Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru made a tch sound and laughed. "Still a troublemaker, although, ever since he met Mia, he has calmed down a looooot." Elizabeth nodded with a smile. "Mhmmm, my big brother loved to be a troublemaker, especially with the girls and boys. Wasn't it you made him that way?" She quirked her eyebrow at Masaru. Masaru took a sip of his water. "Hey, it was either him banging everything he could get his hands on with a heartbeat and a conscious mind or stealing from the inns and bars that we went to. I was doing you parents a favor and i taught him how to use protection. Now, he's going to have two children with the woman that he loves instead of having children from different women. So, you're welcome."
Raven, waking up, got dressed and cleaned up quickly, ignored breakfast, and immediately went outside. "How does Naomi turn one week of rest into nine weeks of rest?!" He didn't train like Naomi thought he would, he sat down, and meditated. His aura swirling visibly around him.


Naomi got up silently, the death of her patient still affecting her, surprisingly. She cleaned up, and got dressed depressed. She didn't want to talk to anyone, but she didn't want them thinking she was separating herself from the world, so she left the door a tad bit open.
Snickering, Dei-Loki nodded as he patted Alec. Listening to the both of them as he gently took the dragon off of his shoulder - holding him in his arms. "It's good that he's happy and settled, anyway."
"Mhm." He then stood up. "Where are you going? My cooking making you queasy?" Masaru turned and smiled. "Maybe, or maybe it's the poison that you laced in my food. I have to go to the bathroom, you homicidal maniac." With that he left. Elizabeth chuckled and took his plate. She then brought a plate from hidden view and pushed it to where Masaru was sitting. "Mmmm, pancakes. My favorite, thanks doll." Yuki said, grabbing the plate and disappearing. Elizabeth saluted and then turned her attention to Dei. "So, speaking of happy and settled. How's it going in your lover paradise?"
Dei-Loki watched as Masaru stood and left. His tail wagging a bit. "Hurry back." He'd say. His gaze watching Yuki for the brief time she was here before he'd then return Elizabeth's attention with his own. Smile remaining on his face as he'd speak once more. "It's going well. Haven't had any really bad fights in a while. So it is, actually, quite a happy paradise."
"I don't have an appetite" Nia said with the unusual sound of gloom in her voice, as she'd then return to laying on her back with a whine.
"Wow, he must really like you. Nicholas use to tell me that when Masaru was brought into the family, it took over two years for him to even smile. He's a stubborn fox, but i'm glad it's good. Especially now, once Mia had the twins, he'll be all happy and sweat. He won't change entirely, but he LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES babies. So, you'll definitely see him in a new light." Elizabeth chugged the rest of her milkshake and wiped the residue on her lips with her hand.
Blinking a few times, Akumu frowned as he slowly entered the room and walked over to the bed. Instantly grabbing a chair and sitting backwards on it - arms resting on the back. "What has you in such a mood?"

"Two years?" Dei-Loki quirked a brow, blinking a few times. Though, seeing how stubborn Masaru was, he didn't take it as too much of a surprise. With his smile still remaining, he softly patted Alec. "Should be interesting to see." He'd then soon finish his own food. The dragon climbing back onto his shoulders as he lifted up his plate and stood. "What about you Elizabeth? Y' excited fer the new additions t' the family?" 
"Of course, i am. We need something good in our lives after so long." Elizabeth looked down to her plate and saw their faces. Her family's faces staring right back at her. "Yeah, we definitely need something good in our lives. And yet . . . i have this sinking feeling something will get worse later on, but for now. We think about now and how happy everyone will be when the cutest arrive." Masaru walked in and wrapped his arms around Dei. "I waaaaaaaaaaaant the baaaaaaabbies noooooooow." Elizabeth giggled, "you can't rush natural causes, silly goose." She put on a smile and finished the last dish.
"that stuff on the news, I don't know why, but I've been having nightmares about it" she said, turning to face Akumu.
Akumu would tense a small bit as his attention was brought back to what he'd been trying to escape from, but he'd then soon softly release a sigh as he rested his chin on his arms. Eyes closing. "Yeah, I... know the feeling."

"I agree. It's best to absorb all the positivity we can." Dei-Loki nodded to her, flicking an ear before blinking and perking his ears as he felt Masaru's arms. Smiling a bit more as he leaned his weight against him. "Paaaaaatients, Mr. Grumpytails. They'll be here soon."
"Ey, Scotty-boy, wakey wakey. Made some promises way back when, when a certain someone said, and i quote, 'if you have a child, my dear Nick, then i shall be the one to bring them into this world with a smile on my plump face." Dr. Waltz sighed, "how do you know these things when we were drunker than a skunk?" Nicholas tapped his fingers to his temple. "Memory, my dear Watson, now, get your butt up from this bed and prepare yourself, for my lady is about to pop and i don't need you half asleep around her, do you understand, Scotty-boy?" Dr. Waltz groaned as he stood up. "Fine! Just get out of my room so that i can dress. I'll be out soon." Nicholas smiled and wrapped his arms around Mia, caring carefully and turned. "Also, if you go back to bed, i'll make sure that the Devil will see you clearly." Dr. Waltz complexion paled at the threat as he shook and nodded his head. Nicholas then walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Masaru began to eat with the two. 

( @Comet)
Mia let him carry her out of the room before waddling away, craving some chocolate cake with carmel and pecans on it.

Izzy chuckled. "I'm just wondering." She took his bow from him and stood up, holding it. "lemme try. Gimme a arrow."

Ash shook his head. "but he doesn't have to carry that bloody thing everywhere he goes."
"Ehhhhhhhhhh, i don't know if you haven't met me, Sunshine, but i don't have patience. Patience is far from me." Masaru said as he frowned and laid his chin gently on top of Dei's head.

Nicholas laughed as she watched her go, having another one of her cravings. He followed suit.
[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Ya lasted this long." [/COLOR]Dei-Loki smiled sweetly, glancing up at him as he wagged his tail a bit against Masaru's leg. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"I'm sure ya can hold on a few more days."[/COLOR]

"It's something to remember her by." Malvo shrugged, sighing gently as she slid to her feet. "Albeit, it's a bit creepy, but..."
"you do?" she questioned, sitting up.

"what do you mean?"


Oliver got up, and gave her an arrow. "Widen your feet, stand sideways, knees ever so slighty bent, and put the arrow on the string, in between your middle and index finger, then draw back to the corner of your mouth" her, pressing up against her body as he led her into the proper form. "breathe, relax, focus on one point of the target, and release" 
"Ey, careful where you wag your tail, buttercup." Masaru whispered as he reached down and took Dei's tail away from between his legs.
Akumu paused, opening an eye as he shifted. "It's just been on my mind constantly. Not enough to give crippling nightmares, but, nonetheless... They still take their toll."

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, blushing slightly before snickering gently. "Hehe, sorry."
Mia pulled out a whole chocolate cake and sat it on the table, licking her lips. "fffooooodd~" She drooled, cutting out a big piece of it to eat it. "I need....... pickles."

Izzy felt him press up against her in the process of showing her. She listened to his words, taking a deep breath before releasing the string from the corner of her mouth and let it go towards the target, melting her body back into Oliver's.

Ash nodded, agreeing. "someday, I'm taking that horn, to see him panic." He said, chuckling at the thought of poor Ruvik, running everywhere to find the horn.
Nicholas grabbed the jar of pickles, opened it and gave it to her. "Now, be careful. I don't need you choking. Fuck off, you two." Nicholas turned his attention to the snickering Masaru and Elizaebeth. But even then, Nicholas couldn't keep a straight face and broke out into a smile.
"that mask" she shuddered "Its so creepy" She sat up and stretched 


Oliver watched the arrow fly. "your a natural" he said with a smile as her then kissed her cheek
"It is..." Akumu grimaced and shuttered, closing his eyes once more. "Especially in person..."

Dei-Loki perked his brows as he watched both Nicholas and Mia enter. Blinking from the combination of food as he'd tilt his head slightly. Alec softly clicking as he blinked.

"That'll surely upset him..." Malvo blinked before huffing softly. "Not sure why y' can't just let it be. Y' may run the risk of loosing half of yer other wing."
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Mia put the pickles on the cake and ate it whole, shoving the thing in her mouth and tried her hardest to chew it.

Izzy blushed softly when he kissed her cheek and turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank youu, now what?" She asked, curling her fingers through the back of his hair.

Ash chuckled and shrugged. "Might as well go all out with this, since I don't go all out on fucking you. No matter howww much you want it." He then winked at her before peaking out the tent at Ruvik and that dumb horn of his.
Masaru, Elizabeth and Masaru began to pull the food away from her. "UH-UH! Out. Small pieces, doe-eyes. Small!" Masaru shook his head, "i mean can you blame her? She's feeding two and your kin too." Nicholas quirked his eyebrows. "What does that mean?" Masaru looked to Elizabeth who was already having a handful of chocolate cake. "okay, fair point. Oh, also, the babies' names will be Qrow for the boy and Riley for the girl." Elizabeth awed and Masaru gave a sweet smile, making his face brighter and younger looking again.
"wait you saw her!?" Nia said surprised.


Oliver held her close around the waist "whatever you feel like"

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