Indescribable (Closed)

Rei suddenly found herself sprinting from the speed boost runes and ended up slamming into the wall next to Cristina and Meara. She whined softly as she slowly slid to her knees, holding her right shoulder in pain. Her shoulder had hit the wall before the rest of her body had. "ow! my shoulder..."

Kuro laughed, running across the runes like sonic the hedgehog ran through levels. She saw Rei slam into the wall up ahead and cringed. That should hurt like a bitch. Kuro on the other hand just slid easily to a stop beside Meara and smiled at the kitsune girl childishly. You had to enjoy the little things. "so what now? and Rei might need to have her shoulder checked."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Raven jumped from the touch. "I...I'm sorry Loki, i've put you through much trouble..." He somehow had some energy left, mostly thanks to Mias help. "I'm glad I survived but-" Raven was then cut off from a hug of a teary Naomi.


Naomi had helped Malvo up, before hugging Raven. She said just above a whisper, "I'm so glad you're ok..." She then turned to Loki. "Looks like we owe you double." She said with a kind and grateful smile, before hugging Dei-Loki.
Aaron775 said:
(No I did not leave :(
(But you said bye. Are you going to be able to chill out and talk rationally here? I just want to say that if you want to stop being left behind, tell the group when you're leaving and when you think you'll be coming back, then it could be worked out, okay?)
Meara cringed at the sound of the collision Rei had with the door. She counted herself lucky that she herself had slowed down in time. "You alright, Rei?" She'd ask out of concern before blinking and glancing to Kuro. Her hidden ears having perked at her smile. "I assume we need to find a way to open the door, but I highly advise that we be careful once inside. The last time I've been inside one of these, the elves had it protected with traps they created via magic."

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane

"Ah, don't apologise. I'm just glad yer alright..." Dei-Loki would reply, smiling through the pain before wincing a small bit from the hug. His smile, though, had soon returned. Returning the hug as he flicked an ear. "Ah, and by the looks of things, it would seem ya both are the only acolytes to survive and not be in dire condition." Those words were used in an attempt at lightening the mood even more, as he said them with a laugh. Soon wincing once again.

Malvo, after being helped up, watched the group with a slight smile.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
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"Oh my gosh Rei!... I'm sorry..." Cristina was immediately at Rei side, examining her injury. "I really hope it's not dislocated or anything" she crouched down and picked Rei up bridal style, then setting her back on her feet. "You okay?" She asked the girl, tilting her head a bit with a slight smile.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](im off to sleep everyone! goodnight)

(Goodnight, Shiro.)
"That whole deal felt weird..." He was referring to being the enemies own puppet. "And i'm sorry Malvo, for slamming you into the ground like that, and for throwing Naomi onto you." He said, with a sheepish grin.


"I'll give you guys real hugs whenever you aren't injured." She warned. She casted one spell, and the whole groups wounds healed a bit. "Sorry I can't do more..." Naomi felt bad, that Raven and herself attracted unwanted enemies. "Oh um!" She pulled out the Stalkers lantern. "Loki, I believe you deserve the spoils of war from this battle." She tried to hand it to him, hoping he'd be able to use it to help him whenever.
Aaron775 said:
(Im stayinf dude stfu @Heir of Dalania )
Rei Rubbed her shoulder more not paying close enough attention to Cristina until the other girl picked her up. Rei's face was instantly tomato red. Her legs wobbled some when Cristina set her back on her feet. But that had more to do with Cristina picking her up and being so close rather than her shoulder. Rei tested her shoulder and winced only slightly. "i-im fine, but the bone is bruised i think. and its okay Cristina, it was my fault for not slowing down." She smiled back, blushingly.

Kuro let her cat ears that were normally folded down to blend in with her hair perk up. She also lifted the bottom of her shirt slightly to uncurl her twin tails from around her waist. More so just so she could truely stretch out comfortable and because there was no one around but Meara, Rei and Cristina to see so she figured why not. "yeah... i can feel a lot of magic within the walls."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

(okay, now im actually off to sleep. XP)

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