Indescribable (Closed)

JayJin said:
(Good whatever-time-it-is, everyone. Also Shiro, we already pass that. We went and rescued the parents. Met Ash and Masaru almost lost his humanity when he turning close into his nogitsune form. Now, they're back with the parents.)
(i did say i wasn't reading through the pages i missed last night.... so i guess Kirara is just off doing her own thing for now.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](i did say i wasn't reading through the pages i missed last night.... so i guess Kirara is just off doing her own thing for now.)

(I know, just trying to catch you up. Just throw her in however ya like. :) )
JayJin said:
(Listen! I can sleep in when I want to sleep in. Now, let Mama Jin sleep.)
(I let you sleep in mama Jin. One of your babbles is sorry.;3; since almost everyone is going to bed in the to.. Whatcha guys wanna do?)
Comet said:
(I let you sleep in mama Jin. One of your babbles is sorry.;3; since almost everyone is going to bed in the to.. Whatcha guys wanna do?)
(Now, I can't sleep, babble #3. So, all babbles, are we going to timeskip or nahhhhhhhh?????????)

JayJin said:
(Now, I can't sleep, babble #3. So, all babbles, are we going to timeskip or nahhhhhhhh?????????)
("babble #3", I wanna be #1

And I'm up for a time skip.)
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Comet said:
("babble #3, I wanna be #1

And I'm up for a time skip.)
(Fine, you can be babble #1, but if anyone else wants that title, you'll have to fight till someone gets a booboo. Also, are we going to wait for @xXLittleLokiXx or do we just want to timeskip to the morning?)
JayJin said:
(Fine, you can be babble #1, but if anyone else wants that title, you'll have to fight till someone gets a booboo. Also, are we going to wait for @xXLittleLokiXx or do we just want to timeskip to the morning?)
(Im sure he would be fine with it)
JayJin said:
(Fine, you can be babble #1, but if anyone else wants that title, you'll have to fight till someone gets a booboo. Also, are we going to wait for @xXLittleLokiXx or do we just want to timeskip to the morning?)
(I will fight. -wheezes loudly-

And yeah, it's just to the morning. xD I think he would be fine with it?)
Comet said:
(I will fight. -wheezes loudly-
And yeah, it's just to the morning. xD I think he would be fine with it?)
(Alright then, go on without me for a bit. I'll be back shortly.)
JayJin said:
(Alright then, go on without me for a bit. I'll be back shortly.)

For once, mia slept in. She woke up a few times last night from nightmares, and right now was nightmare free and she wasn't going to pass it up. She nuzzled more into Nicholas, rolling around to face him and put her face in his chest, falling deeper into sleep. @JayJin
Nicholas groaned as Mia was squirming around. He opened one of his eyes to see Mia tossing and turning. He gently removed himself from his bed, pushing as much of the blankets into Mia's arms to keep her from waking up and worrying. He stretched and walked to the bathroom. Soon the bathtub was filled and he began to clean himself.

@Comet (A.K.A. Babble #1)
Nia was fast asleep in Elizabeth's bed, and unconsciously pulled the other girl close to her. Holding her tight as she mumbled in her sleep.

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(Now, while Nicholas is bathing, secretly Ash will come.)

In her sleep, she hugged the blankets to her tight. Then... A small chuckle woke her up. A chuckle that was way too familiar. She opened her eyes to see Ash's face in front of her, that grin plastered on his face. "Goodmorning sweetheart." He whispered.

Mia is as going to scream but then his hand was pressed to her mouth.
"No no, don't scream. Just wanna talk to you. Actually, I want to make a deal. You know the power merge spell right?" Mia nodded, remembering all the rules to it. "Yes, I know all the rules, you're going through them in your head. Look, I want half of your powers, and you get half of mine. I can't use any powers against you, but you, however, can. If I lose in whatever situation, all your powers return to you. If one of us dies, the other gets full control of both powers. Do it, and I won't attack your friends."

Mia looked at his face then looked towards the door that Nicholas was behind. "Not here, I'll find you later out in the woods, but I'm only doing it to keep them safe." She whispered back to him, his grin widening. "Deal, see you later sweetheart." And with that, he Was gone.

"Nicholas?" Mia called, sitting up and looking towards the door he was behind. @JayJin
He finished cleaning himself off and heard Ash's voice with the Inugami ears. He wrapped the towel around his waist when he heard Mia call to him. He opened the door and looked directly into Mia's eyes. "You think that's a safe thing to do, Doe-eyes?" His Auburn hair matted to his head as he leaned close to Mia's face.


Elizabeth hugged onto Nia and sighed, "you smell like cinnamon buns."

@Heir of Dalania
Mia looked back into his eyes and hugged the blankets to her chest tighter. "What's not a good idea?" She told him, her heart beating faster as he leaned closer to her. Her eyes didn't waver from his, but her mind was racing and you could see it in her eyes. For his safety, for everyone's safety.

"Don't try that act. Answer me, Mia. Do you think that's a safe thing to do? To listen to him? I just don't want you to get hurt, but if you want to do something so stupid, then who am I to stop you?" Nicholas felt pissed that Mia couldn't trust his words. No matter how many times he said it, she always doubted him. He understood that she wanted to keep them safe, but that was what Ash wanted. He came to her, told her of it. She was playing his game, she was his pawn and she didn't think that there could be a different solution.


Elizabeth rubbed her eyes as she looked to Nia, "of course you don't. You were really tired after all that ghost stuff."

@Heir of Dalania
Mia sighed and looked down. "I don't know. I mean, I want to protect you as much as you want to protect me. I just told him that so he would go. I trust your words Nicholas, if I do it, it'll make him stronger." She looked up at him and gave him a pained look. "Do you know how hard it is to turn down someone you knew everything about. I know something is good in him, he used to be good. He's doing what he's doing to get back at the ones who did him wrong. I know some day he's going to go after my dad, then to get back at me, he'll go after you."

A tear streamed down her cheek as she looked down at the covers. "You taught me feelings I have never felt. I don't want him to take you away from me. Even though we aren't "mated", as him and Masaru puts it, I don't want you to leave." @JayJin
"Mia." He sighed and sat down by her, pulling her to his chest and kissed her temple. "If you are certain that this is what you want then i'll be behind you one hundred percent, but if he hurts you in any Gods damn way, i'll rip his head off before he can even speak. Just. . .do you trust his words? You're playing as his pawn if you do this. He wants you to do this for a reason. You might save the people that you've come to care for, but what about the world? Why give him the power when the world is more important than us." Nicholas put his head against Mia's and spoke softly. "Whatever you choose, if you truly think that this is the right decision, i'll be right there for you. I won't leave you. . .i'll never leave you unless you tell me to go. Now, stop crying, my angel."

Mia sniffled, letting him pull her into his chest. He spoke words that really comforted her, but her mind was still racing. She closed her eyes when he put his forehead against, her breathing slowing down and calming more as she sniffled. "If I don't do it, what if he does something to you guys? I mean, I don't want to do it, cause I'll only keep half of my powers and get half of his.. He can't attack me with the powers after the deal is made and the powers are switched, but he can still attack you guys. I don't want to see him kill you guys with my powers." She looked into his eyes and sighed. "I don't know, I want to trust him, but then I don't."

She then looked down and realization came to her mind. "Um... Nicholas you're in a towel. If I am correct, you're..." She blushed and looked away, not wanting to say it as her innocent mind took over. Then, Ash's words came into her head, like he was speaking to her right then. You know you want to. You know you want to know what it's like. You're too scared...

Then, after he was done toying with Mia's mind, he moved on to Nicholas's. Go for it. You want her, when will you get another chance like this? Look at her, her body is like a goddess, just touch it and have fun.. The snickering laugh rang through his head, as he stayed there in his mind, telling him the same thing over and over again. @JayJin

(I just realized, Ash is a real fucking dick.)

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