Indescribable (Closed)

Mia sat up and looked at Nicholas's red face and sighed. "You're acting like I'm going to bite you." She told him, giving him a questioning look. "You slept by me in the forest, why not now? You're acting off.." She sighed and looked down at her lap and her hands. Maybe it's my fault...? I evaded his space too much..

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you awkward...."
She didn't look up at him, only at her hands as she pulled the soft cover off of her. @JayJin
Raven and Naomi both walked in, but they stood by the door, so they didn't freak the elf out. Raven leaned up to Naomi and whispered something to her, she then nodded and then gazed to Nia. "He is wondering if there is anything he could get you, food, water." Raven didn't want to ask to many questions to quickly, but he then got Naomi to ask another question. She then spoke up once more. "We would also like to know your name, if that isn't a problem."
Comet said:
Mia sat up and looked at Nicholas's red face and sighed. "You're acting like I'm going to bite you." She told him, giving him a questioning look. "You slept by me in the forest, why not now? You're acting off.." She sighed and looked down at her lap and her hands. Maybe it's my fault...? I evaded his space too much..
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you awkward...."
She didn't look up at him, only at her hands as she pulled the soft cover off of her. @JayJin
"No Mia, it's not that. It's just. . . it's just. I don't know where it started! I found you as something fragile that I needed to be careful when I hold, but then one day I wake up and all I want to do. . . all I want to do is touch your nose with mine, and much, much more. You're so beautiful, kind, sweet and flawless, and I just want to bad, naughty things. Bad things. I want to kiss you and make love to you and I don't know why or how this started! I'm going insane from just looking at your enchanting body!" He stood up from his chair and paced. His heart increasing into a different beat.
"No, I don't need anything else. You've done so much for me already, and my name is Nia." She spoke softly, the effects of what happened still weighing heavily on her mind.

@Raven Daniel
Mia looked up at him when he explained everything, a light blush coming to her cheeks as she watched him pace. "I don't understand, those thoughts are stopping you from being near me?" She asked, she got out of the bed and walked towards him, hugging him tight. She didn't care how he reacted to it, she just wanted to calm him. She looked up at him as she hugged him, quickly touching her nose to his to calm him some more then letting go and stepping back, her hands together in front of her.

"I can leave so you can stop being so... You know." @JayJin
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Comet said:
Mia looked up at him when he explained everything, a light blush coming to her cheeks as she watched him pace. "I don't understand, those thoughts are stopping you from being near me?" She asked, she got out of the bed and walked towards him, hugging him tight. She didn't care how he reacted to it, she just wanted to calm him. She looked up at him as she hugged him, quickly touching her nose to his to calm him some more edited letting go and stepping back, her hands together in front of her.

"I can leave so you can stop being so... You know." @JayJin
Nicholas sighed and grabbed Mia, lifting her from the floor and putting her in his bed. He laid down on one side and tried to stop his irregular heartbeat. "Just go to sleep, Mia. You need sleep." He wanted to act up, act foolish. He wanted to be his past self when he smiled like a dumbass instead of feeling his heart bound in his chest.
Naomi nodded, and told Raven that Nia was ok for now. Raven then nodded aswell. "Nia, eh? That's a nice name..." He said. Naomi, was about to walk out with Raven, before stopping, she then looked back to Nia. "If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." She said with a kind smile. She met Raven outside, and he dragged Naomi to another room. "Ok..." He walked in, admiring the room. "Woah." Naomi was immediately in the bed, trying to go to sleep. "I'm to tired to look around." She gestured for him to lay beside her, and he did so.
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Mia's eyes widened when he picked her up and put her on his bed. She looked at him when he got beside her and told her to go to Sleep. She nodded, looking at him closely before sighing and closing her eyes, curling her knees up closer to her body. She could go to sleep, but everything he said to her was running through her mind. A small smile played at her lips, feelings coursing through her. She didn't act on them though, giving him his space.

She shifted her body, moving to lay on her stomach and laying her body out flat, and her face facing him. Within minutes, her face showed the calm features of sleep, but her body showing a happy and comfortable position. @JayJin

(And now... xD Oml, I felt the emotions a lil bit. But if you want to skip to the morning, you can.)
Comet said:
Mia's eyes widened when he picked her up and put her on his bed. She looked at him when he got beside her and told her to go to Sleep. She nodded, looking at him closely before sighing and closing her eyes, curling her knees up closer to her body. She could go to sleep, but everything he said to her was running through her mind. A small smile played at her lips, feelings coursing through her. She didn't act on them though, giving him his space.
She shifted her body, moving to lay on her stomach and laying her body out flat, and her face facing him. Within minutes, her face showed the calm features of sleep, but her body showing a happy and comfortable position. @JayJin

(And now... xD Oml, I felt the emotions a lil bit. But if you want to skip to the morning, you can.)
(Depends if everyone is ready for a timeskip into morning.)

Nicholas looked at Mia's sleeping form. Nicholas, what are you doing? Don't do it. She'll wake up and it'll be awkward. Bad idea. Nicholas decided against his conscious and leaned down in his bed. He gave a peck to her forehead and wrapped her into his arms. His body felt like it was on fire and sleep wouldn't come easily to him when her scent alone made him feel drunk. Soft~. Her antlers will poke me in my eye, but I rather be blind than let go of her. She looks up to me all the time as if I got answers coming out of my ears. She's so. . . so dependent on me. I won't let her down. Nicholas sighed, keeping his eyes on her sleeping form.
(I dunno what to put for her now. xD Like, it's not much to put when someone is sleeping. xD @jayjin)
(I'm fine with a time skip for this group.)

Nia was sleepy but she couldn't sleep. She felt guilty, wrong. She couldn't imagine the pain those men went through. She felt sick, like she was going to vomit. She had never killed before, and the way she did today was brutal. She knew they weren't innocent, she had to do it., but still. She looked down to her hands and shuddered. "What have I done..."

She eventually fell asleep. Not that she would get much, she kept waking up due to nightmares.
Nicholas snuggled closer to Mia and fell asleep.

The rest of siblings cleaned up and went to bed.

Masaru laid down on Kirara's bed and held her until he fell asleep.


Mia shifted in her sleep, scrunching up her face as the sun shone on her. She turned around in his arms, her back against Nicholas as she faced away from the sun, falling back into a light sleep. @JayJin
Comet said:
Mia shifted in her sleep, scrunching up her face as the sun shone on her. She turned around in his arms, her back against Nicholas as she faced away from the sun, falling back into a light sleep. @JayJin
Nicholas groaned and opened his eyes when he felt Mia rustle. He felt lethargic, and sedated as his eyes slowly open. Being half asleep, he kissed the nape of Mia's neck and growled, thinking that Mia was one of his past playdates or a nightwalker that he found on the streets.
Nia was awake when the sun came up, she didn't sleep much at all last night. She got up and started to look around the house, walking quietly so as not to disturb anyone.

@ anyone who wants to
Dei-Loki slept in a separate bed beside Malvo's. Still asleep, he clenched the sheets of the bed whilst a few incoherent mumbles had been heard coming from him.

Malvo had already been awake and roaming the building with her arms wrapped around her stomach. In a silent act, she looked for something to do.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
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Mia slowly opened her Eyes, feeling him kiss her neck. She moved to face him, being more awake than him and giggled softly. "Nicholas.." She said softly, giggling agian. she leaned back in his arms to smile at his sleepy face, giggling again. She never felt kisses on her neck before, or any kisses at all, but Nicholas's were soft.. Are all like that and not how Masaru explained them? @JayJin
Raven sighed, as he hadn't slept at all. He got up, walking into the bathroom, freshening up. He walked out, cleaned and still sleepy. He walked out into the hallway silent as always, and walked to a couch, and sat on it. "Someone kill the word...mornings." He was never a morning person.

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