Indescribable (Closed)

Mia closed her eyes too, seeing as his was closed. She didn't want to be the awkward one and looked at him while he kissed her. His lips were soft against hers, a kind and gentle feeling. She honestly didn't know how to kiss, but she followed his lead in the kiss, hoping that she was doing it right. @JayJin
Nia litteraly jumped for joy. "YES I did it! Suck that headmaster butt face! All high and mighty in your academy" she said pointing to the ceiling. She calmed herself and began exploring again soon finding yet another stranger, Malvo "H-hello" she said shyly, introducing herself.

JayJin said:
"Didn't I tell you not to lie to me, Kirara~?" He grabbed her out of the covers and hovered over her body. "I told you, I don't like being lied to~." He whispered into her ears and laughed, a evil smirk appearing on his lips.
Kirara let out a squeak of surprise at being pulled out from the safety of the blankets. Her blush managing to deepen once more. "i-i u-uh... i couldn't help it."
Malvo blinked, finally seeming to snap out of her thoughts the moment she was spoken to. Looking to the elven girl, her brow perked in curiosity at the fact she had not seen her before. With a slight smile, she greeted her in return. "Hello."

@Heir of Dalania
Comet said:
Mia closed her eyes too, seeing as his was closed. She didn't want to be the awkward one and looked at him while he kissed her. His lips were soft against hers, a kind and gentle feeling. She honestly didn't know how to kiss, but she followed his lead in the kiss, hoping that she was doing it right. @JayJin
Nicholas pulled back, wanting to stop before he went over the edge. "Y-You're pretty good for this being your first ever kissed." Nicholas kept his eyes away from Mia before sighing and turned to look at her. His usual smile coming back to his face, mixing with the little blush left that was on his face.

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Kirara let out a squeak of surprise at being pulled out from the safety of the blankets. Her blush managing to deepen once more. "i-i u-uh... i couldn't help it."

"You're usually not like this, Ki-ra-ra~." Masaru gazed down at Kirara with hooded eyes. "Where did my mate go? You're blushing so much, Ki-ra-ra~. It's so adorable on you."
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Kuro moved in close and rammed the back of the beast in an attempt to move it off the sword. She wanted to give Meara a chance to get the weapon.

Rei gave Cristina a tear-filled gave. "yeah.. i do care this much."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Mia smiled at him, blushing when he complemented her and looked down, biting her lower lip. "Thank you.." She giggled, looking into his eyes with her chocolate brown ones.

Then, finally thinking about it,
"your family is going to question why your scent is all over me agian, worse this time." She giggled once again, moving her hands up to her mouth to cover her smile up. My first kiss, my first kiss ever... Her smile grew behind her hands, her cheeks becoming a deeper blush, almost like Nicholas's as she moved to sit up a little bit. @JayJin
Meara, thanks to Kuro ramming into Gibby, was able to avoid most of the attacks that the beast focused on her. Still, she ended up getting a couple scratches on her neck and shoulder. 'Ow.' Growling through the pain, she ran underneath Gibby and attempted to take the blade in her teeth the moment she passed it.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Nia smiled back "I'm uh... I'm new here... I'm Nia, whats your name?" She asked bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.


Cristina smiled
"I'd get up and give you a hug... but uh.. I can't" she opened up her arms for a hug. "Rei, come here. Just be careful and stay on my left side."

Gibby moved off the sword following Kuro's push and started swinging every attack he had at the two of them. Panicking in fear of death.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane

Comet said:
Mia smiled at him, blushing when he complemented her and looked down, biting her lower lip. "Thank you.." She giggled, looking into his eyes with her chocolate brown ones.
Then, finally thinking about it,
"your family is going to question why your scent is all over me agian, worse this time." She giggled once again, moving her hands up to her mouth to cover her smile up. My first kiss, my first kiss ever... Her smile grew behind her hands, her cheeks becoming a deeper blush, almost like Nicholas's as she moved to sit up a little bit. @JayJin

"Oh well, at least I got to kiss you."
Nicholas seemed normal now, although there was still a fair blush to his cheeks and across his nose. He gave his famous smile back at her.
JayJin said:
"You're usually not like this, Ki-ra-ra~." Masaru gazed down at Kirara with hooded eyes. "Where did my mate go? You're blushing so much, Ki-ra-ra~. It's so adorable on you."
Kirara squirmed under the look Masaru was giving her. Her body slowly becoming warm. "i don't know what you mean. im right here~" She attempted to copy Masaru's tone and hooded look.


Kuro tanked the blows from Gibby completely as she moved so that the beast would only hit her and not risk Meara being hit. Although one or two blows were pretty decent. Just not good enough to knock down Kuro.

Rei smiled and carefully hugged Cristina gently on her left side. "when we get out of here. im taking you to a doctor."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
She crawled out of the bed, strerching again as her stomach grumbled with hunger. "Do you think there will be breakfast?" She asked, looking at him on his bed. To her, he still had a sleepy look to him... She instantly jumped on him, trying to wake him up more. "It's the morning! You're supposed to be wide awake, not sleepy!" She giggled, wiggling around on his and trying to wake him up more. @JayJin
Malvo watched as Nia would move in place, her pointed ears perking. Of course, at first glance, the wolf-like being that stood before the elf would come off as a male. Just as she'd try to do with others. "I'm Malvo." She said in introduction. Tail still seeming to sway as her brow perked a bit more. "If I may ask, when did you get here?"

@Heir of Dalania

With a bit of blood seeming to slightly soak the fur on her neck and shoulder, Meara ducked and bowed her head. She bit down on the hilt of the blade before circling Gibby in an effort to find a weak point. With no current downtime to shift back, she continued her elegant dodging. She knew she may end up becoming the main focus as soon as Gibby would realise she had the blade he'd been protecting. That prediction was clear after seeing what it had done to Cristina. So, she was limited to using the blade in her current, black furred form. But this had not seemed to bother the Kitsune, as she had a few tricks in mind that may just be of assistance.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Nicholas's blush instantly came back as Mia was on top of him. I'm dead! DEAD! D.E.A.D. DEAD! Why!? Just calm down, relax, breathe. "I am up! I was smiling before you jumped on me and now i'm dead!" Nicholas rolled her off and leaped onto the floor, staying on the floor, showing no signs of getting up.
Mia looked down at him on the floor, a giggling fit starting. "Then why you still down?" She asked between giggles, smiling down as she rolled over onto her back and held her stomach as she continued to laugh at how silly he was being. @JayJin
"L-last night" Nia answered rubbing the back of her neck. "I was in rough shape and found this place looking for aid after I-..." she stopped herself from finishing the sentence, feeling sick in the stomach once more.


Cristina smiled at Rei's embrace
"okay. As long as you stop crying. You look better with a smile"

Gibby began to chase Meara around in a rage. Shooting fire out of it's mouth in a desperate effort to hit the elusive Kitsune.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
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Raven sighed, soon getting up, and walking in the maze like hallways. He shuffled around, but he was silent.


Naomi soon got up, went to the bathroom to clean up, and she was soon walking down the hallway to were Raven was sitting. She sat on the couch, not lazily and all over it like Raven was, she just sat down, like a guest.
Comet said:
Mia looked down at him on the floor, a giggling fit starting. "Then why you still down?" She asked between giggles, smiling down as she rolled over onto her back and held her stomach as she continued to laugh at how silly he was being. @JayJin
"It doesn't matter. You have a cute laugh." Nicholas smiled as he looked up to the ceiling.
She looked down at him again, still giggling as she got up and stood over him. "Come on, I wanna go see if there is breakfast now." She smiled down at him, getting down to touch her nose to his quickly before stepping away so he could get up.

"I hope I don't make your sister cry again.."
She said, thinking about last night when she asked about the food. @JayJin
Comet said:
She looked down at him again, still giggling as she got up and stood over him. "Come on, I wanna go see if there is breakfast now." She smiled down at him, getting down to touch her nose to his quickly before stepping away so he could get up.

"I hope I don't make your sister cry again.."
She said, thinking about last night when she asked about the food. @JayJin
Nicholas kept his blush as he noticed that she touched her nose with his. He stood up, cleaning himself off. "Crying . . . oh, I see. You met my little sister, Elizabeth. Elizabeth doesn't like disappointing people, so if she does, she gets really upset and overemotional to the point where she cries. Don't worry about it too much. She's just very passionate,"
JayJin said:
"Don't act coy with me, Kirara~. You are blushing so much, i'm afraid that you're burning up. It's so cute how you squirm. You know that you brought this on yourself. Say it, Kirara~. Say that Masaru is the man that can handle me. That I squirm under his eyes. That I melt at his touch. Because we both know that it is true, you said that I couldn't handle you and now look at where we are. Touching my lips without consent leads to punishment." Masaru widen his smirk and said the last part into her ear, whispering the word.
Kirara gritted her teeth some. She knew that Masaru knew everything he was saying was true. But she wasn't gonna admit that so easily. "y-you can't handle me~"


Kuro rushed the beast's breath attack, redirecting it back to the beast's feet. Hopefully to make it lose its balance and give Meara a shot with the sword at it.

Rei smiled softly at Cristina. "i'll smile all you want when you get healed."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
"Yeah, it scared me a little bit yesterday. All I did was ask a little question then she started crying." She told him, walking towards he door. The same nightgown she had on yesterday was still on her body, opening the door and looking down both ways of the hallway.

Her heart was pounding as much as Nicholas's at this point, everything that happened and said were racing through her mind. She never felt like this before and honestly, it wasn't bad for her.
After noticing her stop, Malvo sighed and flicked a lowered ear. Her arms wrapping around herself once more. "You alright? Ya don't need to finish that sentence, if y' don't want to."

@Heir of Dalania

Meara panted a bit through her nose, managing to briefly come to a stop and look back when the fire had been redirected. With the blade still in her teeth, her eyes flashed and she charged at Gibby.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane

"Yeah, it's just her wanting to please. She doesn't like losing or being hated. Hell, she hates to be hated and being a failure."
Nicholas followed Mia and then began to walk towards the kitchen. He finally felt a little better after kissing her. He didn't blush as much, but he knew that he'll have to be cautious if he went down that road with her.
Nia did the same motion as Malvo, wrapping her arms around herself. "Yeah... that would be best"


Cristina hugged Rei a bit tighter. "Can you get me on my feet?"

Gibby was suprised and then knocked over following the blast of fire being redirected at his feet.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane

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