Indescribable (Closed)

Rei ripped a bit of cloth from her sleeve and wrapped it around her bruised shoulder bone in such a way to have it supported. At least now it wouldn't hurt too much. She would have blushed longer but she needed to focus. "yeah, but itll take a few minutes depending on if anything is on the lock. it was a simple lock i could open it easily." Rei answered and walked over to the lock, placing a hand right over it and closing her eyes. Small ripples of psychic power could be felt as she working to search the lock for anything that could prove dangerous while also slowly working the lock open.

After about 15-25 minutes a click sounded and the door to the tower opened. Rei opened her eyes, looking slightly tired but carefully entered before anyone could point it out. "and that is how you unlock a door without a lockpick." She whispered proudly, even her tone sounded tired. "now.... where do we go now?"

Kuro didn't notice Meara revealing her ears and tails until after Rei had unlocked the door. Then looking back at Meara's exposed ears and six tails only a single word popped into her head... cute. Kuro never thought she'd ever be using that word in her life-time but thats what Meara was in her eyes, cute. "i believe the elves hid their most valible stuff higher up it towers like this." She spoke with an odd tone of shyness caused by her thoughts of Meara.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Meara watched Rei work on opening the door, shifting on her feet once it had been opened. With a flick of an ear, she peeked into the tower - her slight blush still having been present. Noticing Kuro's tone pitch, she nodded to her words as her pitch, also, had then held a bit of shyness to it. "Up it is, then."

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
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Cristina summoned up a ball of fire in her hands and would then light a torch on the wall. "Someone carry that" She nocked an arrow, keeping the bow raised up and fully drawn as she started up the spiral staircase, ready to let an arrow rip through anything that could be hiding. She felt her heart rate increase as she ascended, excited that she was back in her element. Also because Rei would have a great view of dat ass because Cristina is in front of her going up stairs.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
Dei-Loki blinked, glancing to Masaru and the others. "It's no trouble." He assured Masaru before then glancing to Malvo. "Friends of yours?"

Malvo looked to Dei-Loki, nodding as she smirked a bit. Her eyes still seeking to glow. "I ran into them once I got lost, and I've been with them ever since." She explained to him before introducing them all. "The one that just spoke is Masaru, then there's his brother Nicholas, the doe on Nicholas's back is Mia, the one on Masaru's back is Kirara, and the male beside them is Terricus." (Just going to assume he's still following.) Malvo then shifted her gaze to the others. "And, guys, this is my twin Dei-Loki, and our companions Raven and Naomi."

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
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Naomi looked to Masaru and Nicholas. "It's fine, we can't expect you to fight something you can't see." She then remembered that both Dei-Loki and Malvo have their vision. "So...not a very fun first time seeing things in the Acolyte world, eh?" She waited to see if they wanted their normal vision back right away, but some things were very beautiful with acolyte eyes.


Raven felt something crawling on his back, it was another slime, but it hadn't found its way to hid his heart. He was barely able to reach it, but once he got a grip on it, he threw it to the ground. "So that's how it multiplies..." He stepped on the disgusting creature, as it was crushed with a sickening Splat!
Rei was the one to hold the torch as they walked up the stairs. She held the light away from her face so the others couldn't see the deep red blush on her face at having Cristina right in front of her... or Cristina's ass to be more accurate. She found herself having to force herself to slow down so she wouldn't accidentally run into Cristina's butt. Plus Rei didn't want to break the group or Cristina's focus.

Kuro watched Rei and Cristina start up the stairs. She looked at Meara and nearly blushed at how cute Meara looked right then. The kitsune girl's blush with the ears and tails showing were enough to force Kuro to look away and check her nase for bleeding. Luckily, Kuro wasn't bleeding form the nose. Kuro went up the stairs first, pausing and looking at Meara while she waited.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Kirara looked at Masaru, still being carried on his back. "its because your carrying me... sorry, this is why i didn't want to tell you i was sick earlier."

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Raven Daniel @JayJin @Comet
"Oh yes, because if you didn't tell me that you weren't sick, we wouldn't be in this situation. You would faint, on the ground, for the any bastard to lay his mitts on you while you lay there, vulnerable. That would be so much better. You don't know how worry I was when you fainted back there and now you say that I should have never found out. You owe me, for worrying me." Masaru said to Kirara.

While Masaru and Kirara's conversation was happening. Nicholas stood in front of them and smiled to the newcomers. "It's nice to meet you. If you want, me and my friends are heading on a ship to our old town. You can come, if you wish."

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Shiro kurogane @Raven Daniel
The two lookalikes had shifted their attention back to Naomi, both of them having nodded to show that they desired to regain their own vision.

"Never thought there were other species that could see such terrors..." Dei-Loki would remark, lowering an ear before smirking once more. "But, if you don't mind, I'd like to only see my own horrors... At least until I'm needed again."

Malvo had agreed with her brother, flicking an ear as she waited for her eyes to return normal. Soon, she glanced to Nicholas before then looking to the others - noticing Dei-Loki tense as Nicholas brought up the idea of traveling on a ship. Even with knowing Dei-Loki's fear of water, she still wanted to go. Speaking, her ears perked from the sound of the splat. "What d' ya say, guys? Want t' come along?"

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara watched the others enter, her light blue irises seeming to be ever so luminous the moment she entered as she studied the interior. Blinking, she then looked to Kuro before catching up to her. A smile, once more, present on her face as she kept her hands at her sides.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
The two looked over. "Yeah we'll go."


Naomi stared at both Malvo and Dei-Loki, her eyes glowing a bright blue, before their eyes returning to normal.


Raven hated the thought of traveling, but, he would for the group. "Oh jeez...I don't know if that thing had more of those slimes." He waited, waiting for Dei-Loki to answer Malvos question. Wait... He remembered Loki calling Malvo princess. He stood there, looking confused.
Raven Daniel] [I]Wait...[/I] He remembered Loki calling Malvo princess. He stood there said:


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JayJin said:
"Oh yes, because if you didn't tell me that you weren't sick, we wouldn't be in this situation. You would faint, on the ground, for the any bastard to lay his mitts on you while you lay there, vulnerable. That would be so much better. You don't know how worry I was when you fainted back there and now you say that I should have never found out. You owe me, for worrying me." Masaru said to Kirara.
While Masaru and Kirara's conversation was happening. Nicholas stood in front of them and smiled to the newcomers. "It's nice to meet you. If you want, me and my friends are heading on a ship to our old town. You can come, if you wish."

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Shiro kurogane @Raven Daniel
(Just continue to act like Mia is asleep on his back. I won't have time to get a reply in until later tonight.)
Cristina continued up the stairs. Needless to say, there was nothing interesting on the way up, until at last Cristina looked up at open sky. Above her was a circular balcony with sculpted walls like petals on a flower. Statues that once once lined this open-air pavilion lay in broken heaps on the floor, aswell as various gems and other valuable items, some magical. Dismembered bodies, human and animal lay strewn about. At their center lay an enormous black-scaled lizard with wings of grey membrane and bone. It lay curled, it's body heaving with deep, long breaths. It's claws were each armed with four twelve inch long nails, each coated with dried blood. Long fangs protruded from beneath its lips. The long tail aswell had a pair of large curved saber-like bones at the end of it. Cristina made a quiet "eep" and tucked back down the stairs. "There's a... thing. In. There" she whipered to the group.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
Kuro smiled again at Meara. If people could she her now they would all be laughing at her. Kuro normally was the type never to smile... unless you count the cruel smile used back when she killed for power. But Meara had a weird effect on her. Kuro had an odd feeling of wanting to reach out to the kitsune girl... but pushed the feeling aside. It was silly, Meara was right next to her. Why did she feel the need to reach out to her?

Rei nearly bumped into Cristina when the other girl suddenly backed down the stairs some. Rei peaked into the room to see the thing and gasped softly.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Kirara looked at Masaru like a child who was just scolded. She hadn't realized he had been this worried, than agaon. She should have known with Masaru he would hid such things. Kirara wrapped her arms around Masaru's chest her arms hugging under his arms that held her. "i sorry... i didn't want to tell you because i didn't want to slow you or the others down. and owe you? owe you what?"

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Raven Daniel @JayJin @Comet
Nicholas smiled, "good, then turn the other way and head back to FreyHaven. At noon, we set sail on the ship that will take us. So let's get prepared."

Masaru nodded at Nicholas's words and then glanced to Kirara. "Don't ever lie to me again. That is what you owe me. You want to stay around and make me fall in love with you? Then don't ever lie to your mate again." Masaru voice began to growl as he ended the last sentence. He hated liars as equally as he hated his Father.

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Shiro kurogane @Raven Daniel
Malvo nodded to Nicholas before having then glanced to Dei-Loki, lifting her brows in hopes that he would also agree.

Little Loki had sighed, looking to Malvo before having, reluctantly, nodded.
"... A-Alright. I guess I'll tag along, too..." He'd then pause and glance to Raven, lifting a brow in the process of watching him stand and watch in a confused state. "Something wrong, Raven?"

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara traveled at Kuro's side once she caught up, soon beginning to travel up the tower. Occasionally, she found herself giving the cat demon fleeting glances. It was her way of ensuring that Kuro was still beside her, which stemmed from the small fear of loosing her. Like the other feelings she was experiencing, she was still a bit surprised that this was a feeling she'd possessed. Perhaps it was due to the familiar experience of loosing someone she felt close to, but with Kuro it had been a bit different and she couldn't truly explain as to why. Soon, however, her attention shifted ahead to the others - whom had stopped. "A thing?" She whispered in question to Cristina, soon peeking in at the scale covered beast. Her eyes widening in awe.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
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Raven was too afraid to ask. "N-No nothings wrong, just hoping that slime won't come back. Raven, trying to get rid of the thoughts, started to wonder, if they would encounter another Stalker...or a stronger one. "Naomi have you got the two..." He spoked to her in a hushed voice.


Naomi was starting another another healing spell, but was interrupted by Raven. "Hm? Oh yeah, I did bring Nagi and Leo..." She mentally facepalmed, they could've helped so much. "Back to FreyHaven..." She nodded, readying her horse.
Kuro looked at Rei and Crsitina's reaction to whatever a thing was and followed Meara to peak at it. Kuro's eyes lit up joyfully. The creature looked like it would put up a good fight. So long as she remembered not to fight seriously. "wow.... i wanna fight it..."

Rei looked at Cristina, about to say something until she heard Kuro's words. "ah... what if we let Kuro draw it away while she fights and we can take care of any traps or smaller creatures that maybe around?"

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Kirara blushed at Masaru calling himself her mate. Technically, they weren't mated until they did the thing. She hugged Masaru sightly tighter and buried her face into his back. "i promise." She answered back.

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Raven Daniel @JayJin @Comet
(Time to find names and pictures of Masaru's servants and Nicholas's siblings.)

Masaru began to move, Nicholas followed. Protect him, Nicky. Masaru is a broken boy. So, be there for him. You are his guardian after all. Watch him, don't ever let the nogitsune side control him. Of course, Mommy. He is my best friend after all. Nicholas watched as Masaru's aura shifted back from the nogitsune's black to a fire kitsune's red. That's it, Masaru. Don't ever fall. The universe will be destroyed if you did.

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Shiro kurogane @Raven Daniel

Dei-Loki softly sighed, watching both Raven and Naomi before nodding and heading over. Soon mounting his horse as we went to follow Masaru and Nicholas.

Malvo would shift in place before also following on foot. Her gaze traveled about as she gently released a sigh.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara paused at the idea, seeming to instantly tense followed by speaking quietly before she could stop herself. "I'll help her distract it." She would volunteer, glancing from the beast back to the others.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Kuro beamed at no one saying she couldn't. But hearing Meara volunteer sent a chill down her spine. Kuro could handle losing everything or anyone because she'd done so in the past. But Meara... Kuro absolutely didn't want to risk losing the kitsune girl. "are you sure you wanna help? i can handle it alone..." Kuro's eyes and tone carried hints of worry for Meara.

Rei watched Kuro and Meara a moment before looking at Cristina at hearing the girl talk to her. "yep, looks like it." She smiled extra brightly at Cristina, both because she wanted to and to keep the mood light.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Kirara stayed quiet while she laid her head back on Masaru's back again.

(idk what to do now.)

@xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177 @Comet @Raven Daniel @JayJin @Comet
Dei-Loki and Malvo continued to follow the group, Malvo seeming to be happy that the others were also invited along for the ride.

As Dei-Loki traveled, he sighed and looked to Malvo. Remembering just now the words he'd previously stated.
"I'm... Sorry I could not keep yer secret..."

Malvo would blink, looking to little Loki before having released a sigh. Her emerald irises closing as she followed at the side of Dei-Loki's horse. "It... It's fine. It was bound to be revealed sooner or later..." she would whisper in return as she bit back her anger towards him for doing so. Trying to take her mind off of it, she looked over to Nicholas. "How many siblings do y' have?"

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane

Meara would glance to Kuro, an ear lowering as she caught on to the worry in her tone. Though, she still managed to pull a smile to assure her that this was what she wanted to do. "I have no issue with helping. I've dealt with things far larger than this, anyway." Though this had been true, she also held an alternative motive; and that was to ensure that Kuro would be safe. She held no doubts that Kuro could take this beast down with no issue, but her choice in being part of this made her feel better.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane

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