Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu nodded, lowering his ears at the thought as his eyes remained shut. "Yeah, she was the one stalking me in the woods several months ago."

Dei-Loki quirked a brow even more as he watched, his head still tilted as he shifted in place a bit. Soon blinking at the  mention of the second name. Obviously familiar with it. "Riley, Huh?"

Malvo grimaced with a soft huff, shaking her head in frustration before leaning slightly and peeking out at Ruvik.

Ruvik gently cleaned the horn with a rag, silence following this action before he then sighed. "I'm still sorry that I couldn't have stopped this... I should've--" He frowned, eye closing as he'd shift in his seat. "Ah, I miss you so much..."
"Ugh...I guess I'm just not in the mood for training." He sighed, boredom seeming to really want to be his friend. He wanted to speak to someone, or interact, but he wasn't out going, so he didn't try. Life surely wants to watch me burn...
"Mhmm, what does the name sound wrong to you?" Nicolas said as he stood by Mia, watching her eat small pieces. 
Mia whined when they tried to take it from her, trying to get it back. She swallowed her piece in her mouth, and tried to grab the rest of it. "gilmmeeeeeeee!" She whined.

Izzy giggled and looked around, squirming underneath his hands that were on her waist. "I don't know, you choose."

Ash watched him and looked back at Ash. "god that's creepy."

Just then, Maya's spirit came out of the horn as a misty version of her body on Ruvik's lap. Only he could see her. "missed me?"
"what did she say? What was she like? I feel like I've seen her before, it's weird" Nia said, getting excited. 


Oliver let go of her waist and grabbed her hand. "have you had breakfast yet?" he asked, starting to walk with her into the house.
"She was... a bit creepy, t' say the least." Akumu went into explanation as he shifted in place. "Oddly flirtatious, and she, apparently, has a high sense of smell."

"Not at all." Dei-Loki blinked, slightly smirking as he gently rubbed the back of his head whilst continuing to watch them. "It's actually my birth name, is all. Albeit, you're probably goin' t' spell it differently."

Malvo nodded, continuing to watch for a moment before returning Ash's gaze. "Glad I'm not the only one that thinks so..."

Ruvik instantly perked his brows as he watched Maya's spirit now sitting on his lap. Gaze widening before it would then soften as he watched her. A ghostly smile sliding up his face. "More than I can put into words... It isn't the same without you here."
Raven, unsure what to do with his life, just sat back down, enjoying the calm and serene peace.


Naomi decided it'd be better if more patients didn't die, so she went to check on them, even the one that died, hoping that by some miracle, he wasn't dead.
Masaru grabbed the chocolate pickle cake and gave Mia a slice. "Eat that. I don't need you to choke on it, Mia. You are suppose to give me a niece and a nephew, not a funeral." Nicholas looked to Dei, "Oh! Well . . . her name will be spelled R-I-L-E-Y."
"wait, how do you know she has a high sense of smell?" Nia questioned, moving so that she was sitting on the edge of her bed 
Akumu widened his eyes and rubbed the back of his head. "I, well..." a soft blush appeared on his face. "She... could tell whom I was with."

"Yep, different spelling." Dei-Loki blinked, keeping his smile. "Still a good name, though. I'm sure it will fit her well."
"with whom you were with? What does that-" a look of realization washed over her face as well as a deep blush "oh..." she looked down at her knees "that- thats me... I did that..." she looked back up, the blush only slightly having faded. "yeah... sorry about that. I was just... something came over me, you know?" 
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Using a hand to adjust his glasses slightly, Akumu let his chin rest on his arms. "It's fine." He'd then grin slightly, allowing himself to then sit up with a faint blush on his face. "After all, it isn't like it wasn't fun."

"No need to thank." Dei-Loki blinked and looked to Mia, as well. Soon looking to Nicholas once more. "So, y' prepared? I bet it'll be any day, now."
"Mhmm, got the whole baby room decorated and the whole place baby proof." Masaru looked to Dei, "i can show you it if you want?" Masaru combed his finger through his hair and showed a small smile. "Awww, is Massy shy about showing his work on the nursery room?" Nicholas teased. "I'll make sure you'll never have kid again." Nicholas's eyes widen as he slowly went away from Masaru. Masaru turned back to Dei, "whatya say?"
Akumu shifted a small bit upon picking up on the confusion, soon sighing. "So, what about your nightmares?"

Dei-Loki blinked a few times before smiling and nodding. "I would love t' see yer work."
"Okay, come on." He grabbed Dei's hand and lead him to a room next to Nicholas and mia's. He opened the door and smiled. "Whatya think?"


(Sorry that this picture is huge. Also, imagine their names instead of those names.)
"You've got a first-person view of all of it[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] then?" [/COLOR]Akumu widened his eyes a bit as he blinked.

Dei-Loki followed Masaru until they made it to the room. Soon glancing around as he peeked in, his ears perked as he smiled widely. "It looks perfect. Y' really did a good job."
Masaru gave a small smile for a split second before washing it away. "Hmm, of course it's good. I wouldn't let my niece and nephew live in such unsuitable habitats."
Blinking, Akumu then leaned forward slightly. "Y' don't think the two of you are connected in some bizarre way, do y'?"

Dei-Loki snickered softly, smiling as he looked to Masaru with a happy expression on his face. "Of course y' wouldn't have their habitat be bad. These two newcomers deserve nothin' but the best."
Mia whined when he took the cake from her and gave her a slice of it. "uggghhhh, you guys are starving ussssss." she said, putting her hands on her round belly as she pouted up at Nicholas. (I'll have her pop today.)

Izzy shook her head. "nope. I've been out here, avoiding The pregnancy shit." 

Maya giggled and pressed her lips to his cheek. "well I can tell by the way you talk and clean my horn."

Ash watched him talk to something not there and looked at Malvo. "what the hell?"
"Maybe she's my long lost twin sister?" She said as a a joke. "maybe, but as of now, thats entirely uncertain"


Oliver nodded "I can run in and grab you somthing so you dont have to interact with the pregnancy stuff if you want"
"Yeah, i know i did." Masaru said proudly. His ears perked as one of his tails that was out, swung rapidly. Yet, Masaru didn't know anything of it, too proud of his creation.

"I rather have you starve than choke on a piece of cake. Besides, what happens if something bad happens? If i lost you? I can't do that, Mia. . . not again, please no." He frowned. It may have been over-dramatic, but truly did come from his heart. He could only loose so much before he couldn't bear the weight any longer.

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