Indescribable (Closed)

Mia heard all the other Inugami's get all upset over something as she looked at Nicholas. "What is going on?" She asked, concerned for him and his family. She knew they could sense something wrong between the others, but by the looks of everything, no one here was in danger, so what was it?

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel


Ash opened the cage as the Inugami's came out, growling at him. "You guys know what would happen if you attacked." He told them, chuckling softly. He turned his back to them as he walked towards the door that led to the outside. He opened it and stepped back, he threw a peice of cloth on the ground and smirked. "Go fetch." He told them.

They sniffed the cloth before heading out the door and followed the scent into the darkness. Ash laughed, standing in the doorway and watching their two bodies dissapear. He gave them a few minutes before taking off into the sky and followed them. These two, were easy to catch. Walking around aimlessly like tourists. Of course, he miss stepped when he caught them, servant like people running off. He would've went after them and killed them.. But he was too lazy and had what he wanted.

Before long, they found the guy and they howled for him. He landed as they had the poor soul cornered and was about to attack.
"Woah woah, calm yo-selves. You know I do the final kill." He pulled out his pitch black sword and stepped towards the shivering guy. To anyone, he looked like a normal human. But... "So, tigger, decided to leave home? You know it's not safe out here." He chuckled as the tiger revealed its ears and tail as they growled. He quickly shoved, without hesitation, his sword into the Tigers stomach. "Boo, not even a little fight." He pulled his sword out and stepped back and let the Inugami's feed.
Nicholas looked to her, worried clearly covering his whole face. "The pack. Something is wrong with my family. Someone's hurt." He rushed out the door, leaving Mia in the dust as he sprinted throughout the house. He knocked furiously onto Willow and Eva's bedroom. They opened the door with the same expression as Nicholas's. "Something's wrong." He ran again, not stopping until he found everyone that was in his pack.

Elizabeth found Jacob easily. "Jakey, are you okay?" Jacob nodded as Elizabeth hugged him. His body was tensed and he felt as if he was being strangled from something heavy. "Go find the others and meet me here, okay?" Elizabeth nodded, shifting and ran as fast as she could.

Masaru walked into the house and Jacob turned his head to him. Masaru was completely upset, if it wasn't for the people that lived here, he would've burn the house and the forest. "It's your parents. Our parents. Something's wrong with them. They're endanger." Jacob cluthed at the table behind him.

His knuckle turning white and a chunck of the table broke in his grasp.

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
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Dei-Loki quickly rushed into view, practically sliding to a stop as he looked around to the members of the group that were in the main area already. Panting, he listened to Masaru's words as his eyes had widened.

Malvo nearly collided with Dei-Loki, her gaze darting about in the process of this.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
Mia saw everyone show up as she sat down in her chair and saw the worried expressions on their faces. When she heard Masaru mention the parents, Mia gasped. "The parents? But your servants are with them, they were safe? Weren't they?" She asked him, seeing all them worried. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel
"Whoever it was that captured our parents must be strong. They probably killed my servants as a way to get to them." Nicholas and the rest of the pack came in and heard the rest. "No! Miss Ara can't be dead!" Elizabeth began to cry heavily. Who couldn't blame her. The servants were just like a second family to the Grant's. Ara was Elizabeth's favorite, and it pained her deeply know that they were dead. "I'll go to my room and meditate." Masasru left, hoping to pinpoint where they were in Paris, if everyone was okay and who the bastard was that did this.

(I'll be gone for half an hour.)

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
Mia listened and looked down. She didn't know what to say, and she didn't know how to help. She couldn't think of anyone who would do such a thing. But then again, this world was cruel, who ever did it, fit into the rest of the world perfectly. She looked around at everyone and thought, well, we have really powerful people in our group, we can take him down.. @JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel

(Okay Jay!)
(Just Fyi im roadtriping again today and tomorrow. Exept this time we're going through Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska so I should have connection since it's so flat. But you never know)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Just Fyi im roadtriping again today and tomorrow. Exept this time we're going through Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska so I should have connection since it's so flat. But you never know)

Nicholas grabbed his sister and pulled her into his chest. "We're going to Paris tonight. Grab you things. Jacob, do you remember how to create the portal?" His tone was stern and his voice was monotone. Showing only anger in his eyes that made the forest shiver. Jacob nodded, "I can't forget it. Edmond taught me a lot of how to do it. I won't be able to get it exactly where are parents are, but I will be able to put us in Paris." Nicholas nodded, "Masaru then will tell us who is behind, although I don't think even he will pinpoint the location of the bitch. Caden and Alexander, I want you to help move the people into the portal when Jacob gets it up. Jacob start now. I am not waiting another Gods damn second when our parents are out there." The boys nodded. Jacob lowered to the ground and began to hum and mumble an old Latin song. The boy's eyes turned purple as his body shook.

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
Mia stayed in the back, letting them do their thing. She didn't want to jump in and not know what to do. She watched Nicholas, seeing how angry he was with the situation. But, instead of saying anything, she stayed off to the side and let him handle the conversation the way he wanted to. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel


Ash took the fully fed Inugami's back to his home and locked them back up, smirking. "Good job guys. That was the last person I needed to get in this pitiful town." He walked towards the cage and looked at the two with a smile. "I loved working with you two, and I would love to take you with me, but.. I don't think carrying two giant demon dogs would be a good idea." He started laughing, "either that, or kill you... Or wait for someone to come get you. I have that feeling that people are coming for you two. I can't die now from your angry friends or family, my plan just started." A new girl walked in, this time a half naked dog girl, draping herself over him like the other one. He growled seductivly at her before taking her off to his room, leaving the two Inugami's in the cage growling.
Nia watched the scene perplexed, she was having trouble keeping up with everyone. "O-kaaay? I guess we're going" The hell is Paris? She thought to herself, she didn't know anything about human built city's.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet
(Brb, I have to take a shower. I'll be back for a bit but then I'll be gone for a few hours. My best friend promised to take me and another friend out to the movies as soon as we felt better.)
Nicholas turned towards Dei-loki. Nicholas seemed to not recognize him for a few second. His eyes seemed cold. "Find the fucker and kill him without mercy. That's how you can help me." Nicholas's usual smile was placed by a scowl, furious was an understatement. Dangerous was Nicholas's word. He was washed into a sea of emotions from hearing about his parents and decided to pick anger as his rock to hold onto. Leaving the rest of emotions to be swept away.

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
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That was when Mia stepped in. She didn't want him to direct his anger on anyone. "Nicholas." She said, taking his hand and giving him a worried look. She didn't like seeing him angry. She knew she wouldn't be able to calm him, all emotion but anger was out of him. Seeing his angry look, she let go of his hand and stepped back, scared that he was going to send his anger out on her. @JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
Nicholas's looked to Mia as she let go of his hand. "Once this is over, i'll be back to normal, but I have to do this. Like I said, I am a guardian, a protector. I protect the people that I come to known and care for." The portal opened, giving a purple glow to its ring. The siblings and Masaru came to Nicholas's side and the siblings hopped in. "We'll get them. I have a area of where they could be. The man behind this is named Ash Bloodthinn, he's a century older than me. Has the power to control mind, storms and matter. That won't matter as I rip off his genitals and shove it down his throat, watching as he gags until he dies from suffocation." Nicholas's eyes widen, a little bit of the anger washing away, allowing other emotions to come back in. "Gods, Masaru." Masaru smirked and gave a maniacal laugh. This is what a nogitsune was. Deadly, insane and thirsty for screams. A perfect combination for a monster. "Don't worry before he heads to the light, i'll heal him back up so that way I can torture him again. . . and again. . . and again . . .and again. . . and again until I get bored with him and slit his throat."

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
Dei-Loki paused and flinched from the anger Nicholas had given off. Still, his determination remained as he gave a firm nod. He knew exactly where that anger had come from, having felt it himself on numerous occasions. That was one of the many burdens a royal family back home would have.

Malvo listened, her ears being a bit low as she, too, headed through the portal. Grabbing Dei to and tugging him along.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
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---Mia's eyes widened when they said Ash's name. Ash??? But... He was banished... She looked at Nicholas with a look of fear before quickly getting rid of it and stepped into the portal and looking around. Of course, she'll be able to pinpoint Ash, she knew him very well, but... She didn't want to see him.. She stayed silent, walking a little ways as she waited for the others, looking at the ground with a look of memories rushing through her head.

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel


Ash lifted up out of the bed, getting a odd, yet familiar feeling. Mia He chuckled that soon turned into a giant laugh, his laugh ringing through the building.
Comet said:
Ash lifted up out of the bed, getting a odd, yet familiar feeling. Mia He chuckled that soon turned into a giant laugh, his laugh ringing through the building.
(Gotta get your daily dose of evil laughter amirite?)
Masaru and Nicholas entered last. The portal immediately shutting behind them. "Masaru, lead the way to where you think our parents are." Masaru nodded. closing his eyes and going pass everyone and began to walk in a single direction.

@Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet

(I'll be gone for about an hour or three, so just have Nicholas, Masaru and the siblings follow the group to the parents. Once you get to that point, just do whatever.)
Nia followed, pulling up her hood. She was going into this blind, she would have to make up spells on the spot, in combat. She didn't like that idea but she had to try. I'll be support. She thought to herself just focus on protecting and possibly healing my freinds... I can do that

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet

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