Indescribable (Closed)

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei smiled gratefully at Cristina as she was towed out of the inn. Being outside with less people, Rei's sickly paled face started regaining color. "t-thanks..."

Cristina looked at Rei concerned "wow, you really don't like talking to many people do you uccellino?" (<-Little birdy in Italian) she finished in her native tounge, giving the girl a new nickname.
The dragon exhaled deeply and gave a huff. Well. He should've expected that when it was a sort of lover's spat. Maybe he could just wait for malvo to come back or maybe he could go find him. The dragon shook his head and sniffed the ground intently before going off to find his new owner. He finally found him soon enough but also found another exactly resembling him which confused the dragon to a t. There were two of him. He tilted his head quaintly but he recognized which one was his and let out a questioning chirp as if he wanted to know what was going on.



@Shiro kurogane



@Heir of Dalania
"Hmm, interesting...Guess I won't be the only demon in this traveling pack of people." he said smiling, glad to be with his kind...kinda. But non the less, he was no long bound by the land, and can roam anywhere Nick goes, that was a great thing. "Shame...Kinda wished someone would have been full human, be nice to use my power for something other than myself..." he said, as it was in his, new, nature to help people.

@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @Comet @mewbot5408 @xXLittleLokiXx
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina looked at Rei concerned "wow, you really don't like talking to many people do you uccellino?" (<-Little birdy in Italian) she finished in her native tounge, giving the girl a new nickname.

"y-yeah... i don't know why. being around so many at once... it just instantly makes pure fear course through me." Rei smiled, but the smile looked weak and slightly forced. "and uccellino? whats that?" She asked, still using Cristina to stay standing. "it sounds pretty..."
Malvo stared at Dei-Loki for a moment, eyes slightly trembling as he glared. "... Fine." He would growl, yanking his arm free.

"Good. Now, come on." Dei-Loki huffed, leading the way back over to both Raven and Naomi - only to pause and raise a brow once he looked to Octavus. The ears under his hood perking from the chirp.

"Sorry t' leave y' like that, Octavus." Malvo would tell the dragon, looking to him and patting him gently. Glancing to Dei-Loki soon after. "Oh, ehm... Octavus, this is Dei-Loki. Dei-Loki... Octavus. I came across a group of men and a witch that had been trying to sell him and I bought him."

"You... Bought a dragon?.." Dei-Loki was a bit stunned as he watched them both. Alec also having watched from his pocket.

"I wanted t' help him. He seems t' be more than what he looks like currently, and I couldn't stand t' see him in chains and restraints..." Malvo huffed, shifting in place. "I'm tellin' you, I didn't buy him t' be a pet."

Dei-Loki still appeared to be stunned by Malvo's choice. He knew that they both had a soft spot for dragons, but he never thought Malvo was ever one to willingly help out anyone. Sighing, Dei-Loki shrugged it off before looking to Octavus. "Well, it's a pleasure t' meet you, Octavus."

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania @JayJin, @mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
"y-yeah... i don't know why. being around so many at once... it just instantly makes pure fear course through me." Rei smiled, but the smile looked weak and slightly forced. "and uccellino? whats that?" She asked, still using Cristina to stay standing. "it sounds pretty..."

"Oh that"
She said gaining a slight blush "It-it means Little Birdy in Italian. Seeing as how you seem to have a disire to be free, you don't like groups people, and said your from another world entirely, I-I thought it would be a cute nickname for you" she said looking to her feet and rubbing the back of her head while leading Rei back to her house.
Naomi looked to Dei-Loki, as if she about to explode.


"Just ask Naomi." Raven said, because he saw her in this kind of state.


"Dei-Loki do you know anything about the battle of Horuku?" She asked, almost yelling, and she said it like fifty words per minute. She also hoped he was part of the battle. Please...if he isn't I don't know what he reminds me of. Things she couldn't remember haunted her for days.


Raven looked midly suprised, at how fast she spoke. It's like she really was going to explode.

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]
"Oh that" She said gaining a slight blush "It-it means Little Birdy in Italian. Seeing as how you seem to have a disire to be free, you don't like groups people, and said your from another world entirely, I-I thought it would be a cute nickname for you" she said looking to her feet and rubbing the back of her head while leading Rei back to her house.

"little birdy?... its cute, i like it." Rei smiled, this time a real smile. And her cheeks changed color to match Cristina's. Rei now hugged Cristina's arm rather than clinged to it and rested her head in the other girl's shoulder. "it a nice nickname, thank you."
Dei-Loki paused and widened his eyes a small bit at Naomi's words, quickly taking his eyes off of Octavus and looking to her. It was as if the words hit him like an angry bull. His hands clenching a small bit in remembrance.

Malvo noticed this, continuing to pet Octavus as he looked to Dei-Loki. "Little Loki..?" He would ask, almost sounding concerned.

Dei-Loki had not answered Malvo as he slowly advanced in both Raven and Naomi's direction. "... How do you know of that battle, if I may ask?.."

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania @JayJin, @mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
Octavus Nuzzled malvo's hand in response to being petted and his tail gave a light wag in response. He nodded showing he understood and gave a hello chirp. His ears perked up at the presence of two others and he tilted his head lightly. The dragon exhaled deeply and felt a hot feeling in his throat as he merely pushed out a few words finally. " v-v-voice..." Was all that he could manage to say before it blended into chirps again and he whimpered rather displeased his voice didn't come back but for only only a moment.

@Raven Daniel

Raven and Naomi both took a step back.


Naomi then sadly grinned. "Do you remeber who all you fought with? Trying to protect the acolytes from?" She tried to see if he really did know, but to her his reaction was proof enough.


Please tell me he was on our side... He backed up, farther than Naomi. He didn't risk using mind link. Naomi I swear of you make us another enemy. He had then casted aside the threat, the memories starting to catch up. Raven looked to the side, hiding the sadness in his eyes. Our village...destroyed
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Malvo would continue to watch Dei-Loki, pausing and widening his eyes once he heard Octavus's words. His gaze then quickly traveled to him, brows having been raised. "Your voice..?" He questioned, eyes a small bit wide. As he kept his eyes wide, his wolf ears had lowered a small bit. A bit surprised that the voice the dragon gave off turned back into chirps.

Dei-Loki continued to advance before slowing to a stop a few feet away. Sadness now being held in his own eyes as he closed them. A heavy hearted huff escaping him soon after as he sunk into his remembrance.
"I arrived in Horuku the day before it all happened... I-I wasn't planning to stick around, but the village ended up being attacked and I felt as if I had no choice but to stick around and defend the acolytes..." Dei-Loki would then clear his throat as his hands remained angrily clenched. "So many lives lost that day..."

@mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
"little birdy?... its cute, i like it." Rei smiled, this time a real smile. And her cheeks changed color to match Cristina's. Rei now hugged Cristina's arm rather than clinged to it and rested her head in the other girl's shoulder. "it a nice nickname, thank you."

Cristina remained quiet, not used to receiving any kind of affection she wasn't sure what to do. She lead Rei too her home. "Why dont we relax and calm down our nerves for a bit?"
Raven then decided to speak up. "I don't know why most of them didn't fight back."


Then, both Ravens and Naomis eyes glew a bright purple, signaling that they themselves were acolytes.


Them, it was Naomis turn to speak. "Well...seeing as you saved us two...we owe you our life...and more." She said, remembering the day Dei-Loki came. She let a tear streak down her face.


Raven turned around, how he had always hid his feelings. "Thank you..." He said loud enough Loki could hear. H-How have you not gone mad?! That war was ao traumatic, you were stuck physically at the age of 13 for a few years! Please do not remind me Toma... Once again, the voice had shut up. He also had his hands balled up angrily.
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina remained quiet, not used to receiving any kind of affection she wasn't sure what to do. She lead Rei too her home. "Why dont we relax and calm down our nerves for a bit?"

"sounds great." Rei answered, looking much better then she had in the inn. She smiled again, but softer this time.
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Octavus continued to try to speak again but it only came out as chirps before he managed to break the barrier on his vocal cords this time it came out again. It seemed like he was somehow forcing his voice through if only by a little. "M-m-malvo....spell....*chirp*" he forced out hoping malvo would understand. He sat up on his hind legs scratching at his throat.

@Raven Daniel

(Goodnight, @Comet)

Nicholas smiled as he saw her eyelids drop. "Of course you're not."

Masaru snapped, he laughed at the girl. "Love? Love? You don't know what love is, and what you think of love is just puppy love. You don't me, nor my past." His voice wavered as if he was losing himself. "You are so dumb. You're an idiot." His words became even more shakier and quiet like a ghost. "You know nothing of what I am. So many people that I have killed and you come and tell me that you love me. It just makes me sick. Don't come near. For the love of all Gods, run away from me." Images of watching his family die. His beloved, Elizabeth. Dead. Dead. Dead. "Get the Hell away from me."

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177 @mewbot5408 @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Dei-Loki's eyes then opened once more, a bit wide from their words. His eyes widening even more as he watched their gazes glow. "Wait, you both were--?" He shakily sighed as it completely came back to him. Averting his gaze, he shook his head and brought a hand to his face. "I... I'm sorry I couldn't help save more of you..."

Malvo kept his own eyes widened, watching Octavus as he smirked a small bit. "I knew you were more than what you seemed." He said quietly before shifting in place. Biting his lip, he tried to think of a way to help - his ears perking more as he blinked from the idea of the spell. His hood nearly falling off of his head. "Try yer hardest t' speak more. I want t' help in any way I can."

@mewbot5408, @Raven Daniel
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
"sounds great." Rei answered, looking much better then she had in the inn. She smiled again, but softer this time.

Cristina entered her house and sat on a swinging bench on her balcony overlooking the sea. She swung gently back and forth.

(Going to sleep. Tomorrow replies will prob be slow, will probably be slow for a like a week. Im at a national park so not much Internet access out here but ill try to reply as much as possible regardless. Hotel wifi ftw)
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Kirara looked at Masaru blankly. Her mind warring between staying and running. But hearing Masaru's words shook her out of it. If she ran now, she might never be able to be next to Masaru. The same also went for if she stayed. "no, im not leaving." She said, determined. "im here cause i wanted to be with you and learn about you."


(same, im off for the night too)
Naomi looked to Dei-Loki, walking up to him. "It's not your did what you could, and Raven and I are very grateful." She tried to make him feel better, as she looked to Raven, as he was turned around.


Raven, who had caught a few tears from falling from the ground, started to speak up. "Yes...You did do your very best, if it wasn't for you, we'd be completely gone." He wiped away more tears.
He soon after trying so hard managed to force out a full sentence but the words were spaced out and chirps were heard between them.

"'t.......speak....or...shift...form..." He squeaked and was staring at malvo intently. He was trying so hard to communicate. Though from what he said it was it was obvious he needed the barrier removed. Malvo could remove it by using a counter spell or even a remedy or spell book.

@Raven Daniel


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