Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki watched both Naomi and Raven, his brow perking as he took a look around the inn. 'Malvo, where the hell are you..?' He thought to himself as his slightly luminous emerald gaze traveled over the inn. His ears then perked under his hood once Raven appeared and spoke behind him. "Certainly feels like he's here, anyhow..." he would remark whilst continuing his search. His eyes soon widening once he saw the dragon in the room. Alec seeming to perk up after feeling the presence of both Octavus and Neil.

Malvo tensed once he saw Dei-Loki and Raven, knowing he'd now need to slowly slink away in an attempt not to be seen. He felt Octavus knew the female he bumped into earlier today, so who better to temporarily leave the dragon with? The Prince had then silently made an attempt at slipping away. He wasn't planning on being gone for long, just long enough for his 'twin' Dei-Loki to search the place and leave with no success of finding him.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania @JayJin, @mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
"Do you know someone who can help me ?! Even I liked having a human body...and I was born like this." He tried to speak but sadly all that came out was a multitude of chirps. He wished he could at least speak but that witch even removed his ability to change his voice. He nudged Mia's arm hoping she'd understand that much. He moved away starting to pace in a circle with his head lowered. He stopped staring up at Christina with a snort tilting his head as if to say hello. He the sat down glancing at malvo. Octavus didn't mind staying by his side as a companion but he also really wanted to be able to lift this curse over him that kept him from changing between human like and dragon. If anyone looked at him good enough it was noticeable he had been through a lot earlier due to his broken wings that and he wasn't the normal type of dragon.



@Shiro kurogane



@Heir of Dalania
Aaron775 said:
(I said it to kuro and ok I'll do whatever you want)
"Oh okay, me and my friend could help with your task if you need it, and by the way you two look, I think you will need help." @Shiro kurogane @AlekaXKaden
"No, we don't need any help!" Levan said quick, before his sister could reply.

"Levan, that was rude." Zaylia commented.
"don't make me slap you again. i'd rather not ruin your face." Kirara grumped and walked into the inn. Now the question was what should she do. random guys were already taking notice of her and she didn't feel like entertaining them all as she would probably normally do. So she grabbed onto Masaru's arm to discourage the males.


"wait help? you dragged me here to help them? im not a helper kind of person." Kuro groaned, not wanting to be dragged into someone else's problems. She had enough of her own.

@Aaron775 @AlekaXKaden

Rei didn't really know what to say since she was at most, only okay with two-tree people max.

@Heir of Dalania @(the rest)
"Alright, Nick it is. And that's meat from...I think, a cow, or moose...Never really cared for where my meat came from." he said, smiling. "So, what can you do Nick? You've seen what I can do, but, your brother didn't seem too happy to have seen me do that..." he said, remembering the annoyance he received from him.

(Got the PC back .-. @JayJin @Shiro kurogane @Comet )
Doni was visibly upset by the words of kuro and levan. "You're sister's right you shouldn't be so rude boy, if you want you and your sister to die go right ahead." Doni then turned to kuro. "Okay so why'd you follow me." @Shiro kurogane @AlekaXKaden
Mia "dragon, lap." She told Nicholas, then the dragon nudged her. She could understand what it was saying and she looked at Marasu. "Maybe him?" She told the dragon, pointing at the white haired boy then looked back down at the dragon with a kind smile.

"I hope you get what you're looking for." She told him, patting his head then looked at Nicholas. She gave him a cheeky grin that ended in a yawn, a long day already taking a toll on the small doe's body.
@JayJin @CERBERUS177 @mewbot5408
"Sorry, I'm just a bit overprotective of Zaylia that at times I don't think correct, but yes, we could use some help." Levan hurried to say before they walked out (I don't know if you were or not)

Zaylia said in silence that he's basically crazy sometimes.

A shocked look came over Levan's face "Uh, Zaylia, i'll be right back ok?" Levan said right before he ran out of the inn to a hiding place (a bush basically)

"Ok?" She said a little late.
Kuro looked at Doni, seeing he was upset. When he rounded on her she looked away. "because you said to follow..." She answered. The watched one of the two people run out of the room.

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina shuffled her way over to Rei and whispered in her ear "maybe we chose the wrong group. They're obviously busy with... something. And I'm not really a people person to begin with anyway"

Rei nodded at Cristina's words. "yeah... im only good around three people at most. there's too many here." Rei's voice shook with real fear that was being barely contained. She couldn't explain why she was fearful, of so many people, but she was. "c-can we leave? please?" She half-begged, clutching Cristina's arm like a life-line.
(Thank you all for listening. See, a chill RP is a sweet RP. Much love.)

Masaru pulled his arm away, "don't touch me. I don't know where your hands have been." He rubbed his arm.

Nicholas greeted the newcomers with a smile. He then looked at Mia, "what about dragons and laps?" He looked to Terricus. "It's sheep. As for my brother, don't worry about him. He just has a dark past and hates for trouble to come his way again. I'm an Inugami. Some call it Japanese demon wolf. My brother is a nogistune mix with a fire kitsune, but don't ever call him a mutt. He gets very pissed at that word." He looked to Mia and chuckled. "Don't fall asleep just yet. When we leave, it would be better for you to be tired that way you won't stay up at night."

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177 @mewbot5408 @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
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donididn't no how to respond to what kuro said, so he decided to ask her a question that will get a definite response. "So now that I'm telling you to follow me and help me help them what do you say?" Doni watched as levan left out quickly. "What was that about." He said to his sister. @Shiro kurogane @AlekaXKaden
Octavus nodded and practically climbed over the table in front of nick and probly flicked him by accident with his tail. He went to marasu like she had told him. The guy was arguing with a women and it seemed like a good time to interrupt before it got any worse. The dragon chirped and nudged him in the rear with his head probably knocking him on his butt. Hopefully the guy could help him remove the damn spell and he could be a person again.



@Shiro kurogane



@Heir of Dalania
Kirara gave Masaru a shocked, hurt look at his words. She stood there stunned before not just slapping him. Kirara hit Masaru with the colorless flames of the void, this flame would inflict extreme pain of death.. without actually killing. It was only one of the colorless flames uses. It also couldn't be put out except by the one who placed on the person. With that, Kirara stormed out of the inn despite some of the humans yelling at her and pointing while they called her a witch. Tear stung her eyes at Masaru's words recalling themselves in her mind. She did even fight the humans who grabbed her in response to some calling her a witch.

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei nodded at Cristina's words. "yeah... im only good around three people at most. there's too many here." Rei's voice shook with real fear that was being barely contained. She couldn't explain why she was fearful, of so many people, but she was. "c-can we leave? please?" She half-begged, clutching Cristina's arm like a life-line

Cristina seemed a bit taken back by the girl now on her arm. "Y-yeah, lets get out of here" she said smiling to the girl before leaving the inn with Rei in tow.
JayJin said:
(Thank you all for listening. See, a chill RP is a sweet RP. Much love.)
Masaru pulled his arm away, "don't touch me. I don't know where your hands have been." He rubbed his arm.

Nicholas greeted the newcomers with a smile. He then looked at Mia, "what about dragons and laps?" He looked to Terricus. "It's sheep. As for my brother, don't worry about him. He just has a dark past and hates for trouble to come his way again. I'm an Inugami. Some call it Japanese demon wolf. My brother is a nogistune mix with a fire kitsune, but don't ever call him a mutt. He gets very pissed at that word." He looked to Mia and chuckled. "Don't fall asleep just yet. When we leave, it would be better for you to be tired that way you won't stay up at night."

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177 @mewbot5408 @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
mewbot5408 said:
Octavus nodded and practically climbed over the table in front of nick and probly flicked him by accident with his tail. He went to marasu like she had told him. The guy was arguing with a women and it seemed like a good time to interrupt before it got any worse. The dragon chirped and nudged him in the rear with his head probably knocking him on his butt. Hopefully the guy could help him remove the damn spell and he could be a person again.


@Shiro kurogane



@Heir of Dalania
Mia Mia shook her head, giving him a smile. "I'm not tired!!" She told him, crossing her arms over her chest. She watched as the dragon went towards Marasu, making her laugh as he nudged him excitedly.

Even though she told him that she wasn't tired, she leaned her head on the table, watching everything with a smile and tired eyes.

@JayJin @mewbot5408
"I don't know, he just had a look on his face that i've never seen then he just told me he'd be back and ran off." Zaylia told Doni, worried for her brother.

Levan started muttering to himself while hiding in a bush "Keep it together, don't turn or Zaylia will know me and father's secret!" As he finished saying that, his heart started to pump really fast and his breathing got heavy, bones started cracking and muscles started pulling and moving around until he became a white and gray colored wolf.

The newly formed wolf stretched out and howled.

Zaylia shivered at the sound of the howl "W-what was that?"
Aaron775 said:
donididn't no how to respond to what kuro said, so he decided to ask her a question that will get a definite response. "So now that I'm telling you to follow me and help me help them what do you say?" Doni watched as levan left out quickly. "What was that about." He said to his sister. @Shiro kurogane @AlekaXKaden
Kuro looked at Doni and gave a sigh. "fine... yes, i'll help you, help these two." She answered, looking at him again. She sighed again and wondered how she had become a pushover. Until recently she never would have helped someone, let alone follow them because they asked her to. @AlekaXKaden

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina seemed a bit taken back by the girl now on her arm. "Y-yeah, lets get out of here" she said smiling to the girl before leaving the inn with Rei in tow.

Rei smiled gratefully at Cristina as she was towed out of the inn. Being outside with less people, Rei's sickly paled face started regaining color. "t-thanks..."

Masaru growled as unimaginable pain hit his chest. "Sorry dragon, but I am quite busy." He growled, vaulting out the Inn and teleporting by Kirara. He shoved her to the wall and clasped his hands around her neck. "What is your problem? Leave me alone if you hate me. Why are trying to get so close? Get the Hell away from me. I can't give you money, i'm poor. I can't give you love, i'm stoned. I can't do anything for you so just leave me be." He wanted to snap, a lot of pain was in his chest, emotionally and physically and he wanted to cry, to scream, to beg the Gods for sweet bliss of death.

Nicholas shook his head at the both of them. "Yes, you are definitely sleepy. Terricus, you are a friend. Besides, me and my brother eat raw meat. Mia eates anything, but meat. If you want, you can make cooked meat for yourself."

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177 @mewbot5408 @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Dei-Loki watched the shouting fight, a gentle sigh escaping his lungs before shifting his attention back to the dragon as the people of the tavern had begun shouting about a witch. He hadn't desired to draw attention to what both Raven and him had been doing, so he fought his growing urge to help. With clenched fists, he exhaled. His brows perking once he caught Malvo's scent - instantly vanishing.

Malvo made an effort to slink into the shadows, yelping gently out of surprise once he ended up bumping into Dei-Loki. Eyes widening, he quickly backed up. "H-How the hell did you--!?"

Before Malvo could truly get away, Dei-Loki grabbed his twin by the arm and tugged him over. "You had me worried, ya sodden bastard." He growled, keeping a firm grip on his arm. "I don't care if you want to stay out of the Nightmare realm, but, wh-when you're here in Midgard, you NEED to stay with me. Do I make myself clear?"

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania @JayJin, @mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
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Mia Mia shook her head again, sitting up and putting her face in his arm. "No I'm not!" She groaned into his arm, her voice muffled. She kept denying the fact that she was tired, although You can't blame the little doe! She had a long day! Being chased by wolves, being attacked in a ally, using her powers, took a lot out of her small body.
@JayJin @mewbot5408 @CERBERUS177
Raven watched Loki dissapear and reappear. "Well...guess he was here." He looked to Naomi, who was coming back to speak to Dei-Loki.


Naomi saw that Loki was busy with his 'twin', and she didn't want to interrupt. She waited until Loki was done speaking to Malvo. Ok...I have just a few questions.

Kirara cancelled her void flame on Masaru since she didn't want him hurt too much. And she didn't want him to be distracted from what she was about to say. "you daft moron! do i have to spell it out?! i love you, i give a shit about your money or whatever other bullshit humans care about. and how would you react if the person you secretly loved, flinched away from you like a your some kind of street filth!?! in case you don't know, it fucking hurts you ass!!" Kirara teleported behind Masaru and pinned him to the wall now.

"i feel like a freaking idiot now for having secretly been following you all this time now!"
Kirara yelled and finally released Masaru, just kinda standing there numbly now. She had yelled at her crush/secret love, been treated like street filth by said person. Hurt and sadness hitting her in unending waves. What the hell was she supposed to do now? run? stay?


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