Indescribable (Closed)

(Yeah, we can timeskip.)

Dei-Loki listened, nodding to Masaru as he gently exhaled with a grin. Soon leading the way out as he waved to his uncles. "Yep, yer pretty much in the clear after my grandparents."

The aunts were in the . . . . . . . . . . . place. "Umm, hello again! I'm Masaru, if ya forgot. I was wondering if i could ask for your blessing for Dei and mine's wedding and soulbonding ceremony?"
The aunts were in the . . . . . . . . . . . place. "Umm, hello again! I'm Masaru, if ya forgot. I was wondering if i could ask for your blessing for Dei and mine's wedding and soulbonding ceremony?"

Dei-Loki glanced to them in silence. A hand slipping into his pocket the moment his aunts had looked over.

"Wait, really?" Chloe blinked, Valerie having grinned.

"Congrats! Y' have my blessing." Valerie grinned innocently, hands behind her back. "But, we'll push y' into the shark infested waters if anything goes wrong."

"Vally! That was my threat!" Chloe pouted. But then looked to the others with a smirk. "Though, Val, ya gotta make sure it's near the deepest part of the ocean... Anyways, you have my blessing, as well."
"Alright " Akumu nodded, getting off of his horse before tying off the reins so she wouldn't disappear. With a smile, he softly patted the horse's mane before grabbing what he needed to set up camp. This, of course, starting with the tent.

Nia raised her hand over the wood, soon having it spark into a fire. She then watched Akumu set up the tent.
Dei-Loki glanced to them in silence. A hand slipping into his pocket the moment his aunts had looked over.

"Wait, really?" Chloe blinked, Valerie having grinned.

"Congrats! Y' have my blessing." Valerie grinned innocently, hands behind her back. "But, we'll push y' into the shark infested waters if anything goes wrong."

"Vally! That was my threat!" Chloe pouted. But then looked to the others with a smirk. "Though, Val, ya gotta make sure it's near the deepest part of the ocean... Anyways, you have my blessing, as well."

"Your family is scary. . . i'm so glad i met you, and your family." Masaru snickered, before grasping Dei's hand. "So are we going through the spirit realm to visit your grandparents?"
Nia raised her hand over the wood, soon having it spark into a fire. She then watched Akumu set up the tent.

"I haven't had t' do this fer a long time." Akumu soon huffed once it was finished, straightening his posture. His gaze soon traveling to Nia. "Whaddya think?"

"Your family is scary. . . i'm so glad i met you, and your family." Masaru snickered, before grasping Dei's hand. "So are we going through the spirit realm to visit your grandparents?"

Dei-Loki snickered, as well, following the comment. His fingers gently interlacing with Masaru's. "Yep! Whenever you're ready, we can go."
"I haven't had t' do this fer a long time." Akumu soon huffed once it was finished, straightening his posture. His gaze soon traveling to Nia. "Whaddya think?"

Nia looked at it for a second, rubbing her chin. "It'll work" she said sitting next to the fire. "so whats for dinner?"
Dei-Loki snickered, as well, following the comment. His fingers gently interlacing with Masaru's. "Yep! Whenever you're ready, we can go."

Masaru nodded before closing his eyes and letting his foxfire surge into the palm of his hand. He rested his hand against the wall and a purple oval appeared. "After you, beautiful."
Nia looked at it for a second, rubbing her chin. "It'll work" she said sitting next to the fire. "so whats for dinner?"

"Well,Akumu blinked, flicking the satchel open as he'd sort through the food. "I snagged some of the meat before we left, and I made sure t' keep the satchel cold fer the trip."

Masaru nodded before closing his eyes and letting his foxfire surge into the palm of his hand. He rested his hand against the wall and a purple oval appeared. "After you, beautiful."

Dei-Loki glanced to the portal, gently exhaling before heading through. Glancing around once he'd made it as he waited for Masaru.
"Well,Akumu blinked, flicking the satchel open as he'd sort through the food. "I snagged some of the meat before we left, and I made sure t' keep the satchel cold fer the trip."

Dei-Loki glanced to the portal, gently exhaling before heading through. Glancing around once he'd made it as he waited for Masaru.

Masaru walked through, stretching and yawning. "Spirit realms take a lot of you. Now where do you think your Grandparents would be?"
"Well,Akumu blinked, flicking the satchel open as he'd sort through the food. "I snagged some of the meat before we left, and I made sure t' keep the satchel cold fer the trip."

"okay, good. Because I am pretty damn hungry" Nia said, laying onto her back and looking up at the sky.
Masaru walked through, stretching and yawning. "Spirit realms take a lot of you. Now where do you think your Grandparents would be?"

Dei-Loki glanced over, watching Masaru head through before looking forward - beginning to walk. "I'm not entirely sure. Though, guess that means it's a good time t' start looking."

"okay, good. Because I am pretty damn hungry" Nia said, laying onto her back and looking up at the sky.

Akumu snickered at that, crouching beside the fire as he'd take the meat out to cook it. A gentle sigh slipping through his nose as he'd glance over to her.
Dei-Loki glanced over, watching Masaru head through before looking forward - beginning to walk. "I'm not entirely sure. Though, guess that means it's a good time t' start looking."

"Let's just get out of here quickly . . . the spirit realm isn't very homey to me." Masaru began to speed walk, afraid to see a few familiar faces. Masaru felt a cold wisp of breath at the back of his neck, "Oshiiiroooooo~." Masaru winced and shuddered. "Dei . . . Squishy, tel-. . . tell me about them. Tell me what they look like and how they acted. Keep my mind company, i feel like i'm going to be lost if you don't."
Nia returned the glance "what is it?" She asked, sitting up. 

"It's nothing. Just happy t' be out with you."

"Let's just get out of here quickly . . . the spirit realm isn't very homey to me." Masaru began to speed walk, afraid to see a few familiar faces. Masaru felt a cold wisp of breath at the back of his neck, "Oshiiiroooooo~." Masaru winced and shuddered. "Dei . . . Squishy, tel-. . . tell me about them. Tell me what they look like and how they acted. Keep my mind company, i feel like i'm going to be lost if you don't."

Dei-Loki, sensing the unease, understood and quickly traveled at Masaru's side. "Okay, uh... Well, their names are Grant and Aileen Cheshyre, both have a reddish-brown hair colour. Both are very nice... Hell, ya should've seen the look on their faces when I met them after my first near-death experience after bein' adopted. One of the only good things t' happen after I had gotten that damned curse from my bio mother. I called him grandpa once and he lit up like a Christmas tree."
"It's nothing. Just happy t' be out with you."

Dei-Loki, sensing the unease, understood and quickly traveled at Masaru's side. "Okay, uh... Well, their names are Grant and Aileen Cheshyre, both have a reddish-brown hair colour. Both are very nice... Hell, ya should've seen the look on their faces when I met them after my first near-death experience after bein' adopted. One of the only good things t' happen after I had gotten that damned curse from my bio mother. I called him grandpa once and he lit up like a Christmas tree."

Masaru chuckled. "Sounds amazing. Hmmmm . . . are they the ones laying by the edge of the cliff?" He pointed to a elder couple holding hands as they looked towards the sunset.
Nia smiled and kissed his cheek, putting her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder with a sigh. "me too..."

Akumu brought an arm around her, watching the fire with a grin. "Think we'll come across anything interesting?"

Masaru chuckled. "Sounds amazing. Hmmmm . . . are they the ones laying by the edge of the cliff?" He pointed to a elder couple holding hands as they looked towards the sunset.

"It is." Dei-Loki would grin before quirking a brow, his gaze following Masaru's gesture - his grin widening as he gave a nod. "Yep, that's them! C'mon!" Gently, he'd then take Masaru's hand before quickly tugging him along. "Hey-o!"

Grant turned, as did Aileen. Clear smiles on their faces as they'd sit up slightly. Grant having spoken. "Little Loki!... by the gods, you didn't get hurt again, did you?"
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"It is." Dei-Loki would grin before quirking a brow, his gaze following Masaru's gesture - his grin widening as he gave a nod. "Yep, that's them! C'mon!" Gently, he'd then take Masaru's hand before quickly tugging him along. "Hey-o!"

Grant turned, as did Aileen. Clear smiles on their faces as they'd sit up slightly. Grant having spoken. "Little Loki!... by the gods, you didn't get hurt again, did you?"

"No, he's absolutely fine. I just brought him to uh. My name is Masaru Oshiro, I was the reason that Dei and the rest went to the spirit realm last time, but this time, it's for our own purpose. Y'see, i love your Grandson with all my heart, and i wish to gain your blessings to our marriage and soulbonding."
"No, he's absolutely fine. I just brought him to uh. My name is Masaru Oshiro, I was the reason that Dei and the rest went to the spirit realm last time, but this time, it's for our own purpose. Y'see, i love your Grandson with all my heart, and i wish to gain your blessings to our marriage and soulbonding."

Grant would blink before inhaling, Aileen having smiled before giving a gentle nod.

"Of course. You have our blessing."

And, after Aileen spoke, Grant would nod. A smirk now on his face. "I suppose the rest of the family has presented their warnings?"
Grant would blink before inhaling, Aileen having smiled before giving a gentle nod.

"Of course. You have our blessing."

And, after Aileen spoke, Grant would nod. A smirk now on his face. "I suppose the rest of the family has presented their warnings?"

Masaru smiled and bowed at the two before nodding. "I was threaten by fire, by water, i'm ready for earth and wind."
Nia shrugged "This is different dimension, so I have no idea"

Akumu blinked, nodding as he glanced about with a smirk. "'s too bad we didn't drag Dei-Loki along. Could've unlocked some Shadow Warden items with the power he wields. Oh well. I'm sure we'll find something good, none the less."

Masaru smiled and bowed at the two before nodding. "I was threaten by fire, by water, i'm ready for earth and wind."

"Well, I'd fulfill both of those threats, had I been able to." Grant gave a low chuckle, glancing between the two. "Though, seeing how happy you seem t' make my grandson, and how positive both of your energies seem t' be, I don't think I'd need t' pose a threat, anyhow. Just hope you and I don't cross paths when yer time comes if you ever DO hurt him, eh?"
Akumu blinked, nodding as he glanced about with a smirk. "'s too bad we didn't drag Dei-Loki along. Could've unlocked some Shadow Warden items with the power he wields. Oh well. I'm sure we'll find something good, none the less."

Nia nuzzled up against him. "I'm sure we will. Plus, it'll be nice for us to have some alone time."
Akumu blinked, nodding as he glanced about with a smirk. "'s too bad we didn't drag Dei-Loki along. Could've unlocked some Shadow Warden items with the power he wields. Oh well. I'm sure we'll find something good, none the less."

"Well, I'd fulfill both of those threats, had I been able to." Grant gave a low chuckle, glancing between the two. "Though, seeing how happy you seem t' make my grandson, and how positive both of your energies seem t' be, I don't think I'd need t' pose a threat, anyhow. Just hope you and I don't cross paths when yer time comes if you ever DO hurt him, eh?"

"Trust me, the only time you'll see back here is if Dei ever tried cooking again." Masaru before jumping into a tree in case Dei tried to hit him. "Hey, be nice! Be nice! I LOVE YOU!"
Nia nuzzled up against him. "I'm sure we will. Plus, it'll be nice for us to have some alone time."

Akumu would nod in agreement, softly rubbing Nia's shoulder as he poked at the fire. 

"Trust me, the only time you'll see back here is if Dei ever tried cooking again." Masaru before jumping into a tree in case Dei tried to hit him. "Hey, be nice! Be nice! I LOVE YOU!"

Dei-Loki widened his eyes, quickly darting his gaze up to Masaru as he'd playfully glare. The smile having been removed from his face. "That was only twice while we were here! TWICE!"

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