Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki watched them go, gently having sighed
before he moved to the door to watch. Fenrir following as he propped himself in the doorway. His gaze traveling down to Dei-Loki. "Remember when we used t' beat the hell outta each other like that? Now ya just toss threats my way."

"Keep speaking and I'll set y' on fire." Dei-Loki growled in response.

"See?" Fenrir sighed, poking the top of Dei-Loki's head, right between the ears as he closed his eyes. "We need t' do something fun. Like... sort through stuff. Ya know, good ol' nostalgia. OH! The old attic!"

Dei-Loki paused, turning his head as he narrowed his eyes in Fenrir's direction. "No."

"Ohhh, come on. Is little Loki a little scared pupper? Little chicken pupper~? Don't worry, big brother Fenrir will protect y', oh runt of the shadow litter~"

Dei-Loki continued to squint. "I'm not a chicken pupper! AND I DON'T NEED Y' T' PROTECT ME. C'MON, MASARU, WE'RE GOING T' THE ATTIC!"

Malvo blinked, lowering an ear as she sighed and watched - also beside Yuki. "Must run in the male genes..."

Masaru nodded, leaving a semi bruised Misaki to follow him. "Come oooooooon, stop the grumps. Let's just talk about this!" He followed Masaru to the attic.

Katsumi and Yuki nodded. "Defintitely running in the male genes. Come on, Kat. Let's go fetch you some new clothes. It's been a while since i've seen my little sister after all. Pooka, do you wanna come with us?"
Nia went for a walk outside.

Akumu followed Nia out, quickly catching up to her side as he pocketed a hand.

Masaru nodded, leaving a semi bruised Misaki to follow him. "Come oooooooon, stop the grumps. Let's just talk about this!" He followed Masaru to the attic.

Katsumi and Yuki nodded. "Defintitely running in the male genes. Come on, Kat. Let's go fetch you some new clothes. It's been a while since i've seen my little sister after all. Pooka, do you wanna come with us?"

Dei-Loki led the way to the attic, the only thing having driven him having been anger and the need to prove his elder brother wrong. Fenrir quickly following as well with a somewhat triumphant smile on his face.

Malvo watched them go, soon glancing over to Yuki with a smile. "I'd love to."
Akumu followed Nia out, quickly catching up to her side as he pocketed a hand.
Nia reached out and held his other hand with her own. "So, are we going to homeschool them?" She asked in RED TEXT SONUVA BITCH *ahem* she asked, thinking about her childrens future already.
Akumu followed Nia out, quickly catching up to her side as he pocketed a hand.

Dei-Loki led the way to the attic, the only thing having driven him having been anger and the need to prove his elder brother wrong. Fenrir quickly following as well with a somewhat triumphant smile on his face.

Malvo watched them go, soon glancing over to Yuki with a smile. "I'd love to."

"What are we looking for anyways?" Masaru asked as he got up to the attic.

(they ditched the fuck out to go shops.)
Nia reached out and held his other hand with her own. "So, are we going to homeschool them?" She asked in RED TEXT SONUVA BITCH *ahem* she asked, thinking about her childrens future already.

"Well, we could. But I don't see why. We've got a school in town." Akumu blinked, lifting a brow before laughing softly. "Isn't it a bit early t' be thinking about this?"

"What are we looking for anyways?" Masaru asked as he got up to the attic.

(they ditched the fuck out to go shops.)

"Nostalgia!" Fenrir smiled, watching the others enter before heading to one of the boxes. "There's cool stuff up here, last I checked. Bound to have more."

Dei-Loki grumbled, glancing around as he shuttered slightly in remembrance of what was up here.
"Well, we could. But I don't see why. We've got a school in town." Akumu blinked, lifting a brow before laughing softly. "Isn't it a bit early t' be thinking about this?"
Nia blushed a bit "im just.. er-securing their future. I just want to make sure we have everything planned out. I dont want them to-t-t be bad? I guess...."
"Well, we could. But I don't see why. We've got a school in town." Akumu blinked, lifting a brow before laughing softly. "Isn't it a bit early t' be thinking about this?"

"Nostalgia!" Fenrir smiled, watching the others enter before heading to one of the boxes. "There's cool stuff up here, last I checked. Bound to have more."

Dei-Loki grumbled, glancing around as he shuttered slightly in remembrance of what was up here.

Masaru squinted at the feeling of fear hit his heart from Dei. "You didn't answer my question, Fenrir. What are we looking for? Are you trying to do something fishy?" He looked around the place, before noticing the mannequins that had their faces facing them. "I see. Find what you're looking for and let's get out of here."
Nia blushed a bit "im just.. er-securing their future. I just want to make sure we have everything planned out. I dont want them to-t-t be bad? I guess...."

Akumu blinked, placing his free arm around her as he chuckled. "That's alright. It's good to plan ahead."

Masaru squinted at the feeling of fear hit his heart from Dei. "You didn't answer my question, Fenrir. What are we looking for? Are you trying to do something fishy?" He looked around the place, before noticing the mannequins that had their faces facing them. "I see. Find what you're looking for and let's get out of here."

"Me? I'm not up t' anything!" Fenrir grinned innocently, turning to face them as he backed up to one of the large boxes. The door having shut as his tail would 'accidentally' shut the door.

Dei-Loki shuffled over to Masaru, sticking by his side. His eyes quickly widening as he darted his attention to the door. "AH!"
Akumu blinked, placing his free arm around her as he chuckled. "That's alright. It's good to plan ahead."

"Me? I'm not up t' anything!" Fenrir grinned innocently, turning to face them as he backed up to one of the large boxes. The door having shut as his tail would 'accidentally' shut the door.

Dei-Loki shuffled over to Masaru, sticking by his side. His eyes quickly widening as he darted his attention to the door. "AH!"

Misaki and Masaru whipped around to Fenrir before looking to Dei. "What do you mean Ah? Why did he say Ah? Why did you say that?" Masaru asked.
Nia booped his nose "i wonder how they are behaving for your parents?"

Akumu smiled a bit wider, softly returning the boop as he pulled her close while they walked. "I'm sure they're fiiine."

-cut to the others-

"Ah, come on now. Give grandpapa Dee-Dee a wittle smile. Pweese?" Adrian asked, Meara letting out a playful growl as she wrinkled her nose. James having been rolling about with the refusal to sit still as both Blake and Abel did their own acts of mischief. Each of them fancily dressed."... Zuzuuuu, can't we just take pictures of them all together this go? It'll be easier. Especially on them."

"We haven't even gotten separate pictures of them all yet!"

"Yes, yes, I know. But... just t' start off. Please? Come on." Adrian softly would lift Meara, moving a bit closer to his wife as he held the little one to eye level. Baby talk engaged. "How cou'd you say noh to dis faaace?"

Zuzana sighed, soon giving in with a smile. "... Fine. We'll take a couple with them all together. But we still need them in single-person photos."

-cut back-

"... Yeah, they're fiiiiiine."

Misaki and Masaru whipped around to Fenrir before looking to Dei. "What do you mean Ah? Why did he say Ah? Why did you say that?" Masaru asked.

"YOU BASTARD, YOU KNOW THAT BROKEN DOOR LOCKS WHEN IT'S SHUT!" Dei-Loki let out a clearly unsettled growl, his ears flattening as he glared to Fenrir.

"What?" Fenrir glanced to the door, flicking a silvery-white ear. "Ooooooh... yep. Seems like we're stuck in here. Together."

"Tรบ mac soith!" 'PROFANITY!' Dei-Loki growled before quickly attempting to charge at Fenrir. "I'LL YANK OUT EVERY ORGAN IN YER BODY AND SELL THEM ON THE GODSDAMNED BLACK MARKET!"
Akumu smiled a bit wider, softly returning the boop as he pulled her close while they walked. "I'm sure they're fiiine."

-cut to the others-

"Ah, come on now. Give grandpapa Dee-Dee a wittle smile. Pweese?" Adrian asked, Meara letting out a playful growl as she wrinkled her nose. James having been rolling about with the refusal to sit still as both Blake and Abel did their own acts of mischief. Each of them fancily dressed."... Zuzuuuu, can't we just take pictures of them all together this go? It'll be easier. Especially on them."

"We haven't even gotten separate pictures of them all yet!"

"Yes, yes, I know. But... just t' start off. Please? Come on." Adrian softly would lift Meara, moving a bit closer to his wife as he held the little one to eye level. Baby talk engaged. "How cou'd you say noh to dis faaace?"

Zuzana sighed, soon giving in with a smile. "... Fine. We'll take a couple with them all together. But we still need them in single-person photos."

-cut back-

"... Yeah, they're fiiiiiine."

"YOU BASTARD, YOU KNOW THAT BROKEN DOOR LOCKS WHEN IT'S SHUT!" Dei-Loki let out a clearly unsettled growl, his ears flattening as he glared to Fenrir.

"What?" Fenrir glanced to the door, flicking a silvery-white ear. "Ooooooh... yep. Seems like we're stuck in here. Together."

"Tรบ mac soith!" 'PROFANITY!' Dei-Loki growled before quickly attempting to charge at Fenrir. "I'LL YANK OUT EVERY ORGAN IN YER BODY AND SELL THEM ON THE GODSDAMNED BLACK MARKET!"
"Remember how awkward we used to be?" She said with a giggle.
"Remember how awkward we used to be?" She said with a giggle.

Akumu lifted a brow in remembrance, laughing gently. "Ah, gods. How could one forget? It was a miracle I could form coherent sentences during our awkward moments."
Akumu lifted a brow in remembrance, laughing gently. "Ah, gods. How could one forget? It was a miracle I could form coherent sentences during our awkward moments."
"Akumu, you didn't form coherent sentences during our awkward moments, neither did I. Thats how awkward it was!"
"Akumu, you didn't form coherent sentences during our awkward moments, neither did I. Thats how awkward it was!"

Akumu paused, lifting his brows. "It was that bad!? Guess I didn't even notice due to how nervous I was..."
"YOU BASTARD, YOU KNOW THAT BROKEN DOOR LOCKS WHEN IT'S SHUT!" Dei-Loki let out a clearly unsettled growl, his ears flattening as he glared to Fenrir.

"What?" Fenrir glanced to the door, flicking a silvery-white ear. "Ooooooh... yep. Seems like we're stuck in here. Together."

"Tรบ mac soith!" 'PROFANITY!' Dei-Loki growled before quickly attempting to charge at Fenrir. "I'LL YANK OUT EVERY ORGAN IN YER BODY AND SELL THEM ON THE GODSDAMNED BLACK MARKET!"

Masaru and Misaki blinked. "Gods, you're so sexy." They said in unison before turning to each other. Masaru growled. "This is a Hell ride from the get go! Now if i were you i would shut your gods damn mouth about my mate before i tear your throat out with my own fucking teeth."
Nia sighed "Yeah, it was that bad, we both had major crushes on eachother, and didn't know how to deal. Awkwardness was the result"

"So glad it's out there now... and now we're here. Married, and with children."

Masaru and Misaki blinked. "Gods, you're so sexy." They said in unison before turning to each other. Masaru growled. "This is a Hell ride from the get go! Now if i were you i would shut your gods damn mouth about my mate before i tear your throat out with my own fucking teeth."

Fenrir arched a brow as he momentarily glanced over to Masaru and Misaki. However, Dei-Loki didn't seem to catch it as he lunged at Fenrir - whom yelped and fell over.

"YOU'VE GOT FIVE SECONDS T' GET US OUTTA HERE!" Dei-Loki growled, gripping the front of Fenrir's shirt as he was on top of him.

"Noooooo can do, runt!" Fenrir would grin, hugging Dei-Loki tightly. "Now we're all stuck. Yer stuck, I'm stuck, those two are stuck! ISN'T IT GREAT!? WE'RE ALL TOGETHER."

"So glad it's out there now... and now we're here. Married, and with children."

Fenrir arched a brow as he momentarily glanced over to Masaru and Misaki. However, Dei-Loki didn't seem to catch it as he lunged at Fenrir - whom yelped and fell over.

"YOU'VE GOT FIVE SECONDS T' GET US OUTTA HERE!" Dei-Loki growled, gripping the front of Fenrir's shirt as he was on top of him.

"Noooooo can do, runt!" Fenrir would grin, hugging Dei-Loki tightly. "Now we're all stuck. Yer stuck, I'm stuck, those two are stuck! ISN'T IT GREAT!? WE'RE ALL TOGETHER."


"I say we kill our brothers, Squish." Misaki scoffed, "that's rude. You can't kill me! You need me!" Masaru turned to Misaki. "Do I!?" He groaned, raising his hands into his hair and running it through with his fingers. "We gotta find a way out."
Nia nodded "hey, where did your brother go?"

Akumu would pause and blink, lifting a brow. "I'm not sure..."

"I say we kill our brothers, Squish." Misaki scoffed, "that's rude. You can't kill me! You need me!" Masaru turned to Misaki. "Do I!?" He groaned, raising his hands into his hair and running it through with his fingers. "We gotta find a way out."

"I'm all fer the killing idea..." Dei-Loki snarled, eventually prying himself free from Fenrir's hold before heading over to try ramming the door.
Akumu would pause and blink, lifting a brow. "I'm not sure..."

"I'm all fer the killing idea..." Dei-Loki snarled, eventually prying himself free from Fenrir's hold before heading over to try ramming the door.

"Lets go find him" she said grabbing his hand and dragging him along quickly.

FUCKING RED TEXT!!! Stop plaugeing me ;-;

Masaru went and banged on the door as well. Misaki sat back, watching his baby brother trying so hard to leave. "We can't get out. You won't be able to. This place was built like a bomb shelter." Masaru turned back to Misaki. "How do you know that?" Misaki pointed to a part of the wallpaper that was slowly dripping it's work. It showed a metal plate of some sort. "Whatever is up here has gotta be important. That's why it's a bomb shelter. For supernatural. The only way they'll find us is if we try to break out that glass, but knowing that this is a bomb shelter, that might be protected too." He pointed to the attic's circled window.
"Lets go find him" she said grabbing his hand and dragging him along quickly.

FUCKING RED TEXT!!! Stop plaugeing me ;-;

Akumu blinked yet again, moving to catch up so he wouldn't be dragging behind. "Where do you think we should look first?"

Masaru went and banged on the door as well. Misaki sat back, watching his baby brother trying so hard to leave. "We can't get out. You won't be able to. This place was built like a bomb shelter." Masaru turned back to Misaki. "How do you know that?" Misaki pointed to a part of the wallpaper that was slowly dripping it's work. It showed a metal plate of some sort. "Whatever is up here has gotta be important. That's why it's a bomb shelter. For supernatural. The only way they'll find us is if we try to break out that glass, but knowing that this is a bomb shelter, that might be protected too." He pointed to the attic's circled window.

"Son of a bitch!" Dei-Loki whined, continuing to ram the door anyways before looking to Fenrir. "YOU! You... oooohhhh, you... HEY! I say we see if we can break the glass. With Fenrir's head."

"So violent." Fenrir grimaced, leaning against an old chair as he pocketed his hands. "Yeah. The King and Queen keep haunted dolls and mannequins locked up in here. Only way they could keep them away."

"SOMEONE UNLOCK THE DOOR!" Dei-Loki would shout, banging once more before rubbing his face - attempting to calm his currently panicking mind. "Okay, little Loki. This is fine. Totally fine. No... no it's not fine. This isn't fine. WE'RE ALL GONNA BE KILLED BY DOLLS AND SHIT. THIS IS ALL BUT FINE! I'M TOO YOUNG T' GO, AND I DON'T WANNA GO LIKE THIS!"

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