Indescribable (Closed)

(Do you guys understand how hard it is to type when you burned all the skin off the tip of your fingers?;3; )
(im back and not gonna read through the four pages of stuff i missed because im tired as hell and lazy)
Comet said:
(Do you guys understand how hard it is to type when you burned all the skin off the tip of your fingers?;3; )
(Oooo, ouch... How did that happen?)

Dei-Loki had not noticed Raven close-by, as his attention was completely on Malvo. "Malvo--"

"PROMISE ME, DEI-LOKI!" Her tone was panicked, and almost heart wrenching as she shouted those words.

Dei-Loki paused, lowering his ears as he entered a more relaxed position. But, even though he appeared calm, he was trembling a bit inside. What had Malvo this worried? Nothing worries his Nightmare side! This was truly unsettling.
"I promise... Shadow Warden's honour. But, only if you tell me why..."

@Raven Daniel
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](im back and not gonna read through the four pages of stuff i missed because im tired as hell and lazy)

(Told you not to work too hard, lol.

Welcome back!)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Oooo, ouch... How did that happen?)
(At work. I was told to move the soups, no one told me they were hot cause of the vent on top of the 340 degree oven, I thought they were away from the vent, then when I went to grab it and take it off, I didn't let go in time to save some skin.)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(Told you not to work too hard, lol.
Welcome back!)
(hiow does one not work hard with three jobs? that like asking a fish to stop breathing under water and learn to breath air in 10 seconds.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](hiow does one not work hard with three jobs? that like asking a fish to stop breathing under water and learn to breath air in 10 seconds.)

(Agreed. Goodnight!)
JayJin said:
(Time for the feels. I'm crying so much.)
The boys looked to each other, tears brimming their eyes. Elizabeth faltered and crumbled onto her knees, tearing slipping out of her eyes, staining her cheeks. "D-Don't cry. Please, don't cry. Lizzy, you have been. . .I love you. We both love you. Thank you. Thank you. Don't cry, you're making me cry." Luis gave a small laugh as he wiped the snot and tears from his face. Tervance did the same, tears spilling onto the carpet floor. "Be good you two. Don't get into any trouble. . . promise me. Promise you that you'll be good and happy." She shook, her body felt wrecked as she stared at her friends. "I love you both too." Tervance and Luis look to each other, "it's time to go, right? Why does it hurt so much? I don't-" Tevance grabbed into a hug and held him tightly. "We'll meet each other on the other side. Don't ever think that. I'll find you. You are my ghost brother after all. All the way through and through." They looked to each other and said, "through thick and skin." They did their own handshake, and hesitated before letting go. "You go first, Terd. I'll be right after yeah, and i'll beat your butt at chess when I get there." Tervance laugh, "good luck with that. I'm a champion." Tervance then turned, but abruptly turned back Luis. "I love you, brother." Luis looked up at the ceiling, tears caked his cheeks. "And I love you. . .my brother. See ya on the Clearing." Tervance wiping his tears from his face and nodded to Nia, "I'm . . . i'm ready."

(You should listen to this song while reading this.


(My heart... agh FEEEEEEELLLLSS!)

Nia did, finding his memory and sending him on, walking up with him to the door, before telling him something she put a hand on his chest and one on his cheek. Closing her eyes as she recited the words for an elfs passing"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul..." with that she smiled and walked back to do the same with the brother.
(I guess I'm off to bed too. I will reply to things in the morning, if there is anything to reply to with mia(not Ash... Yet.c; ), and since I'll be up before all of you.;3; I always am. xD Anyways, GOODNIGHT! )
"I... I don't know exactly what it is... It has a bit of a Blighter feel to it, though..." Malvo whined, her ears low as she flattened ever ears.

"Blighters?.. Malvo, don't you think, if it were that, I would be able to sense it, too?" Dei-Loki sighed. Shadow Wardens were the only ones able to sense such a thing coming. The off thing was, Malvo was a Warden, as well... Why couldn't Dei-Loki sense what she could? With another sigh, Dei-Loki paused before looking to Raven after picking up his scent. "You don't need to hide, Raven."

@Raven Daniel
Comet said:
(I guess I'm off to bed too. I will reply to things in the morning, if there is anything to reply to with mia(not Ash... Yet.c; ), and since I'll be up before all of you.;3; I always am. xD Anyways, GOODNIGHT! )
(Night! :D )
(Goodnight to both of you. I feel emotional drained and I need some sleep. Goodnight.)

Nicholas smiled, "don't worry. They are exactly like me. Optimistic. In fact, they probably have moved from the whole Ash incident and relaxing with their children."

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](My heart... agh FEEEEEEELLLLSS!)
Nia did, finding his memory and sending him on, walking up with him to the door, before telling him something she put a hand on his chest and one on his cheek. Closing her eyes as she recited the words for an elfs passing"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul..." with that she smiled and walked back to do the same with the brother.

Tervance smiled as Nia did that and looked back, waving. Lui and Elizabeth waved back, watching as Tervance turned and walked into the door. Then, the door disappeared. Lui then walked up to Nia and felt her seeking into his memories.

"Tervance! Get down!" Luis ran to his little brother and hugged him tightly, the bullies fired their rounds into Luis's back, but he stood there. Strong as ever as he held his little brother. Blood pooled out of his mouth and he knew that one of his lungs collapsed. His breathing became ridged and short and he fell in the alley. Tervance cried, keeping his sobs quiet so that the bullies did come back and do the same to him. He held his brother tightly to his chest. "Stay. . .strong for me." His words shook as they became gurgled. "No matter. . .what. I love you. You're my best friend. You're my little brother. I'll find you in the after life, I. . .promise." Luis hugged his brother back and that's the last thing he did.

He turned to see his door, the door swung open and he was greeted by the sight of his brother, his Mom and his Dad. "Come on, Luis. Mother's baking apple pie tonight!" His reached upwards, and cheered. Luis turned around to both of them. "Without you two, I wouldn't have found my home again. . .thank you." He gave a genuine smile and laughed, it didn't sound old and tired as it was before. It sounded young, full of innocence, wonder and love. He turned back around and ran to his family, laughing all the way. The door shut and disappeared. "I couldn't done any of this without you. . .thanks. She wiped at her tears. She grabbed Nia's hand, walked down the hall and clicked off the nights. "Goodnight guys. . .i'll miss you." She closed the door and turned to Nia, "Think you can walk me to my bedroom and maybe lay down with me for awhile? I really don't want to be alone right now." She grabbed Nia's hand and followed her.
JayJin said:
(Goodnight to both of you. I feel emotional drained and I need some sleep. Goodnight.)
Nicholas smiled, "don't worry. They are exactly like me. Optimistic. In fact, they probably have moved from the whole Ash incident and relaxing with their children."

Tervance smiled as Nia did that and looked back, waving. Lui and Elizabeth waved back, watching as Tervance turned and walked into the door. Then, the door disappeared. Lui then walked up to Nia and felt her seeking into his memories.

"Tervance! Get down!" Luis ran to his little brother and hugged him tightly, the bullies fired their rounds into Luis's back, but he stood there. Strong as ever as he held his little brother. Blood pooled out of his mouth and he knew that one of his lungs collapsed. His breathing became ridged and short and he fell in the alley. Tervance cried, keeping his sobs quiet so that the bullies did come back and do the same to him. He held his brother tightly to his chest. "Stay. . .strong for me." His words shook as they became gurgled. "No matter. . .what. I love you. You're my best friend. You're my little brother. I'll find you in the after life, I. . .promise." Luis hugged his brother back and that's the last thing he did.

He turned to see his door, the door swung open and he was greeted by the sight of his brother, his Mom and his Dad. "Come on, Luis. Mother's baking apple pie tonight!" His reached upwards, and cheered. Luis turned around to both of them. "Without you two, I wouldn't have found my home again. . .thank you." He gave a genuine smile and laughed, it didn't sound old and tired as it was before. It sounded young, full of innocence, wonder and love. He turned back around and ran to his family, laughing all the way. The door shut and disappeared. "I couldn't done any of this without you. . .thanks. She wiped at her tears. She grabbed Nia's hand, walked down the hall and clicked off the nights. "Goodnight guys. . .i'll miss you." She closed the door and turned to Nia, "Think you can walk me to my bedroom and maybe lay down with me for awhile? I really don't want to be alone right now." She grabbed Nia's hand and followed her.
Nia's body was ice cold "I was going to ask you the same thing... being surrounded by death's aura, so close to the other side. I saw people on the other side I knew, my uncle, cousins..." she shuddered "I need to be close to someone alive." She said leading her to her room.
Raven walked into their veiw, looking more depressed than normal. "So, what are these things that has Malvi freaking out?" He got right to the point, wanting to see if ut was his turn to help protect his friends.


Naomi had gotten up, and started to search for Raven, as she had found something incredibly powerful.
(Guys, in the world where this RP is an anime. The title for today's episode is "Ghosts of the past" I've made up my mind, it's perfect because Ash came back and we delt with actual ghosts and their past)
(These may sound a bit like Darkspawn from Dragon Age, but, I assure you, they are very, very different.)

Dei-Loki sighed gently, crossing his arms as he dove into explanation. "What Malvo is referring to are Blighters. Only found back home, they are, typically, and end-of-the world bringing army of creatures if they're found out to be led by a much higher level demon. They also have a hand in our version of Ragnarök. However, after the last war we had back home, no one has seen a Blighter since." Dei-Loki gently sighed once more at the thought. Slightly shuttering in the process. "They're a disgusting lot, and they enjoy torturing for fun. Being a Shadow Warden gives both Malvo and I the benefit to sense when a war is coming, plus we're immune to the poison that courses through their veins."

"I don't sense an army, though... Right now it's just... a dark feeling." Malvo sighed, closing her eyes. She was, obviously, very upset about this whole thing. "I think a couple of them are in this realm... There is at least one somewhere out there..."

@Raven Daniel
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Guys, in the world where this RP is an anime. The title for today's episode is "Ghosts of the past" I've made up my mind, it's perfect because Ash came back and we delt with actual ghosts and their past)


I was skimming through your's and Jay's posts on my way home and my friend peeked over my shoulder and was like; "Hey! The new Ghostbusters script looks great.")
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xXLittleLokiXx said:
I was skimming through your's and Jay's posts on my way home and my friend peeked over my shoulder and was like; "Hey! The new Ghostbusters script looks great.")
(Im sure it would be better than that monstrosity that just came out under the same name)
Raven listened, remembering all the information he could. ", do we need to keep a look out?" He asked, whatever these things were, sorta creeped him out.


Naomi was still wandering, trying to find Raven. She had no luck, even though he was talking. She kept looking, but for some reason she couldn't find him.
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(Made me laugh for a good five minutes...
Must've been the sugar high I was on. .w. )
(If it makes you feel better, when I found those pics like my profile pic I was litteraly rolling around on my bed in laughter because when I dont sleep, I laugh at anything for minutes on end. It was bad....)

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