Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru handed over the child and then held the already sleeping Qrow in his arms. Masaru gave a childish smile and then looked up to Dei. His face lighting up and the years of battles and wars seemed to wash away, leaving Masaru to look almost as young as teenage boy. "You know how to hold a baby proper. I'm impressed, i thought you wouldn't know how."

Nicholas turned and leaned down, kissing Mia's head. "I won't let anyone hurt this family again, angel. No one. Now, try and rest up, okay?"
Akumu then gently growled, lowering an ear as he'd then close his eyes. "There's other ways of entertainment besides chaos."

Dei-Loki curled his tail whilst cradling Riley, looking to Masaru briefly before then back to the small bundle of life in his hold. "Just instinct, I guess. Though, I'm sure helping out with my cousins taught me a lot, as well."
"hmm, yeah. That may be true, but none of them quite satisfy the insanity. The madness.... Yes, you know plenty about madness. You talk to Masaru, your brother, me-hehehe, and then there's yourself. We're all  mad here boy!" She said finishing with a wicked, sinister, insane laugh. As she then teleported to another tree, and hang upside down by her legs on one if the branches. 
Ears pinning against his head from the spine-chilling cackle, Akumu would shift in place. His back once more propping up against the wall. She was... right, in a sense. Though, he hadn't admitted it. Instead, he'd grip at one of his biceps firmly while his arms were crossed before forcing from one topic to the other. "You and Nia seem somehow connected."
Masaru stared at Dei in adoration just as the same as the babies, but with a little more in it. "Gods, what has happen to me? I use to be the big, bad fox and now, i'm a cuddly giant, it's weird." He said as he rubbed his nose softly on the Qrow's, making the baby giggle.
Riley watched Loki'a tail and reached for it, squirming in his arms.

Mia nodded and yawned. "but.. pain..." She whined.

"yeah okay Ruvy, I'm taking that horn." Ash said, reaching for it.

Izzy looked down at their hands and smiled. "not really no, I'm more into actions." She pulled him closer and pressed her lips to his softly.
"Buddy you have no idea" she said with a giggle.


Oliver happily returned the kiss. Once it was broken, he caressed her cheek "you really are somthing else"
Akumu cocked a brow, soon staring up at her. "Care to enlighten me?" 

"I think it's cute." Dei-Loki smiled, watching Masaru before blinking and looking to Riley as she reached for his tail. Soon curling it and gently tickling her with it. A warm smile on his face.

Ruvik paused, quickly taking the horn and narrowing his gaze on Ash. "You most certainly will not!"
"Go to sleep, doe-eyes, and then after i'll get you some ice-cream." Nicholas pet her forehead and kissed her nose.

"Ehhhhhh  . . . cute." Masaru chuckled and sat down on the rocking chair, he dragged the other chair for Dei.
Heading over, he sat beside Masaru whilst continuing to hold Riley. His ears remaining perked as he continued his previous actions.
Cheshire smiled under her mask. "nope. You have to find that out yourself" She dropped off the tree branch and landed on her feet. 
Riley giggled, squirming more as the tail tickled her. She wrapped her arms around it and hugged it, laughing.

Mia nodded and closed her eyes. "while I'm asleep, keep an eye on them. They're powers will come in a little bit. Part inugami, part deer deity. I don't know what it's like with you guys, but for deities like me, powers come in quick. Not controllable, but they come."

Izzy giggled. "how so?" She asked, trailing her tail up his leg.

Ash shrugged. "you're losing it Ruvy, we got to."

Maya just growled, getting out of Ruvik's lap.
"Okay, now go to sleep and let the pain medication go through your system. Goodnight." And, with that, he closed the door behind him and went into the nursery. "Hey you two, so i guess their powers will start anytime soon, so .  . . that's a thing." Masaru groaned, "not your powers, gods no. I can already feel that someone is going to lose an eyebrow."  Nicholas pouted, his eyebrows scrunching together. "Heeeeeeey~, i was born a few days before that, okay? A baby can't control their fire burps. Especially when they're a demon dog."
Sighing, Akumu watched as Cheshire dropped from the tree. Pushing his back off of the base of another tree before taking a few steps in her direction. "Well, couldn't have expected it to be easy..."

Chuckling, Dei-Loki watched as Riley hugged his tail. Nuzzling her gently before blinking and looking to Nicholas with a slight snicker. "You singed off someone's eyebrows as a pup?"

Ruvik squinted, soon standing once Maya had stood up. "I'm not 'loosing' it." he growled with a glare.
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Nicholas sighed, "yes, i did. I burped and burn't my Dad's eyebrow." Masaru chuckled, careful not to wake up the sleeping baby. 
"what are you going to do? Unmask me and reveal the lovely face underneath?" She said as she backed up at the same pace.


Oliver smiled "something about you. It's just... I can't discribe it. But, ut feels good that I know you"
Riley giggled again then she made little noises. Then... she sneezed. Ice went all over Loki's face when she sneezed, holding his tail tighter.

"you won't admit it, but you we're talking to air." Ash said, scooting closer.

Izzy smiled and continued to trail her tail. "I'm going to take that as a good thing." She smiled, moving her face closer to him.
Masaru and Nicholas eyes widen at the ice on Dei's face. Masaru stood up quickly and put Qrow in his crib. Nicholas then took the baby into his arms as Masaru knelt between his knees and brought his black flame to his finger. He slowly and carefully began to remove the ice.
"That's the idea." Akumu spoke bluntly as he continued to approach. "Unless y' want t' make it easier on yerself by doing that for me?"

Dei-Loki continued to snicker once he heard Nicholas's reply. "Well, that's better than--" And, before the demigod could finish, his face was, er... well, frozen. Quite literally. His eyes following Masaru as he'd begun to melt the ice slightly encasing his face.

"I'm not talking to air, don't be absurd!" Ruvik growled, closing his eye. "I was talking to Maya."

Malvo blinked a few times, eyes widening as she looked around. "Riiiiight. Look, Ruvik, don't y' think it's time to... I dunno, move on?"
Cheshire smiled, "trust me on this, It'd be better if you didn't know." she teleported behind him and pushed him away from her with her hand.


Oliver smiled, and lightly kissed Izzy's lips. 
Riley giggled again and made a face, about to sneeze again, but this time, it was on her own dad, Nicholas. She made little noises, about to sneeze.

Izzy smiled when she felt him press his lips against hers, kissing him back happily.

Ash scooted closer. "you're definitely losing it. You need to get you a new girl." 
Masaru stood up from finishing the ice off of Dei's face just as Nicholas gently pinched Riley's nose. He then turned her whole body towards Masaru who was busy with Dei. "Go ahead, my ice princess." He mumbled on his breath.
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Akumu widened his eyes a small bit and stumbled forward, only to quickly pivot and stare with a soft yet agitated growl.

Dei-Loki blinked and huffed once the ice was melted, an ear lowering as he blinked and rubbed his cold cheeks. Brows lifting once he saw Nicholas turning Riley around.

Ruvik glared at Ash, keeping the horn close as his eye flashed. Angrily growling once more. "Unless you wish to loose far more than your wing, I suggest you drop the idea."
When nicholas moved her, she let her sneeze go, letting the ice go all over Masaru. When she was done, she giggled, moving her hands up to her mouth to hide her toothless smile.

Ash's eyes widened and he backed away from ruvik. "alright Man, alright." 

Maya huffed, crossing her arms.
Masaru gave a scold look at the two before instantly fawning of the giggle that played in his ears. He melted off the ice quickly and wiped the water away. "Now . . . . how can i be mad at that beautiful, toothless smile?"

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