Indescribable (Closed)

(Good whatever time of day it is. Also long paragraph, I know. Just trying to get all their names.)

Nicholas chuckled, nodding as his youngest sister, Elizabeth ran to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Big brother, welcome home! Mother and Father were sent to Paris, so they won't be here to see you, sadly." A frown escaped onto her face. "No worry, Liz. I'll make sure to come back when they are here then." He ruffled her head. Then came the second eldest brother, Jacob to bow to Nicholas. "Ayy, where is the brotherly hug?" Nicholas pulled, the usually quiet Jacob into his arms, a huge appeared on Jacob's face.

The third oldest, Caden and the fourth oldest, Alexander came up next. They were both shocked as they circled around Mia. "Brother, when did you get such a lady?" Caden said followed by Alexander's sentence of, "she is so purely innocent that it hurts our hearts. You are a beast, Nick. Playing with a doe is dangerous." Nicholas looked baffled by the words. "I am not 'playing' with her. The only reason why she has so much of my scent on her is because she likes to be close to me." The last two siblings were close together. They stared at Masaru in giddy way. To say they have a crush on Masaru was least likely. It was more of a delusional dream at this point. "Hello, Masaru. Would like something?" Eva asked, trying her best to seduce Masaru. Willow nodded, "you do seem stressed. Maybe lie down, you can have my bed if you wish."

Masaru sighed, "stop flirting with me. I am centuries older than you. Where are my servants?" Willow and Eva pouted at their failed attempt. "Out to Paris with our parents. They said that they wanted to keep an eye on them. Y'know how our parents are. Chaotic and mischievous, probably tried to steal things from some of the museums there. We all made sure to keep the house spotless just like ya said inexchange for living in this beautiful, big house for all of us." Caden said, a huge smile appeared on his face, it reminded Masaru of Nicholas's younger self. When that smile wasn't so jaded and broken.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
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Mia Mia gave the two boys confused looks as they circled her then looked at Nicholas. She knew what he was, why would it be dangerous for her to be around him? "Nicholas what do they mean?" She asked, looking at all the other sibilings of his in the process.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx

(I will be off most of the day, until two hours in between.)
Comet said:
Mia Mia gave the two boys confused looks as they circled her then looked at Nicholas. She knew what he was, why would it be dangerous for her to be around him? "Nicholas what do they mean?" She asked, looking at all the other sibilings of his in the process.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
(I will be off most of the day, until two hours in between.)
JayJin said:
(Good whatever time of day it is. Also long paragraph, I know. Just trying to get all their names.)
Nicholas chuckled, nodding as his youngest sister, Elizabeth ran to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Big brother, welcome home! Mother and Father were sent to Paris, so they won't be here to see you, sadly." A frown escaped onto her face. "No worry, Liz. I'll make sure to come back when they are here then." He ruffled her head. Then came the second eldest brother, Jacob to bow to Nicholas. "Ayy, where is the brotherly hug?" Nicholas pulled, the usually quiet Jacob into his arms, a huge appeared on Jacob's face.

The third oldest, Caden and the fourth oldest, Alexander came up next. They were both shocked as they circled around Mia. "Brother, when did you get such a lady?" Caden said followed by Alexander's sentence of, "she is so purely innocent that it hurts our hearts. You are a beast, Nick. Playing with a doe is dangerous." Nicholas looked baffled by the words. "I am not 'playing' with her. The only reason why she has so much of my scent on her is because she likes to be close to me." The last two siblings were close together. They stared at Masaru in giddy way. To say they have a crush on Masaru was least likely. It was more of a delusional dream at this point. "Hello, Masaru. Would like something?" Eva asked, trying her best to seduce Masaru. Willow nodded, "you do seem stressed. Maybe lie down, you can have my bed if you wish."

Masaru sighed, "stop flirting with me. I am centuries older than you. Where are my servants?" Willow and Eva pouted at their failed attempt. "Out to Paris with our parents. They said that they wanted to keep an eye on them. Y'know how our parents are. Chaotic and mischievous, probably tried to steal things from some of the museums there. We all made sure to keep the house spotless just like ya said inexchange for living in this beautiful, big house for all of us." Caden said, a huge smile appeared on his face, it reminded Masaru of Nicholas's younger self. When that smile wasn't so jaded and broken.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
(i can see Eva and Willow being instantly hated by Kirara and vice versa.)
(Hey @JayJin, if you guys make idea of time skip, nine times out of ten, i'm fine with it. Oh, and if I don't give an answer in like an hour, just go on, I don't want to hold anyone back ;~ ;)

Raven watched all the siblings basically run up to Nicholas. He looked over to Naomi, who in turn looked at him. She was about to ask him if something was wrong, but he had looked back to the kids.


Naomi thought it was cute how Nicholas's sibling practically lined up to greet him. She looked to Raven, who she noticed had turned his attention to her. He looked away, but she still shuffled over to him, as if to protect him.
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Raven Daniel](Hey [URL=" said:
@JayJin[/URL], if you guys make idea of time skip, nine times out of ten, i'm fine with it. Oh, and if I don't give an answer in like an hour, just go on, I don't want to hold anyone back ;~ ;)
Raven watched all the siblings basically run up to Nicholas. He looked over to Naomi, who in turn looked at him. She was about to ask him if something was wrong, but he had looked back to the kids.


Naomi thought it was cute how Nicholas's sibling practically lined up to greet him. She looked to Raven, who she noticed had turned his attention to her. He looked away, but she still shuffled over to him, as if to protect him.
(Duly noted, thanks.)

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Mia Mia gave them stunned looks after they explained it then turned to Nicholas. "You told me you never broke a doe before!" She exclaimed before nodding a greeting to all the other sibilings. One in pecticular got her attention, the one around his waist. She clings to him like Mia does. She gave her a kind smile before pulling her gaze over all the other sibilings. "You have so many!! I don't have any... I was wished for, made.." A sad look came to her face, wishing that she could have some sibilings, wishing that she was like the others, but that look quickly faded to a smile so no one would worry. "It's great meeting you all!"
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
(I'm about to go to a ;~; just have Naomi and Raven following, doing their protecting thing.)

Raven and Naomi eyes glew a dull purple, as they looked over the group.


Raven moved his bangs from his left, as he turned to the side, he looked over the house, only for them to fall right back into place soon after. "Hmmm..."
Comet said:
Mia Mia gave them stunned looks after they explained it then turned to Nicholas. "You told me you never broke a doe before!" She exclaimed before nodding a greeting to all the other sibilings. One in pecticular got her attention, the one around his waist. She clings to him like Mia does. She gave her a kind smile before pulling her gaze over all the other sibilings. "You have so many!! I don't have any... I was wished for, made.." A sad look came to her face, wishing that she could have some sibilings, wishing that she was like the others, but that look quickly faded to a smile so no one would worry. "It's great meeting you all!"
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
"I never 'broke' a doe. They just like to scare you." Nicholas pulled on Alexander ear. "Ow! Alright, i'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He pushed off away from Nicholas. "Guys, I would like you to meet friends that I've met along the way. The doe is Mia, the kitsune passed out on Masaru's back is Kirara. Then you have Naomi, Raven, Dei-loki and Malvo." Willow and Eva now noticed the girl on Masaru's back. "Y-You are m-m-mated?" Eva shuddered. "Yes. I am mated to her. Now, please. Don't separate me from my mate." Masaru glanced over to Nicholas, Nicholas nodded with a smile. "Yes dear sisters, let's not ruin Masaru's happy relationship with his mate."

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
(Sorry my reply took so long. I just got up.)

Dei-Loki was still trying to get used to being off of the ship. His mind having been drifting back and forth between the memories of the sea before back to reality. It was almost as if he'd been experiencing some sort of PTSD, and the water travel was just the thing to trigger.

Malvo glanced to her brother, frowning slightly before letting out a somewhat annoyed huff. "I can't believe you're still afraid of water... What happened t' ya happened YEARS ago..."

Dei-Loki growled to her, shuttering at the thought. "Y' can't expect me to get over something like that in just years!" He'd then wince his eyes shut, shaking his head quickly. Another growl soon escaping him that was followed by a whine. 'She held me under that water... Thank the Gods that witch is dead...'

The two then turned their attention towards Nicholas's siblings, Malvo quietly pocketing her hands as both her and Dei-Loki remained silent. Both nodding in greeting when they had been introduced.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara turned her attention to Gibby, managing to just barely avoid the creature's attack. She watched it take flight at a higher altitude before raising her hand and summoning a long, spear-like icicle. Fingers wrapping around it once it had been materialised, she steadied herself before tossing it towards one of the beast's wings.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Mia once again, she was confused. "When did that happen?" She asked. Sh knew what "mated" meant, but she didn't know when Masaru and Kirara got together. Then, like that, she understood why.

"Ohhhhhh!!" She finally said, understand why they said they were together then went to Nicholas's side, walking away from the two boys. She decided to joke along, "hey Nicholas, since Masaru has a mate now, now it's your turn to get one." She giggled, a playful smile on her lips.

@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
Rei Smiled back at Cristina. She liked seeing the other girl so happy. "well lets hurry up and take as much as we can carry then!" Rei half-cheered and helped with grabbing loot.

Kuro kept the air under Meara solidified but jumped into the air to avoid the attack. Kuro grinned, as the very air itself started moving out from under the flapping wings of the beast, making it impossible for it to stay in the air. Limiting movement, weakening then finally killing was Kuro's latest way of fighting.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

Kirara opened her eye grogily and looked to see the shocked faces of two younger-looking girls, or rather kids. She just barely caught Masaru saying he and her were mates when they hadn't actually mated yet.

@JayJin @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177
"We're sorry. We don't know that you were mated, we'll leave you alone." Eva and Willow bowed in respect to Masaru's wishes. He felt Kirara stir and whispered to her. "Just go along with me." He then turn back to the girls and nodded. Nicholas had a mad blush on his face at hearing Mia say those words. "D-Do y-y-you k-k-k-know h-how s-s-someone b-b-becomes a m-m-m-mate?" He stared at the painting on a wall, knowing that if he looked at Mia he would die from having all of his blood rush to his head.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel
(Gibby is going to be slightly OP so he can acctually ya know... put up a fight. Its going to be complete bullshit, but hey I want this group to for once, have an equal fight. Wait nevermind, I just got a idea... he's still going to be kinda op tho.)

Gibby angled himself so that the icy projectile ricochet off of his wing, still leaving a decent mark on the beast's wing. Then, upon realizing he had no lift, simply continued to fly; summoning its own air underneath its wings as if it happened automatically. Gibby would then fly on level with his two combatants and open its mouth, releasing a small to medium sized blast of electricity at the two for 3 seconds.

Cristina's eyes landed on a large spherical white gem, it seemed to hum with energy. "Ooh~" she said like a kid looking at a mound of candy. She crouched down and looked at it in an almost trance-like state.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
Mia Mia nodded, smiling wider when she added, "like back at home, when two different people want to be together, they hold a fantasic ceremony! Everyone joins, give the couple they're good wishes, then the couple has to mark their symbol of love on them then boom! They're mates. They go off after that... But I don't know where they go."

She made a confused look then giggled at Nicholas, seeing his nervousness, she got on her tippy toes and poked his cheek. "Nicholas why are you blushing? Do you know what they do after the ceremony?" She asks, giving him a look and put her hands on her hips and steps closer to him.

@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Gibby is going to be slightly OP so he can acctually ya know... put up a fight. Its going to be complete bullshit, but hey I want this group to for once, have an equal fight. Wait nevermind, I just got a idea... he's still going to be kinda op tho.)

(thats fine, cause either way, Kuro could just turn actually serious and one punch man-style kill Gibby xD

>.> which i just realized she might. if Meara wasn't there Kuro would likely toy around a bit. but... since the risk of Meara getting hurt exists....)
Malvo and Dei-Loki continued to watch them all. The two still silent as they then looked to each other.

"Ya alright now?" Malvo asked with a perked brow.

"I'm fine." Dei-Loki quietly answered, pocketing his hands as he soon closed his eyes. Pausing when his stomach growled.

@Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara still smirked at the impact of her attack. Even if it didn't do too much, the fact that she still managed to hit the wing proved her marksmanship was still pretty good after all of these years. Her eyes trailed the beast, soon widening as she formed a light blue barrier that had, hopefully, been thick enough to defend both her and Kuro from the electric attack. Though, as a precaution, she still jumped back a bit in case it would break. Her feet still on the solidified air.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
(I'll be back later. I got work. Ttyl later tonight!! @JayJin, if you reply to me, I'll reply later, promise.)
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(I'm back ;~; Pretty good movie.)

Raven watched everything happen, soon sighing, as he normally does. He moved his cloak around, so his cloak would cover more of him.


Naomi watched the siblings of Nicholas, thinking they were all precious. "Raven you ok?" She watched, as Raven just nodded.

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