Indescribable (Closed)

Nia gave him a bowl of beans, and some bread. "I would have made something better, but I was tired" she said with a chuckle.

Akumu gently took the bowl, as well as the bread. Softly kissing her cheek before having dipped the bread in the beans. "It's fine. Certainly smells good, nonetheless."
Akumu gently took the bowl, as well as the bread. Softly kissing her cheek before having dipped the bread in the beans. "It's fine. Certainly smells good, nonetheless."
Nia smiled "thanks" then looking into the forest. "I think we should go explore this forest later"
Nia smiled "thanks" then looking into the forest. "I think we should go explore this forest later"

Taking a bite of the beans, Akumu blinked and looked in the direction of the forest. "Y' sure? Even after that eerie experience last night?"
Nia let Akumu finish, twisting her enchanted ring around her finger. "Just say the word, and we're out"

Akumu set the empty bowl down in front of him, a satisfied huff escaping the wolf male as he grinned and nodded. "Alright, I'm ready."
Akumu set the empty bowl down in front of him, a satisfied huff escaping the wolf male as he grinned and nodded. "Alright, I'm ready."
Nia did the same, drawing her blue, semi transparent sword, pointing into the forest "adventure awaits!" She exclaimed, marching into the forest, with a puffed out chest.
Nia did the same, drawing her blue, semi transparent sword, pointing into the forest "adventure awaits!" She exclaimed, marching into the forest, with a puffed out chest.

Akumu chuckled, quickly standing as he followed after Nia. A smile remaining on his face as he kept up with her.
Akumu chuckled, quickly standing as he followed after Nia. A smile remaining on his face as he kept up with her.
After a few hour of travel, the duo would stumble across a huge stone pyrrhamid, it looked aztec in design. "Woah" was all Nia could come up with to say as she gawked at the massive, ancient structure.
After a few hour of travel, the duo would stumble across a huge stone pyrrhamid, it looked aztec in design. "Woah" was all Nia could come up with to say as she gawked at the massive, ancient structure.

Akumu slowed to a stop, looking up at the pyramid. His brows slowly lifting in amazement before he sighed, and then grinned. "Let's find a way in, shall we?"
Akumu slowed to a stop, looking up at the pyramid. His brows slowly lifting in amazement before he sighed, and then grinned. "Let's find a way in, shall we?"
Nia nodded before quickly climbing to the top, where she found a spiraling staircase heading down into the darkness.
Nia nodded before quickly climbing to the top, where she found a spiraling staircase heading down into the darkness.

Akumu would follow. Once atop the pyramid, he'd gaze down into the darkness. A gentle exhale slipping from him as he'd summon a small orb of light. "Thank the gods fer magic..."
Akumu would follow. Once atop the pyramid, he'd gaze down into the darkness. A gentle exhale slipping from him as he'd summon a small orb of light. "Thank the gods fer magic..."
"Heh, literally. My magic is actually a gift from our gods" she said heading down the staircase, sword drawn.
"Heh, literally. My magic is actually a gift from our gods" she said heading down the staircase, sword drawn.

"Mmmmmhm!" Akumu would manage a chuckle, heading down after Nia. On the trip down, he made sure that the little orb of light kept somewhat ahead of them as to light the way.
"Mmmmmhm!" Akumu would manage a chuckle, heading down after Nia. On the trip down, he made sure that the little orb of light kept somewhat ahead of them as to light the way.
Nia headed down, until it stopped, and they were met with a long hallway, with rooms and othe hallways crisscrossing all over the place. "Where do you think they keep the trea...sure...." she looked up at the ceiling and her face turned white. Crawling all over the ceiling were hundreds of giant centipedes.
Nia headed down, until it stopped, and they were met with a long hallway, with rooms and othe hallways crisscrossing all over the place. "Where do you think they keep the trea...sure...." she looked up at the ceiling and her face turned white. Crawling all over the ceiling were hundreds of giant centipedes.

"Well, I-- What? What is it?" Akumu blinked, tracing Nia's gaze to the ceiling as he widened his eyes. "Oooooh... Well, that's a first..."
"Well, I-- What? What is it?" Akumu blinked, tracing Nia's gaze to the ceiling as he widened his eyes. "Oooooh... Well, that's a first..."
Nia gulped and looked down the hallway, her ears perked, and she heard footsteps. The air got cold, all the centipedes scattered. "Leave" a voice echoed.
Nia gulped and looked down the hallway, her ears perked, and she heard footsteps. The air got cold, all the centipedes scattered. "Leave" a voice echoed.

Akumu's eyes had slowly widened, drawing his blade as he'd both stand his ground, and eventually look around with a narrowed gaze.
Akumu's eyes had slowly widened, drawing his blade as he'd both stand his ground, and eventually look around with a narrowed gaze.

Nia backed up as the footsteps stopped. Several tense seconds passed before, out of the darkness, a large muscular man emerged, climbing on the ceiling like a spider, before dropping onto his feet in front of the duo. He let out a breathy hiss, his breath cold enough to have that dry ice effect, in his mouth... two fangs.
Nia backed up as the footsteps stopped. Several tense seconds passed before, out of the darkness, a large muscular man emerged, climbing on the ceiling like a spider, before dropping onto his feet in front of the duo. He let out a breathy hiss, his breath cold enough to have that dry ice effect, in his mouth... two fangs.

Akumu took a single step back, blade still in hand as he'd continue to keep his narrowed gaze. His attention immediately snapping to the fangs. 'A vampire..? But their hasn't been any around fer a long time...' Needless to say, he was baffled, and a bit threatened. But he still managed to speak up; "Vampire..?"
Akumu took a single step back, blade still in hand as he'd continue to keep his narrowed gaze. His attention immediately snapping to the fangs. 'A vampire..? But their hasn't been any around fer a long time...' Needless to say, he was baffled, and a bit threatened. But he still managed to speak up; "Vampire..?"
"Not just any lowly vampire. I am a servant of Lord Dio. I am a servant to the mask of Aja. These are the things that made me, and you are interfering with his search." He said, taking a few steps forward. Nia conjured her bow and shot an arrow at him, which he caught and snapped in half with his thumb. "You mortals can't kill me"
"Not just any lowly vampire. I am a servant of Lord Dio. I am a servant to the mask of Aja. These are the things that made me, and you are interfering with his search." He said, taking a few steps forward. Nia conjured her bow and shot an arrow at him, which he caught and snapped in half with his thumb. "You mortals can't kill me"

"Guess it's a good thing a majority of our family isn't mortal, then." Akumu let loose a low growl, his ears perking slightly from the snap. "Whatever he's looking for, he won't find it!"
"Guess it's a good thing a majority of our family isn't mortal, then." Akumu let loose a low growl, his ears perking slightly from the snap. "Whatever he's looking for, he won't find it!"
The vampire simply smirked. Nia growled and drew back her bow "you tried that already..." "not. This." She inhaled, and the semi transparent, black bow, plus the arrow, glowed red. "Lothron i naur destroui cin!" Nia called out in elvish, loosing the arrow, and a giant twirling cone of flame emerged from it, filling the room with the burning hot flames. The vampire screamed in agony as flesh was burnt away. She dispelled her bow and using her magic, turned the flames back onto what was left of the vampire. Concentrating its heat and gradually burning the vampire to dust. "He. Will. Find. You." The vampire got out, before he was turned to ash. Nia then made the flames disappear, hands on her knees and breathing heavily.
The vampire simply smirked. Nia growled and drew back her bow "you tried that already..." "not. This." She inhaled, and the semi transparent, black bow, plus the arrow, glowed red. "Lothron i naur destroui cin!" Nia called out in elvish, loosing the arrow, and a giant twirling cone of flame emerged from it, filling the room with the burning hot flames. The vampire screamed in agony as flesh was burnt away. She dispelled her bow and using her magic, turned the flames back onto what was left of the vampire. Concentrating its heat and gradually burning the vampire to dust. "He. Will. Find. You." The vampire got out, before he was turned to ash. Nia then made the flames disappear, hands on her knees and breathing heavily.

Akumu watched, his ears lowering a small bit from the warning before he glanced to Nia. "You alright?"

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