Indescribable (Closed)

"huh? What do yo-...." she squeaked scrambled and quickly put it back on. Looking at the onlookers with a death glare and red colored face. She got up and stormed after one of them who had been taking pictures. "Get back here you fuck! I WILL EAT YOUR FUCKING CHILDREN GET BACK HERE!" Nia took off into a sprint after the culprit.

Akumu watched her run off, soon standing and dusting off what sand he could before he'd look around to the others. "What!? There's nothin' t' see here! GET THE FOCK OUT." And, watching them all run off, he quickly darted after the picture taker, as well.

"When they get here, we will, but for now, i just want this. It's so peaceful." Masaru nipped the lobe of Dei's ear before sighing with a smile.

Dei-Loki gave a single nod of agreement,resting his weight against Masaru's as he softly blushed from the nip. 
Akumu watched her run off, soon standing and dusting off what sand he could before he'd look around to the others. "What!? There's nothin' t' see here! GET THE FOCK OUT." And, watching them all run off, he quickly darted after the picture taker, as well.

Nia stopped running and picked up a rock. Testing its weight before lobbing it at the culprit. It hit him in the head and he fell to the ground, rubbing the impact spot with his hand. Nia walked up to him "gimme that!" She said swiping the camera before looking at the photos he took. "these are actually really good... I'm sexy even when I dont try" she said with a laugh. She held up the camera "im keeping this. Pictures of my boobs, makes this, my camera." 
Dei-Loki gave a single nod of agreement,resting his weight against Masaru's as he softly blushed from the nip. 

Masaru held Dei a little longer, the feeling was to good to be true. That everything was a lie, and that he just went too far over the edge. That this is what Heaven was like, but reality the Nogitsune took over and killed them. He wanted to cry, and scream, and beg the Gods to let it be real. To not a be sick, psychotic image. A mirage. "Wanna take a nap?"
Nia stopped running and picked up a rock. Testing its weight before lobbing it at the culprit. It hit him in the head and he fell to the ground, rubbing the impact spot with his hand. Nia walked up to him "gimme that!" She said swiping the camera before looking at the photos he took. "these are actually really good... I'm sexy even when I dont try" she said with a laugh. She held up the camera "im keeping this. Pictures of my boobs, makes this, my camera." 

Akumu slowed to a stop as he watched the male fall over. His gaze peeking over at the phone before he'd head over - pushing the male's face into the sand by purposely stepping on the exact place the rock had hit. "You've got a loooooootta nerve, gobshite. A loooootta nerve, and ya seem t' lack quite a bit of common sense." 'One fucking phone call. All I need.'

Masaru held Dei a little longer, the feeling was to good to be true. That everything was a lie, and that he just went too far over the edge. That this is what Heaven was like, but reality the Nogitsune took over and killed them. He wanted to cry, and scream, and beg the Gods to let it be real. To not a be sick, psychotic image. A mirage. "Wanna take a nap?"

Turning his gaze up to Masaru, he gave another nod before nuzzling his chest. "Sure."
Akumu slowed to a stop as he watched the male fall over. His gaze peeking over at the phone before he'd head over - pushing the male's face into the sand by purposely stepping on the exact place the rock had hit. "You've got a loooooootta nerve, gobshite. A loooootta nerve, and ya seem t' lack quite a bit of common sense." 'One fucking phone call. All I need.'

Nia continued to scroll through the images. Casually walking around the guy, and kicked him in the groin with her heel. Causing him to loudly groan and enter the fetal position, holding his damaged delicates. Nia grabbed Akumu's hand and tugged "we can go now"
Nia continued to scroll through the images. Casually walking around the guy, and kicked him in the groin with her heel. Causing him to loudly groan and enter the fetal position, holding his damaged delicates. Nia grabbed Akumu's hand and tugged "we can go now"

Akumu blinked, glancing to Nia from the tug before nodding and crouching down so his whispered words were an earshot away from the male's, quietly speaking. "You'd best pray I never see yer ugly face again." He warned before soon standing and heading to Nia's side as a warm smile slid up his face. "Whereto next, sugar cookie? Shall we head back?"

"Oh thank the Gods. You're starting to wear me out with how much you want me half of the time. I'm becoming oooooooold."

Dei-Loki snickered, lifting his eyebrows. "Well, y' look pretty good fer someone that claims they're old."
Akumu blinked, glancing to Nia from the tug before nodding and crouching down so his whispered words were an earshot away from the male's, quietly speaking. "You'd best pray I never see yer ugly face again." He warned before soon standing and heading to Nia's side as a warm smile slid up his face. "Whereto next, sugar cookie? Shall we head back?"

Dei-Loki snickered, lifting his eyebrows. "Well, y' look pretty good fer someone that claims they're old."

"And you look very cute for someone who's older than one hundred."
Akumu blinked, glancing to Nia from the tug before nodding and crouching down so his whispered words were an earshot away from the male's, quietly speaking. "You'd best pray I never see yer ugly face again." He warned before soon standing and heading to Nia's side as a warm smile slid up his face. "Whereto next, sugar cookie? Shall we head back?"

Nia stood on her tip toes and gave him a kiss. "Uhhh. Wanna go mess with Aru?"
Nia pretended to chew caramel "oh. Did you want some? I kinda... yeah"

@Forever J


Masaru got up, yawning. Once, standing up he followed Dei and waved to the two. "Good morning, Aku and dwarf Queen."

Dei-Loki stopped in front of Nia, soon blinking and whining while wearing a dissapointed look. "Wha-- Whyyyyyyyy!?"

Akumu grinned before blinking and looking to Masaru. "Y' both just wake up?"
Dei-Loki stopped in front of Nia, soon blinking and whining while wearing a dissapointed look. "Wha-- Whyyyyyyyy!?"

Akumu grinned before blinking and looking to Masaru. "Y' both just wake up?"

"Yup. And don't worry, Squishy. I'll buy you caramel when i go out to shop again." He kissed the temple of Dei's head and smiled.

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