Indescribable (Closed)

Mia thought for a minute then smiled at him and replied, "strawberry!" She looked at all the new people entering the kitchen and she gave them all kind smiles before she looked back at the food Nicholas was making with very hungry eyes. She put her head underneath his arm and stood behind him,watching him cook as she stood behind him, slowly reaching for ,more biscuits and glancing up at him and seeing if he was noticing her. She was being extra careful, trying to take a biscuit without getting caught. @JayJin


Just imagine the dog as Mia watching Nicholas cook and slowly trying to take the food.;3;

Also, goodnight. I'll be on all day tomorrow so I'll reply to everything in the
Malvo quietly watched Nia and the others. Seeming fully understand where her shyness came from. So it was fairly easy to sympathise. Her gaze then traveled to Raven as he entered before looking back to the rather confused Naomi. With not another word had followed her 'morning' greeting, Malvo remained completely silent.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel

Meara shielded her eyes for a moment to block out the light before lowering her hand from her wounds. A relieved sigh escaping her as she'd then glance to Kuro to make sure she'd been alright. Her brows lifting when she heard her panicked tone, she gave a sincere smile. "I'm fine, Kuro. What about you? You aren't hurt any, are ya?"

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
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"Good morning everyone and Mia, I said stop that." He smacked her hand away from one of the biscuits. "I am feeding so many people and I don't need you eating all of it." He put his arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground and putting her on the counter, away from the biscuits, but close enough for her to watch and for Nicholas to watch her.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel


"Why did you lick my ear?" Masaru asked, feeling confused on if he should feel aroused or disgusted. He rubbed the saliva off of his ear.
Nia wiggled her fingers at Naomi "elf magic" as if that was all the explaining she had to do. Taking a seat watching everyone curiously.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Raven Daniel @Comet


Cristina quickly nodded
"yep! Yep! Yeah! To-to-totally fine. Nothing wrong here." She said quickly adding a nervous laugh at the end, which she immediately regretted after feeling her ribs flare up in pain as a result.

@Shiro kurogane

(One more post before I go.<3 my Netflix isn't working yet.)

Mia whined when he slapped her hand away, then made a squeaking noise as she lifted her up by her waist and putting her up on the counter. She whined, seeing how far away she was from the biscuits. Her bottom lip jutted out in a pouty way as she looked at him, then looked at the others who came in. "Help, he's starving me by keeping food away!" She said, to the others, looking back at Nicholas with a small smirk as she stuck her tongue out playfully at him. She tugged at the nightgown's hem down a little bit, pulling it to her mid-thigh then looking down at the far away ground. "Why must you put my up so high?" She asked, chuckling softly. @JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel @Heir of Dalania
Then, it was Ravens turn to look shocked for a moment. "Ah...pretty cool trick..." He then kept his caring look, instead of his care-LESS look. (Emphasizing like a boss) He didn't need his new friends thinking he hates everything.


Naomi handed Raven a dried Date, which made his eyes glow like a child. "Hehe..." She sat down, and gestured for Raven to sit beside her, and he did so once more.
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Comet said:
(One more post before I go.<3 my Netflix isn't working yet.)
Mia whined when he slapped her hand away, then made a squeaking noise as she lifted her up by her waist and putting her up on the counter. She whined, seeing how far away she was from the biscuits. Her bottom lip jutted out in a pouty way as she looked at him, then looked at the others who came in. "Help, he's starving me by keeping food away!" She said, to the others, looking back at Nicholas with a small smirk as she stuck her tongue out playfully at him. She tugged at the nightgown's hem down a little bit, pulling it to her mid-thigh then looking down at the far away ground. "Why must you put my up so high?" She asked, chuckling softly. @JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel @Heir of Dalania
( xD okay, goodnight.)

Nicholas smiled as he stirred the gravy again. "I want everyone to eat, Doe-eyes. You're just going to have to live." He looked to her and realized how she still was wearing a nightgown that showed too much. He grabbed her again and put her down. "Go to my sisters and find something to wear today. It's time to get you some clothes."
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JayJin said:
"Why did you lick my ear?" Masaru asked, feeling confused on if he should feel aroused or disgusted. He rubbed the saliva off of his ear.
"payback. for making me admit something so embarrassing." Kirara giggled and yawned.


Kuro sighed at seeing and hearing Meara was okay. She relaxed almost instantly like a switch had been flipped. "good. lets get what we can and leave." She said giving Meara a smile.

Rei panicked at seeing Cristina double over in pain at her own laugh. "calm down, you'll hurt yourself. i-im sorry i kissed your cheek. it seems you didn't like it.."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

(im out for the night)
Malvo soon took a seat, as well. Perking a brow and looking in the direction of Mia and Nicholas. A slight smirk on her face before she then sighed.

Dei-Loki yawned softly as he quietly made his way in. His gaze shifting over everyone before blinking when he saw Nia. His brows having lifted in the process.

Malvo glanced to Dei-Loki, her smirk growing slightly.
"It's about time y' woke up!"

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel

Meara nodded before smiling in return. Flicking an ear in the processes of her actions as she then looked around. "Alright."

(Night, Shiro.)

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Nia watched Nicolas and Mia with piqued interest, it was fun to watch them bicker. Soon she began to snicker at the scene.

(I just realized Nia and Mia are the exact same height)

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Raven Daniel @Comet


Cristina remained flush red. "No no! Rei.... I liked it... alot... I'm just to used to receiving affection" she said not looking at the girl because of how embarrassing this was for her.

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
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"Why are you even up so early?.." Dei-Loki looked to Malvo, heading over and sitting beside her quietly.

"I could only sleep a few hours last night." Malvo replied, watching her twin sit down. Glancing around, she then leaned over to whisper to him. "I had a couple of nightmares last night..."

Dei-Loki blinked at that, looking to her with a lifted brow. Whispering back to her, but not as quietly. "I didn't know Nightmare creatures could have nightmares of their own..."

"I thought so, too... But, I did. And it wasn't a pretty sight..." Malvo continued her whispering as she lowered her ears. Surprisingly; her cold, emotionless, look she normally had was replaced with a bit of fear. It was clear to see she'd been bothered by the whole thing.

"Well, you going to tell me about it?" Dei-Loki watched his twin with a look of concern. He'd never seen her this way, mainly because Malvo never showed him this side of her. It was a troubling time, indeed.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel
Nia's keen elven ears picked up parts of Dei-Loki and Malvo's conversation mostly the stuff about nightmares. She hated evesdropping but its not like she can choose to turn off her ears... I know what thats like... she wondered if she could talk to them about it, about what happened, but she can't just walk up and say "hey guys I heard your conversation from half way across the room. Lets talk about the nightmares that keep us up at night!" She huffed and looked over to the two of them and sighed as she would then lower her head to the table with a 'thud'

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet @Raven Daniel
"Well, what happened in one of them was--" Malvo had then stopped herself at the sound of the thud, glancing over to Nia with a slightly tilted head. "Y' alright, Nia?"

Dei-Loki quickly blinked a few times, glancing in Nia's direction as his head had also tilted a small bit out of curiosity and a bit of concern.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel
Nicholas quirked his eyebrows as he realized that a stranger with elven ears was in their house. "Wha-" Elizabeth rushed and jumped onto Nicholas's body. "Good morning, big brother! I see that you met the elven girl. Her name is Nia and she is very nice, so don't bite." Elizabeth then looked to the biscuit and her stomach grumbled again. "Foood~. Big brother, I want food, please." She pouted as she tried to reach for the biscuits. "Gaaaaa! Lizzy, no! I'm going to drop you on accident if you keep moving. You can have food when i'm done cooking. Here, eat some. . ." Nicholas looked around until he spotted the dried berries and gave her them. She cheered and hurried off to the table.

Then the Grant siblings began to pile into the kitchen. Jacob gave a nod to his brother with a shy smile and sat down at the table near Elizabeth. Happy that he didn't have to make breakfast this time. Then came the Eva and Willow. "Good morning, Nicky. Is that biscuits and gravy that I smell?" Nicholas nodded and looked up from the biscuits. "It'll be done shortly. I want Mia to get one of your outfits on and then head towards the shopping district with her, okay?" They both nodded and sat at the table. Then that last two were Caden and Alexander. They were laughing about something until they stopped and sniffed the delicious food that their brother was making and also smelling Mia's and Nicholas's scent on each other. An evil smirk appeared on their faces. "So. . . she fetched your bone finally?" Nicholas looked up with a menacing glare. "You're going to spit in our plates, aren't you?" Alexander asked. Nicholas shrugged in response.

@Everyone[/URL] in the dining room and kitchen
"Can you?.." Malvo lifted her brows, a bit surprised that she'd been listening them both. She'd normally be angry from something like this, but after the night Malvo had, she wasn't too bothered by it.

Dei-Loki prepared to hold Malvo back, but ended up being surprised when he had not needed to. Shifting in his seat, he glanced to Malvo before looking up after hearing Nicholas's siblings come into the kitchen.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel
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Nia heard Nicolas say something about clothes shopping, Nia needed clothes... she turned to malvo "excuse me for a moment"

She got up and walked over to Nicolas she would clear her throat before speaking "excuse me... but I-I couldn't help but overhear you t-talking about getting clothes for your miss here and I was hoping I could t-tag along... you see... I-I only have this to wear, and my previous outfit is in tatters. S-so if it's n-not a bother, I'd like very much to go with her." She said while poking the ends of her two index fingers together in that classic shy girl fashion.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Comet @Raven Daniel
"Umm. . . yeah, that's fine with me. Eat first though, you seem like you need some food in your stomach and follow Mia here to get some clothes from my sister after. Do you eat meat?" Nicholas asked as he finished the biscuits. "By the way, my name is Nicholas, and don't be shy around us. My family is no stranger to helping out people. You're safe in this household and with us."
Malvo nodded to Nia, watching her walk over to Nicholas before having then rested her head on her arms. The lack of sleep mixed with her fears tiring her seemed to finally be catching up to her. Burying her face in her arms, she let out a sigh.

'I've never seen Malvo this way...' Dei-Loki sighed, patting Malvo's back gently before looking around silently.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel
"Sorry... thats just how I am and yes I eat meat, just not very much of it. Also I'm pretty hungry so if you have some food ready, I would love to have some." The shy girl was replaced with a happy, smiling one almost immediately. "You have no idea how happy I am to finally find some friendly, caring people."

@ everyone (im too lazy to tag rn)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Malvo nodded to Nia, watching her walk over to Nicholas before having then rested her head on her arms. The lack of sleep mixed with her fears tiring her seemed to finally be catching up to her. Burying her face in her arms, she let out a sigh.
'I've never seen Malvo this way...' Dei-Loki sighed, patting Malvo's back gently before looking around silently.

@Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel
Elizabeth looked over to Malvo. It was her specialty. All she had to look into people's eyes and see what emotion they went to. It wasn't a superpower, just a high intuition. "Something's wrong? Malvo, what's wrong? Don't lie to me, you are around a pack of dogs. We can hear your heartbeat and know that you're lying." She took a handful of dried berries and ate them. When Nicholas wasn't around, Jacob and Elizabeth were the practically the alphas in the family. The siblings closed their eyes, hearing Malvo and Dei-Loki's hearbeat. While Jacob and Elizabeth stared at the two.

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]
"Sorry... thats just how I am and yes I eat meat, just not very much of it. Also I'm pretty hungry so if you have some food ready, I would love to have some." The shy girl was replaced with a happy, smiling one almost immediately. "You have no idea how happy I am to finally find some friendly, caring people."
@ everyone (im too lazy to tag rn)

"I'm glad that you found us. Now, go ahead, follow Mia to the girl's room and both of you get dressed. Then we'll take you to go shopping after breakfast. Alright?" Nicholas looked up, his smile bright and warm.
JayJin said:
Elizabeth looked over to Malvo. It was her specialty. All she had to look into people's eyes and see what emotion they went to. It wasn't a superpower, just a high intuition. "Something's wrong? Malvo, what's wrong? Don't lie to me, you are around a pack of dogs. We can hear your heartbeat and know that you're lying." She took a handful of dried berries and ate them. When Nicholas wasn't around, Jacob and Elizabeth were the practically the alphas in the family. The siblings closed their eyes, hearing Malvo and Dei-Loki's hearbeat. While Jacob and Elizabeth stared at the two.
Malvo paused, her gaze shifting over to Elizabeth from the questions before she then looked to Dei-Loki with a pleading expression.

Dei-Loki glanced from both Jacob and Elizabeth over to Malvo as he patted her back once more. "They want to help, Malvo. That's all." He encouraged her to speak, as he knew her problems, unlike his own, had a possibility of getting better if she were to just talk about them. Something that she rarely ever did.

Malvo quietly whined, her eyes closing as she had sat up so she could answer Elizabeth in a clear tone.
"It's nothin' to be too concerned about... I just had a nearly sleepless night, last night, due to a few nightmares. That's all."
"Thank you!" She ran up and gave him a quick side hug with one arm before grabbing some food and rejoining Malvo Dei-Loki and the siblings eating her meal and waiting for Mia to leave so she could join her. She was listening to the kid's interrogating Malvo.

She sublty moved her hands under the table as she hummed softy, making every single sibling listening in to the conversation sneeze, breaking their concentration.
"Lizzy, don't pressure people into telling you things they don't want to talk about they will open up when they are ready." She said projecting her own subconscious out with those words.

@xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Malvo paused, her gaze shifting over to Elizabeth from the questions before she then looked to Dei-Loki with a pleading expression.
Dei-Loki glanced from both Jacob and Elizabeth over to Malvo as he patted her back once more. "They want to help, Malvo. That's all." He encouraged her to speak, as he knew her problems, unlike his own, had a possibility of getting better if she were to just talk about them. Something that she rarely ever did.

Malvo quietly whined, her eyes closing as she had sat up so she could answer Elizabeth in a clear tone.
"It's nothin' to be too concerned about... I just had a nearly sleepless night, last night, due to a few nightmares. That's all."
@Heir of Dalania

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