Indescribable (Closed)

Nia sat on her bed, head in her hands, with the door open. She'd been having nightmares, gradual bleed through as her time spent as cheshire.


Oliver was outside, somewhere in the forest, shooting his bow at a target.
Mia jumped up instantly, wide awake as she turned her wide eyes to Nicholas. "Qrow and Riley." She said, putting her hands on her oversized belly.

Izzy cocked her head when she heard the noise of the bow. She shifted into her wolf form and ran towards Oliver, tackling him down. She shifted back into her human form and laughed, smiling into his face. "nice to see you~"

Ash pulled her closer, kissing behind her ear. "wake up dollface." He said softly, moving his hand down to her tail and tugged on it softly.
Dei-Loki blinked a few times, huffing and puffing his cheeks slightly as his ears twitched. Still, he soon smiled after speaking. "Just because yer tall doesn't mean I can see y' around corners."

Twitching the ear that was kissed, Malvo groaned softly from the tug before reluctantly having woken up - vocalising a quiet 'ehhhhhhhh' in the process of this. She'd then look up at him before stretching. 
"Qrow and Riley, huh? Yeah, i like that. It has a ring to it." Nicholas smiled, leaned from his recliner and kissed her forehead. "Now go back and rest, doe-eyes." He gently caressed her scalp and smiled.

Masaru gave his usual tch sound and rubbed Dei's ears. "Whatever, pipsqueak. Why are you up so early? Couldn't sleep with out your lover by your side?" Masaru kneeled down onto the heels of his feet and pointed to his cheek, asking for a kiss.
Mia laid back down and put her hands on her stomach. She stared at it before looking at Nicholas with a nervous look. "the thought of all of this scares me.. what if something bad happens? What if they don't like us?"

Ash chuckled and tugged on her tail again. "come onnnn, wake uppppp."
Keeping his smile, the demigod leaned into the rubbing as his tail would curl. Soon nodding in response to the question, he slightly leaned up before kissing Masaru's cheek. "I got a bit lonely." His head would then tilt slightly as he blinked. "And why are you up so early?"

Malvo let out another tired groan, soon bringing her hands to her face as she rubbed her eyes with her palms. "I'm uuuuup, I'm up..."
Nicholas shook his head, "uh-uh. Don't think like that. Of course, they'll won't like me when i discipline them, but that's every kid. Especially from this world. They'll have their rebellion phase in their teenage years, but they won't hate us. And i know you too well, they will love you because you spoil them and that's okay. You're their mother, you'll have a better connection to them. And say, something bad happens, we have each other and this big family to protect one another. I mean, you didn't think i survived this long on my own, did you? I remember when i was little, maybe seven or eight, i wanted to be a superhero and so i almost jumped out of the balcony room. Oh, you should've seen how mad my parents got at me, but they were there to keep me safe and so will this family. And if not, then we have a crazy, uncle Masaru that can beat up the monsters for us and keep our kids safe."

Masaru smiled at the kiss and stood up, "i saw a few tasty, snakes outside and decided to have a soul or few." Masaru stretched and yawned.
Nia laid onto her back and stared up at the ceiling "why do I keep having such vivid dreams?" She said to herself putting her hands over her eyes. 


Oliver laughed aswell. "nice to see you too Izzy. Although a 'heads up' would be nice next time"
Mia got up off the couch, with a lotttt more effort than it should have been, and got into nicholas's lap. "Thank you, I really needed those words. Should be popping anytime soon." She said, kissing his cheek and looking down at her stomach.

Ash chuckled and ran his hand over her tail. "It's sad I know all your turn ons and I haven't fucked you yet."

Izzy giggled and climbed off of him, sitting on the ground. "You know me, I don't give warnings."
With a nod, Dei-Loki keeping his smile as he'd watched him. "Your hunger sated enough, for now, then?"

"Didn't even give me a chance t' learn yours." Malvo would tiredly pout. Her tail gently flicking under Ash's hand.
Nicholas smiled at the kiss and rubbed her stomach. "Mhmm, good thing i called Doctor Waltz to stay here until they arrive. I hope he wakes up soon."

"Mhmm, although, if you're offering, you could always sate me in other ways." Masaru turned and pushed Dei to the wall until he was pin. Dei was at eye level to his chest.
"Anything can be." Ash said, winking at her before kissing her neck.

Izzy leaned her head on his shoulder, snuggling up to his side. "This is life."

Mia Smiled. "Let's go wake him!"
A blush soon heated Dei-Loki's cheeks a bit the moment he'd felt his back become better acquainted with the wall. His emerald irises studying Masaru's chest for a moment before peeking up at him with a smirk. "It's early, but... I could."

"Well, that certainly narrows it down." Malvo sarcastically stated with a snicker. Blushing from the kiss before gazing at him.
"Alright," Nicholas carried her and carefully took her to Dr. Waltz's room. He opened the door and smiled to the groggy doctor. "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. NO, don't have your children yet, my girl. Not yet. Let me sleep. . .five more minutessss." Nicholas smiled.

Masaru smiled and feverishly kissed Dei. His hands going under his shirt, his fingertips grazing Dei's warm flesh. A grin slowly inched its way onto Masaru's face as he teleported away a few feet. "Come on, cutie. Let's go and eat. Elizabeth made breakfast."
Akumu, with a soft huff, soon stood stretched before deciding to roam the house. He wasn't too hungry. In fact, due to several news reported incidents, it left him queasy. Shaking his head to try and focus on something else, he blinked and looked to Nia's room. Soon heading over before gently knocking on the door frame.

The smirk slowly grew to a grin on Dei-Loki's face as he'd return the act in his own passionate way. Tail curling as he'd wrap his arms around Masaru's neck, he shivered under his touch - blinking several times once the fox teleported. Teaaaase. We'll get 'im back, eventually. Huffing, he attempted to turn his attitude around for the moment as he smiled. "Did she?" He would question - turning his nose to the air to sniff as his stomach would growl soon after.
"Yeah. She made pancakes and bacon." Masaru turned a corner to see Elizabeth wolfing down the pancakes. "Ellie, what did your brother say about eating the entire kitchen?" Elizabeth smiled, the pancake that she was starting on, hanging from her mouth. "Bon appétit."
Mia giggled, listening to the doctor before squirming out of Nicholas's arms and poked the doctor in the face. "but we need you upppp."

Izzy smiled and kissed his cheek. "so what are you doing out here?" She asked.

Ash crawled over her and got out of the bed, pulling on a new shirt. "well, another day of Ruvik glaring at me while he creepily holds that horn."
With a nod, Dei-Loki smiled from the scent of food as he quickly followed at Masaru's side. Blinking as he watched Elizabeth stuff her face, he kept his smile as he made his way to the table.

Malvo flicked an ear, remaining in place until Ash was off the bed. She'd then sit up and shift a bit. "Told y' she was important to him."
Nia would then perk up looking to Akumu " yes? What is it?" she said with a sigh.


"just practicing with my bow" he said with a smile following the kiss on his cheek. "why do you ask?"
"Ey, Scotty-boy, wakey wakey. Made some promises way back when, when a certain someone said, and i quote, 'if you have a child, my dear Nick, then i shall be the one to bring them into this world with a smile on my plump face." Dr. Waltz sighed, "how do you know these things when we were drunker than a skunk?" Nicholas tapped his fingers to his temple. "Memory, my dear Watson, now, get your butt up from this bed and prepare yourself, for my lady is about to pop and i don't need you half asleep around her, do you understand, Scotty-boy?" Dr. Waltz groaned as he stood up. "Fine! Just get out of my room so that i can dress. I'll be out soon." Nicholas smiled and wrapped his arms around Mia, caring carefully and turned. "Also, if you go back to bed, i'll make sure that the Devil will see you clearly." Dr. Waltz complexion paled at the threat as he shook and nodded his head. Nicholas then walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Masaru began to eat with the two. 
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"Y' hungry? Elizabeth made pancakes." Akumu blinked and perked a brow from the sigh as he watched Nia.

Dei-Loki leaned back in his seat. Happily eating as his tail curled around himself.
Masaru looked to Elizabeth. "so, you ready for maybe two little Nicholas munchkins to run around here?" Elizabeth giggled, "ah, no. I heard stories of how troubling big brother was when was little. Hopefully, neither gets his 'adventurer' genes. You've done pretty good on baby proofing this house though. And their room is adorable."
Dei-Loki blinked a few times, glancing back and forth between both Elizabeth and Masaru as he'd continue to eat. His ears perking when Alec climbed onto his shoulder. Smiling, he offered him some bacon with a cocked brow. "Nicholas was a troublemaker growing up, I take it?"

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