Indescribable (Closed)

"I rather sleep. Wake me when death comes." Masaru found a spot before groaning as Misaki shadow teleported right next to him and cuddled. "GET OFF OF MEEEEEEEEE!" He through Misaki at a wall which created a huge dent from it. "Do it again, and next time, the dent will get bigger!"

Dei-Loki looked up to watch, blinking a few times as he glanced to the dent in the wall. Soon having scooted his butt over in Masaru's direction, he poked his cheek. "Whad'about me? Can I get cuddles?"
Dei-Loki looked up to watch, blinking a few times as he glanced to the dent in the wall. Soon having scooted his butt over in Masaru's direction, he poked his cheek. "Whad'about me? Can I get cuddles?"
"Heres an idea" nia started grilling burgers outside the window.

Masaru pouted and nodded, bringing Dei into a cuddle. "Nia's cooking burgers to spite us. Once i'm out of here, i'm ruining her husband."
"Heres an idea" nia started grilling burgers outside the window.

Akumu blinked a few times, watching as Nia cooked the burgers. His brow having quirked in the process as he'd... decide to help.

Masaru pouted and nodded, bringing Dei into a cuddle. "Nia's cooking burgers to spite us. Once i'm out of here, i'm ruining her husband."

Dei-Loki cuddled into Masaru, his stomach growling from the scent of the meat as he grimaced. "So hungryyy..."
Nia continued to make burgers.
"When's your parents coming home? We need them to end the torture."

Akumu summoned the buns, flicking an ear.

"I dunno, but I hope it's soon." Dei-Loki huffed. "... I know that, when they took us for photos, it lasted a whiiiile... but, according to Akumu, that's only because Malvo and I wouldn't stop fighting over stuff."
Akumu summoned the buns, flicking an ear.

"I dunno, but I hope it's soon." Dei-Loki huffed. "... I know that, when they took us for photos, it lasted a whiiiile... but, according to Akumu, that's only because Malvo and I wouldn't stop fighting over stuff."

"Well, knowing the look on our . . . kids faces, and Nia and Akumu's kids, we'll be here for a while."
"Well, knowing the look on our . . . kids faces, and Nia and Akumu's kids, we'll be here for a while."

"Yep, they've got four times the trouble." Dei-Loki then closed his eyes as he'd smirk faintly. "Though, something tells me that if they were able to handle Malvo and I, then they can handle them too. So, hopefully they won't be there fer too long."

Nia smirked "having the upper hand over Masaru feels good"

"Yeah, fer now." Akumu spoke, smirking although he winced at the idea of what was to come.

"Yeah, fer now." Akumu spoke, smirking although he winced at the idea of what was to come.
"We just have to play our cards right. My magical ability is enough to counter pretty much anything at this point, like..." she made a few motions she floated and rotated in the air and was then standing without effort on the side of the palace wall. "Hell, at this point, I could turn you into a girl." Nia said with a smirk to Akumu.
"Yep, they've got four times the trouble." Dei-Loki then closed his eyes as he'd smirk faintly. "Though, something tells me that if they were able to handle Malvo and I, then they can handle them too. So, hopefully they won't be there fer too long."

"Yeah, fer now." Akumu spoke, smirking although he winced at the idea of what was to come.

"Hopefully. We have no food, and will have to start rationalizing if we don't get food." He look to the older brothers.
"We just have to play our cards right. My magical ability is enough to counter pretty much anything at this point, like..." she made a few motions she floated and rotated in the air and was then standing without effort on the side of the palace wall. "Hell, at this point, I could turn you into a girl." Nia said with a smirk to Akumu.

Akumu blinked a few times at that, his eyes having widened as he'd look to her. "Please don't."

"Hopefully. We have no food, and will have to start rationalizing if we don't get food." He look to the older brothers.

Dei-Loki would nod, allowing his ear to flick as he kept his eyes closed. "We'll also need a freezer t' put the meat in. Or just somewhere cold. Don't want t' stink up the place if we're gonna be stuck."
Akumu blinked a few times at that, his eyes having widened as he'd look to her. "Please don't."

Dei-Loki would nod, allowing his ear to flick as he kept his eyes closed. "We'll also need a freezer t' put the meat in. Or just somewhere cold. Don't want t' stink up the place if we're gonna be stuck."

"Ah you are ever so right, my love. Unfortunately, my flames can only bring disintegration, not cryogenic freezing."
"Ah you are ever so right, my love. Unfortunately, my flames can only bring disintegration, not cryogenic freezing."

"Damn... Well, I could always give it a try. I need more practice on my ice magic, anyways."
"Damn... Well, I could always give it a try. I need more practice on my ice magic, anyways."

"Letta rip." Miskai stood up, waving his hands. "Whoa! Whoa! Let's just relax. Come on, beautiful. Don't be so quick to judge. I'm a good boy, if ya allow me to be a good boy." He winked and then Masaru disappeared before he was chocking Misaki from behind. "DO IT NOW, DEI! KILL HIM!"
"Letta rip." Miskai stood up, waving his hands. "Whoa! Whoa! Let's just relax. Come on, beautiful. Don't be so quick to judge. I'm a good boy, if ya allow me to be a good boy." He winked and then Masaru disappeared before he was chocking Misaki from behind. "DO IT NOW, DEI! KILL HIM!"
Nia smiled "no promises" She said before floating up to the window. Watching the scene.
Forever J Forever J

Dei-Loki twitched a brow, conjuring up a blue ball of ice energy before Fenrir, once more, yanked him into a restricting embrace.

"Now let's just ssshhhhhhhh..." Fenrir huffed, Dei-Loki squirming about. "We've only been up here for a few minutes and we're already thinking of killing each other!"
Dei-Loki twitched a brow, conjuring up a blue ball of ice energy before Fenrir, once more, yanked him into a restricting embrace.

"Now let's just ssshhhhhhhh..." Fenrir huffed, Dei-Loki squirming about. "We've only been up here for a few minutes and we're already thinking of killing each other!"

"So!? We should have fun while we can!"
"So!? We should have fun while we can!"

"I don't think dying is fun."

"Nooo, but killing you is!" Dei-Loki growled, disappearing from Fenrir's hold before stepping out of a shadow. "Don't touch me again!"
"I don't think dying is fun."

"Nooo, but killing you is!" Dei-Loki growled, disappearing from Fenrir's hold before stepping out of a shadow. "Don't touch me again!"

Masaru grabbed Dei and scowled, growling lowly if they came near his mate. "You are so lucky that you brought those babies because if you didn't, you would've died, and i would've gone to prison."
Masaru grabbed Dei and scowled, growling lowly if they came near his mate. "You are so lucky that you brought those babies because if you didn't, you would've died, and i would've gone to prison."

"I still say we should kill them. Hide the bodies where my dad normally hides them. No one has t' know."

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