Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru, not noticing Dei's emotion, hugged Fenrir tightly to him. He then stood up. "We should get going. Get back to your family and all." He laid out his hand for Dei while patting Fenrir's head with the other, still holding him tight.

Dei-Loki watched Masaru lift Fenrir, staring as the jealousy continued to twist uncomfortably in his gut. Glaring to Fenrir as he'd felt the mark on his chest throb and burn. Eagerly, he took Masaru's hand as he stuck close by. "He's got legs, y' know..."
Dei-Loki watched Masaru lift Fenrir, staring as the jealousy continued to twist uncomfortably in his gut. Glaring to Fenrir as he'd felt the mark on his chest throb and burn. Eagerly, he took Masaru's hand as he stuck close by. "He's got legs, y' know..."

Masaru smirked down to Dei, before swinging his arm under Dei's butt and lifting him to his chest so he carried both Fenrir and Dei. "Is someone . . . jeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalous~?" He wiggled his eyebrows as he began to move to the palace.
Masaru smirked down to Dei, before swinging his arm under Dei's butt and lifting him to his chest so he carried both Fenrir and Dei. "Is someone . . . jeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalous~?" He wiggled his eyebrows as he began to move to the palace.

Dei-Loki widened his eyes a bit as he was lifted. He'd then close his eyes as he turned his nose away with a frown and a growl. "Hush. I'm not jealous."
Dei-Loki widened his eyes a bit as he was lifted. He'd then close his eyes as he turned his nose away with a frown and a growl. "Hush. I'm not jealous."

"Suuuuuure. And i'm Mahatma Gandhi." Masaru brought them to Adrian's study. He put them both down and knocked on the door. "Hello, it's Masaru, and your son with a special guest. May we come in?"
Nia wandered through the halls "think we will ever go back to Midgard?" She would ask.


Akumu walked at Nia's side, shrugging as he'd glance over the family portraits. "Maybe some day."

"Suuuuuure. And i'm Mahatma Gandhi." Masaru brought them to Adrian's study. He put them both down and knocked on the door. "Hello, it's Masaru, and your son with a special guest. May we come in?"

Dei-Loki grumbled quietly, turning his body to face the door. His hands slipping into his pockets. Fenrir glancing to Dei-Loki before looking to the door.

"Of course!" Adrian answered, glancing to the door.
Akumu walked at Nia's side, shrugging as he'd glance over the family portraits. "Maybe some day."

Dei-Loki grumbled quietly, turning his body to face the door. His hands slipping into his pockets. Fenrir glancing to Dei-Loki before looking to the door.

"Of course!" Adrian answered, glancing to the door.

Masaru walked in, and looked around before then looking back to Adrian "It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good to have you back. Adrian, i was soooooo scared. We went to this one dimension where you were all mafia like and hated my guts, and wanted to feed me to the fishes."
Masaru walked in, and looked around before then looking back to Adrian "It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good to have you back. Adrian, i was soooooo scared. We went to this one dimension where you were all mafia like and hated my guts, and wanted to feed me to the fishes."

Adrian blinked a few times at that, as if surprised that the mob mentality was both carried over and magnified. With a slight smirk, he managed to hide his thoughts with a chuckle. "The mafia, eh?"

Dei-Loki nodded, quickly heading over and hugging Adrian before pulling back. "Y' tried t' kill him on several occasions, and whenever you and Masaru would talk, the tension was thick enough t' cut with a knife. Though, Masaru had a load of fun pissin' ya off, I think." he'd mention, looking up and over to Masaru with a smirk.

Ni sighed "I wanna go home"

Akumu rubbed the back of his head. "Well... the only problem with that is we may not even have a place t' go when we do go back t' Midgard. And, no doubt it'll probably be hard on the twins, as well. Maker knows it was hard enough fer them t' leave here the first time..."
[SIZE=inherit]Akumu rubbed the back of his head. [/SIZE][SIZE=inherit]"Well... the only problem with that is we may not even have a place t' go when we do go back t' Midgard. And, no doubt it'll probably be hard on the twins, as well. Maker knows it was hard enough fer them t' leave here the first time..."[/SIZE]

"Being in that dimension gave me time to think. Somthing I haven't done in a long time..." she ran her fingers along the stone as she walked. "I want to go home Akumu. Home home. As in my Kingdom. I want to go back. I want to go back and try to rebuild, bring her out of the ashes. It's my birthright, my duty, and I've been ignoring it for far, far too long" she said looking at the ceiling.
Adrian blinked a few times at that, as if surprised that the mob mentality was both carried over and magnified. With a slight smirk, he managed to hide his thoughts with a chuckle. "The mafia, eh?"

Dei-Loki nodded, quickly heading over and hugging Adrian before pulling back. "Y' tried t' kill him on several occasions, and whenever you and Masaru would talk, the tension was thick enough t' cut with a knife. Though, Masaru had a load of fun pissin' ya off, I think." he'd mention, looking up and over to Masaru with a smirk.

Akumu rubbed the back of his head. "Well... the only problem with that is we may not even have a place t' go when we do go back t' Midgard. And, no doubt it'll probably be hard on the twins, as well. Maker knows it was hard enough fer them t' leave here the first time..."

"What!? Nooooooooooo. I was innocent. I was like a butterfly flying into a venus flytrap's mouth."
"Being in that dimension gave me time to think. Somthing I haven't done in a long time..." she ran her fingers along the stone as she walked. "I want to go home Akumu. Home home. As in my Kingdom. I want to go back. I want to go back and try to rebuild, bring her out of the ashes. It's my birthright, my duty, and I've been ignoring it for far, far too long" she said looking at the ceiling.

Akumu lifted a brow, soon moving forward enough to stand in front of his wife. From there, he looked down to her. "Are you certain you'd like t' do this? Because, if you are... I'm more than willing t' go with you and help."

"What!? Nooooooooooo. I was innocent. I was like a butterfly flying into a venus flytrap's mouth."

"A daredevil butterfly..." Dei-Loki snickered.

"Sounds a bit fun, in a near bizarre way." Adrian grinned before pausing as he looked over to Fenrir. "... Fenrir?"

"AH!" Fenrir blinked, glancing over and waving. "Y' remember me!"

"Yer a bit hard t' forget." Adrian grinned, crossing his arms. "What brings ya here?"

"A deal with my father..." Dei-Loki near-grumbled, glancing over to Fenrir.
Akumu lifted a brow, soon moving forward enough to stand in front of his wife. From there, he looked down to her. "Are you certain you'd like t' do this? Because, if you are... I'm more than willing t' go with you and help."

Nia slowly nodded "But... what about all the things you have here?" She looked up at him "you would be abandoning that for me"
Nia slowly nodded "But... what about all the things you have here?" She looked up at him "you would be abandoning that for me"

Akumu watched her, soon leaning down and pulling her into a tender kiss - his fingers curled under her chin. And, after a few moments, he pulled back. His eyes gazing into hers. "I don't need this if I have you... besides, it isn't that hard t' get here for a visit. But, my presence is here for you, Nia... and I don't mind aiding in something y' need t' do. Not a single bit."
Akumu watched her, soon leaning down and pulling her into a tender kiss - his fingers curled under her chin. And, after a few moments, he pulled back. His eyes gazing into hers. "I don't need this if I have you... besides, it isn't that hard t' get here for a visit. But, my presence is here for you, Nia... and I don't mind aiding in something y' need t' do. Not a single bit."

Nia returned the kiss, her fingers in his hair. She blinked once hearing his words. "it's not going to be easy. There will be hardship and strife. Someone may even want my death, calling me a pretender to the throne"
"A daredevil butterfly..." Dei-Loki snickered.

"Sounds a bit fun, in a near bizarre way." Adrian grinned before pausing as he looked over to Fenrir. "... Fenrir?"

"AH!" Fenrir blinked, glancing over and waving. "Y' remember me!"

"Yer a bit hard t' forget." Adrian grinned, crossing his arms. "What brings ya here?"

"A deal with my father..." Dei-Loki near-grumbled, glancing over to Fenrir.

"Hey Adrian, is Dei always jealous when it comes to Fernerer?"
Nia returned the kiss, her fingers in his hair. She blinked once hearing his words. "it's not going to be easy. There will be hardship and strife. Someone may even want my death, calling me a pretender to the throne"

"Oh, I know it won't be. But, I also know I won't stand for any harm coming t' you."

"Hey Adrian, is Dei always jealous when it comes to Fernerer?"

Adrian quirked his brow, blinking a few times before realising who Masaru was talking about. And, with a grin, Adrian gave a nod. "VERY. I'm not sure why, though. He should know better." He then grinned, giving Dei-Loki a knowing look that could only be interpreted as something like 'you'll always be our little one'.

Dei-Loki glanced to his father to catch the look, a small smile forming on his face as he'd then looked down as soon as he'd felt his eyes water, as if it was all he really needed.
"Oh, I know it won't be. But, I also know I won't stand for any harm coming t' you."

Adrian quirked his brow, blinking a few times before realising who Masaru was talking about. And, with a grin, Adrian gave a nod. "VERY. I'm not sure why, though. He should know better." He then grinned, giving Dei-Loki a knowing look that could only be interpreted as something like 'you'll always be our little one'.

Dei-Loki glanced to his father to catch the look, a small smile forming on his face as he'd then looked down as soon as he'd felt his eyes water, as if it was all he really needed.

Masaru grabbed Dei under the armpits and put him on his father's lap. He watched closely, noticing small details of Dei.
Nia gave him a hug "we should celebrate our return" she said into his chest.

Akumu, tightly, would return the hug, kissing her head with a smirk. "That sounds like a good idea. Any preference on how?"

Masaru grabbed Dei under the armpits and put him on his father's lap. He watched closely, noticing small details of Dei.

Dei-Loki blinked, looking to Masaru briefly once he was lifted, only to look to his hands once he'd been set down. Mainly to avoid eye contact as he could still feel that slight flicker of the gut-wrenching emotion remaining present, and no doubt it was seen in his dampened eyes. With his ears flat, he'd look up at Masaru whilst picking at his fingers in a form of fidgeting. "I... can't... help it..."

Adrian watched, his soft grin remaining as he'd just listen, for now. His arms wrapping around his son to give him a firm, reassuring embrace. Something that helped Dei-Loki relax just a tad.
Akumu, tightly, would return the hug, kissing her head with a smirk. "That sounds like a good idea. Any preference on how?"

Dei-Loki blinked, looking to Masaru briefly once he was lifted, only to look to his hands once he'd been set down. Mainly to avoid eye contact as he could still feel that slight flicker of the gut-wrenching emotion remaining present, and no doubt it was seen in his dampened eyes. With his ears flat, he'd look up at Masaru whilst picking at his fingers in a form of fidgeting. "I... can't... help it..."

Adrian watched, his soft grin remaining as he'd just listen, for now. His arms wrapping around his son to give him a firm, reassuring embrace. Something that helped Dei-Loki relax just a tad.

Masaru carefully stood up on his toes, leaned over and kissed Dei's forehead before going back. "It's okay, Squishy. It's normal to feel like this."
Masaru carefully stood up on his toes, leaned over and kissed Dei's forehead before going back. "It's okay, Squishy. It's normal to feel like this."

Dei-Loki blinked following the kiss, his ears remaining low as he softly exhaled. "Sure is a pretty painful feeling t' be considered normal..." he huffed, leaning back against his father.

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