Indescribable (Closed)

Moving his attention from Nia to the food, he moved forward slightly as he blinked and checked it. "Smells like it."

Dei-Loki waved, as well. Soon following after Masaru as he'd pocket his hands.

"So should we go to bed or do you still want to walk around?"
Masaru opened his eyes once the sun shown through the blinds. He got up quietly and closed them before going to take a shower.

Dei-Loki turned his head following the slight movement of the bed, yawning as he opened an eye slightly to watch Masaru go. Stretching, he huffed before lazily staying in place.
Dei-Loki turned his head following the slight movement of the bed, yawning as he opened an eye slightly to watch Masaru go. Stretching, he huffed before lazily staying in place.

Masaru came out with the towel wrapped around his waist. "Good morning, sleepyhead~. What's for the agenda today?" He began look for clothes to wear.
Nia yawned as she woke up. Rubbing her eyes with a groan.

Akumu would stir slightly, releasing a tired sigh before following it up with a yawn before then giving back into sleep.

Masaru came out with the towel wrapped around his waist. "Good morning, sleepyhead~. What's for the agenda today?" He began look for clothes to wear.

"Morning..." Dei would tiredly mumble, bringing his face back into the pillow as he spoke into the fabric, producing a muffled voice.
Akumu would stir slightly, releasing a tired sigh before following it up with a yawn before then giving back into sleep.
Nia sat up, looking around the tent as she then put on her shirt and pants. Crawling out of the tent on her hands and knees. Once she emerged from it, she stood, stretched, and popped her back. Trying to be quiet so she wouldn't wake up Akumu.
She then got started on making breakfast using what they had brought.
Nia sat up, looking around the tent as she then put on her shirt and pants. Crawling out of the tent on her hands and knees. Once she emerged from it, she stood, stretched, and popped her back. Trying to be quiet so she wouldn't wake up Akumu.
She then got started on making breakfast using what they had brought.

Silently, Akumu would stir in his slumber. Rolling over as he'd let loose another yawn. His tail curled over his waist as he relaxed yet again - slowly waking up as he looked to the empty sleeping bag beside him.
Silently, Akumu would stir in his slumber. Rolling over as he'd let loose another yawn. His tail curled over his waist as he relaxed yet again - slowly waking up as he looked to the empty sleeping bag beside him.
Nia made a simple breakfast; a pot of beans, and some bread. She was sitting on by the fire, she'd take a bite, then change the flames color with a gesture from her hand, and she'd continue this pattern for some time.
Nia made a simple breakfast; a pot of beans, and some bread. She was sitting on by the fire, she'd take a bite, then change the flames color with a gesture from her hand, and she'd continue this pattern for some time.

Awakening to the smell and a growling stomach, Akumu had yawned. His body tiredly stretching as he sat up slightly. And, with a few clicks of his tongue, he looked towards the tents entrance. Grabbing his glasses before heading out of the tent.
Awakening to the smell and a growling stomach, Akumu had yawned. His body tiredly stretching as he sat up slightly. And, with a few clicks of his tongue, he looked towards the tents entrance. Grabbing his glasses before heading out of the tent.
Nia looked over "goodmorning love! Want some breakfast?" She said happily, with a smile on her face, and tail wagging.
Akumu would stir slightly, releasing a tired sigh before following it up with a yawn before then giving back into sleep.

"Morning..." Dei would tiredly mumble, bringing his face back into the pillow as he spoke into the fabric, producing a muffled voice.

Masaru laughed. "Gods, i swear you get more and more adorable as time goes on." He moved over and leaned down to kiss Dei's temple. "We should get going though. We got decisions to make on what we want for our ceremonies."
Nia looked over "goodmorning love! Want some breakfast?" She said happily, with a smile on her face, and tail wagging.

Akumu perked his ears, sliding his glasses onto his face as he smiled and sat beside her. "Sure, I could go for something t' eat."

Masaru laughed. "Gods, i swear you get more and more adorable as time goes on." He moved over and leaned down to kiss Dei's temple. "We should get going though. We got decisions to make on what we want for our ceremonies."

A smile formed on Dei-Loki's face from the kiss, his tail slowly curling as he gently pushed himself up. A yawn to follow. "Yeah, I suppose yer right..."
Akumu perked his ears, sliding his glasses onto his face as he smiled and sat beside her. "Sure, I could go for something t' eat."

A smile formed on Dei-Loki's face from the kiss, his tail slowly curling as he gently pushed himself up. A yawn to follow. "Yeah, I suppose yer right..."

(Going to fade to black at this portion just to skip through the details on the ceremony, and so i can play Neverwinter.)

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