Indescribable (Closed)

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Malvo quietly whined, her eyes closing as she had sat up so she could answer Elizabeth in a clear tone. "It's nothin' to be too concerned about... I just had a nearly sleepless night, last night, due to a few nightmares. That's all."
(@Heir of Dalania, Malvo told the sibling what's wrong with her already.)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](I was expecting them to try and get more details out of her...)

(Ah, I see.)

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Malvo paused, her gaze shifting over to Elizabeth from the questions before she then looked to Dei-Loki with a pleading expression.
Dei-Loki glanced from both Jacob and Elizabeth over to Malvo as he patted her back once more. "They want to help, Malvo. That's all." He encouraged her to speak, as he knew her problems, unlike his own, had a possibility of getting better if she were to just talk about them. Something that she rarely ever did.

Malvo quietly whined, her eyes closing as she had sat up so she could answer Elizabeth in a clear tone.
"It's nothin' to be too concerned about... I just had a nearly sleepless night, last night, due to a few nightmares. That's all."
The siblings heard regular heartbeat before they all sneezed and looked at the elven girl. "Hey stay out of our business!" Alexander growled and stood from his seat. "Alex sit!" Nicholas commanded from across the room. Alexander immediately sat down in his seat, whining. "Anyways, if you are having trouble with sleeping, Malvo. I know many ways to help you out. Tonight, I'll make Chamomile tea. It would put you to sleep for sure." Jacob sighed, "you are not making Chamomile tea because the last time you did it, you burned your hand." Elizabeth frowned and then held her stomach as it growled again. "Big brother! I want more food!" She yelled to Nicholas. "Absolutely not, you'll become a tubby puppy." Elizabeth put on her puppy dog eyes on Jacob. "Lizzy, don't you pressure Jacob with your cuteness again. What did I tell you about using it?" Nicholas yelled over to Elizabeth.
JayJin said:
Hey stay out of our business!" Alexander growled and stood from his seat
(I can hear my stepfather snoring upstairs.

o_o )

Both Dei-Loki and Malvo flicked an ear at the sounds of the other's sneezes. After doing so, they looked to Nia before Malvo looked back to the siblings. Dei-Loki having closed his eyes as he thought to himself.

"Thank you fer the offer." Malvo would thank Elizabeth, despite Jacob denying the idea. Shifting, she then looked to the table. She'd been glad that no one asked what the nightmares were about - particularly because she managed to bring her anxiety down to a manageable level. Softly exhaling, she shifted in her seat before looking to Dei-Loki once again. 'Do y' think he'll tell them about--?' I doubt he will. The only people that know are the ones that were there the day that it happened. 'That's no fair. He made me talk about what was wrong with me!'

@Heir of Dalania, @JayJin
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xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I can hear my stepfather snoring upstairs.
o_o )

Both Dei-Loki and Malvo flicked an ear at the sounds of the other's sneezes. After doing so, they looked to Nia before Malvo looked back to the siblings. Dei-Loki having begun to eat.

"Thank you fer the offer." Malvo would thank Elizabeth, despite Jacob denying the idea. Shifting, she then looked to her food. She'd been glad that no one asked what the nightmares were about - particularly because she managed to bring her anxiety down to a manageable level. Softly exhaling, she also began to eat.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
(First of all, I have a Granpa and a Dad that snore louder than my Grandpa's English bulldog. That's loud. Second of all, how did Malvo and Dei-Loki get food when Nicholas's hasn't served them yet. Conspiracy! Aliens!)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](The more I look at this picture the better it gets)

(You. . . your profile pic. . . you . . .yup.)
JayJin said:
(First of all, I have a Granpa and a Dad that snore louder than my Grandpa's English bulldog. That's loud. Second of all, how did Malvo and Dei-Loki get food when Nicholas's hasn't served them yet. Conspiracy! Aliens!)
(FFFFFFF-- I thought everyone had food already!

Sorry! >~< I'll fix my post!)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(FFFFFFF-- I thought everyone had food already!
Sorry! >~< I'll fix my post!)
(Thank you. I was going to have Nicholas serve tomorrow when everyone is here.)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](I've been laughing hysterically for a good five minutes and found this while doing so


(The last one is my favourite. xD )
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I can hear my stepfather snoring upstairs.
o_o )

Both Dei-Loki and Malvo flicked an ear at the sounds of the other's sneezes. After doing so, they looked to Nia before Malvo looked back to the siblings. Dei-Loki having closed his eyes as he thought to himself.

"Thank you fer the offer." Malvo would thank Elizabeth, despite Jacob denying the idea. Shifting, she then looked to the table. She'd been glad that no one asked what the nightmares were about - particularly because she managed to bring her anxiety down to a manageable level. Softly exhaling, she shifted in her seat before looking to Dei-Loki once again. 'Do y' think he'll tell them about--?' I doubt he will. The only people that know are the ones that were there the day that it happened. 'That's no fair. He made me talk about what was wrong with me!'

@Heir of Dalania, @JayJin

"Now it's your turn, Dei-Loki. You would tell me what's wrong, won't you?"
Elizabeth looked to Dei-Loki with a frown. She kept her puppy eyes onto his eyes. She was used to working them for her favor.
(Okay im good now...)

Nia would cringe upon hearing Elizabeth speak, she always thought people should have their privacy and disliked it when people snoop too much. She decided not to get involved and straightened up her posture. Looking around awkwardly, not sure what to do or talk about.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin
"N-Nothin' to bother worryin' about." Dei-Loki assured, keeping his eyes shut. He didn't want to worry the group over this. He always disliked being worried about, anyway.

Malvo lowered an ear from the response. A bit of an unimpressed stare being directed at the one she'd been calling her twin brother. She could see why he didn't speak of it, but she also hated the fact that he had the possibility of getting away with something that she couldn't.

@Heir of Dalania, @JayJin
@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @JayJin
(I'm going to bed, goodnight.)

Jacob looked to Nia and chuckled. "Relax, in this family we tell each other almost every

thing. Our motto is 'secrets hurt the heart and others around you'. It's like confessing to a priest of your sins, feeling the relief after you say it makes your spirit feel lighter. My name is Jacob, by the way. That's Elizabeth, Caden, Eva, Dei-Loki, Willow, Alexander and Malvo. What's yours?"
He asked after pointing to everyone.

xXLittleLokiXx said:
"N-Nothin' to bother worryin' about." Dei-Loki assured, keeping his eyes shut. He didn't want to worry the group over this. He always disliked being worried about, anyway.
Malvo lowered an ear from the response. A bit of an unimpressed stare being directed at the one she'd been calling her twin brother. She could see why he didn't speak of it, but she also hated the fact that he had the possibility of getting away with something that she couldn't.

@Heir of Dalania, @JayJin
Elizabeth deepened the frown. "But I do worry. I don't want you to hurt yourself in hiding. Are you not going to tell me?" She sniffed, tears forming her eyes as she frowned.
(Night, @JayJin!)

Dei-Loki opened an eye to see the tears forming in Elizabeth's eyes. Letting out a gentle sigh, he shifted a small bit in his seat - feeling bad that he didn't want to reveal what had been going on. Deciding to keep it vague for the sake of the group, he lowered his ears and cleared his throat to prevent a cough. "It's merely the repercussions I am facing fer something I was foolish enough not to expect."

@Heir of Dalania, @JayJin
"You... tell each other... everything..."

"Eughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " Nia slowly buried her face in her arms on the table and sat like that for a moment, the emotions swirling around her. "I cant" she would squeak out, muffled by her arms as the fresh memory was brought up front of her mind as she started to cry. She stood up and ran outside, locking herself in her room as she pulled the blacket on top of herself and sat in the fetal position on her bed, completely covered up by the blankets as she cried.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel @Comet @JayJin

(And with that, I go to sleep)
Raven then watched as the kitchen became some what chaotic. He watched as Nia rwn to her room and Elizabeth trying to get Dei-Loki to speak, with more tears. He didn't know all that the Elf had done, so he couldn't blame her for anything. He also wanted to make sure she was all right, but he most likely make it worse.
Mia nodded to Nicholas when he told her to go get some clothes from his sister, but instead of going, she listened to the conversation that everyone was having. She smiled kindly at the Elven girl Nia then looked at Nicholas when his brothers started talking about him and her. She gave him a look then giggled and turned back to the others.

He mentioned getting clothes three times, and she was about to until Nia ran off. She gave Nicholas a concerned look before getting up from her seat without a word and walked out after Nia. She knew it was no ones fault, she wasn't mad at anyone, she was just concerned for Nia.

She walked to the girls room and walked to the door and calling, "Nia? Can I come in? It's Mia."

@Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel @xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Shiro kurogane
Elizabeth watched Nia run. "Why is it so hard to reveal secrets? She is crying because she can't express anything else, doesn't that hurt? It's not like anyone of us is innocent. Supernaturals are born in blood. We're killers no matter how hard you try not to be. It-" Nicholas interrupted by a simple "stop." He began to make the plates for each. "Some people just don't want to speak, Liz. You have to respect that." Jacob looked to Elizabeth. "Nia hasn't killed anyone and Mia hasn't killed anyone." Elizabeth barked out a laugh. "They live in this world now, Jakey. Just like Masaru said, 'you can't escape the sins of the world. Demons will always nip at your heels and wish to eat your soul, making you a monster. Just. Like. Them. No one's safe. We all become some sort of sinner. Whether it be pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath or sloth or all of them combine." Jacob watched Elizabeth's eye turn cold as she talked about sins. Warmth went back in her eyes and she gazed over to her plate. "Big brother, i'm hungry." Nicholas looked up what he was doing. "Don't mind my sister, Dei-Loki. It's find if you don't want to say anything more."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel

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