Indescribable (Closed)

Kuro whistled at the beast able to call the air like she could. However, Kuro could control the elements and all their variations. Something that couldn't be done without directly consuming the souls of pure elementals. And sadly, pure elementals no longer existed in this age. They had died out long before the existence of humans. She looked back at Meara to make sure the girl was okay. Kuro's eyes sparked as she looked back at the creature. She debated turning serious on the thing or not. But being too serious would have the opposite effect and backlash on the surroundings.

Kuro stood her ground against the attack. The essence of the elementals she had consumed wouldn't let her die. So her defenses were literally automatic. So the lightning fired at Kuro was simply absorbed harmlessly. Kuro responded to the beasts attack but hurling a different type of lighting, black lighting. It was much stronger than normal lighting and was untamable. Kinda like a watered-down version of it's primal variant.

Rei looked over at Cristina and saw the glowing gem thingy. "Cristina? what is it? why are you staring at that glowing gem? cristina?..."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

Kirara heard Masaru's words and nodded. Since they were acting, Kirara kissed his cheek. Something she had wanted to do for awhile. And seeing as she had this chance where Masaru couldn't get mad at her, she took it.

@JayJin @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177
Comet said:
(I'll be back later. I got work. Ttyl later tonight!! @JayJin, if you reply to me, I'll reply later, promise.)
(Okie dokie)

Masaru turned his head to look into Kirara's eyes. "You're going to enjoy every minute of this, huh?"

Nicholas blush grew darker. "Hmm? You're not from around here, are ya? Nopes, you are a innocent lil' lady for sure. Around here, we do mating a different way." Caden said as he studied her for a few seconds. Elizabeth looked to Dei-Loki and giggled. "Are you hungry? I make good curry and rice." She ran to the direction of the kitchen and dining area. "Wait! Elizabeth, you're too small and clumsy! You'll hurt yourself like all the other times!" Jacob yelled out and chased after his sister.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
Gibby (lol that name tho) completely tanked the attack and the mark made by the ice javelin soon dissapeared afterwards. Gibby landed on the air stairs beneath the two and began to swipe at them with its claws.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine..." she tilted her head in curiosity and reached out and touched the tennis ball sized gem. Upon doing so her eyes began to glow bright blue, as a series of images flashed through her mind. A sort of clairvoyance took hold of her vision. "Woah..." She looked at her hand in front of her face to see it glowing, looking around at everything in the room was glowing different colors for her.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
"I am a bit hungry, yes." Dei-Loki couldn't help but snicker as he watched Elizabeth and Jacob. His ears perking as the two ran to the kitchen. Curiously, he pocketed his hands and followed them both.

Malvo watched him go before looking to both Raven and Naomi, blinking when Raven had sighed.
"Yer both pretty quiet."

@Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara briefly returned Kuro's glance before watching her attack. Seeing that Gibby hadn't been too effected, her teeth would then grit as she looked back to the beast - leaping before she could be clawed at.

Her eyes would then soon give off even more of a light blue glow as two balls of blue fire had been lit in her hands. Quickly, she'd then toss them down at Gibby.

(Forgive me for late replies, I'm suffering from a bit of writers block. x.x )
@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Both Naomi and Raven looked to Malvo, and in unison they both spoke. "We don't speak unless spoken to..." They said, as if they were perfect servants.


"And...multiple people isn't really my thing." Raven finished. He, even if it was one-on-one, was always afraid of making a fool of himself.
Malvo blinked at their synchronised replies, but nodded to both Naomi and Raven. A sigh was then released from her as she closed her yes. "Guess I could understand that. I never used to like large amounts of people, either." She then shifted. "Despite the fact my parents enjoy throwing parties and dragging me to meetings and such."

@Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](i have such a serious case of mental blockage...)

(I know the feeling.

Though, I'm fairly certain it's because I'm sick.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](i have such a serious case of mental blockage...)

xXLittleLokiXx said:
(I know the feeling.
Though, I'm fairly certain it's because I'm sick.)
(Do you two need any help with ideas or something? I don't have anything to do. Also, sorry to hear the Little Loki, hope it's not too bad.)
JayJin said:
(Do you two need any help with ideas or something? I don't have anything to do. Also, sorry to hear the Little Loki, hope it's not too bad.)
(nah, my blockage is stemmed from my near panic attack earlier. i suffer from anxiety.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](nah, my blockage is stemmed from my near panic attack earlier. i suffer from anxiety.)

(I see, do you want me to grab some puppy and baby gifs? :( )
JayJin said:
(Do you two need any help with ideas or something? I don't have anything to do. Also, sorry to hear the Little Loki, hope it's not too bad.)
(It's fine. I don't think it's anything bad, I'm just really groggy and a bit nauseous.)

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](nah, my blockage is stemmed from my near panic attack earlier. i suffer from anxiety.)

(Ah, I know that burden. >~< Hope you can find a way to cope and remain calm.)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Mama Jin cares for her kiddies)

(You're damn right. I can't let my babbles be anything but happy.)

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](nah im mostly calmed down now. just still not in the right frame of mind to post yet)

(Alright, i'm glad that you're calmed.)
(Speaking of anxiety... You know, it's pretty bizarre. Sometimes I like when I have anxiety is around because that's the perfect time to come up with new ideas for stories, characters, etc.

Then there's that horrible anxiety that makes you feel like complete shit to EXTRAORDINARY levels.)
xXLittleLokiXx said:
(Speaking of anxiety... You know, it's pretty bizarre. Sometimes I like when I have anxiety is around because that's the perfect time to come up with new ideas for stories, characters, etc.
Then there's that horrible anxiety that makes you feel like complete shit to EXTRAORDINARY levels.)
(Well... I sure am glad I dont get anxiety often, this sounds terrible)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Well... I sure am glad I dont get anxiety often, this sounds terrible)

(it is...)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](it is...)

( i remember one time, that I.... you know what, considering the company I'm in I wont go into details. Long story short I had a panic attack one day, and anxiety for like 4 days following. It was over the stupidest thing too. But thinking about it still makes me nervous; one of those "what if?" Scenarios)
(I don't have true anxiety like other people do. I have a short temper, and if I can't listen to music to calm myself, I kinda go crazy. I have to say that I have been in 8 fights until I started taking medication for it.)
(No coding)

Mia gave Caden a questioning look before asking, "how do you guys do it here? You guys do everything different here!" She exclaimed the last sentence, looking at Nicholas with a giggle about his deep red blush. @JayJin
Jacob and Elizabeth began to make curry with rice for the whole family.

Masaru turned his head to Mia and gave a wicked grin. "I'll tell you everything you need to know. Caden! Alexander! Tackle and hold down your brother!" Masaru barked out the command and the two were on Nicholas in seconds flat. "Get off me! Masaru don't ruin her innocent mind! She's too precious for this world!" Nicholas struggled to be free, but even though Caden and Alexander were young, they were almost as big and strong as Nicholas. Masaru bent over to level his lips to Mia's ear and began to tell her every. single. thing.

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