Indescribable (Closed)

(Oml, I sent Mia away to Nia and now... I'm waiting. xD Oh whale, time to look for outfits for Mia.)
Comet said:
(Oml, I sent Mia away to Nia and now... I'm waiting. xD Oh whale, time to look for outfits for Mia.)
(I got here just in time haha!)

She heard Mia but remained quiet, she wasn't sure if she wanted someone to talk to or not. "Why?" She said back, her voice was weak and shaky.

"Cause I just want to see if you're okay." Mia called back, opening the door and to peak at Nia. "Our names are almost the same for crying out loud, you should let me in cause I'm trustable." She giggled, smiling kindly a her. @Heir of Dalania
Mia walked in and sat at the bottom of the bed, bringing her legs up and crossing them. "This family is very trust worthy. When I first came to this world, I was attacked by two men. I don't know what they wanted with me, but out of my fear, I blasted them unconscious and almost to death. Nicholas found me and helped me out. He's been taking care of me ever since. This family will understand whatever it is. I will understand cause well, I think we're the same in some way."

She smiled kindly at her, explaining everything and waiting for the girl to speak back. Mia has always been great calming people down. Being a doe, it was her nature. She just always had that calm aura to her, and hopefully, Nia will pick up in it and become calm. @Heir of Dalania
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](i will be gone all day today.)

(Alright, i'll just have Masaru leave Kirara in her room.)
(Heheheh, I have to outfits picked out for Mia now. They're cute, and they'll fit her perfectly. One she'll get from the sisters, the other from when they go shopping.)
"I-I" she listened to the girls words carefully "I know you will understand and be able to forgive me... I just don't think I, can forgive myself" Nia said sitting up and looked at Mia, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I know that feeling. But forgiveness within yourself comes with time." She said, smiling again. "Our minds are wonderful thing. They won't let us forgive ourselves until we do something that is worthy enough for it." She stood up and held her hand out to the girl. "You don't have to say anything about it right now, let's just go get some clothes and finish breakfast, then we will go shopping later." She gave the girl a nice and comforting smile. @Heir of Dalania
"Okay..." she said getting up. Who is this girl? She calmed me down in such short time. She has such a... calming aura She looked at her again at least we're the same height...

Comet said:
(Getting my hair cut. Be back later.)
(Okie dokie, artichoke.)

Nicholas looked up when Mia and Nia went into the dining room. Mia shot a smile at Nicholas and he gave a smile back. Willow and Eva nodded, "Come with us." They walked out the room.

Masaru walked out of Kirara's room and in the kitchen. "Well doesn't someone smell like a familiar kitsune vixen that we both know. Just don't let her hurt you." Nicholas said as he finished up the plates. "I'll be fine and it seems that i'm not the only one." Nicholas turned to Masaru with a huge smile on his face. "We finally kissed and she wasn't freaked out by it at all." Masaru chuckled. "Same here, except I was being a little bit naughtier than you two." Nicholas quirked his eyebrows, but Masaru grabbed and began to set the them in front of every chair for everyone. "Bon appétit." Masaru said as he finished off the last plate.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
Nia smiled and followed Willow and Eva.

She wondered what styles of clothes non-elves had. She adjusted her gold/bronze circlet on her head whilst walking.

(Now I have to find images for the clothes. Great...)

@JayJin @Comet
(Oh my god, my long hair.. Gone.;3;)

Mia follows the two girls, chuckling when she heard Masaru's and Nicholas's conversation. She walked beside Nia, keeping the girl calm as they walked into Willow's and Eva's room, looking around at the clothes. "Do you guys want to choose for me, or do you want me to choose?" She asked the girls. @JayJin @Heir of Dalania

(I found A outfit and also inadvertently turned her into little red riding hood, but I'm going to wait until they go to the store for clothes to post the pic)

"Yay new things!" she said as she began to look around finding a couple sets as she went to go try them on.

@Comet @JayJin
Mia walked over to the drawers and looked through them. She looked at Eva and blushed, looking down at her hands with a small smile then looked back up at the girls. "Long story..." She giggled, picking up a white dress with roses on it. She showed the two girls, asking if it was okay for her to wear it. @JayJin @Heir of Dalania
The girls watched Nia being excited and then turn their attention to the dress Mia picked out. "That would look beautiful on you." Willow said. Eva nodded, "so, if you won't tell us about our brother and you, can you at least tell us if you like him or not? I'm talking about likely him more than just a friend."

@Heir of Dalania @Comet
Mia smiled at the girls when they said it was okay for her to wear the dress. When they pressed her more about their brother, she blushed more and smiled at the ground. "Last night... I went to him cause I couldn't sleep and... He kissed me when we woke up this morning... I have loads of feelings bouncing around inside of me. Warmth and butterflies. I never had these feelings before so I don't know what they mean." She told the two girls, looking at them. After she was done talking to them, she'll go change. She didn't want to change in front of them.. @JayJin @Heir of Dalania
Eva squealed as they heard the words leave Mia's mouth. "You two would make such a cute couple. You're so short and he's so tall and you both tease each other. It's so precious!" Willow chuckled and looked to Mia with glee in her eyes. "Those feelings mean that you like him more than just a friend and I believe that Nicholas feels exactly the same way about you. I mean everytime you talk to him he seems to act like an idiot and stutter his words as he face grows a different shade of red."

@Heir of Dalania @Comet
Nia returned wearing some rather relaxed clothing on and a few other peices of clothing folded under her arm. "I have to agree with these two Mia. You two do complement each other very well." She said with a happy smile, her pointed elongated ears having wiggled a bit, something they do when she gets happy.

@JayJin @Comet

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