Indescribable (Closed)

"You really up for fighting?" Malvo asked, looking to Dei-Loki.

"I'm always willing to fight." Dei-Loki bluntly answered, clenching a fist as a green energy seemed to surround it. This was followed by torn ribbons and strands of black energy that continuously circled around it.

"Good. Just... let's not overdo it. We're here to help Nicholas's family, not start Ragnarök... OR the blight." A heavy sigh would follow Malvo's words, being completely serious when it came to her words. They were lucky Dei-Loki's last exertion of energy hadn't been enough.

"Those go hand and hand..." Dei-Loki smirked before sighing. "And, don't worry... I won't use too much of it unless it's needed. Even Demigods must show restraint."

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane, @Raven Daniel
Masaru made it to an old, rickety door. Masaru laid his palm onto the house. "A lingering black spirit. Left the premises at exactly an hour ago. Move in?" Nicholas nodded. The siblings grabbed at someone and pushed them to the wall of the building. The only one that were in front of the door was Nicholas and Masaru. "Kick it down." Nicholas lifted his foot up and kicked with all of his weight and power in that leg. The door fell down and made a huge thud as it hit the ground. As soon as it was kicked down the men went onto either side of the walls. Nicholas watched as Masaru's unsheathed his sword. The nogitsune's smoke leaking off it like death's plague.

Masaru and Nicholas charged in, but found no one except for two Inugamis in a large cage. "Nicky! My baby boy!" His mother called out to him and he rushed their side, freeing them instantly from the cage. Then the siblings came in and hugged their parents. Tears and happy greetings filled the room. Masaru stayed back with a smile on his face. "You too, you are also my baby, Masaru." His lips quivered and tears spilled down his cheek. "I'm so happy that you two are okay." He rushed to them and hugged them until the pain of almost losing the subsided.

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
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Ash laughed, coming into the room and buttoning up his pants at the same time. "See guys, I knew someone was coming to get you. Welcome to my humble abo-" His words dissapeared from his mouth as he caught the glimpse of Mia. His menacing smile spread as he saw her. "Oh my god, Mia?" He walked towards the doe with a smirk as she cowered. "Wasssuuupppp girl?" He told her, putting his arm around her neck and leading her away from the group. She looked at him warily while he continued to talk. "Long time no see," he wrapped his arm fully around her neck and tightened it, making her cough and choke a little bit. "Well, since your father threw me out.

"I miss you and love you, yet I want to rip your fucking throat out, feelings mutual?"
He tightened his arm more around her throat, Mia choking more as her face started to lose color from the lack of oxygen. He looked at one of the Inugami's, the scent that was all over Mia before holding her a little longer, making her gasp for air as her vision blacked out.

He dropped her, the doe falling to the ground on her knees, gasping the air and moving her hand over her red throat. He chuckled, a smirk on his face as she stepped away from Mia. He looked at the others, his gaze fixing on Nicholas.
"You and a doe? Tsk tsk, Mia! Your father wouldn't approve such a mutt. Yet... You two aren't mated.." He got the sense that they were together but not.. "Together"

He laughed again, his demeanor the only one staying calm in this situation. "You know, I would love to stay and chat but I got plans." He walked towards the door, seeing Masaru and stopped. He looked at the boy before bursting into laughter. "Oh my god, you look just like your father! Me and him were good friends. But when I gave him a girl, a real slut in fact, wasn't very useful, I wasn't expecting something like you to come out of it." He grinned, spreading his large black wings to their full length. "Before I leave, any more questions? Oh, and I won't take the 'let's fight' as an answer, I have something more important than fight you guys."

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Shiro kurogane @Raven Daniel


Now, when he does leave, he'll say one more thing to Nicholas and Mia, which I have it planned out too.(; )
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Malvo widened her eyes, making her way over to Mia as she flattened her ears. "Are you alright, Mia?.." she'd ask through concern, keeping by her side before glaring over to Ash.

Dei-Loki snarled, but held back as he made his way over to stand guard of Mia and Malvo. The energy still pulsing from his fists as he let loose a low growl.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane, @Raven Daniel
(Right, here I am listening to some nice peaceful music, looking at fields of golden wheat pass by. And here comes @Comet ruining my relaxing, tranquil experience by making me hate a fictional character. I WANT INNER PEACE NOT HATRED xD )
Comet said:
(He's horrible yet I am proud I made such a thing! xD )
(Villains that make you hate them are good villains. And I love good villains. 8/10 hes now at the top 3 characters that I hate/love)
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[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Villains that make you hate them are good villains. And I love good villains. 8/10 hes now at the top 3 characters that I hate/love)

(In the top three? I'm honored. xD )
Masaru's eyes turned pitch black, they were cold and malicious. He began to laugh, it sounded old and sickening as if Masaru was dying on the inside. "Is that the best you got? How pathetic, I thought you would say something better than that puny little line, but I guess I got my expectations up for nothing. Since that's all you are, Ash. Nothing, but ash. Pathetic, dark, and oh, so small. You think you're the first person to call my Mother a slut. Ha! Ha! Ha! Hahahahahahaha! Please, you are so cute. Such a sad boy, aren'tcha?" Masaru sneered and laughed, insanity eating at his brain.

"Masaru. . .no. Don't." Masaru bent over and couldn't stop the laughter. He was losing himself. He was shedding the last humanity that he had left and with that, Nicholas would have to kill him if Masaru couldn't come back. "That's right. You were looked as a monster, just like me, huh Ashy? We are both monsters, aren't we!? Hahahahahahahahaha! The town's people couldn't love you, not when you were painted in the enemy's blood. No. . . they never could, hahahahaha! How sad." Masaru laughed some more until it turned into screams, black blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
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Ash just watched, chuckling softly with a small smirk as Masaru lost himself. "I was just being myself, is that something that's bad?"

"Ash, that's not you and you know it." Mia finally spoke up, catching her breath as she gave Malvo and Loki a kind smile before walking over to Masaru. She touched the ground and made a plant that glowed blue around the edges, a plant that would make you sleep. She handed it to Nicholas so he could give it to Masaru then faced ash.

"That's where you are wrong little one. This world is different, this world bends to me and not your father." He clenched his teeth, looking like he was about to lose it but stayed calm as he smirked. "This is just all part of my plan. You know what I'm capable of Mia, sending your foxy friend into insane laughter that's fun to watch is just the beginning of it." He laughed, looking towards Nicholas. "And if I were you, I would claim her before I take her innocence and slam it down your throat by taking it to myself. That body would be too much fun to leave alone for too long." He turned his back and faced the doorway, looking over his shoulder at them and said, "this is only the beginning of my reign. Mia, I'll be back for you." And with that, he spread his wings wide and took off like a bullet and was gone within seconds.

Mia turned back to Masaru and Nicholas saying,
"give him the plant I gave you. It'll knock him out and it'll get rid of the affects of ash's powers." She said. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel
(Now, you know what Masaru's half form to his Nogitsune form is. Thanks for the spooks.)

Nicholas put the plant away and looked to Masaru. "You almost got close there." Masaru nodded, the blood slipping back into his mouth and his eyes turning back into its normal color. "Was he serious? That's cute. Of course Mia would think of him as a menace." Nicholas chuckled, "it was really cute. You are right about that? To think that that bird was a threat." Masaru threw his head back and laughed, "Bird? I love it, he even has a voice to match. Squawky and high-pitched. I thought that he would at least have something better to himself. Nope, I guess it's just another wannabe villain." Nicholas wiped away his tears from his eyes, his stomach hurt from laughing so much. "Is it bad that I wanted someone better? At least the Gods that we fought back at Mount. Ferave had some bite in their bark." Masaru laughed and nodded, agreeing with Nicholas's words. "Come on, let's go home. I'll make stew and tomorrow we'll mourn the people that we lost."

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
Mia listened to their conversation, her smile gone as she looked out the door he left open. She didn't say a word, just looked at it. When they said go back home, she nodded and walked up to them. "Okay, let's go." She said, faking a smile as she waited for the portal again. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
(I'll be back later. Movie time!

If the fight continues or whatever, just have Malvo and Dei-Loki either fighting or protecting. Otherwise, just have them following along. I'll reply to everything when I can.)
Jacob made another portal and the siblings and the parents went through, followed by Masaru. "He is a threat, I wouldn't lie about that. He's small and feeble though, he is based on fears and damaged ideas. I want you to stay your positive self, so that he can't hurt you again. Because if he does hurt you again, i'm gutting him like the pathetic, little bird that he is. I can see that you are confused on whether or not that he should die or that you should hug him. And I wish I didn't have to go to this, but I will kill him without hesitation and so will my family. Even if you hate me afterwards. I will watch as the dull life drains out of his eyes whilst I laugh in his pain. If this makes me the badguy, then that's fine as long as he doesn't touch you or my family's head."

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
Nia stepped through the portal, grabbing Elizabeth's arm once on the other side. "I believe we were interupreted from our conversation before, what were all those questions you asked me?" She would say with a smile, as she wished for life to return to how it was and not be too worried about Ash.

Mia looked up at Nicholas and nodded, "when we get back, I will have to tell you guys the story about him.. He is a threat, I tell you, he is weak too, but the more he does what he is doing, he'll get stronger." She took his hand, holding it tight as she looked up at him. "I know you guys, but I grew up with him. Don't underestimate him." She then walked inside the portal and looked up at Nicholas once more. "Can we go to bed?" @JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

(Got work, be on later.)
"Nevermind, let's just talk and get to know eachother regardless." She then noticed her pouty face, and smiled sympathetically. She held out a cookie to her. "Want one?"

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(Wrong character that was Nicholas asked to Mia. xD )

Nicholas nodded, "I understand and I won't underestimate him, but just because he's older and can get stronger doesn't mean he can take over this group that has the power to implode the Earth. We can easily rip him apart if necessary, yet we'll wait and see. If you want to keep him safe and alive, then that's up to you, but if hurts you again, i'll rip his heart out. I can see myself in his eyes. He's hurt just like me and Masaru. Masaru already knows mostly everything about Ash anyways." He grabs Mia and puts them both into bed. Soon falling asleep.

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