Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki blinked following the kiss, his ears remaining low as he softly exhaled. "Sure is a pretty painful feeling t' be considered normal..." he huffed, leaning back against his father.

Masaru nodded, rubbing the back of his neck in a awkward manner. A twinge of pain at his heart from the close bond between Dei and his father. He turned his attention way from the two, looking at the items all over the study. "Well, i should go and leave you two at your father/son . . . bonding." He placed his hands behind his back, looking down to Fenrir. "You stayin' here, small fry?" 
Nia released him. "ok... now what?"

Akumu blinked, shrugging. "Shall we get something to eat?"

Masaru nodded, rubbing the back of his neck in a awkward manner. A twinge of pain at his heart from the close bond between Dei and his father. He turned his attention way from the two, looking at the items all over the study. "Well, i should go and leave you two at your father/son . . . bonding." He placed his hands behind his back, looking down to Fenrir. "You stayin' here, small fry?" 

Fenrir blinked, looking to Masaru as he'd shrug. "Nah, I've got other ones here t' greet."

Dei-Loki watched them, his pain instantly returning as he huffed quietly.
Akumu blinked, shrugging. "Shall we get something to eat?"

Fenrir blinked, looking to Masaru as he'd shrug. "Nah, I've got other ones here t' greet."

Dei-Loki watched them, his pain instantly returning as he huffed quietly.

Masaru turned back to Dei and bit the inside of his cheek to stop from smiling. "I love you. You know i do. So, why are you so jealous just because i think Fernererer is adorable because he's small. Hmmm? Why are you being jelly?" 
Masaru turned back to Dei and bit the inside of his cheek to stop from smiling. "I love you. You know i do. So, why are you so jealous just because i think Fernererer is adorable because he's small. Hmmm? Why are you being jelly?" 

"Because I'm supposed to be the adorable one!" Dei-Loki whined, unable to stop himself from holding back. Gently, he freed himself from his father's hold, sliding to his feet as he stared at Masaru. Such a pain pricking his eyes as he gestured to Fenrir. "Everytime he's been here, this whole family mysteriously seems t' forget I'm even here! My biological father never even said goodbye t' me the last time Fenrir was here! He even distracted Dominic! Everytime he's here, I feel like I'm somehow replaced and HE'S not even the youngest! I just don't wanna disappear, okay!?" each and every word surfaced more and more pain, his eyes wet, and red from the tears that would escape him. Spinning to face away, he hugged himself as Fenrir watched with a quiet sigh.
"Because I'm supposed to be the adorable one!" Dei-Loki whined, unable to stop himself from holding back. Gently, he freed himself from his father's hold, sliding to his feet as he stared at Masaru. Such a pain pricking his eyes as he gestured to Fenrir. "Everytime he's been here, this whole family mysteriously seems t' forget I'm even here! My biological father never even said goodbye t' me the last time Fenrir was here! He even distracted Dominic! Everytime he's here, I feel like I'm somehow replaced and HE'S not even the youngest! I just don't wanna disappear, okay!?" each and every word surfaced more and more pain, his eyes wet, and red from the tears that would escape him. Spinning to face away, he hugged himself as Fenrir watched with a quiet sigh.

Masaru squinted, placing a hand on Dei's shoulder and turning him around. He leveled himself to look Dei straight in the eyes. "First of all, your biological father is not a father. More like a sperm donor, because he's just that big of an ass. Second of all, Dominic is an idiot, what do you expect? Third of all, this family, this fucking family that you are in will and can never forget you. You're always going to be the cutest, so i don't want to hear that bullshit. You'll never disappear, because i'm not going to let you go that easily. Gods damn, Dei, i haven't forgotten about you since I started to teach you how to swim. Do you wanna know what brought me back to life? It wasn't my Mom. It was you, okay? You brought me back from the dead, because i didn't want to let you cry. I hate it when you cry. So stop thinking like i'm going to forget you. I'm not. And even if i did . . . then i hope to be skinned alive and dipped in a pool of squeezed lemons before being slowly eaten starting from the dick." He smirked, standing up. "You free me from my monsters, you have saved me so many times. I rather die again and again and again if that ment that i'll never forget you. You're worth the pain, and the heartache. You've got me addicted, beautiful. Don't think of it any other way. Like i always said, you hold my heart in my hands. I can't forget the person that is able to do that. Because holding my heart is a difficult task. You're someone incredible, Dei. If you wish for me to forget Fenrir, then i will, if it makes you happy. If it stops those pathetic tears, then i'll do it. But only at your command. You must tell me. Tell me what you want me to do."
Nia thought for a time. "I'm going to explore Engranussia. Outside this city, I mean"


Akumu perked at the idea, a grin climbing his face as he'd perk his brows. "Would you like company?"

Masaru squinted, placing a hand on Dei's shoulder and turning him around. He leveled himself to look Dei straight in the eyes. "First of all, your biological father is not a father. More like a sperm donor, because he's just that big of an ass. Second of all, Dominic is an idiot, what do you expect? Third of all, this family, this fucking family that you are in will and can never forget you. You're always going to be the cutest, so i don't want to hear that bullshit. You'll never disappear, because i'm not going to let you go that easily. Gods damn, Dei, i haven't forgotten about you since I started to teach you how to swim. Do you wanna know what brought me back to life? It wasn't my Mom. It was you, okay? You brought me back from the dead, because i didn't want to let you cry. I hate it when you cry. So stop thinking like i'm going to forget you. I'm not. And even if i did . . . then i hope to be skinned alive and dipped in a pool of squeezed lemons before being slowly eaten starting from the dick." He smirked, standing up. "You free me from my monsters, you have saved me so many times. I rather die again and again and again if that ment that i'll never forget you. You're worth the pain, and the heartache. You've got me addicted, beautiful. Don't think of it any other way. Like i always said, you hold my heart in my hands. I can't forget the person that is able to do that. Because holding my heart is a difficult task. You're someone incredible, Dei. If you wish for me to forget Fenrir, then i will, if it makes you happy. If it stops those pathetic tears, then i'll do it. But only at your command. You must tell me. Tell me what you want me to do."

Dei-Loki studied Masaru's face as he'd listen in silence, his breathing; shaky. It wasn't until Masaru had finished his point that Dei would turn his line of sight to the floor. Lifting his hand to wipe the tears from his eyes by just using his thumb. He was, in all sense of the term, a conflicted puppy. Especially towards the end. Selfishness would battle logic and reason until the demigod would shakily draw a breath, quietly speaking for Masaru to hear as his gaze wandered to Fenrir. "No... No, don't forget him... he needs family just as much as anyone here... Thank you, though, Masaru... I really needed that..."
Akumu perked at the idea, a grin climbing his face as he'd perk his brows. "Would you like company?"

Dei-Loki studied Masaru's face as he'd listen in silence, his breathing; shaky. It wasn't until Masaru had finished his point that Dei would turn his line of sight to the floor. Lifting his hand to wipe the tears from his eyes by just using his thumb. He was, in all sense of the term, a conflicted puppy. Especially towards the end. Selfishness would battle logic and reason until the demigod would shakily draw a breath, quietly speaking for Masaru to hear as his gaze wandered to Fenrir. "No... No, don't forget him... he needs family just as much as anyone here... Thank you, though, Masaru... I really needed that..."

"Don't you ever thank me for speaking the truth, for speaking my heart. Now remember," he got close to his ear once again, "you're the only one that gets me aroused in more ways than one." He gave a sweet, small smile before kissing Dei's lips. "Besides, you're my favorite out of all the tiny people, but remember, when, and if we have pups, you're going to have to fight for that title."
Nia looked at him with a "really bro?" Look.

Akumu blinked, raising his hands as he closed his eyes. "Just an honest question."

"Don't you ever thank me for speaking the truth, for speaking my heart. Now remember," he got close to his ear once again, "you're the only one that gets me aroused in more ways than one." He gave a sweet, small smile before kissing Dei's lips. "Besides, you're my favorite out of all the tiny people, but remember, when, and if we have pups, you're going to have to fight for that title."

Dei-Loki managed a small smile at that, bringing himself forward as he'd tightly tug Masaru into a hug. "I'm still up fer that challenge..."
Akumu blinked, raising his hands as he closed his eyes. "Just an honest question."

Nia sighed "of course I want company you doof. Do you expect me to explore a separate dimension alone? I just wanna live a little before I can't and my pregnancy takes priority"
Akumu blinked, raising his hands as he closed his eyes. "Just an honest question."

Dei-Loki managed a small smile at that, bringing himself forward as he'd tightly tug Masaru into a hug. "I'm still up fer that challenge..."

Masaru snickered, hugging back even tighter before he stood back up. "Oh! . . . Speaking of which . . . Ummm." Masaru did the awkward rubbing the nape of his neck before bowing in a full ninety degree angle in front of Adrian. "Sir, I wish to ask for your son's hand in marriage and of Soulbonding, and for your blessing on those occasions. May I have your son's hand and half of his soul linked to mine's for eternity and more?" 
Nia sighed "of course I want company you doof. Do you expect me to explore a separate dimension alone? I just wanna live a little before I can't and my pregnancy takes priority"

Akumu snickered, and then nodded as he lowered his hands. "Alright, then. Let's go on an adventure!"

Masaru snickered, hugging back even tighter before he stood back up. "Oh! . . . Speaking of which . . . Ummm." Masaru did the awkward rubbing the nape of his neck before bowing in a full ninety degree angle in front of Adrian. "Sir, I wish to ask for your son's hand in marriage and of Soulbonding, and for your blessing on those occasions. May I have your son's hand and half of his soul linked to mine's for eternity and more?" 

Dei-Loki glanced to Masaru as he watched him bow. A smile on his face as he'd look to his dad. His ears having perked.

Adrian watched, a momentarily surprised expression on his face before he'd then grin. "Of course. You have my blessing."
Akumu snickered, and then nodded as he lowered his hands. "Alright, then. Let's go on an adventure!"

Dei-Loki glanced to Masaru as he watched him bow. A smile on his face as he'd look to his dad. His ears having perked.

Adrian watched, a momentarily surprised expression on his face before he'd then grin. "Of course. You have my blessing."

"Thank you, sir. Now to tell the rest of the family.  . . can we stop noooooow? Saying it in front of him is hard enough." Masaru groaned.
"Thank you, sir. Now to tell the rest of the family.  . . can we stop noooooow? Saying it in front of him is hard enough." Masaru groaned.

Dei-Loki shook his head, looking to Masaru. "It'd be nice fer everyone else t' know... I'll tell ya what, we'll go t' my mam next. Sound good?"
"Oh, shh." Dei-Loki snickered. "If my dad was this graceful, then y' have nothin' ta worry about from my mam."

"You're just saying that so i don't freak out. . . . Dei, i'm freaking out." He gave a small smile before finding Zuzu in the lounge room. "UHhhhhhhhhh . . .. . . I'm marrying and soulbonding your son, may i have your blessing?" Masaru semi-shouted.
(Skip the packing ) 

"should we tell everyone else?"

Akumu gave a nod. "I think so. Just so they know where we're goin'."

"You're just saying that so i don't freak out. . . . Dei, i'm freaking out." He gave a small smile before finding Zuzu in the lounge room. "UHhhhhhhhhh . . .. . . I'm marrying and soulbonding your son, may i have your blessing?" Masaru semi-shouted.

Dei-Loki took Masaru's hand, sighing softly before blinking as he looked over to his mother - who looked up and made her way over following the news.

"Really?" Zuzana blinked, Dei-Loki having nodded as he smiled happily. Zuzana, glancing to her son, gave a smile as she placed a hand on his head - soon glancing to Masaru. "Well, you have my blessing." her smile would then vanish as her eyes seemed to flash from friendly to protective in a millisecond. And, there it was. That famous, crippling Zuzana glare. The stare that could scare an army of dragons. "But, gods help you if y' EVER hurt him, because you needn't worry about my husband as much as you will need t' worry about me. Y' understand?"
Akumu gave a nod. "I think so. Just so they know where we're goin'."

Dei-Loki took Masaru's hand, sighing softly before blinking as he looked over to his mother - who looked up and made her way over following the news.

"Really?" Zuzana blinked, Dei-Loki having nodded as he smiled happily. Zuzana, glancing to her son, gave a smile as she placed a hand on his head - soon glancing to Masaru. "Well, you have my blessing." her smile would then vanish as her eyes seemed to flash from friendly to protective in a millisecond. And, there it was. That famous, crippling Zuzana glare. The stare that could scare an army of dragons. "But, gods help you if y' EVER hurt him, because you needn't worry about my husband as much as you will need t' worry about me. Y' understand?"

Masaru froze, feeling as if he just looked a very beautiful Medusa in the eyes. "Y-Y-Yes ma'am! I'll be good, I swear! And if i'm not, Dei can be the one too kill me. Please don't kill me, i have a family to live for."
Masaru froze, feeling as if he just looked a very beautiful Medusa in the eyes. "Y-Y-Yes ma'am! I'll be good, I swear! And if i'm not, Dei can be the one too kill me. Please don't kill me, i have a family to live for."

And, just like that, the smile returned. Zuzana having closed her eyes as she gave a single nod, gently pulling Masaru into a hug. "That's just what I wanted to hear."

Dei-Loki watched, softly exhaling as he lowered an ear.
And, just like that, the smile returned. Zuzana having closed her eyes as she gave a single nod, gently pulling Masaru into a hug. "That's just what I wanted to hear."

Dei-Loki watched, softly exhaling as he lowered an ear.

Masaru hugged Zuzu back, but when he was pulled away, he inhaled. "Thank you, Zuzana. Come on, Dei. . . it's go tell . . . the rest of your family. Why did you have to have so many family members?"

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