Indescribable (Closed)

(Night @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane and @Heir of Dalania.)

Rubbing his forehead, Dei-Loki would release another heavy, shaky exhale before lowering his hand and straightening his posture. This act was followed by a gentle nod, smiling through the pain. "Glad you both were able to escape..." He'd then close his eyes once more. "As fer you both 'owing me your lives', I won't ask much of you. In all honesty, I'm just glad my efforts weren't completely in vain."

Malvo widened his eyes at that, listening to Octavus's words as he'd then nodded. "Is that all? Well, ya should feel lucky I come from a magic-filled family." He'd then gently place a hand on the dragon's throat, quietly muttering a spell under his breath.

@mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel
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His eyes widened and the feathers shattered away like petals revealing a male in a lovely green jacket that bore pointed ears and a set of antlers. His messy hair was a soft teal color and his eyes a soft silver color. Octavus looked down at his hands in awe then touched his face before touching malvo's before bringing his hands back staring at them. "My voice. My body. Oh this is fantastic.. I can speak. I can sing." He said quite pleased with the results. His voice was rather pretty for a guy and very melodious. The next thing he did was hug malvo tightly. "I swear my loyality...dragon's honor."

@Raven Daniel

Malvo watched Octavus slowly change forms, lowering his hand as he now possessed a small smile. Blinking as he listened to his voice, he paused when his face was touched. And, as the young prince had been hugged, his hood fell from his head - revealing his slightly pointed wolf ears. "N-Not too big on the hugging..." He'd comment. Up close, Malvo's scent would actually come off a bit more feminine than masculine, surprisingly enough. It was also very demonic and wolf-like. Perhaps that was why he didn't care too much for hugging - as it seemed to possibly expose a few secrets he kept to himself. Or, maybe he just wasn't too big on physical contact.

@mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel
(Alright, I'm heading off for the night. I'll reply tomorrow. G'night!)
Octavus let go and gave a goofy smile. "Sorry.. I'm just really happy,I didn't mean to do something you dislike. " he said rubbing his antler with a small chuckle. He seemingly had a excellent nose and could already smell it either way but he didn't seem too effected by it. He knew he could trust malvo plus the dragon even found the prince's scent very pleasant. Octavus looked at malvo noticing the wolf ears looking like he wanted to fondle them but seemed to resist cuase it would be rude just like if someone tried to fondle his antlers. He looked away. "I take my honor seriously like any other dragon....I'm just a special kind." He says softly.

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Kirara watched Masaru walk off some before running to catch up with him. Masaru's pained look, followed by a sad smile tugged at her heart. She wanted to love and be with him. But also now, to help him. "so im an idiot... bite me." She retorted softly.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei followed and sat beside Cristina on the swinging bench. Little birdy... the nickname did suit her well since as Cristina had said. Rei didn't like big groups of people. She let herself relax, knowing it was only herself and Cristina there helped.

Cristina sat quietly, she never really had any friends before and this was kinda new to her. She had no idea what to say.
(Nevermind, went through it all.)

Mia Roquell Mia shook her head more at Nicholas, chuckling. "Nope." She sat up a little bit to see Octavus in his human form and she brightened up.

She was going to go talk to him until he noticed his horns.
Mine are hidden cause I can't bring attention to myself... She looked at Nicholas then back at the dragon boy and groaned.

She put her head on the table again and said,
"I can't do the things that I wannntt. It'll bring attention to usssss." She groaned into the table.

@mewbot5408 @xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin
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Raven mumbled under his breath. "You really were like what the elder said..." He turned back around, trying his best to keep his emotions in check.

~~~~~~~~~ did this...Ah right! I was his guide. Naomi remembered that she had lead Dei-Loki around the village. "Well, even if you don't ask much, we'll be glad to help in any way."
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina sat quietly, she never really had any friends before and this was kinda new to her. She had no idea what to say.

"So for what do you do for fun?" Rei suddenly asked, she felt playful now that they were away from so many people. Plus it was comforting to have Cristina near.
(I'll be gone for a few hours.)

Masaru chuckled, "don't tempt me." He entered the Inn.

Nicholas frowned, but that was replace by a bright smile. He looked to Masaru. "Masaru, take the illusion off." Masaru gave a somber look as he looked at his best friend. "No." Nicholas gave another puppy dog eyes with a pouting lips. "Stop doing that. . . fine!" He went over to Mia and waved his hands over where her antlers would be. Her antlers popped up not hiding from anyone as Masaru sat down and ate his mutton.
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Mia Roquell Mia sat her head up when Marasu took the illusion off her horns. "Why did you do that? What about not bringing attention? Wouldn't my horns do that?" She sighed and gave them a smile.

"Thank you though, for letting me be me." She got up and hugged Nicholas then hugged Marasu before walking over to the boy with horns, holding hers high. She kept her head straight ahead when humans gave her strange looks, paying no attention to them.

When she reached Octavus, she smiles kindly at him and said,
"you got your human form!" [fieldset] @JayJin @mewbot5408 @xXLittleLokiXx
JayJin said:
(I'll be gone for a few hours.)
Masaru chuckled, "don't tempt me." He entered the Inn.

Nicholas frowned, but that was replace by a bright smile. He looked to Masaru. "Masaru, take the illusion off." Masaru gave a somber look as he looked at his best friend. "No." Nicholas gave another puppy dog eyes with a pouting lips. "Stop doing that. . . fine!" He went over to Mia and waved his hands over where her antlers would be. Her antlers popped up not hiding from anyone as Masaru sat down and ate his mutton.
Kirara blushed at Masaru and still followed him to his table where everyone else was.

(I'm gonna be gone or spotty today)
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
"So for what do you do for fun?" Rei suddenly asked, she felt playful now that they were away from so many people. Plus it was comforting to have Cristina near.

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](I'm gonna be gone or spotty today)


"I uhhh, not much. I've been really busy and don't have any real friends to do anything with" She answered with a shrug.
Once released, Malvo huffed and smirked before shifting in place. "No need t' apologise." He would then slide his hands into his pockets, keeping his ears perked. "Good, nice to hear yer a man of your word. How did you get into the hands of a witch, if you don't mind my asking?"


Dei-Loki nodded to Naomi's words, glancing over to watch raven before quietly turning his gaze over to briefly check on Malvo. Once he saw he'd still been present, he'd then glance around. Not seeming to say anything about his ears being visible, as no one but the small group seemed to be around. "Well... Either of you have a place you need t' be? It would be nice to have a couple of extra people join us in our travels."

@Raven Daniel
Both Raven and Naomi looked at Dei-Loki with interest.


Naomi was very excited, she hadn't been on an adventure for quite a while. "We aren't needed anywhere, we wouldn't mind joining you on your adventure."


Raven nodded in agreement. "Yes, we are free for an adventure." He had never ventured much, running away from attacking humans and all. But, he had knew, Naomi used to explore a lot before.
Grin now seen on the prince's face, Dei-Loki nodded to them both. Pleased to hear about having company willing to explore with him. "Glad to hear it." He then glanced to Malvo once more. "Whenever you and Octavus are ready, we should start preparing t' move. And, for the gods's sakes, put yer hood back on!"

@Raven Daniel

Malvo blinked, pulling his hood back over his head as he nodded. His attention soon shifting to Octavus once more. "We may need t' hide your antlers." He'd say as he watched him. His brow having perked after thinking about it.

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Grin now seen on the prince's face, Dei-Loki nodded to them both. Pleased to hear about having company willing to explore with him. "Glad to hear it." He then glanced to Malvo once more. "Whenever you and Octavus are ready, we should start preparing t' move. And, for the gods's sakes, put yer hood back on!"
@Raven Daniel

Malvo blinked, pulling his hood back over his head as he nodded. His attention soon shifting to Octavus once more. "We may need t' hide your antlers." He'd say as he watched him. His brow having perked after thinking about it.

(I wanna go on an adventure :( )
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Same)
"I uhhh, not much. I've been really busy and don't have any real friends to do anything with" She answered with a shrug.

Rei grinned and grabbed Cristina's hands with both of her own. "t-then..." Rei blushed, "do you want to... have fun with me?" She asked and half-avoided and half-looked into Cristina's eyes, waiting.
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](I wanna go on an adventure :( )

(Join us, then. xD )
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei grinned and grabbed Cristina's hands with both of her own. "t-then..." Rei blushed, "do you want to... have fun with me?" She asked and half-avoided and half-looked into Cristina's eyes, waiting.

Cristina flushed red, not expecting to have her hands held. "I-I uhm... s-sure. Let's go have fun" she took fleeting glances at Rei. Not wanting to look at her due to embarrassment. She did eventually though "Yeah! Lets just go on a crazy adventure! The two of us together!"

(Still gone here and there.)

Nicholas kept his smile as he hugged his brother too. "Stop being clingy." Masaru growled trying to pull away from the hug. He was on high alert for anyone that tried to fight his group. "Nope, you're growing up. You use to be so against everything. I'm very proud of you." Masaru snarled at Nicholas. "Shut up, get off me." Nicholas kissed Masaru's head which caused for Masaru to yell and squirm even more. "Don't run. Accept my love, Fox."
Terricus stared on, laughing all the while the two brothers were being strange, 'My master's a man child isn't he?' he thought to himself. Terricus didn't care, that just means life on the road will be funny and entertaining. He asked for a slice of ham as Masaru tried to run away. Which made him laugh harder.

@JayJin (And, @ anyone else that is still here)

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