Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu listened, nodding with a sigh to follow. "Well, no mater who she is behind the mask, I have a feeling we'll meet up with her again sooner or later."

Dei-Loki kept his smile, soon blinking as he glanced over. His eyes following Masaru's tail as he'd soon snicker before happily sighing.

Ruvik would softly smile from the light peck before moving and trying to do the same. A gentle sigh escaping him that would add pain to his look. "I still kick myself for letting this happen to you. I may have torn off half of that bastard's wing, but all that managed to do was stave off some of my rage."

Malvo lifted her brows, glancing back and forth between Ash and Ruvik. "... I think he's finally lost it."
Izzy shrugged. "Sure, go ahead." She said, standing back from the door of the house.

Mia felt her belly move, and a small tinge of pain hit her lower abdomen. Her face contorted but she forced a smile on her face as she put down the cake. "I need to go lay down..." She murmured, wobbling over to the couch with little grunts.

Ash nodded. "Totally lost it. Thats why I need to get that horn."

Maya chuckled and shook her head. "I'm just a spirit, you can't actually kiss me."
Masaru's eyes widen as he felt the two spirits start to move slowly. "It's time. The children, they are coming. I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" Masaru cheered, a childish gleam in his eyes. He teleported to Mia's side. "It's time." Dr. Waltz walked in with a smile and in his uniform. Nicholas lifted Mia in his arms and then they went to the clinic room, laying Mia on the table. 
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"yeah..." was all Nia said as she stood up "I'm tired of sitting in the dark. I need sun"


Oliver walked into the kitchen, ignoring the whole pregnancy thing, grabbing some pancakes to being to Izzy
(Skipping the whole, giving birth thing, so start when they are out and I'll reply to everyone in the morning.)
Akumu watched, smiling a bit as he soon stood. "We can go outside, then."

Dei-Loki perked his ears instantly. Tail wagging before he quickly stepped into one of the shadows of the room - stepping out in the living room as his ears remained perked.

(Alright, so, time skip, then?)

"... Wouldn't taking it make him worse?" Malvo blinked, shifting a bit.

With a sigh, Ruvik nodded and smiled slightly. "Ah, can't blame a guy for trying, anyhow..."
(Timeskip it is then)

Masaru stared at the bundle of joys. They were outside of Mia's room to let her sleep and heal. The babies were already clean and Nicholas held Qrow, who was already swaddled and in his blanket. Elizabeth held Riley who was the same as Qrow. Each of them were calm and not fussy after crying their hearts content out.
Akumu watched the light dance along the surface of the water, his back pressed against a nearby tree.

Dei-Loki also stared at the two bundles of joy. Hands behind his back as he continued to smile.

(Not sure what to do with Malvo and Ruvik, so ill wait for Comet.)
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"Alright Masaru, you ready to take Qrow?" Masaru nodded quickly, making the 'gimmie' hands at Qrow. Nicholas laughed and gave Masaru Qrow. Masaru easily accepted the little bundle of joy and began to radiate with a happy aura. "I will protect you both and then i will teach you to defend yourselves. And, you'll be safe. Because you'll be as strong as your father and I." His tail wagged crazily.
Riley gurgled, drool coming out of her mouth as her eyes looked around the room, then she made little noises, reaching up to Masaru's ears.

Mia laid asleep in the room, passed out after all of that.

Izzy laughed, eating the pancakes while she listened to Oliver talk.

Ash shrugged. "it'll be fun to watch." 

Maya chuckled."so is tearing his wing the only thing you can do to him?"
Raven, was still lying in his new found spot.


Naomi was finished with her patients, but, she stayed at the clinic, helping other nurses.
Dei-Loki watched quietly, his ears having remained perked whilst slightly hiding his hands in his sleeves as he kept them at his sides.

"I suppose that's true." Malvo snickered, pocketing her hands.

"Oh, no. I could've done much worse." Ruvik slightly smirked as he shifted in his seat. "It's just; he took away something that I love, so I did the same in return."
Masaru saw the small hands of Riley failing to grab onto his ears. Elizabeth giggled as she watched adoration in Masaru's eyes as he bowed slowly and allowed the small hand to touch his ear.
Mia whined loudly, waking up from the big pain in her hips. "niccchoolllassssss."

Riley grabbed his ear and yanked it down, giggling softly in a babyish way. 

Mash moved forward. "whatchaaaaa doiiinnnn ruvvvyyyyy?" He cooed.

maya huffed. "Fuck off, Ash." She said, even though Ash couldn't hear her.
Nicholas heard Mia call for him. "I'll be right back, Mia is calling me." He hurriedly walked towards Mia and smiled, "hey, sleepyhead." He quietly said.

Masaru winced, but smiled still. "These two are soooooooooooo adorable. I'm going to love you two forever and ever."
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Dei-Loki snickered as he continued to watch - shifting in place a bit as he flicked an ear. Tail slowly curling around his waist.

Malvo watched, pocketing her hands quietly as she slowly followed.

Ruvik paused, soon glaring over to Ash. "I don't believe that's any of your concern." He then softly huffed. [COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]"Don't you have something to fuck with besides my life? A girl, perhaps?"[/COLOR]
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Nia threw a flat rock, sending it skipping across the lake. Her eyes would then turn black and. Cheshire took over, useing magic to change her eyes back to their normal color. She stood then "I'm going to be right back" She said walking to the house.


Oliver looked up at the sky and sighed "so. Is there anything you want to talk about?"
Riley pulled on his ear more, giggling as she looked at him.

"I'm in pain." Mia whined.

Ash shrugged. "I would, but teasing her is more fun."

Izzy shrugged. "whateverbyou want to talk about."
"Gods, i love that laugh. Please keep that laugh forever and forever. This world sucks when you can't laugh. It becomes dry, kid. So very dark and dry. So you gotta laugh. Always laugh, and i promise you, that the pain won't look that bad at all. Laugh and the darkness starts to go away. Laugh and i promise you, squirts, that you will live in this world with a genuine smile, just like your grandparents. Just like your parents. You gotta smile and laugh. Always." Masaru hugged the two babies closer to his body.

Nicholas smiled, "I know, but the doctor said no pain killers since you already took a large amount. Just wait and it'll start working." Nicholas sat on the edge of the bed, making sure not to sit on her and stared out of the windows. He saw the trees sway in the slight breeze of November. "Doe-eyes. . . Mia. . we did it. We made two cute bundles of joy. But. . . someone doesn't like it when you're happy. They don't like it at all and i'm afraid that they'll hurt you and the bundles of joy. Mia, i know that you love him, but Ash needs to die. I just. . . i'm asking if you would hate me if saw to his end. If i killed him, if anyone of else killed him. . . would you hate us? Me?"
Akumu blinked, watching Nia stand before nodding to her. "Alright."

Dei-Loki soon quietly propped himself up against the wall while continuing to watch Masaru love and cuddle the new additions. Remaining silent as his arms slowly crossed. A silent smile still on his face.

Ruvik huffed, leaning his back against his chair. "I'm a bit surprised she hasn't jumped you, at this rate."
Cheshire dressed herself in her own outfit. Making her way outside as she'd then teleport to a branch above Akumu, dangling her legs off of it. "hey lover boy. You miss me?"


Oliver thought for a time. "tell me about yourself. Likes, dislikes. That kind of stuff" he said returning his gaze to her face.
Riley looked over at Loki and held her arms out at him, letting go of masaru's ear. She made grunting noises, wanting him to take her.

Mia's smile instantly dropped when Nicholas mentioned him. She sighed and closed her eyes. "I know..if this needs to be done,do it. I won't hate you, itll be for the best."

Izzy shrugged. "not a lot to say.." She then chuckled.

Ash chuckled. "same, the more I do it, the worse she gets."
Akumu paused from the familiar tone, quickly looking up at Cheshire and narrowing his gaze. "You've certainly been busy these past several months, haven't you?"

Dei-Loki blinked, watching Riley reach for him before smiling a bit more and gently pushing himself off the wall. Moving closer, he hesitated before reaching up and gently taking her.

Ruvik snorted at that, chuckling gently before letting out a gentle sigh.

Malvo watched, shifting a bit as she silently growled from the conversation. Her gaze traveling to the horn as she tucked her hands deep within her cost pockets.
Cheshire tilted her head to the side and gave a short laugh "a girl has to have her fun somehow right?"


Olive smiled and grabbed Izzy's hand "you not really one for small talk are you?"
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