becoming more mature than any man should be.

Jacob's knocks were not answered. Breathing could be heard from the other side of the door, but nothing else. The door was not locked, but Felix did not answer.
Jacob didn't walk away from the door. He didn't knock on it again, or even ask what was going on. No, he did none of that. Instead....

He ripped the door off of it's hinges and walked in, like nothing even happened. He looked around for a moment, searching for Felix,before is eyes laid upon him. Approaching the boy, Jacob crouched down in front of him, his red eyes glowing in the dark of the room. "Hey. What's going on, pal?"
Felix crouched in the corner, his eyes wide with terror. He shook himself back and forth, murmering to himself. Images flashed in his mind, apparitions of his past. He heard voices speaking to him. He didn't even register Jacob in front of him. Silent tears went down his face.
Jacob sighed and rubbed his forehead where the fanged skull was. He had begun to piece together why Felix was acting this way, but he was no psychologist and was in no mood to show sympathy towards Felix because he had problems dealing with the fact that his best friend was a vampire. Exiting the room, Jacob walked over to Daniel's pink body and poked it lightly. The boy had begun breathing a couple of hours ago. All that was left was for him to awaken and react to being resurrected. Jacob's favorite part.
Sonic walked by and saw Felix. He quickly ran up to Felix and began talking to him.

Gemini and Sadao growled.

"That man killed an innocent person!" Sadao yelled. "He must pay for what he's done!"

"You have a strong heart..." They suddenly heard from a rooftop. Before they could look up to see who it was, white smoke covered the area. Sadao frowned and looked around before suddenly feeling a gun against his head. "Recall your men..." he heard from behind him, the same voice who he heard on the rooftop. Eyes wide in terror, he quickly feels the alters return into him. From behind him, the man sighs. "I'm sorry." Suddenly, Sadao felt a towel over his mouth. He gave out muffled protests, and attempted to let one of his alters back out, but before he could he was unconscious. By the time the smoke cleared, both the strange man and Sadao were gone.

Daniel gasped as he suddenly woke up. He didn't know how. It felt like moments ago he had seen Felix towering over him, the next he was on a wooden floor. Yet at the same time, it felt like an eternity ago. He slowly sat up and looked around, then gasped as he noticed Three and Nil looking over him, as well as... a SIRE?!?!

Daniel screamed and, using air, blasted himself up and away. He quickly ran out the door, only to be stopped by a falling body. He looked down at the groaning form below him, and then looked up. No sign of where he came from. He looked back down at the person below him, as he slowly got up, rubbing the back of his head. They looked at each other.

"W-who a-are you?" Daniel asked, shyly and with fear in his voice, but also with curiosity.

"S-Sadao. Sadao Mao," the boy responded. He looked very confused. "Where am I?"

"I... I don't know," Daniel responded, his voice trembling.
Assailant said:
Jax awakens on his little wire cot, and with a grin he hops down and disentangles his wires. He walks out of his little room and struts down the hallway. As he does, Flow walks out with a yawn and a stretch. Jax grins and walks up beside her.
"Well hello there sleepy head. How'd you sleep." Flow looks at him with a mix of a glare and a mischievous, sly look.

"Terribly. I had a nightmare. I dreamt I was stuck with you, and..." She gains a sudden look of mock understanding and slowly turns her head to him. "Oh wait!" Jax chuckles and gives a curt bow.

"If I can make your life a living nightmare, I'd be the happiest man on Earth."

"Aww, I'm flattered." Together they both walk to Nico. Flow looks around aimlessly as Jax takes a look at the instructions and furrows his eyebrows.

"Wait, what? But, these are random locations. Churches, homes, restaurants. I don't like this, just destroying things." He then took a look back on his own life as Flow shook her head.

"Yeah, fuck that. I suppose I really don't have a choice, but still. Fuck it."

"I can never tell if your constant jabs at each other come off as flirting or some sort of bitter sibling rivalry. Although I don't think I care to know anyways," Nico said while being rather clearly distracted when the two conduits, one of which was a sire, walked in. The Demon's spawns worst fears were spoken verbally when Jax made it apparent of just how random these locations seemed.

"They're not random," Nico spoke rather confidently as he finally turned his attention to both Flow and Jax, "Zabuza wouldn't simply ask us to kill and destroy indiscriminately, at random, without a reason. This is a necessary part of his plan and we just can't see exactly why yet."

Clearly none of the three of them could of known these were among the last buildings in the entire city that the GCE, and more importantly Mr. Fisk, didn't have the construction and repair rights to. After multiple generous offers from the unfathomably wealthy, and dying, construction monopoly CEO there was simply no other choice left in order to initiate the final phases of the Demon's plan.

"Neither of you have any confidence in the conduit that's going to change this world for the better," and Nico had to believe those words he spoke, in his 'father's' cause for a conduit utopia, or otherwise he just couldn't believe in such seemingly pointless chaos.

"We're wasting time. This map of a city has the patrols times for when GCE patrols will be stationed outside these buildings. I think it will work out best if we put on a show and make it look like the buildings were simply destroyed accidentally in yet another conduit fight against the GCE forces.

Trundle said:
Akuma sprung up from his lotus position on the ground by the limo when he heard Zabuza's voice. He straightened his body and saluted his boss, awaiting an order of what to do with the newcomers.
Trundle said:
Little John was cruising the streets near a tall building that he had no idea what was for. Mid-skip, he stopped to look at a fancy limousine with a very strange looking man outside of it. He had a very large sword and John realized who that man was. He was The Demon. John changed his body to look like a big and scary lumberjack. He walked over to the ground and attempted his most intimidating man voice and said, "you are bad guys! I will beat you up and turn you in!" He folded his arms and knit his eyebrows.

The Demon was on edge the moment he could sense the person walking straight towards them. The GCE had distributed road blocks all around the area thus keeping the area where Zabuza and Chase met free from interruption from pedestrians meaning this person had already managed to somehow evade the most well-funded military forces currently in the city of New York.

When this individual clearly recognized Zabuza, as the majority of people living in this city could, and still not only decided to continue approaching but also dared to speak it was clear he was a conduit. There was no human left in this city foolish enough to throw their life away in such a horrific way. At the very lest Zabuza couldn't smell any alcohol of any type off the conduit's breath which might explain it.

"You're blunt," Zabuza finally said as his attention turned to this new arrival. Not knowing the powers of the conduit he could possibly be facing was always risky. Which was why unbeknownst to Little John he had already walked into the mist. Despite this everything looked absolutely normal for the mist was already distorting his sight to make it appear like the mist wasn't even there.

"You also must have a death wish. I would talk to you about how 'bad' and 'good' are both entirely dependent upon viewpoint and nothing is ever clearly one or the other but I feel it would go over your head. I have every intention of saving this world and making it far greater than it ever was before. The only difference between me and others is that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals: nothing less than true, lasting peace between humans and conduits."

Zabuza sighed as he knew explaining in detail how a conduit utopia was necessary would be words wasted on this particular conduit given just the first four words he had spoken.

"What happens now is entirely up to you..." killing conduits, his own kind, was never something the Demon took great pleasure in but if it had to be done they could always be brought back. In that way their powers wouldn't be wasted.
@Zabuzas Son @Trundle

"Well now, the feared demon of New York City, truly an auspicious day," The front of Aventus' frame was darkened as he gracefully descended from the skies, hands plunged into his pockets. The back of him was bathed in the vibrant gleam of a dawning sun, he himself ignoring the rising heat upon the back of his neck. His eyes shone with crimson hues, malevolently widened as he gazed down at the pair of them. His lips had curled into something of a grin as he hovered several meters above the two of them, head tilting as his eyes flickered from one to the other, in an almost scrutinizing sort of way.

Who knew that I'd happen upon the demon himself? I don't recognize the other one, but that's of little importance, The self-proclaimed Apex of Conduits thought.

Minuscule, lightning-like arcs of vivid blue trailed across his hands, eyes flashing cobalt for a split second. He had no immediate plans to initiate assault, as it was infinitely preferable to pleasantly "speak with the prey before introducing it to the predator". An abnormally inflated ego brought his mental state along the lines of having an advantage. At the very least, using electromagnetism to keep himself afloat would more than likely prove to be a greater course of action than simply dropping down beside the demon, as a lowly fool would attempt. The other man whom the demon was speaking to, as of now, wasn't necessarily a target. But... there was a chance he could make himself out to be one. Only time would tell, and as Aventus seemed to believe, he had plenty.

"I say auspicious because it is quite the pleasant surprise to meet one of such notability. An uncommon occurrence, perhaps," He lingered on his last word for but a moment.
Jax groaned. "That's just your problem, Nico. Or... maybe it's mine. See, this is why I was reluctant about joining. Not good with orders. Either way, I have no reason to believe in him. He hasn't given me one, at least not yet." Flow walked over and took a look at the instructions.

"No, he's right. Zabuza wouldn't ask us to destroy and kill indiscriminately. Whether it's above him or not, I don't know. Either way, he's not an idiot. He's very intelligent, unfortunately. Even if he wanted to have mass deaths, whether for terror or some other reason, he knows we're not strong enough to just throw around our little manpower. No, this is deliberate. There's a reason, a pattern. What concerns me is just what that pattern is." I wonder if it has to do with those GCE guys.

"This doesn't make sense. Zabuza was always subtle. He was a ghost force, few and dangerous. He always hid in the shadows until the opportune moment, and struck when you weren't ready. Suddenly he teams up with these GCE guys, and now everything is mass destruction or death. First the hospital, now this? Something's not right..."

"For once I agree with wire-for-brains over here," she said with a sort of glare as he gave a curt, mocking smile in response. "Nico, something's up. I don't know what happened at the hospital, but this isn't like the Zabuza I fought. He was never about mass destruction. This almost seems more like something Shadow would have done."
A hooded man watches the confrontation with the Demon from a rooftop. His heart at normal pace and his breathing regular, he blends in perfectly with the sleeping inhabitants of the apartment below. Dude... back away, he speaks cautiously in his mind, willing the man away. Don't start something with him.
John stared at the flying man for just a few moments. He decided to ignore him as he turned back to The Demon. "You fool. You should be showing the humans that conduits can control our power and that we can live in harmony. Then you should kill them. Heh. Oh my. What am I saying? No. You should help the weak! Don't kill them!" He then flexed his muscles and made them much bigger than before, only slightly showing off his power. "Boom boom. Welcome to the gun show." He kept his eyes on the flying man.

"You're slowly identifying yourself as a nuisance." Chase stood, staring up at the man. There was a notable difference in size between the two, but that didn't falter Chase, as he stared unblinkingly at Little John, a bored expression on his. Folding his arms across his chest, Chase's eyes flashed red briefly before returning to normal. "And I despise those who annoy. I know, I haven't exactly made a name for myself, therefore, most wouldn't see me as a threat. But you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover..." Jason stood in the background, skipping around in circles, as he hummed an innocent tune to himself. Chase didn't pay attention to his young henchman, and continued to berate the man in front of him. "Now, I'll give you one last chance to leave before I'll be forced to take action." Chase completely ignored Aventus, not seeing him as a threat. Just yet. Selim was sitting next to Zabuza in the limo, peeking out at Aventus with a look of innocent curiosity. Of course this was all just a facade. Why let Aventus see what Selim was really like when he could just make him see a small, helpless child?


Jacob clapped his together and chuckled, standing as he walked towards the exit of the warehouse. He was stopped by Shenji, who was staring at the weapon on his back. Hayabusa's katana. "That's mine..." Jacob stared at Shenji, a sneer on his face. "You must have this mixed up with some other katana. I'm keeping this for a friend until he get's back... Now move." Jacob pushed his way past Shenji, earning a growl from him, before they both left the warehouse. Jacob waved towards Daniel, keeping his distance. "Hey. You've been out of it for awhile. Names Jacob. So, you may have been freaked out by the fangs and red eyes, but I can assure you, I'm with the good guys. So, you wanna go get something to eat? You must be starving, having been dead for so long..."

Daniel quickly turned back in shock, Sadao following suit. They both looked at the sires in shock. Luckily, Daniel was petrified with fear long enough to hear them out. Daniel nodded quickly. "I- I know who you are. You attacked me a few times." Sadao glances at them, confused. Daniel notices and smiles. "Where are your parents?" Sadao then glances at the ground, to which Daniel frowns. He'd seen enough. "oh... here, why don't you come with us for something to eat? Then you can be on your way." Sadao simply nods.

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