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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

"Well then it's settled. Once we get back we'll ask your mom if she would babysit for Saturday. "

Dei-Loki nodded to this, glancing to the kids. "Sound good with ya both? Spendin' time with grandma this Saturday?"
"ME TEW!" Abel flailed.

Dei-Loki snickered. "Yep. Definitely settled on our end."
"Obviously it was going to work. Even monsters can love your mom. She's the best mom ever. Don't tell her I said that. She'll squish my cheeks like last time. " he covered his cheeks with his hands.
"Obviously it was going to work. Even monsters can love your mom. She's the best mom ever. Don't tell her I said that. She'll squish my cheeks like last time. " he covered his cheeks with his hands.

Dei-Loki snickered with a grin. "D'awww, but it's sweeeeeet!"
Masaru sighed "she's... Nice to me. I can't help it. "

"'nd there's nothin' wrong with that. I'd rather have her nice t' ya than ready t' destroy ya the moment ya breathe wrong, like dad is on his bad days."
"I mean, true... Ya get along easier on his good days, though, I find. At least from what I see." Dei-Loki shrugged.
Masaru looked to Dei before nodding softly. "I mean, he doesn't try to chop off my pinkie on his good days, so yeah."
Masaru looked to Dei before nodding softly. "I mean, he doesn't try to chop off my pinkie on his good days, so yeah."

"So see? And ya can't lie. He's gotten at least... a bit better."
Masaru awed, "you cared that much?"

"Of course I did! And I still do."

(Dei-Loki: I mean, ya know how fucking messy that would've been!?

I am so sorry, I had to put that though because it was in the back of my head. XD )
"Of course I did! And I still do."

(Dei-Loki: I mean, ya know how fucking messy that would've been!?

I am so sorry, I had to put that though because it was in the back of my head. XD )
(XD He's got a point.)

Masaru snickered, "i hope so."

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