Indescribable (Closed)


Mia sat up, watching the rippling of her domain fade away as the light started to darken. She leaned against Nicholas and looked up at him and smiled. "It's so beautiful out here, thank you." @JayJin
Rei hugged Cristina a bit more before pulling away slightly to look into Cristina's eyes. She tried to contain her sift giggle, but it partially escaped. Cristina's embarrassed face was really cute. Rei liked this face along with Cristina's other faces, happy, joy filled, excited, even sad despite that face stiring unease in Rei's chest. "c-can i rid with you... on mouse on the trip back...?" Rei asked nervously.

Kuro stiffened more then she had a moment ago at the hug. She had never been hugged without either being lied to or the person having hidden motives. On reflex, Kuro moved to push Meara away... But Kuro's body had other plans as Kuro ended up hugging Meara back tightly. She still didn't speak, but Kuro touched the tip of one of her tales to Meara's head. Letting the kitsune directly feel her now confused emotions... deep sadness, horror at herself, and finally, the faint warm glow that Kuro always had when near Meara.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx


JayJin said:
"That's what you get for being so gullible. Even if you do love me, i'm still a nogitsune and we nogitsunes are sadistic bastards." Masaru leaped from the trees and right by Kirara. "This is just my nature." He nuzzled his head against her side.
@Shiro kurogane
At feeling Masaru nuzzle her, Kirara grabbed onto him with her tails and pinned the male down. "if i didn't love you. that joke would have probably made me leave you. but i do love you and i am not gullible!" She half-heartedly scolded Masaru for scaring her like that. But she was nuzzling him while she spoke so her scolding was kinda countered.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](and now we wait for the group to gang up on the poor bastard.)

(The poor bastard is just going to laugh. xD I have a fantastic idea of Masaru ever attacks him. It's going to piss him off )
(Time to rip a motherfucker's throat out. Goodmorning everyone.)

Nicholas nodded, and then turned onto his side, he grabbed Mia and pulled her close. "I can't wait until my parents meet you. They'll be in love with you at first glance." He gave his usual huge smile, which immediately turned into a frown. "Something's wrong with the pack." He instantly stood up and carried her bridal style all the way to the window and into the room

Elizabeth felt her body shiver, "Jacob!" She rushed to his scent.

Masaru smirked, even in fox form. "Fine, you're not gullible." He snickered, stopping when a eerie feeling surround him. "The parents. I'll kill them and skin them alive!" He shifted, standing up and yelled. The forest echoing in his aura and voice. Since he was an old kitsune, he knew more than what the Inugami's did. Someone was hurting the Grant's parents, and someone's going to pay the price.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @Heir of Dalania
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Comet said:
(The poor bastard is just going to laugh. xD I have a fantastic idea of Masaru ever attacks him. It's going to piss him off )
(You're going to bring up the dead mom thing, huh?)
Comet said:
(The poor bastard is just going to laugh. xD I have a fantastic idea of Masaru ever attacks him. It's going to piss him off )
(tell that to every other OP villain from the other rp. xD and pissing Masaru off, means pissing Kirara off too.)
Mia looked up at Nicholas with a confused look. "What do you mean something is wrong?" She asked As he carried her. @JayJin

JayJin said:
(You're going to bring up the dead mom thing, huh?)

(You want a small example of what he'll say? I mean, I'll mostly put the whole think he says, but when I do it, it'll be detailed.)

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](tell that to every other OP villain from the other rp. xD and pissing Masaru off, means pissing Kirara off too.)

(If Ash does piss off Masaru, i got a form for Masaru that's going to at least be close to OP. I need you guys tell me if i pass the OP spectrum so that way i can change my post.)
JayJin said:
(If Ash does piss off Masaru, i got a form for Masaru that's going to at least be close to OP. I need you guys tell me if i pass the OP spectrum so that way i can change my post.)
(And ash will stay cool and calm through it all. And I guess i should take that like as a yes? xD )
Comet said:
(And ash will stay cool and calm through it all. And I guess i should take that like as a yes? xD )
(Yeah, i have extreme curiosity and would like to know.)
(Alright. -gets into character-

"Masaru? Nice to finally meet you. Me and your dad were great friends before. Did things together, killed people together, it was fun. At the end, for his help, I gave him a girl. The girl wasn't that special, a real slut to be exact. But... Look what came out of that.."

Just imagine a little laugh between that whole sentence. Little calm laughs.)
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Comet said:
(Alright. -gets into character-
"Masaru? Nice to finally meet you. Me and your dad were great friends before. Did things together, killed people together, it was fun. At the end, for his help, I gave him a girl. The girl wasn't that special, a real slut to be exact. But... Look what came out of that.." )
(aannnd, you have offically made the most hated villain as of yet in the rp.)
(-groans loudly- I'm so tiiiiired...)

As she experienced the sudden rush of emotions in which were exposed to her, she didn't seem to feel them all at once. She felt them in waves, accept they seemed to stick around. All of which seemed to cause her embrace to tighten from the familiarity, until... until she felt the last one. The last bit gave her a somewhat puzzled look. Sure, she seemed to feel the same around Kuro, but after experiencing the warm feeling... it seemed to catch her off-guard. Her ear flicked at the information as she glanced to her. Keeping her in the embrace in the process of changing her gaze.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane

"You told her, didn't you?" Dei-Loki huffed, looking to Malvo before tensing when he felt the distress in the air. Without hesitation, he quickly ran out the bedroom door to see what the matter was.

Malvo had gone to reply before also remaining when she felt the same feeling. Quickly, she rushed after Dei-Loki for the same reason.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
(Alright. -gets into character-
"Masaru? Nice to finally meet you. Me and your dad were great friends before. Did things together, killed people together, it was fun. At the end, for his help, I gave him a girl. The girl wasn't that special, a real slut to be exact. But... Look what came out of that.."

Just imagine a little laugh between that whole sentence. Little calm laughs.)
(At the moment, it doesn't piss Masaru off at all. He would have a dead expression as he reaches for Ash's arm and tear it out off his body.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](aannnd, you have offically made the most hated villain as of yet in the rp.)


This is going to be so exiting!!!)
Comet said:
(Alright. -gets into character-
"Masaru? Nice to finally meet you. Me and your dad were great friends before. Did things together, killed people together, it was fun. At the end, for his help, I gave him a girl. The girl wasn't that special, a real slut to be exact. But... Look what came out of that.."

Just imagine a little laugh between that whole sentence. Little calm laughs.)
(OOOOH I love good villains!!)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](aannnd, you have offically made the most hated villain as of yet in the rp.)

JayJin said:
(At the moment, it doesn't piss Masaru off at all. He would have a dead expression as he reaches for Ash's arm and tear it out off his body.)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
This is going to be so exiting!!!)
(And I have never made a actual villain before!! This is one of my first villains! Well, on here, I had another one before on a different site, and she was just so... Sadistic. She threw her leader's child off a waterfall just to put her leader in distress then try to take over. She was like Ash, yet she lost her cool if she wasn't getting her way. And what was ironic with her was that her nickname was angelwings.)
Comet said:
(And I have never made a actual villain before!! This is one of my first villains! Well, on here, I had another one before on a different site, and she was just so... Sadistic. She threw her leader's child off a waterfall just to put her leader in distress then try to take over. She was like Ash, yet she lost her cool if she wasn't getting her way. And what was ironic with her was that her nickname was angelwings.)
(You've got a knack for it, it would seem. xD )
(I've got a couple of ideas for villains, but they've still got a good amount of creation that needs to be done. .w.

Maybe that's what I'll do when RPN is down. Instead of bringing Dominic and Lucian into this, I'll have a villain for both groups. And, don't worry. My posts won't be extremely long each time. It will probably just be the introduction to both characters (which I'll do in separate time spans) that will be, give or take, maximum of 4 paragraphs. c: )

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