Indescribable (Closed)

Dio screeched during the attack, before The World grabbed Masaru by the nape of his neck and sent him threw him through the roof and up into the air. Dio and the world appeared above Masaru, and hit him with the same attack flurry that hit Yuki, following him all the way back down through the roof with the attacks and slamming him into the ground with one last powerful punch. Dio stepped back and held open his arms. "ZA WARDO" the pinky and ring fingers of everyone's left hand in the group suddenly broke, along with Masaru's leg and everyone was seemingly teleported back into the ballroom with the door closed.

Nia screamed at the pain in her hand, wincing her eyes shut as she held her neck and hand together.
Yuki hissed, she then put the effort into her head, knocking everyone out, but her and the people with superpowers. She cracked her finger back into place, and then quickly did the same for Malvo.

Masaru hit the ground with a huge thud, not being able to breath wasn't a problem though. He was use to it when he was dead. He snapped his leg back in place, and threw his fist into Dio's thigh, taking a handful of meat from him and eating it.

Dei-Loki released a yelp the moment his hand was broken, as did the others. However, slipping from the male was a low - quiet laugh as he'd trace the jagged bone. His laughter grew louder, wisps of dark energy violently twirling around the bad. "Oh, the regret you'll feel, leathcheann amaideach." A sickening crackle echoed the ballroom as the bones in his hand realigned. "
vampire beag amaideach~"
He sang, laughing as he'd sink into the shadows of the ballroom - resurfacing in the shadows behind Dio. Casually, he drew a dagger and drove it into Dio's side in a quick, shanking motion before rapidly teleporting to the other side and doing it again. And, as fast as he'd shank, he'd jump several feet away. Lifting his hand and pointing to him as if holding a pistol. Not very threatening at first, but once he'd jerk it back, a freight train-like force was launched in The World, as well as Dio's direction. "BANG. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH. Oh, Dio. Y' can't remove me that easy. They don't say I'm one of the keys to the End Times fer nothin'. I was going to let y' live and leave with yer dignity, but seeing as how you've seemed to hurt the ones I've loved, mercy is long gone. So, instead of using yer bitch t' defend you, why not step up t' the fucking plate yerself, eh? Or do I smell the blood of a petty little coward?" Dei-Loki's power would surge, filling the entire area around him.
Dio just took the brunt of the impact, allowing himself to be thrown away. Crashing into the wall and leaving a crater in it. "I almost felt that" he said before picking up one of the guards he had killed before, sucking their blood through his fingers, healing himself before... "Zawārudo! Toki yo tomare!” Masaru, Dei, and Yuki were suddenly stabbed out of no where with a dozen knives all over their body, cutting their Achilles tendon. Before the ceiling started to collapse on top of them.
Dio just took the brunt of the impact, allowing himself to be thrown away. Crashing into the wall and leaving a crater in it. "I almost felt that" he said before picking up one of the guards he had killed before, sucking their blood through his fingers, healing himself before... "Zawārudo! Toki yo tomare!” Masaru, Dei, and Yuki were suddenly stabbed out of no where with a dozen knives all over their body, cutting their Achilles tendon. Before the ceiling started to collapse on top of them.

The beast/Masaru laughed when their body was cut up before getting up again with a slight limp. "Ya think that's going to stop us from being annoying? HELL NO! We've suffered worse from our father than your pathetic accuse of torture." Yuki stood up, boiling with range, she charged after Dio to attack. Masaru teleported behind Dio, grabbing his own katana and shoving it straight up Dio's ass all the way to the handle before titling forward and jamming it into his intestines.
Dio just took the brunt of the impact, allowing himself to be thrown away. Crashing into the wall and leaving a crater in it. "I almost felt that" he said before picking up one of the guards he had killed before, sucking their blood through his fingers, healing himself before... "Zawārudo! Toki yo tomare!” Masaru, Dei, and Yuki were suddenly stabbed out of no where with a dozen knives all over their body, cutting their Achilles tendon. Before the ceiling started to collapse on top of them.
The beast/Masaru laughed when their body was cut up before getting up again with a slight limp. "Ya think that's going to stop us from being annoying? HELL NO! We've suffered worse from our father than your pathetic accuse of torture." Yuki stood up, boiling with range, she charged after Dio to attack. Masaru teleported behind Dio, grabbing his own katana and shoving it straight up Dio's ass all the way to the handle before titling forward and jamming it into his intestines.

Dei-Loki, now off his feet, had released a yelp. Panting from the pain he'd felt as he'd grin through it. His attention shifting to both Masaru and Yuki as they'd launched their attack as his vision slooowly would blur. And, though he'd been injured severely, he still released a bit of his energy out. Pitch black, tendril like shadows wrapping around Dio's legs - which held the bastard in place as the others launched their attacks.

Malvo panted, the pain bond taking its full toll on her as she curled up on the floor. Now, since she hadn't released her full power, nothing was there to act as a buffer towards the pain. It hit her full force.'Y' just hang tight, there, Malvy. It's almost over.' Her Corruption spoke up in her mind.
Dio turned to look at Masaru "you do realize I don't eat right?" The World appeared half inside Dio before jamming it's fist into Masaru's stomach, sending him flying with a fist sized hole in his stomach. The world pulled out the katana, in an instant it was behind Yuki, where it then stabbed Yuki through her right shoulder blade and out the other side. Next thing everyone saw, the entire roof collapsed, threatening to fall on everyone in the rooms. "USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS WWWWRRRYYYYYYY" Dio yelled out, floating well above the scene, with The World at his side.

Place guards shot at him with guns. The World caught the bullets and threw them down at the supernaturals below.
"Good grief... what am I doing?" He said facepalming with a smile "I dont have time for this. I got what I came here for" and then he vanished.
Dio turned to look at Masaru "you do realize I don't eat right?" The World appeared half inside Dio before jamming it's fist into Masaru's stomach, sending him flying with a fist sized hole in his stomach. The world pulled out the katana, in an instant it was behind Yuki, where it then stabbed Yuki through her right shoulder blade and out the other side. Next thing everyone saw, the entire roof collapsed, threatening to fall on everyone in the rooms. "USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS WWWWRRRYYYYYYY" Dio yelled out, floating well above the scene, with The World at his side.

Place guards shot at him with guns. The World caught the bullets and threw them down at the supernaturals below.
"Good grief... what am I doing?" He said facepalming with a smile "I dont have time for this. I got what I came here for" and then he vanished.

"Welp, he's gone. Ruvik, come and clean this up." A small, mischievous smile playing on his lips.
Dio turned to look at Masaru "you do realize I don't eat right?" The World appeared half inside Dio before jamming it's fist into Masaru's stomach, sending him flying with a fist sized hole in his stomach. The world pulled out the katana, in an instant it was behind Yuki, where it then stabbed Yuki through her right shoulder blade and out the other side. Next thing everyone saw, the entire roof collapsed, threatening to fall on everyone in the rooms. "USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS WWWWRRRYYYYYYY" Dio yelled out, floating well above the scene, with The World at his side.

Place guards shot at him with guns. The World caught the bullets and threw them down at the supernaturals below.
"Good grief... what am I doing?" He said facepalming with a smile "I dont have time for this. I got what I came here for" and then he vanished.
"Welp, he's gone. Ruvik, come and clean this up." A small, mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Dei-Loki panted, his eyes returning normal as he closed them. Listening as Ruvik made his way in.

Ruvik, looking around, let out a heavy sigh. "Are you fucking kidding me? I JUST CLEANED IN HERE FER YOU GUYS! SON OF A BITCH WHYYYYY!?" Ruvik sighed, exasperated. And, with a snap of his fingers, the roof was returned to its original state. A grumble escaping the ex-general as he had begun to clean up everything else as well.

Akumu, ignoring the pain in his hand, was holding a thick tag to Nia's bleeding wound, as that had been all he had - aside from a few spells he'd muttered that slowed the bleeding down.
Nia slowly stood up "fuck... " she said before falling back down "nope, can't do it" she said holding her head.

Yuki shook off her wounds, groaning at the pain before going towards Nia. "Come on, doll. Let's go get you patched and healthy again." Yuki carefully put her arms under Nia and carried her off to the clinic. Masaru slowly shifted back to normal, shaking off the ringing chaos in his ears. "Welp that was irritating to say the least. How's everyone else aside from Nia?"
Nia slowly stood up "fuck... " she said before falling back down "nope, can't do it" she said holding her head.
Yuki shook off her wounds, groaning at the pain before going towards Nia. "Come on, doll. Let's go get you patched and healthy again." Yuki carefully put her arms under Nia and carried her off to the clinic. Masaru slowly shifted back to normal, shaking off the ringing chaos in his ears. "Welp that was irritating to say the least. How's everyone else aside from Nia?"

"Sore, and not our fun kind..." Dei-Loki grinned, keeping his eyes closed as he'd done his best to heal his wounds. Though, his heart would soon sink as he heard Malvo's coughing. It had just truly clicked with him, the remembrance of the pain bond. And, moving forward, he flattened his ears and winced. "D-Dorchadas..?"
Nia just had her water break and was being wheeled down to... do they have a delivery room? Probably not. Nia was being wheeled down to the medical area in the palace. Breathing heaven and obviously worried.
Nia just had her water break and was being wheeled down to... do they have a delivery room? Probably not. Nia was being wheeled down to the medical area in the palace. Breathing heaven and obviously worried.

Akumu brought his hand to Nia's, rushing at her side as they made their way to the room. "Deep breathing. Deeeeeeep breathing."
Akumu brought his hand to Nia's, rushing at her side as they made their way to the room. "Deep breathing. Deeeeeeep breathing."
Once into the delivery room and evrything was underway. "Gah fuck shit motherfucking
Akumu's hand was also being crushed.
Once into the delivery room and evrything was underway. "Gah fuck shit motherfucking
Akumu's hand was also being crushed.

Akumu bit back a whine from the crushing of his hand, but toughed through it as he'd grip her hand. "GET OUT OF MY WIFE YOU SON OF A BITCH - sorry Nia - GET OUT OF MY WIFE!"

Dei-Loki listened from down the hall, his eyes having been a bit wide as he leaned against the wall.
Akumu bit back a whine from the crushing of his hand, but toughed through it as he'd grip her hand. "GET OUT OF MY WIFE YOU SON OF A BITCH - sorry Nia - GET OUT OF MY WIFE!"

Dei-Loki listened from down the hall, his eyes having been a bit wide as he leaned against the wall.

"Well, doesn't that sound pleasant. Good thing that we're boys and we can just adopt." Masaru sat back down next to Dei.
MASARU I CAN HEAR YOU" she sceamed in pain again "Akumu honey can you go slap him?" She said normally as if nothing was happening before going back to griting her teeth in pain.
"Well, doesn't that sound pleasant. Good thing that we're boys and we can just adopt." Masaru sat back down next to Dei.
MASARU I CAN HEAR YOU" she sceamed in pain again "Akumu honey can you go slap him?" She said normally as if nothing was happening before going back to griting her teeth in pain.

"Frightening." Dei-Loki replied to Nia's reply as he then looked to Masaru with a smirk and a nod. "Love minus the pains of labor, my sexy soul companion."

"I would, but then I'd be too distracted to come back in here." Akumu replied, his ears low.
"Frightening." Dei-Loki replied to Nia's reply as he then looked to Masaru with a smirk and a nod. "Love minus the pains of labor, my sexy soul companion."

"I would, but then I'd be too distracted to come back in here." Akumu replied, his ears low.

Masaru then kneeled back on the chair and yelled through the walls. "And you think Akumu can hit me!? Ha! He knows the consequences of picking a fight with me!" He smirked, sitting back down.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
-timeskip a bit-
Nia was holding the girl in her arms, wrapped up in a white blanket. Looking at her face as Nia blinked "what we're we going to name them?" (For real tho i forgot XD)
Masaru then kneeled back on the chair and yelled through the walls. "And you think Akumu can hit me!? Ha! He knows the consequences of picking a fight with me!" He smirked, sitting back down.

"Could lay him flat just about as fast as I could." Dei-Loki snickered.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge

-timeskip a bit-
Nia was holding the girl in her arms, wrapped up in a white blanket. Looking at her face as Nia blinked "what we're we going to name them?" (For real tho i forgot XD)

Akumu, holding the boy, would hold a proud, fatherly smile as he'd allow him to hold his finger. Chuckling gently, he thought back as he glanced to Nia. "James and Blake?"
Akumu, holding the boy, would hold a proud, fatherly smile as he'd allow him to hold his finger. Chuckling gently, he thought back as he glanced to Nia. "James and Blake?"

Masaru gently knocked on the door. "May we come in or is the mama bear going to bite our heads off?" He looked back to Dei, Malvo and Yuki.
Masaru gently knocked on the door. "May we come in or is the mama bear going to bite our heads off?" He looked back to Dei, Malvo and Yuki.
"As long as you behave." Nia said still looking at Blake. She smiled "so cute..."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

"Like we'll have a problem there! Not around kids, anyway." Dei-Loki snickered, soon stepping in as Malvo followed - the two of them softly cooing from the little bundles of life.
"Like we'll have a problem there! Not around kids, anyway." Dei-Loki snickered, soon stepping in as Malvo followed - the two of them softly cooing from the little bundles of life.

Masaru walked in, but then was stopped when Yuki pulled at the back of his shirt's collared. He sighed, continued to walk with her right by him in case he lunged for the child. His heart stopped at the tiny babies. "One moment please." He left, shutting the door behind him before screaming into a pillow. He came back smiling. "Better. You guys can hold them first, i'm pretty sure i'm not letting them ago until i have to have to."
Nia looked at Blake for a time. "She has pointy little wolf ears, and a fluffy little tail." She poked her nose "boop. I wonder what kind of person you'll grow up to be..." Nia held up Blake to Masaru "you can hold her." She said with a smile.

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