Indescribable (Closed)

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](forgot to tell you guys. i'll be gone for most for the night.)

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](

(im sorry that my dad's vehicle breaking down on the highway annoyes you.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](im sorry that my dad's vehicle breaking down on the highway annoyes you.)

(See? Context is important. Now I'm not upset at all, I hope you come out ok)
Raven saw the other group and Malvo. He dashed straight in between the reaper and Loki, and stopped in front of Malvo, and poked his forhead. Then, Malvos eyes glee purple, allowing him to see the things normal acolytes see, including the lantern holder.


"Stay back...I must do this!" The ghost then swiped at both Malvo and Dei-Loki, as it tried to at least touch Raven.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](forgot to tell you guys. i'll be gone for most for the night.)

(Bye-bye, be safe.

I am the greatest not-your-Mom Mom ever.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](im sorry that my dad's vehicle breaking down on the highway annoyes you.)

(Stay safe!)
(Well, since the gender reveal was in my last post, I'll be using female pronouns for Malvo. xD )

Malvo widened her eyes at the poke to the forehead, darting her attention towards the ghost with clenched teeth.

"If you want to be able to hit him, enchant yer blade." Dei-Loki told his twin before getting inbetween the beast and Raven - fending it back as he snarled. "We won't let you!" Following his words, he lifted his hand and sent a pulse of darkness in the direction of the entity. If it worked, it would force it back several hundred feet.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
The Ghost was so close...yet so far away. And by that, I mean the ghost wasn't able to raise his lantern in time, to absorb the blast. So now the geist flew upwards, trying to find the remaining power of the acolytes.


"I...I think you did it..." Raven said, happy that the ghost had no presence near them. But, the ghost had a few tricks up its...lantern?


Little did the group know, it had techniques from all the acolytes it had killed. So, it utilized its energy, and zoomed back to the group, using air magic.


Naomi only saw the ghost for a spilt second, before a blinding white light engulfed the two groups, the silence only to be broken by the blood curdling scream of Naomi. "RAAAVENN!" She couldn't see, as the light was still there, but she had jumped off the horse, and, almost fell flat on her face, but steadied her self, by using Loki.


When the light had cleared up, the stalker was gone, no traces left, but Raven laid on the ground, on the very thin verge of death. Even breathing was taking more and more of his life force away.

(I have a feeling, that i'm not going to be aloud to make anymore drama after this kne xD )
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]The Ghost was so close...yet so far away. And by that, I mean the ghost wasn't able to raise his lantern in time, to absorb the blast. So now the geist flew upwards, trying to find the remaining power of the acolytes.

"I...I think you did it..." Raven said, happy that the ghost had no presence near them. But, the ghost had a few tricks up its...lantern?


Little did the group know, it had techniques from all the acolytes it had killed. So, it utilized its energy, and zoomed back to the group, using air magic.


Naomi only saw the ghost for a spilt second, before a blinding white light engulfed the two groups, the silence only to be broken by the blood curdling scream of Naomi. "RAAAVENN!" She couldn't see, as the light was still there, but she had jumped off the horse, and, almost fell flat on her face, but steadied her self, by using Loki.


When the light had cleared up, the stalker was gone, no traces left, but Raven laid on the ground, on the very thin verge of death. Even breathing was taking more and more of his life force away.

(I have a feeling, that i'm not going to be aloud to make anymore drama after this kne xD )

(Is this the first character death!??!?)
Dei-Loki grit his teeth at the sound of the scream, standing firm so he could support Naomi. With widened eyes, he looked to Raven the moment he could see him before crouching. More concerned for his companion, he ignored the pain the light had caused him. "No... No, no, no, no! Raven, you with us!?"

Malvo coughed and winced from the pain of the light. She didn't know how Dei-Loki could deal with the expulsion of light. It must have been due to the power still seeping off of her twin.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
Aaron775 said:
(Is there anyone to interact with?)
(You can either try Masaru's group again or Kuro's group again. There's no one else that isn't in a group. I'm just trying to help.)
Comet said:
(Too lazy to go through, what is going on with Mia?? Anyone talked to her?)
(Nope, She's still on Nicholas's back, watching that fight between Raven and whatever. Raven is close to death though. So maybe Mia can use her nature powers or whatever and help out.)
Aaron775 said:
(Idk where either groups are and y am I always left behind)
(Both are in different forests and the reason why you are left behind all the time is because your character can't learn to apologize or be nice to a friend (Kuro, for example) and you don't notify us how long you're going to be gone. We can't wait for you for a whole day and expect no reply. I don't like halting my RPs that long for one person. Call me a bitch, call me a whatever, I don't care. If you're mad at me, go ahead and be mad. If you want to leave, then go ahead and leave. I don't want you to leave, I wish that we could work this out and whatever, but I just can't let person hold the rest back. So, go ahead, be pissed at me. I just wanted to notify the issue and why this keeps happening.)
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Raven could barely look up at Loki. He had a small grin. "Better...than one of you...getting hurt..." He froze, trying to save all of his energy. N-No! Toma started to give Raven energy, well, it wasn't much, but it was enough to keep him alive.


"The powers of our stones..should've protected him." Naomi felt worse every second. "I-I am...a horrible person for letting you do that." She had tears crawling down her face, as she couldn't have stopped him from being grabbed by that hideous monster. She then recalled its last words. "I must do this..." She tried all she could to see what the motive of this thing was. Naomi then started to give Raven some of her energy too, but, they were both losing it fast.
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(As stated above, one of the reasons is because you disappear without letting us know when you'll be back. We want to keep this RP flowing, and we can't do that if we wait for one person for a long time.

Plain and simple.)
JayJin said:
(Nope, She's still on Nicholas's back, watching that fight between Raven and whatever. Raven is close to death though. So maybe Mia can use her nature powers or whatever and help out.)
(okeh. Going back a little bit to when Nicholas was talking to her, about breaking her. xD )

Mia Mai giggled and put her hand over his mouth, making a "shhhhh" noise then gazed up to see the fight. She gave a worried look to see one of them close to death, her antlers glowing.

She crawled off of Nicholas's back and ran over there, getting between the two. her shield like forcefield was instantly up around her and the one that was injured badly. She grew healing plants around the person while her hands still held up the shield. "Eat them and it will bring your strength up. Hurry cause my shield won't stay up long." She ordered.

It was totally unlike the doe to act out like this with danger around, but she didn't want to see the poor man die.
@JayJin @Shiro kurogane @Raven Daniel @xXLittleLokiXx @Aaron775 @Heir of Dalania @CERBERUS177
Raven looked up at the lady trying to help. "T...Thank you." He weakly chomped one of the flowers. He almost gagged at the taste, but, even as though he felt the immediate affects, he still didn't have the energy, except for doing the most basic of things.


Naomi kept guard, she couldn't let another person. She also seemed to be seething with anger. She mumbled something along the lines of 'going to kill that bastard.' And other threats.
Dei-Loki's eyes would tremble, clenching his teeth as he let loose a guilty growl. He wanted to give him energy, but his energy would corrupt Raven. "G-Gods, I... I couldn't..." His words trailed off, eyes widening when he watched Mia approach and offer Raven aid. And, as he watched, he observed Raven's recovery with still trembling eyes.

Malvo would also watch, slowly drawing closer to Dei-Loki before placing a hand on his back. She'd keep watching, her pointed ears flat. She'd never been good at comforting, so the contact was the only thing she could do.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Raven Daniel, @Shiro kurogane
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Raven felt better, well, except for the swirling out of darkness where his heart was. Literally, there was some black slug like thing on his chest, were his heart would be, sucking the life out of him. This was the second stage.


Naomi couldn't stand it, she sat down, unable to concentrate on anything but Raven. "I failed him..." Tears fell to the ground, making more and more wet spots.

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