Indescribable (Closed)

"Not a problem." Dei-Loki smiled before lifting a slice of pizza for himself.

Masaru gulped down the liquor and quickly felt slightly better. He then took a bite out of a pizza before swallowing. "Sooo. . .  this make-up thingy? You do know what you're doing right?"
Masaru gulped down the liquor and quickly felt slightly better. He then took a bite out of a pizza before swallowing. "Sooo. . .  this make-up thingy? You do know what you're doing right?"

"Of course I do!.. as weird as that sounds..." Dei-Loki lightly laughed, taking a bite out of his pizza.
Masaru smirked. "Have you done it before? You can tell me, it's obvious i won't judge you."

Dei-Loki stared at his pizza, shifting as he'd manage a small smirk of his own. "... In my more exploratory of days, yeah. I did. That's also one of the pluses of growing up with a twin. No matter how much of a tomboy Malvo was, she still taught me quite a bit. Especially after finding out I was gay."
Dei-Loki stared at his pizza, shifting as he'd manage a small smirk of his own. "... In my more exploratory of days, yeah. I did. That's also one of the pluses of growing up with a twin. No matter how much of a tomboy Malvo was, she still taught me quite a bit. Especially after finding out I was gay."

Masaru laughed. "I can see that. How was that like anyways? Obviously, they accepted you, but . . . what was it like?"
Masaru laughed. "I can see that. How was that like anyways? Obviously, they accepted you, but . . . what was it like?"

Lifting a brow, Dei-Loki blinked and smiled. "It wasn't too bad, actually. Malvo already kind of knew, uncle Graham and uncle Reaver threw me a mini-party... then the three had my back when I came out t' mam and dad which... went a lot better than I thought it would've, t' tell ya the truth. And, after I came out, it was as if nothing had changed."
Lifting a brow, Dei-Loki blinked and smiled. "It wasn't too bad, actually. Malvo already kind of knew, uncle Graham and uncle Reaver threw me a mini-party... then the three had my back when I came out t' mam and dad which... went a lot better than I thought it would've, t' tell ya the truth. And, after I came out, it was as if nothing had changed."

"I mean, it would be obvious. It's hard to feel anger towards you. You're very lovable. I hope you know that." 
"I mean, it would be obvious. It's hard to feel anger towards you. You're very lovable. I hope you know that." 

"I have noticed." Dei agreed, finishing off the slice of pizza he had. "Lotsa times I don't really know why, but I won't complain. Especially if it keeps me outta trouble."
"I have noticed." Dei agreed, finishing off the slice of pizza he had. "Lotsa times I don't really know why, but I won't complain. Especially if it keeps me outta trouble."

"Definitely. It explains why i'm allowing you to put make-up on me."
Nia was at home listening to music on her bed, and writing in a red leather journal, with a pink ribbon hanging off the side. 
Nia was at home listening to music on her bed, and writing in a red leather journal, with a pink ribbon hanging off the side. 

Akumu made his way up, a gentle, bored sigh escaping him as he knocked on the threshold. 

"Fabulous? I never asked for that. I like my rough look, not a model, pretty-boy look." He gave a smile.

Dei-Loki pouted, sticking out his bottom lip as he looked to Masaru. "Y' can be fabulous AND rough..."
Akumu made his way up, a gentle, bored sigh escaping him as he knocked on the threshold. 

Dei-Loki pouted, sticking out his bottom lip as he looked to Masaru. "Y' can be fabulous AND rough..."

"Oh, really? I can, huh? . . . fine, let's just get it over with. Ya cutie." 
Nia jumped and put the journal up. Quickly fixing her hair. "Come in!"

Akumu smiled, pushing the door open gently as his gaze traveled to Nia. "Hey. Sorry... I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Oh, really? I can, huh? . . . fine, let's just get it over with. Ya cutie." 

Dei-Loki would soon smile widely, nodding as he slid out of his chair. "Alright."

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