Indescribable (Closed)

(Alright, I'm going to make an Elven, super shy, super cute, possibly super OP. Version of Nia. She will be like Mia, except even more clueless. Because she is an elf, and cant even speak english yet.)
(Sorry, I was mid way into this passage, and my phone died ;~; I had no charger in the car so... >~< Please forgives Tem)

Raven nodded to Malvo. "I know the feeling...I had to speak at every gathering, festival, anything the acolytes had done." He started to have a pink tint to his face, remembering how he had failed multiple times to talk to such a huge crowd.


Naomi laughed a little. "He was a stuttering mess whenever he had spoken to them." She smiled. "But, it was cute, most of the girl fawned (>.> <.< =-= Tell me that's a word, I forgot.) over 'how cute he was.' Or, 'it's adorable how shy he is.'"
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(-pats- All is forgiven.

And, yes, I think it's a word.)

Malvo perked a brow before having snickered gently at the thought. "I could only imagine. My older brother Akumu and my father are the ones that speak at events such as those... I'd probably stutter, as well. And I know Dei-Loki would, too." She'd then sigh though her nose, smirk on her face as she looked around the area.

@Raven Daniel
JayJin said:
(I cri evertim)

Eva nodded, "yes, you will have your own bedroom and bathroom." Willow looked to Mia and noticed a look from her face. "Don't worry about what ever it is that you are worrying about. You are safe here. Let's show you a few of the rooms and then you could pick out which one you want."
Mia nodded and followed the girls with a small smile. Honestly, she didn't care where she stayed, as long as she could sleep calmly. She looked around at the giant house as they walked, bewildered that such big places are made.

"This place is as big as my father's tree!" She exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling and everything around them. @JayJin

(I'll be on later, I got work this morning.)
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Raven nodded to Malvo. "Yeah, it's not as easy as everyone says it is." Raven then took another look around. "Pretty big place, eh?"


Naomi giggled, at how Raven wanted to change the conversation so quickly. "Yeah it is quite huge." She agreed with him
Comet said:
Mia nodded and followed the girls with a small smile. Honestly, she didn't care where she stayed, as long as she could sleep calmly. She looked around at the giant house as they walked, bewildered that such big places are made.
"This place is as big as my father's tree!" She exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling and everything around them. @JayJin

(I'll be on later, I got work this morning.)
Eva and Willow giggled, "yup, this place was built by Masaru, Nicky and our parents. It has around thirty-five bedrooms with full bathrooms in each. Then it has the decent dining area with a massive kitchen. It has a huge study hall with aisles and aisles of books for your heart's content. Then you have the four hundred acres plus 100 acres of the forest." Willow nodded to Eva's every word. "Don't ever go upstairs to the top floor. It is haunted and with your heart, you would probably die from being frighten."
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Raven nodded to Malvo. "Yeah, it's not as easy as everyone says it is." Raven then took another look around. "Pretty big place, eh?"

Naomi giggled, at how Raven wanted to change the conversation so quickly. "Yeah it is quite huge." She agreed with him

Malvo would nod in agreement, hands still in her pockets as she'd continue to look around. Neil soon climbing out of her pocket and onto her shoulder. As he'd done so, she flicked an ear. "A bit bigger than I thought it would be, I have to say."
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Heir of Dalania]([URL=" said:
@Shiro kurogane[/URL], are you over your writers block today? Because it's been awhile since we've seen the other group.)
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](

(IM SORRRYYY!!! but i don't remember where we were with Kuro, Meara, Cristina and Rei.)
@xXLittleLokiXx[/URL] @Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara briefly returned Kuro's glance before watching her attack. Seeing that Gibby hadn't been too effected, her teeth would then grit as she looked back to the beast - leaping before she could be clawed at.

Her eyes would then soon give off even more of a light blue glow as two balls of blue fire had been lit in her hands. Quickly, she'd then toss them down at Gibby.

(Forgive me for late replies, I'm suffering from a bit of writers block. x.x )
@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
"OI!! get the hell off the air I solidified you ugly freak among beasts!" Kuro returned the solidified air to normal, aside from the space Meara was standing on. "thinking i'd just LET you stand on something i made. cheeky bastard." Kuro growled and decided just to finish the thing already. Kuro spread her twin tails out one to the left and now to the right. At the tip of each tail, a compressed balls of primordial light essence formed.

(about to one-shot the thing :D )

Rei panicked at seeing Cristina's eyes start glowing the color of the gem. She reacted by firing a card into the gem and splitting the thing in two. Rei hopped that would return Cristina to normal again. It was a huge over-reaction but Rei was already scared from seeing the beast thing earlier that Kuro and Meara were fighting.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
(You guys know how supermans weakness is kryptonite? Gibby is the same way, the only way to kill him is to stab him with a special sword, litteraly the only way. Dont give me that "oh super op elements" heck off let me have fun)

Cristina looked around at all the glowing stuff in the room. She looked at Gibby who was a light blue-ish tint then she found a sword where the beast had been laying glowing the same color. She picked it up and it seemed to click in her head. Ending the enchantment.

Gibby turned to see someone holding the sword, it cursed in elvish and rushed Cristina actually in fear it could die. Swiping at her with its claws and tail.

Cristina managed to roll over the claws, but the tail hit her, luckily not the spiked bit. The hit made her drop the sword and sent her across the room and into a wall. She was on her hands and knees clutching her ribcage. And with one hand she pointed frantically at the sword, unable to speak as the wind was knocked out of her.

Gibby proceed to "puppy guard" the sword, not letting anyone near it without a claw or tail being swung at them.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
Malvo then shifted, looking up to see Dei-Loki walk back into the room. "I thought you were waiting on food?" She then paused and lowered an ear, something seeming to feel off about her twin.

"Still am." Dei-Loki quietly assured before offering somewhat of a smile - walking past the three. "I'll be outside."

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

In the process of watching Kuro charge her power, Meara watched the scene between Gibby and Cristina unfold in front of her. Her luminous, icy blue eyes seeming to dart from Cristina from the sword. She understood immediately what had needed to be done. Leaping from the solid portion of the air, she quickly levitated down so she was leveled with the beast. She knew obtaining the sword wouldn't be easy, but she also knew that she may just be quick enough to fake out the creature enough to distract it so either she or the others could obtain the blade Gibby was so desperately guarding. Closing her eyes, blue flames engulfed her as she then shifted into her beast form. (Which roughly looks like this.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc908b200_picture(1).png.3e7b0c20f14ad650c3834e1980a48f11.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc908b200_picture(1).png.3e7b0c20f14ad650c3834e1980a48f11.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'If I could just lure it away enough...' Meara would think to herself before quickly darting towards Gibby. Her movements swift and elegant as her tails and fur would flow with her traveling.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane



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[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Brb guys, don't know how long but shouldn't be more that 1-2 hrs tops)

Raven remembered about the two Raven asked earlier about. He mumbled, after tugging Naomis shirt. "Can you let them out now..?"


Naomi nodded. "Fine, fine." She took out two cubes, letting them fall to the ground. After the two landed, a man covered in inky darkness, and a dog-like animal appeared. "I present to you our guardians." She looked to Malvo. "Heh...this is Nagi and Leo." She gestured to them in order.
JayJin said:
Eva and Willow giggled, "yup, this place was built by Masaru, Nicky and our parents. It has around thirty-five bedrooms with full bathrooms in each. Then it has the decent dining area with a massive kitchen. It has a huge study hall with aisles and aisles of books for your heart's content. Then you have the four hundred acres plus 100 acres of the forest." Willow nodded to Eva's every word. "Don't ever go upstairs to the top floor. It is haunted and with your heart, you would probably die from being frighten."
JayJin said:
"Kirara, are you better now? I'm tired of caring you." Masaru huffed as he held Kirara's hands to keep her steady on his back.
Nicholas slammed Alexander into the ground once more before getting up and straightening out his shirt.

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
Mia nodded, listening to every word for a smile. "If there are that many bedrooms, I don't know if I'll be able to pick one." The doe chuckled, looking behind her as Nicholas finished wrestling with his brothers. She giggled at him, seeing how satisfied he is about winning before looking back at the two girls. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by haunted?"
Malvo watched Dei-Loki go, lowering her ears in the process of this. 'What was with his aura?..' I'm not too sure. But, for whatever reason, our aura hasn't changed. Just remember to check on him in a bit. It could be the... You know... Malvo then nodded to that, her ears remaining slightly lowered. After Dei-Loki made his way out, Malvo then blinked and looked to the both Raven and Naomi. Neil clicking as Malvo's brows soon perked out of surprise when she saw both Nagi and Leo. "We're they with you the whole time!?" Even with being what she was, she still found surprise in the situation.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
Mia nodded, listening to every word for a smile. "If there are that many bedrooms, I don't know if I'll be able to pick one." The doe chuckled, looking behind her as Nicholas finished wrestling with his brothers. She giggled at him, seeing how satisfied he is about winning before looking back at the two girls. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by haunted?"
Masaru sighed as he didn't get any response from Kirara and looke to Mia. "Ghosts live on the top floor. Friendly men and women, but they love to use their powers to frighten things. I would've gotten rid of them long ago, but I've realized how passionate they are even in their deathly state." Nicholas looked to Malvo, Raven and Naomi to the weird creatures and then look to Mia. "Mia, please don't go up there. They've caused curious wanders to die from fright."

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
<p>Mia did a "ohhh" noise when Masaru explained, then looked at Nicholas and nodded with a smile. <span style="color:#b35900;">"Okay, I won't." </span><span style="color:#000000;">She looked at the two girls again and said, </span><span style="color:#b35900;">"what do you want to show me first? Or what would you guys like me to see first?" </span><span style="color:#000000;">She asked, she looked back at Nicholas, wanting him to come along too. @jayin</span></p>
Comet said:
Mia did a "ohhh" noise when Masaru explained, then looked at Nicholas and nodded with a smile. "Okay, I won't." She looked at the two girls again and said, "what do you want to show me first? Or what would you guys like me to see first?" She asked, she looked back at Nicholas, wanting him to come along too. @jayin
"Well . . . we can show you to a nice room first. If you have anything wrong with it, we could move you to somewhere else." Eva said as she gazed over at the dog-like creature that Naomi showed. "Once we show you your room, I believe Jacob and Elizabeth will be almost finished with dinner." Willow added. Nicholas spotted Mia looking at him. "What it is? Is something wrong?"

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel

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