Indescribable (Closed)

[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Raven felt better, well, except for the swirling out of darkness where his heart was. Literally, there was some black slug like thing on his chest, were his heart would be, sucking the life out of him. This was the second stage.

Naomi couldn't stand it, she sat down, unable to concentrate on anything but Raven. "I failed him..." Tears fell to the ground, making more and more wet spots.

(Bring the feels...
Looking to Naomi, Dei-Loki kept his ears as low as they could be. His voice slowly returning normal. "No, no... I did... I should've expected that the forceful blow wouldn't be enough..."

Malvo glanced back and forth between Naomi and Dei-Loki. Releasing a sigh through her nose, she then glanced to Raven. 'There has t' be more t' this...'

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
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"Yes, but I saw the Stalker moving in for the kill..." She had fully let the emotions out, sniffling, gasping for air, the whole nine yards.


Raven could feel something moving on his chest. But, he had kept doing as the lady protecting him said. He felt much better, but in this state he'd barely be able to walk. "L-Loki..." He was trying to warn him for the third and final stage., I can't speak.... "W-watch out...i'm about to be taken over by this thing..." Even with Tomas help he couldn't speak longer.
Mia seeing that he was okay, Mia got her deer senses back and ran back to Nicholas, getting out of the danger. She gave him a look that said "sorry" before climbing back up on his back and clinging on to him. She rested her head on his shoulder, the day wearing on the little doe girl's body as her eyes dropped.

The last blast of energy to save the man took even more out of her, and soon, her body became limp with sleep on Nicholas's back.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @Aaron775 @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven Daniel @CERBERUS177
The blob of slime, that was on Ravens chest, became bigger, and floated into the air. Raven soon stood up, limp, but he was still standing, as if a doll connected to strings. His skin and body soon became covered in a black slime, that hardened, only to show his facial features, the rest was like a mannequin smooth, and no detail.


Naomi, snapping out of her sadness for a second, gasped. "Kill...the slime..." She said, obviously pissed and disgusted such a thing even thought about controlling her friend.


The slime seemed to use Raven, as a marionette, loosely controlling him. Raven soon started to attack, but only with melee for now. He swung his fist, with fairly great strength, and speed, at Loki, seeing as he was one of the bigger threats.
The doll, known as Raven, looked at Malvo. He rushed in front of the slime, somehow moving quicker than most things on earth. He then ran towards Malvo, and then spin kicked her.


Naomi saw Raven starting to fight Malvo, so she took her chance to strike the slime. But, as if Raven had eyes in the back of his head, he targeted Naomi, trying to keep her busy now, and pushing her back.
Aaron775 said:
(You ppl on rpn are always mean. I thought I finally found a good thread.)
(I'm not trying to be mean, no one is trying to be mean. All i'm saying is that I can't slow down this RP for one person, or at least notify this thread on how long you're gone and we can work out something.)
Aaron775 said:
(You ppl on rpn are always mean. I thought I finally found a good thread.)
(we are not mean. how would you like it if you started an rp and one person placed their self in a place in the rp where people couldn't move forward without them. then have that person disappear WITHOUT telling you or the other RPers? causing the whole thread to get held up and possibly die?)
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JayJin said:
(Brb, heading out for like a hour or so.)
(Have fun. o:

Unless, you know, it's something not fun...

Aaron775 said:
(You ppl on rpn are always mean. I thought I finally found a good thread.)
(It's not called 'being mean', it's called being considerate towards the other members of the story. We just want to keep the flow going. That's all.)
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Raven looked at the two, his inhumane speed kicking in, he jumped up, and grabbed Malvo by her legs, and sent her crashing down into the ground. He then looked to Dei-Loki. He tried to do the same thing, but he was a tad late, and barely missed Dei-Lokis legs.


Naomi saw Malvo get slammed into the ground harshly, she went to her side, and readying a healing spell. "You ok?"
Raven had let out a pain filled yell, from Loki attack, causing him to drop on his knees. He coughed up some black sludge type thing. But, he got up again, but this time the slime had some purple orb sticking out the side were Loki had hit, and broke its armour.


Naomi got up, casting the spell aside. She saw the orb. "There, the purple! One more attack and we should be rid of this god awful thing!" She dashes right in for the kill, except the slime wasn't taking any chance this time, and Raven grabbed Naomis hand, soon throwing her onto Malvo.
Raven looked to Dei-Loki, realizing he was late again, twice in a row, he spent to much time on Naomi. Maybe it was the inner him, trying to help Dei-Loki. Raven had let out another howl, much more louder, as the slime splashed to the ground, as the slime on Raven did. Raven was left there, standing, as if he was in a daze.
(I would jump in, but my mind is swirling, so i'm going to let you guys handle this on your own. You got this!)

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