Indescribable (Closed)

Cristina looked at Kuro and Meara then to the (i dont know what to name it) She saw it begin to wake up. She quickly ducked back down as it made a loud screeching noise as it spread it's wings and took off the tower. "well... go get it" she said pointing out to where it had took off.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
Raven and Naomi both, just listened to the group, and kept an eye on everything around them. "Are you sure Naomi?" He asked in another hushed voice.


"Do I have to left them out for you?!" She whisper screamed. "Yes, they are indeed in my bag, please stop worrying." She tried to reassure the boy.
Kuro let her eyes search Meara's. After a moment she sighed and gave a soft smile. "okay, we'll both kill it." She said but she was determined to kill the beast before it could hurt Meara. Even if Kuro had to get slightly serious which could possibly make Meara see Kuro as the real monster. Kuro looked like she was going to say something but hearing the beast wake, Kuro rushed it. As soon as she neared, Kuro lifted the thing by its boney wing and spun it around to toss it out of the tower and the thing landed just at the edge of the forest. Now Rei and Cristina wouldn't get caught up in the fighting.

Rei flitched into Cristina, hugging the girl as the beast woke up and roared. The sound scaring Rei a bit.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

(i still don't know what to do now.)

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Raven Daniel @JayJin @Comet
(I'm gonna be gone for about an hour or so, I think. We're having a bit of a family crisis. :/

So, just have Dei-Loki and Malvo following along, and have the same for Meara, I guess. I'll try to be back on as soon as I can.)

@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @Heir of Dalania

(i still don't know what to do now.)

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Raven Daniel @JayJin @Comet
(Just have a conversation with the group or pass out and describe a dream, or memory. Ideas, ideas, ideas.)

xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I'm gonna be gone for about an hour or so, I think. We're having a bit of a family crisis. :/
So, just have Dei-Loki and Malvo following along, and have the same for Meara, I guess. I'll try to be back on as soon as I can.)
(Noted. Hope everything is A-Okay.)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I'm gonna be gone for about an hour or so, I think. We're having a bit of a family crisis. :/
So, just have Dei-Loki and Malvo following along, and have the same for Meara, I guess. I'll try to be back on as soon as I can.)
(hope everyone/thing is okay)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Kuro looked like she was going to say something but hearing the beast wake, Kuro rushed it. As soon as she neared, Kuro lifted the thing by its boney wing and spun it around to toss it out of the tower and the thing landed just at the edge of the forest.

(See here you've got this thingy (still to be named) and it wakes up from a nap and does the equivalent of a monster yawn, stretches out. Gets out of bed and is about to leave the house for some food or whatever. Then this random chick come out of nowhere and just fuckin THROWS THIS BIG ASS LIZARD and then I think the lizard thing is all

“I Came Out to Have a Good Time and I’m Honestly Feeling So Attacked Right Now”)
(Nicholas's siblings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_18-44-15.png.218b50a411fd133cd8148c582b43b0df.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_18-44-15.png.218b50a411fd133cd8148c582b43b0df.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Just going to say that the parents are far away from home. Also picture them in old fashion clothes instead of that. I like to put visual image in mindsets instead of writing how they look. Now, I just need to get Masaru's servants and I am good to go.)

Nicholas looked to the twins, of course he and Masaru knew what Malvo's gender was in the beginning. They could smell the female pheromones straight off her, but it didn't bother them at all. "I have three sisters and three brothers, plus Masaru, who I like to think of as an older brother."

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Raven Daniel



  • upload_2016-7-29_18-44-15.png
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[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](See here you've got this thingy (still to be named) and it wakes up from a nap and does the equivalent of a monster yawn, stretches out. Gets out of bed and is about to leave the house for some food or whatever. Then this random chick come out of nowhere and just fuckin THROWS THIS BIG ASS LIZARD and then I think the lizard thing is all
“I Came Out to Have a Good Time and I’m Honestly Feeling So Attacked Right Now”)

("not my fault you are protecting a dungeon. you should have seen this coming at some point." -Kuro.)
(I'm back and, yeah, everyone is fine. -.- It's just my uncle being a drunken idiot...)

"Pretty big family." Malvo had blinked, her brow having been quirked a small bit. With a flick of an ear, she smiled a bit. "We've got quite a few siblings, as well."

While Dei-Loki listened to both Malvo and Nicholas, he couldn't help but smirk. He never thought he'd see his sister acting so open with a large group of people. Though it was off-putting, it was still a big relief on his end.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara went to follow Kuro, only to pause and lift her brows as the creature was - quite literally - launched out of it's own room. She'd been a bit stunned whilst watching such an act. Blinking a couple of times, she'd slightly tilt her head. "What a thing t' wake up to..." The kitsune could not help but comment, a slight smirk on her face from the comment before she'd then look to Kuro once more.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I'm back and, yeah, everyone is fine. -.- It's just my uncle being a drunken idiot...)
"Pretty big family." Malvo had blinked, her brow having been quirked a small bit. With a flick of an ear, she smiled a bit. "We've got quite a few siblings, as well."

While Dei-Loki listened to both Malvo and Nicholas, he couldn't help but smirk. He never thought he'd see his sister acting so open with a large group of people. Though it was off-putting, it was still a big relief on his end.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara went to follow Kuro, only to pause and lift her brows as the creature was - quite literally - launched out of it's own room. She'd been a bit stunned whilst watching such an act. Blinking a couple of times, she'd slightly tilt her head. "What a thing t' wake up to..." The kitsune could not help but comment, a slight smirk on her face from the comment before she'd then look to Kuro once more.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
(Yeah, I know what you mean. I got an alcoholic Dad, who is half Italian, so just imagine the drama that goes around us with his crazy emotions. Thanks to the Heavens that I don't live with him anymore.)
JayJin said:
(Yeah, I know what you mean. I got an alcoholic Dad, who is half Italian, so just imagine the drama that goes around us with his crazy emotions. Thanks to the Heavens that I don't live with him anymore.)
(Ah, lovely. XP Yeah, on top of my uncle being one whom loves to drink, both of my parents and my stepfather are/were alcoholics. But, thankfully, they aren't too bad... Well, not all of the time, anyway.

o_o Come to think of it... There are quite a few alcoholics in my large family of German/Irish/Americans.)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(Ah, lovely. XP Yeah, on top of my uncle being one whom loves to drink, both of my parents and my stepfather are/were alcoholics. But, thankfully, they aren't too bad... Well, not all of the time, anyway.
o_o Come to think of it... There are quite a few alcoholics in my large family of German/Irish/Americans.)
(Same, I got some Italian (Dad), German (Dad) and Irish (Mom). I also got Native American and French canadain. I just random stuff in my lineage.)
(I decided to rip the name for ol beasty out of the book I based it off of. Its called a Gilarabrywn call it Gibby for short)

To say the Gilarabrywn was pissed would be an understatement. It rose up in the sky, releasing a powerfull roar as it spread its wings. Soon it began to circle around the tower.

Cristina went up to the top of the tower and began looking around for any other hostiles.

(Up to you if we find any extra badies)

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
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Kuro chuckled with an undertone of nervousness. "yeah well, its that thing's fault for guarding a dungeon. who sleeps on the job anyways?" She smiled, relieved to see Meara smile back and not see her as a monster. "anyways, we better go bring that thing down." She commented and Kuro solidified the air like a staircase and began walking into the sky.

Rei Stayed close to Cristina as they looked around for more creatures or traps.

(im too lazy)

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Kirara whined and pawed at nothing in her sleep while Masaru was assumingly still carrying her. Inside her nighmarish dream, images of past events, distorted voiced, shadowed beings and much more either grabbed at her, called to her, yelled at her and tried to hurt her. Her soft whining eventually turned to soft crying and soft murrmurs of sorry, no, don't hurt me and go away.

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Raven Daniel @JayJin @Comet
Comet said:
Mia Mia woke up, seeing as they were at Nicholas's and Masaru's home. She crawled down nicholas's back, looking at everything with awe. It was nothing like her home. She looked at Nicholas, smiling at him before walking away to check it out.

She ran into a bunch of kids, giving them stunned looks and looked at Nicholas. Each one had something in common with him. "These your sibilings?" She asked.
(Um. . . we were still in FreyHaven and we were going on a ship to their house, but if everyone is okay with just skippingto there, we can totally do that.)
JayJin said:
(Um. . . we were still in FreyHaven and we were going on a ship to their house, but if everyone is okay with just skippingto there, we can totally do that.)
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JayJin said:
(Um. . . we were still in FreyHaven and we were going on a ship to their house, but if everyone is okay with just skippingto there, we can totally do that.)
(I'm alright with skipping to that. Mostly because I already wrote out a reply... I'll save it if we don't do this, though.)

Meara kept her smirk, nodding to her and hesitating for a moment before having followed Kuro up. Listening to the beast's roar had not caused her to flinched at all. It was almost as if she'd been looking forward to this battle, herself.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
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(Ima name the beast gibby)

Gibby rose up and dived down at the two climbing the air staircase, attempting to claw at both of them simultaneously, before it would then rise back up and fly away, gaining back its altitude.

Cristina started grabing as much valuable things as possible and stuffing them into her bag. Looking to Rei with a happy smile. "I missed this!"

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane

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