Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu watched, slowly following after her. And, with a playful smirk, he splashed her once before looking around.

"Good, you'd better." Dei-Loki then let the smirk slip and show, snickering softly. "Now, let me finish. It'll look silly if I just leave it the way it is."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. The things you do for love." He smiled, staying perfectly still so he wouldn't get in trouble again.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. The things you do for love." He smiled, staying perfectly still so he wouldn't get in trouble again.

"Thank ya~" Dei-Loki smiled happily, continuing with the eyeliner.

Nia laughed "Woo!" She said raising up her arms. Before splashing Akumu once more.

Akumu laughed from the reaction, quickly having splashed her in return.
Nia watched. "Don't drown"

Moments later, Akumu emerged from the water - gently lifting up a decently sized horseshoe crab. A brow having cocked as he looked the creature over. "Look at this interesting creature!"

Masaru stayed still, afraid to get in trouble and sleep on the couch. "Is this makeup easy to wash off?"

Soon finishing, he smiled widely as he'd nod. "Yeah. One good wash in the shower and it should come right off."
Moments later, Akumu emerged from the water - gently lifting up a decently sized horseshoe crab. A brow having cocked as he looked the creature over. "Look at this interesting creature!"

Soon finishing, he smiled widely as he'd nod. "Yeah. One good wash in the shower and it should come right off."

"Thank the Heavens! Are you done yet? I don't understand why your fans like this stuff."
"Thank the Heavens! Are you done yet? I don't understand why your fans like this stuff."

"Yep that about does it." Dei-Loki snickered, closing his eyes as he gently gripped Masaru's chin, turning his face to show the camera. "Because, somehow, they enjoy my artistic talent."
"Yep that about does it." Dei-Loki snickered, closing his eyes as he gently gripped Masaru's chin, turning his face to show the camera. "Because, somehow, they enjoy my artistic talent."

"Ohh i'm marvelous, darling~. You've done a excellent job at defining my feminine features. Well done, well done." Masaru then lunged at Dei, kissing him with passion before rubbing Dei's makeup work all over his face. "NOW WE BOTH NEED SHOWERS! WOOOOOOO!" He snickered.
"Ohh i'm marvelous, darling~. You've done a excellent job at defining my feminine features. Well done, well done." Masaru then lunged at Dei, kissing him with passion before rubbing Dei's makeup work all over his face. "NOW WE BOTH NEED SHOWERS! WOOOOOOO!" He snickered.

Dei-Loki returned the kiss, somewhat melting before the makeup was rubbed against his face. "AAAAAAAAH! SABOTAGE!"  Dei-Loki yelped, soon playfully glaring before briefly sticking his tongue out. "Jokes on you, I like showers with ya!"
Dei-Loki returned the kiss, somewhat melting before the makeup was rubbed against his face. "AAAAAAAAH! SABOTAGE!"  Dei-Loki yelped, soon playfully glaring before briefly sticking his tongue out. "Jokes on you, I like showers with ya!"

Masaru's eyebrows rose. "Showers with mwah, eh? Sounds like a plan." Masaru lunged, tackling Dei to the ground and beginning to kiss and nip Dei's neck.
Nia yelped and slapped it out of his hand "No!"

Akumu widened his eyes as the creature went flying. A pout soon forming on his face. "Noooo! So long, horseshoe crab!"

Masaru's eyebrows rose. "Showers with mwah, eh? Sounds like a plan." Masaru lunged, tackling Dei to the ground and beginning to kiss and nip Dei's neck.

Dei-Loki raised his brows, yelping as he fell out of the chair. Laughing, he spoke loud enough for the mic to pick up. "AAAH! Until next time, my hidden pyros! Stay hidden! Dei-Loki out!"
Akumu widened his eyes as the creature went flying. A pout soon forming on his face. "Noooo! So long, horseshoe crab!"

Dei-Loki raised his brows, yelping as he fell out of the chair. Laughing, he spoke loud enough for the mic to pick up. "AAAH! Until next time, my hidden pyros! Stay hidden! Dei-Loki out!"

Masaru continued to lavish Dei's neck until he went to the collarbone. The makeup leaving small hints of trails on Dei's body. 
"im getting out of the water" she said doing just that.

Akumu blinked, following after her as he huffed gently.

Masaru continued to lavish Dei's neck until he went to the collarbone. The makeup leaving small hints of trails on Dei's body. 

Dei-Loki panted slightly, biting his lip as he blushed. Turning his head to expose his neck and collarbone. "T-T' the shower?"

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