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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War


Jason lost his smile as he stared at Dante blankly. "Ya.... I don't like you." He turned to walk off before stopping. He smacked the palm of his hand against his head, like he was trying to force out water. For a moment, he just stood there, looking confused. He turned back around and sighed. "My brain say's I have to stay with you. Uh.... Correction, Chase say's I have to stay with you."
Dante stared at Jason with a face confusion and 'WTF' written all over his face. "Ya. Umm. What? Mind explaining that? Who are you kid?" Dante had a little voice in his head telling him to kill the weirdo in front of him.

"Jason. Chase 'turned' me, or whatever you wanna call it." Jason stared at Dante, an awkward silence kicking in. And then, out of nowhere, a tumbleweed. Jason stared as it was blown down the street by the wind. "A tumbleweed.... In New York?"

"I went through all the dam trouble to furnish every single bedroom in these catacombs with a bed and you..."

The Demon spawn vented as Jax formed a cot of sorts out of wire with his own powers. Still, now it was just Nico and Flow as he walked her to her own room.

Regardless of what you agree with you're a soldier now for the side you so desperately fought to stop in the past. It's not all bad though...

Just have an open mind. I have most of Zabuza's memories and he's never been a slave driver to his sires before. Despite what you might think even Jacob and Hayabusa grew fond towards him after spending enough time with him.


"And how much more will this cost me?"

Wilson Fisk asked in regards to Akuma helping stop him from coughing with his powers. The Demon laughed clearly amused at the thought of it but quickly replied.

"It's on the house in order to allow this meeting to run more smoothly. Now let's start with the first order of business. How goes project Fault-line?"

The old man gave a nod of his head and one of the other directors played with a panel of sorts that ended up forming a 3-D holographic image of the entire city of New York. After some more work it zoomed in and showed the entire underground schematics of the city. Hundreds of dots were spread around the underground of the city with the majority of them being green but a size-able few remained red.

Zabuza's expression darkened as he noticed the red dots.

"You've had three long years Mr. Fisk..."

"You'll have to understand Mr. Momochi that we've been working as hard as we can. 85% of the project has been completed. As for the rest we've had trouble acquiring the rights and claims to the buildings that stand above them..."

"And if an unfortunate series of conduit attacks happened to take place devastating every building above the missing generators?"

"That would do it. Our corporation is the only ones they can turn to repairs which will grant us the ability to finish the plans."

"I'll be expecting a list of all the places then. Moving on..."

The old man unfortunately had yet another coughing fit that Akuma would have to deal with.
Flow laughs. Oh, they enjoyed it? Bullshit. Nico, being a sire rewrites your brain slowly, from what I've gathered. They are FORCED to enjoy it. Now that they're free and set back to normal, they've stated time and time again that they hated it.
Akuma once more rested his hand on the old man's shoulder, gladly. A green aura flowed from Akuma's arm to his shoulder. The old man would start to feel warm from the healing powers. A tingly kind of warm. Akuma smiled, feeling the scars on his mangled face, but quickly remembered that he was wearing a mask. He took his arm off of the man and sat down in a chair seated next to Fisk.

Elizabeth watched from a run down apartment as the day was coming to an end. It had not been that long since her powers along with her brothers had come to light, the lives they had were long gone and now they were only known as conduits. Elizabeth had developed Telekinesis and Aaron had developed Super speed. She felt a slight gust as her brother arrived...


Aaron wrapped an arm around his sisters shoulder. He had been scouting ahead whenever they moved around which was a lot. Aaron had grown angry that as conduits they were viewed as monsters instead of just people. Aaron started to get more and more angry not just at humans but at the conduits who protected them when nothing was their thanks for it.


Hearing a knock on the door of their run down apartment they both looked sceptic. Aaron sprinted to the door and was shortly joined by Elizabeth and they opened the door...
"Hey, can I borrow some sugar?" James let out a nervous chuckle and grinned, pulling up on his spiky hair. "Sorry, I know that sounds like the start of a bad movie or something, but I was going to make a cake for my mom and... I kinda ran out."

(@The Dragon Rider I couldn't think of another way to interact with you xD )
"Yo. Jamsesh. Let's go grab some pizza ya lug." Jackson said loudly to his technical brother. He stood up from the bench in the park they were chilling at and he stretched his arms and hip. He made a long sound that matched his stretching. "Then we can grab some girls if you know what I mean, Yooooo." He said and laughed while punching Jameson in the arm a little too harshly.

"It is really early to grab some pizza. I wonder if they're even open. Eh, I'm sure there are some 24/7 pizza shops. We're going to be the most annoying 4:00 AM customers ever!" He says with a chuckle whilst rubbing his arm and groaning. "You're calling me the lug? You shouldn't be able to hold yourself up. Besides, I won't need to grab some girls. They'll throw themselves at me." He says, punching Jackson harder than one should. He wasn't nearly as strong as Jackson, so a punch as hard as he did would feel like a friendly nudge.
Jackson realized what Jameson said and thought he was being a jerk but decided to keep his anger down. "Really? You wanna go bitch? I'll take you on. Pizza shop. As soon as we find one. First one to finish two medium pizzas. Let's go." He then took off in a direction towards the downtown city.
Jameson snaps and points at Jackson with a wink. "You're on." He says, following. This was one of their favorite competitions, as it was one of the few that were evenly matched. Jackson had a bigger mouth, so he could eat more in a single bite. However, Jameson had learned how to eat rapidly as well as have a big stomach. It was always an intense competition that many mere mortals couldn't even consider partaking in without fainting. But these were no mere mortals.
Jackson, since he was in the moonlight, was faster and than normal so he quickly found an open restaurant. He ran inside, not waiting for Jameson and quickly ordered, "Quickly! Two medium meat lovers for me and two medium veggie pizzas for my little friend over there!" He waited for Jameson to arrive while turning around to see out the door. "Heh. Bitch ain't gettin no where without me." He muttered to himself while laughing.
Jameson tiredly chased after Jackson. Jackson had two advantages over him. In their respective times, they had agility boosts. Since the moon was up, Jackson gained that advantage. The second was that he was much less physically fit than Jackson. Now, he's still stronger than he looks. A punch from him will still hurt quite a bit. He's also more acrobatic than Jackson. But when it comes to speed, Jackson naturally beats him.

He arrives about half a minute later that Jackson and grinned, looking at him. "What did you order us?" He says, knowing his friend well enough to know that Jackson not only ordered without him, but likely gave him the worst of the choices.
Jackson looked at Jameson with a malicious smirk on his face. "I think you know Jamie-Lynn. But please. Enjoy it with your hearts content." He sat down at the nearest table because he knew that Jameson was a little tired but he still wanted to win this contest. It would always end with a different winner but Jackson was confident this time. "Listen Strawberry Jam. Twenty bucks on the winner. Then we go do our daily routine." He said thinking about how their daily routine would work out. Jackson would pick a fight with a random person out on the streets ad Jameson would pick pocket the person while they were distracted. And if anything went wrong, Jackson would knock them out. He was itching to beat someone up.
Jameson sighed when he mentioned that. He has been told he's a jerk, but he didn't want to be a criminal. Unfortunately, it was kind of hard to get money for him, and that's what he was left with. He hoped to get enough money to not resort to being a criminal. Someday.

"Fine, twenty bucks." Maybe this was why he never had enough money.

Maybe Jackson was a bad influence.

You weren't there the day that almost the entire FFA, with the exception of Felix, Terence, and Alex, agreed to help rescue my father from his prison cage that the First Son's had him in. Both Jacob and Hayabusa ended up saying good things both about Zabuza and their time spent with him. Which ended up making the man you respect the most, Felix, end up snapping and attacking all of his friends.

Nico continued walking down the catacomb corridors but it was clear he was beginning to get agitated. The Demon spawn knew that he could always just command her to be silent but that's not what he wanted to do. If he had to restrict Flow's freedom of speech at all times then there was no chance she would ever end up changing her mind about the prospects of being a sire.


After Akuma helped Fisk from his coughing fit once again he took a moment to regain his composure before finally going on with what he was about to say.

"Moving on to our next topic, 'recruitment' is slow but will begin showing prospects for you soon Mr. Momochi. So far we've captured several more conduits that the public believes to have been executed each time on public TV but we've reached a brick wall..."

The holographic screen that had been showing the map of New York now showed the faces of six conduits, four males and two females that all seemed to be highly sedated or in some form of forced sleep, alongside a small description of what their powers are.

"We've been working as you asked on 'persuading' them to see the only true way to achieve peace and back your plan for utopia but progress is... slow. As soon as they are willing to be sired you will be informed..."

The Demon rubbed his eyes as the meeting continued on and on but it was necessary to get the status report on how everything was running. It would be the only way he would know what was left to complete to achieve his dreams.

"When I asked for an army Mr. Fisk I was hoping you would realize that six conduits is not nearly enough to accommodate my needs. What's the problem?"

The old man deeply sighed as he was forced to report even more bad news to the Demon he was forced to place his hope in. As it turned out however he was cut off before he could even begin by the red headed commander who stood up and began walking over to Zabuza. He grabbed the conduit by the neck but for the moment Zabuza didn't take any action to stop him.

"Listen here you Demon. Even the most highly skilled mercenaries with the most expensive equipment available can still not effectively combat conduits easily. I can't even tell you how many of my friends have already died for you and your cause. You made a promise to Mr. Fisk that if he could gather together a human army for you that you would make them unstoppable..."

At this point Zabuza finally grabbed onto the division commander that was daring to talk to him in such a way.

"I keep all of my promises. This 'unstoppable' army won't easily be fed though and I told Mr. Fisk of all the preparations he would have to make before I could give him this army."

At this point the old man finally jumped into the conversation.

"We've began stockpiling blood from all of the 'donors' we've been picking up off the streets. At the earliest possible time you'll need to keep this promise."
Flow gritted her teeth, tiring of Nico's excuses. Nico, you aren't gone make me disrespect Felix. He's a flawed individual, probably the most flawed person I've ever met. But he's got an unmatched heart. Think of this: Felix was able to defeat two armies. One of them outnumbered him, and another outclassed. He built up an army behind him unintentionally. He didn't mean to be the leader, but he became one. If a man like him can unite people in such a way that they can topple armies... Than there's something special in him.


Selim, who was bored out of his mind, had been playing with his shadow since the beginning of the meeting. He spun around in his chair while his shadow jumped up and down on the 'ground', putting on a show for him. He grinned lightly and turned to see the red-head commander grab The Demon Of The Mist by his neck. Selim growled, his shadow grinning maliciously, as it stretched and slithered across the ground until it reached the commander. Shadow-Selim began to wrap itself around the man, constraining him. The shadow began to whisper threats in his ear, the words sounding distant and far away.


Whether there's something special about him or not, know that he can only escape death so many times. Both him and his resistance to my father's new world is doomed to fail. Whether you like it or not come to terms with the fact that you no longer work for Felix.

"Besides... you'll eventually warm up to us and our cause."

Nico finally said aloud to interrupt the seemingly dead silence that the two had shared while walking through the halls. It would seem he had reached yet another bed room that this time would belong to Flow.


The Demon watched entirely amused as Selim once again showed his powers to keep the human mercenary commander within check.

"Gentlemen, I understand that tensions are high here so let's not waste anymore of each other's time. It's time to reveal what I've been saving all along through this hellish year of imprisonment. The one thing that will secure my future of a conduit utopia..."

The old man finally interrupted the conduit once again before he continue on with his grand speech.

"Do you have the chip Mr. Momochi? There's no need to keep us waiting and build the suspense."

Zabuza frowned somewhat but began to finally stand from the chair he was sitting in.

"You're a killjoy Mr. Fisk. I enjoy very much so being an eccentric conduit..."

The Demon's voice suddenly became much more serious and to the point.

"Honestly though, do you think I purposely fell in battle to the hands of my worst enemy and I spent an entire year imprisoned by the First Sons just to fail retrieving the most important piece of our entire plan? Do you have any clue how hard it was for me to suck up my pride and allow Felix to think he had won? Or that the only way that I could be taken in by the First Son's organization would be if I was in a weakened enough state that they believed they could keep me in check?"

Zabuza began walking around the board meeting table towards Selim as he talked.

"I've kept it safe every since I managed to recover it. Inside the one place they never dared to injure..."

The Demon finally looked down at Selim. His hands gripping onto the chair as he prepared for the pain he was about to endure.

"Carefully rip out my heart..."
Flow pulled out some glasses she had prepared as she began to read Nico's mind about the layout of the base. "Forgive me for doing this, but it helps me skip the formalities of having to do a grand tour or some bullshit. Also," she then flipped her middle finger at Nico and smiled widely. "I may have to do what you say, but it doesn't mean I have to like it."

Selim's eyes widened at Zabuza's words, but he shook his head and sighed. The question was: How was he suppose to rip out someones heart, Zabuza's nonetheless, carefully? Selim's shadow retracted back to him and the two went back and forth, trying to find out how to get the mans heart out. What was Zabuza's endgame? Did he mean to die? Was he truly immortal? Were they just gonna revive him if he just so happened to die? Selim, not wanting to dwell on the thought any less, shot his shadow at Zabuza's chest. A moment later, the shadow tossed a red, rubbery item to Selim, who caught it in one hand and set in on the table. Where Zabua's still beating heart previously was, a well-sized hole took it's place. "It's done." Selim said, not looking up to face Zabuza.

And you've forgotten that I could of simply relayed that information to you through our connection.

"Anyways, it's time to get the ground rules out of the way. You will no longer associate, try to inform, or attempt to help the FFA in any way. You will not perform any action that would be detrimental to the sire's cause and... for the moment if Zabuza gives you a direct command follow it..."

Nico finally said as he realized the Demon would be suspicious if he didn't have control over Flow. The newly formed sires eyes glowed after each command thus acknowledging she received them.

"It's not much but I hope you sleep well. I'm sorry you had to die because you got caught up in all of this..."


The Demon collapsed to the floor as the pain overtook his every thought. He could already feel his body attempting to mend and close the now gaping hole through his chest but he managed to concentrate and stop it because his heart still had not yet been returned. This in turn caused his blood to begin pooling out onto the floor but he endured it for the moment. Zabuza had already went through this once when he ripped out his own heart to implant the chip.

Zabuza's still beating heart now lay on the table seemingly moving on it's own towards the edge of the table and it's owner like it had a mind of it's own. The most intriguing thing was while it seemed uninjured there was one cut in it that seemed to be stitched up. Which was weird that it hadn't simply minded itself back together.

With a nod of Mr. Fisk's head the red headed commander stepped forward and picked up the Demon's still beating heart in his hand. Carefully pulling out a pocket knife as to not raise any alarms the human cut the stitches and stuck one of his fingers into the heart before pulling out a bloodied data chip that clearly must of belonged to the First Sons.

As the commander looked down at Zabuza and the condition he was in he was almost tempted to squeeze the Demon's heart until it popped right in front of his eyes but instead he tossed it down at the conduit. Zabuza quickly took hold of his heart and placed it back where it was meant to be as he finally allowing his body to begin rapidly mending itself back together.

After some agonizing moments later the Demon finally began to stand on shaky legs again. There were black bags under his crimson eyes more than likely due to the clear exhaustion of his powers to their limits.

"...A drink if you'd be so kind."

The old man sighed as the blood was being wiped off the data chip but took the time to look at Zabuza all the same. All of the other members of the board of directors were still clearly shocked by the events that had taken place.

"Send in the secretary."

Just moments later the female secretary walked in which allowed the Demon to sink his fangs into her neck as he pleased. Zabuza greedily drained pint after pint of blood from the poor lady before finally dropping her to the ground, still alive.

Seeing as his job was done, and he was still tired, Selim put his feet on the table and leaned back in his chair, his eyes closing shut. This was probably gonna be for the rest of the meeting unless someone decided to wake him up.
Flow's eyes glowed as the command came in. "Yeah yeah, whatever. This shtick again. Fine." She thought for a moment. "Before I go to sleep, what's Zabuza up to?"

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