Indescribable (Closed)

Comet said:
(I would be piiiiiiissseeedddd.)
Mia removed her arms once he stood up. She smiled kindly at him as he said he'll show her with a blush on his cheeks. She finally asked, "Nicholas are you okay? Are you getting sick? Your face is constantly staying red." She jogged a little ahead of him, stopping him in his tracks by getting in front of him and looking up at him as she wrapped her arms around her own body.

Nicholas looked away from Mia. His heart thrumming in a different tempo. "I-I'm fine." He cleared his throat and tried to be as calm as possible. The blush slowly fading. She's a friend. She's innocent and she knows nothing of what she's doing. She's Mia. He exhaled and looked to Mia, immediately regretting his decision. Her scent is intoxicating. Her skin seems so smooth and unblemished. Her eyes are staring right into my soul and her voice is angelic. She's Mia! Innocent Mia! Nicholas, come on, straighten up in front of her. Nicholas stood strong, keeping down the blush. "Come on, Mia. I'll t-t-teach you how to clean the p-plates."
JayJin said:
Masaru sighed, "Kirara, it's me. Masaru. The man you. . . the man. . . the man that you love. You love me, Kirara. For some odd reason, you love me. You love a bastard. Kirara, I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to. I don't." Masaru stared at Kirara, ignoring the snake in front of him. If he had to, he would rush at her and hold her to him until she calms down. Yet, Masaru wasn't ready to hug and show comfort in the slightest.
Kirara started crying, "....." She said nothing but the snake started fading. She hugged herself even more tightly and buried her face into her knees. "...s-sorry... and your not a bastard."

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara has kept up her pace, which had been fairly quick - a lot quicker than most kitsunes could travel. Even the higher-ups lacked her speed. She'd watch as Rei's cards were flung at the beast. Still, she seemed to dodge the attacks with ease as she continued in her attempts to lure Gibby away a bit more.
@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @Shiro kurogane
Seeing that Kuro had joined Meara, Rei returned to Cristina's side. "im sorry, i can't heal.... im useless." Rei started crying at seeing Cristina hurt. Rei buzzed around Cristina like a worried lover, not far off since she liked the hurt girl.

Kuro watched Meara for a moment before catching on so what needed to be done and moved like Meara did to help distract and draw Gibby away.
Mia sighed. He's not telling me.. But I won't push it. She gave him a Kind smile, following him again and standing beside him. "Alright, teach me." She told him, looking up at him and smiled. She bumped him with her hip playfully, giggling. "You're acting all serious, chill out." @JayJin
@CERBERUS177[/URL], @Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara quickly glanced to Kuro for a moment as she watched her help lure Gibby away. Her gaze didn't stay off of the winged beast for long, though. Though she was quick, she was pushing her luck with not getting hit. So, she needed to keep on her paws to avoid the confused creature.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Mia watched him, then replicated what he did to her own, finishing then looking up at him. "Like that?" She asked. She could sense that he was still tense, but he wouldn't tell her what's up, or anyone else for that matter... @JayJin
Cristina gave a smile then winced. "You're... crying... I didn't know you" she winced again "cared so much for me little bird" she was careful and slow with her breathing, so as not to hurt herself. She carefully pulled up her shirt to just below her breasts. There was a large bruise over the right side of her ribcage. "Yep... definitely broke some ribs... they should heal themselves in a couple weeks... I just gotta take it easy."

Gibby was annoyed by the two running around him so he decided to comit a couple seconds to focus his attacks on Meara.

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx


Nia released the hug and walked over to her new set of clothes. Picking them up she made a 'shoo' gesture with her off hand to Raven.

@Raven Daniel
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Comet said:
Mia watched him, then replicated what he did to her own, finishing then looking up at him. "Like that?" She asked. She could sense that he was still tense, but he wouldn't tell her what's up, or anyone else for that matter... @JayJin
Nicholas nodded, trying to get his head clear. "Exactly like that. Good job, Mia."
Raven watched Nia walk, and shoo him away. He nodded, and left, closing the door behind him. Raven walked to the end of the hallway, thinking to himself, and trying to regain his knowledge of the elves. "Hmm..." His kind and worryful look was replaced by his normal, 'I could care less' look.
Mia smiled at him and finished all the other dishes before turning to him and asked, "okay, what now?" She twisted the hem of the nightgown with her finger, looking up at him. He looked more calm now, which made her happy ass he smiled up at him. @JayJin
Comet said:
Mia smiled at him and finished all the other dishes before turning to him and asked, "okay, what now?" She twisted the hem of the nightgown with her finger, looking up at him. He looked more calm now, which made her happy ass he smiled up at him. @JayJin
"N-now. . . now, we sleep. It's already night and you must be exhausted." He turned attention away from her. Her smile was bright and all he wanted to do was be a dirty dog. She truly is a goddess of purity.
Dei-Loki soon finished his food, a gentle huff of relief being released from him. This sigh having caught Malvo's attention.

"Better?" Malvo perked her brow, Dei-Loki nodding to her.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Dei-Loki blinked, his own brow perking when Malvo shook her head.

"I'm not hungry." She would simply state. Her gaze traveling about the room. Liar. Y' haven't eaten since we got here. 'I'll get something to eat later.'
She thought about it for a minute then nodded. She frowned a little bit when he turned away from her and didn't return the smile, but she didn't bring it up as she hugged him. "Goodnight Nicholas." She told him as she turned around and walked off to the room she was given.

Sleeping for her would be hard, not having a calming presence close to her, and in this case, Nicholas's calming presence. She walked into the room, closing what they called a door behind her and crawled into the bed and sat down. She looked around at the room filled with things, a look crossing her face as everything just looked liked shadows. She shook her head, laying down and curling up in a ball, trying to sleep. She could sense Nicholas's presence, but it wasn't close, bothering her a lot.

(I'm gonna do it. After you reply.)
(Oh god. What if Nicolas forms a very small harem, in the form of the two equally clueless and cute Nia and Mia. xD )

Nia changed and disguarded her old clothes unceremoniously onto the floor. The clothes were a little big on her but she didn't mind. She sat in her room but curiosity was eating away at the Elf's mind. She wanted to explore the place, it's almost an instict for her but she repressed the urge for now.
Comet said:
She thought about it for a minute then nodded. She frowned a little bit when he turned away from her and didn't return the smile, but she didn't bring it up as she hugged him. "Goodnight Nicholas." She told him as she turned around and walked off to the room she was given.
Sleeping for her would be hard, not having a calming presence close to her, and in this case, Nicholas's calming presence. She walked into the room, closing what they called a door behind her and crawled into the bed and sat down. She looked around at the room filled with things, a look crossing her face as everything just looked liked shadows. She shook her head, laying down and curling up in a ball, trying to sleep. She could sense Nicholas's presence, but it wasn't close, bothering her a lot.

(I'm gonna do it. After you reply.)

Nicholas felt like an ass from not giving her a smile or hugging her back, but when she was so close, it felt as if he was going to lose his mind. He wanted to sin and lust and give in to the beast that controls his primal instincts. He wanted to kiss her, hold her, feel her skin against his. What am I thinking!? I can't! I won't! Gods, I want to drow myself in the sink water. I just need sleep. Tomorrow, she'll be back to Mia, the cute, innocent doe. She won't be Mia, the temptation goddess of chastity. He headed straight to his room, rid of his shirt and laid in bed.
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Raven sighed, and sent a pulse of magic, that Naomi would hopefully catch. He waited, to see if she would come back. "Hmm...I really hope she knows how to speak Elvish..."


Naomi, had just finished eating, as she felt Raven send a pulse. "Ok..." She nearly dashed out of the dining room, and caught up with Raven very quickly. "What's wrong Raven?" She questioned, seeing as how worried he was.


Raven looked to Naomi. "Can you speak the Elven language?" He asked, and just as he had hoped, she knew how to speak it, but just small sentences, nothing to amazing. He didn't lead her to Nia yet, he just wanted to know for now.
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Oh god. What if Nicolas forms a very small harem, in the form of the two equally clueless and cute Nia and Mia. xD )
Nia changed and disguarded her old clothes unceremoniously onto the floor. The clothes were a little big on her but she didn't mind. She sat in her room but curiosity was eating away at the Elf's mind. She wanted to explore the place, it's almost an instict for her but she repressed the urge for now.

(That's a scary thought.)
Mia growled and Crawled out of the bed, not taking it anymore. She walked to the door, opening it slowly. The creaking noise of it echoed through the empty hallway. She looked both ways before turning left and swiftly walking down it. Finding Nicholas was easy for her, following the feelings she get from his presence.

She stopped and opened the door quickly and entered quietly, shutting it so it didn't creak loudly. She quickly went to him, crawling in beside him but keeping some distance between them so he didn't get tense around her again.

She looked at him in the dark, a look on her face before saying quietly, "I can't sleep. Usually, at home, when I can't sleep, a calming presence of my father would help me sleep, but he's not here, and yours calms me.." She curled up in a ball, pulling her knees to her chest and looked at him, waiting for his answer. She invaded his space again, she was just waiting for him to snap or do something.. @JayJin

(Oh my, so much.)
Comet said:
Mia growled and Crawled out of the bed, not taking it anymore. She walked to the door, opening it slowly. The creaking noise of it echoed through the empty hallway. She looked both ways before turning left and swiftly walking down it. Finding Nicholas was easy for her, following the feelings she get from his presence.
She stopped and opened the door quickly and entered quietly, shutting it so it didn't creak loudly. She quickly went to him, crawling in beside him but keeping some distance between them so he didn't get tense around her again.

She looked at him in the dark, a look on her face before saying quietly, "I can't sleep. Usually, at home, when I can't sleep, a calming presence of my father would help me sleep, but he's not here, and yours calms me.." She curled up in a ball, pulling her knees to her chest and looked at him, waiting for his answer. She invaded his space again, she was just waiting for him to snap or do something.. @JayJin

(Oh my, so much.)
A deep, red blush went from his face to his chest as he froze in place by Mia's appearance. "I-I-I-I-I. . . I am half naked!" Nicholas jumped out of bed and army crawled his way to the drawers, he needed a shirt and some God to strike him from where he crawled. His body shaking at the idea of Mia in his bed. INNOCENT! INNOCENT! TO THE GODS OF THE CLOUDS, SHE'S INNOCENT. I.N.N.O.C.E.N.T. I'm going to die. The gods will kill me and laugh as they do so! I can't control myself. I'll lose it on her. I'll snap and be soooo sinful. He pulled on a shirt and sat on one of his chairs that he had in his room "I c-c-c-can't s-s-seem to f-fall asleep. I'll s-s-s-stay r-r-r-right here and y-you c-can g-g-go to s-s-sleep in m-m-m-m-my b-bed."

(I think I nailed every anime that I've come to known.)
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Naomi looked at Raven. "Why do you ask?" She hoped their wasn't any problem to big of a deal. Raven looked at Naomi, before answering her. "There's an elf here, and she seemed to be in quite a lot of trouble, I can't really understand her, and I need your help." Naomi nodded, before asking Raven to lead her to the Elf. Raven took Naomi to Nias room, and knocked. Naomi then decided to speak up. "May we come in?" She asked, seeming to speak Elvish almost fluently.
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After taking care of his dirty dish, little Loki glanced to Malvo. "Well... let's go and find a room to stay in." Dei-Loki heavily sighed. Soon standing as he quietly pocketed his hands. Hiding a wince as he led the way out.

Malvo would nod as she stood, as well. She also seemed to wince, but she didn't hide it as well as Dei-Loki had done. Quickly tagging along, she closed her eyes.

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