Indescribable (Closed)

Kuro peeked out from behind Doni's back as he was blocking the doorway. "so.. who are these two?" @Aaron775 @AlekaXKaden

Kirara's eyes widened at Masaru calling her a hag and she nearly jumped the asshole. Luckily he had been distracted from her near slip about liking him. "don't worry about it. and if you call me a hag a agian, i will plant your face into the ground."

Rei nodded and sorta hid behind Cristina and pushed her towards the group like a riot shield.

@Heir of Dalania @Comet @CERBERUS177
Naomi kept watching Dei-Loki. "It's not that it's obvious. I just feel like...i've either saw you before, or that I knew from somewhere else..." She didn't want to sound creepy, but it felt as if she should know he is.


Raven looked around, looking for Malvo.
Masaru sighed, ignoring Kirara once again. "Go ahead, Mia. Just don't bring too much attention to yourself." Nicholas laughed, "Wow, I think my brother is beginning to care for you." He sat down next to Masaru.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177
JayJin said:
"Take this." He pushed the cup filled with water towards Mia and felt being swatted on the head again. "Stop hitting me, you hag." He growled lowly, but stopped when she stopped her sentence. "Wait, wha-" he turned back around to Terricus's request. "No-" "Of course, you can." Nicholas came and gave Mia buttered bread and freshly picked berries. "No." "Yes." "That is too many. I agreed with Mia because she can't hurt a gnat, but him?" Nicholas went to his knees and gave his best puppy eyes. "Don't" "P-P-Please Masaru." "Fine. Fine, he can come."
@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177
Terricus smiled, and sneakily summoned his contract, "All yours. " he said, hanging it to the one that convinced him to bring Terricus along with them, since the man obviously didn't really want him there, "Might I ask my masters name? " he said.

(Stuck on phone, and it won't tag sorry )
Aaron775 said:
" someone told me about you two, what's the reason for this rigorous training? if you don't mind me asking." @Shiro kurogane @AlekaXKaden
Aaron775 said:
Doni turned to kuro. "They're royalty and they're both supernaturals that have great power." @Shiro kurogane
"great power?" Kuro's eyes lit up. A habit from her past. But she quickly forced her eyes back to normal again. Kuro's own power was... a bit much to put it lightly.
(There are so many characters and post are happening so fast Im really confused who is who and who is doing what)

Cristina fliped around and grabbed Rei's arm so they walked parallel to the group. She nudged Rei forward a bit.

(@Shiro kurogane Who is in the group were talking too?)
JayJin said:
Masaru sighed, ignoring Kirara once again. "Go ahead, Mia. Just don't bring too much attention to yourself." Nicholas laughed, "Wow, I think my brother is beginning to care for you." He sat down next to Masaru.
@Shiro kurogane @Comet @CERBERUS177
Kirara was mad now. Masaru ignored her again! She grabbed Masaru by his shirt and dragged the jerk outside the inn where no one could see then and dispersed her flames, becoming visible again. "quit ignoring me you cocky, good-looking, dick wad of a man!" She then decided fuck it, and kissed Masaru before letting him go and turning to walk back into the inn.
Heir of Dalania](There are so many characters and post are happening so fast Im really confused who is who and who is doing what) Cristina fliped around and grabbed Rei's arm so they walked parallel to the group. She nudged Rei forward a bit. ([URL=" said:
@Shiro kurogane[/URL] Who is in the group were talking too?)
(Yeah, you're right. Alright, let's all calm down with our posting. Give time and chill out.)
Heir of Dalania](There are so many characters and post are happening so fast Im really confused who is who and who is doing what) Cristina fliped around and grabbed Rei's arm so they walked parallel to the group. She nudged Rei forward a bit. ([URL=" said:
@Shiro kurogane[/URL] Who is in the group were talking too?)
(im fucking confused tooo.... lets just say masaru's group)
(Lol, no.)

Mia mia got the okay go go calm the dragon but she shook her head. "He's calm. He'll be fine." She told Masaru, looking at the dragon. She could sense something different about him, but she couldn't exactly tell for sure. She sighed and ate her food that Nicholas got her, giving him a smile of thanks before eating a berry.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @CERBERUS177 @mewbot5408 @xXLittleLokiXx
Octavus chirped. He wished he had his voice back at least but that would probably scare people even more. His tail wagged and his bandaged wings ruffled a little but didn't move quite. He tilted his head to the side looking at malvo and chirped before sticking his blue snout to the floor. Recognizing a faimlar scent he found himself quickly trotting around over to Mia chirping loudly and nudged his head into her lap in hopes she'd know him. Octavus was a rather decent sized feathered blue dragon larger and a huge fluffy tail and antlers on his head that curled back. He chirped nudging her hand. 'Please recognize me...' He hoped.



@Shiro kurogane



@Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki lifted his brows, slowly pushing the door of the inn open. Naomi's words caught him by surprise, as he was usually good with faces and names. However, both her and Raven seemed a bit familiar to him, as well. He'd then shrug as he glanced around the inn. "Well, we could've met in passing. Th-This isn't my first time in this realm, after all."

@Raven Daniel

Malvo watched the staff members cautiously watch them as he continued to pat Octavus in an effort to soothe him. Watching him go to Mia, he tilted his head before slowly following. The corruption speaking in Malvo's mind once more. Your choice of action confuses me. 'Does it?' He'd then pause, looking around as he felt Dei-Loki's presence, as well as two others. 'Shite...' I tried t' warn ya, m'lady~. 'Just shut up and keep my presence hidden.'

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane, @mewbot5408
Masaru looked confused after Kirara kissed him. He sighed, leaning his head against the wall. "Why do I attract the loonies?"

Nicholas watched Masaru being dragged out and then turned to Terricus. "Please, we're friends. I'm Nicholas and that man that left is my brother, Masaru."
Mia Mia was going to introduce herself to the new person, but the dragon laid his head in her lap. She looked down at it with surprise, looking into his eyes. She knew what he was, and a name popped into her head.

"Octavus?" She asked then looked at Nicholas with a confused look. She looked at the dragon handler with a confused look also then back down at the dragon. "Nicholas..." She called catiously, trying to get his attention.

She could sense the human in the dragon, knowing that is what he wanted, but she didn't know how...
"I know you, but I'm no help to you.." She sighed, petting the dragons head.
@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @mewbot5408
"im not a loonie!" Kirara yelled at Masaru, having heard the remark as she walked away, heading back inside the inn.

Naomi went to Raven, trying to see if Raven had recognised Dei-Loki. "Um...nothing comes to mind...maybe when we were children?" He asked, maybe they had met him when they were little.


This started to bug Naomi. "Ok, you keep looking, i'm going to figure this out." She walked off, still in the inn, but she sat down in corner, thinking to herself.


Raven was then behind Dei-Loki. "I think you're twin is in here somewhere..." He hoped Dei-Loki didn't think he was the person to explain the obvious. Greeting friend! Hello Toma. You've something to do? Yes I do, please stop speaking, i'm trying to focus. Then, as if Toma was a pet, he had became quiet almost instantly.
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(Short version of my characters backstory for you new people: she is a reincarnated princesses whos Kingdom was turned to ash by a dragon named Vexx. As punishment for this the gods bound their souls together for eternity as a force for good in the world. She can hear Vexx speak in her head (this text) and also has the ability to summon Vexx himself for a short time by saying the correct phrase.)

Cristina stopped in her tracks upon seeing the dragon. "Uhhmm... is that a..." yep "oh" she approached the dragon slowly and just looked at it, obviously her and dragons have a deep history.

@Shiro kurogane @JayJin @Comet @mewbot5408
JayJin said:
Masaru looked confused after Kirara kissed him. He sighed, leaning his head against the wall. "Why do I attract the loonies?"
Nicholas watched Masaru being dragged out and then turned to Terricus. "Please, we're friends. I'm Nicholas and that man that left is my brother, Masaru."
"Which term do you prefer? Nicholas or more formal words?" he asked him, seeing that Terricus was now under command of Nicholas, it'd be best to ask how to be addressed, even though Terricus wasn't much for the word 'master', he can say 'sire ' or something alike.

(This phone sucks )
Aaron775 said:
" someone told me about you two, what's the reason for this rigorous training? if you don't mind me asking." @Shiro kurogane @AlekaXKaden
"Our kingdom, Hyrule, is in danger and we are the only royality that were in the area, but we knew we weren't strong enough to defeat what was coming, so we secretly fled to train." Zaylia replied.

(I posted this on my phone so sorry if anything is misspelled)
Aaron775 said:
Doni turned to kuro. "They're royalty and they're both supernaturals that have great power." @Shiro kurogane
(Well in my opinion, elves aren't supernatural and Levan is 25% werewolf so in my mind he's the only supernatural, plus you shouldn't have said anything about them being supernatural because Zaylia doesn't know about Levan's werewolf gene)
"Nope, you are definitely crazy." Masaru smirked as he followed her back into the Inn.

"Just call me Nick or Nicholas. Either is fine with me, just don't think of me as a master or whatever you call it. That's wrong." He took a bite of his mutton and then looked up to Mia. "What is it?"
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