Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki made his way to the bar, sitting in the seat that had been pulled out for him. A quiet sigh slipping through his teeth.

"Well then, order what you'd like." Adrian... invited. Watching for a moment before heading off to talk with his brother.



Malvo, unbuckling, soon hopped out of the vehicle to follow. Her emerald irises traveling to Nia as she smiled. "C'mon, Nia."

@Heir of Dalania

"Sooo, watcha want, stunningly gorgeous~?" Masaru turned his attention towards Dei. 

(Waitin' for you, Heir. @Heir of Dalania)
"Sooo, watcha want, stunningly gorgeous~?" Masaru turned his attention towards Dei. 

(Waitin' for you, Heir. @Heir of Dalania)

(I can feel Adrian's glare. o-o

XD )

"Even more flirtatious compliments like those would be a good start~" Dei-Loki gave an innocent grin as he snickered before then glancing to one of the small menus that had been on the counter. Taking one, he quirked a brow. "Fer drinks, Jack on the rocks aaaaand fer food... pizza?"
(I can feel Adrian's glare. o-o

XD )

"Even more flirtatious compliments like those would be a good start~" Dei-Loki gave an innocent grin as he snickered before then glancing to one of the small menus that had been on the counter. Taking one, he quirked a brow. "Fer drinks, Jack on the rocks aaaaand fer food... pizza?"

"Sounds good to me. Whatcha say, Daddio? Make your son and your son-in-law some grub, pretty pwease~?" He smirked, even though he wasn't a nogitsune at the moment, his mischievous manner never vanished nor did the love to tease his enemies. 

Yuki opened one of the door and waved. "Hello class!" They responded back, all bright eyed and cheery. (We can time skip if we want to?)
Nia got out of the car, following then along. "this should be fun" she said following along.

"Sounds good to me. Whatcha say, Daddio? Make your son and your son-in-law some grub, pretty pwease~?" He smirked, even though he wasn't a nogitsune at the moment, his mischievous manner never vanished nor did the love to tease his enemies. 

Yuki opened one of the door and waved. "Hello class!" They responded back, all bright eyed and cheery. (We can time skip if we want to?)

Adrian, who's mouth has twitched, made his way over with a forced chuckle. His hand clamping down on the back of Masaru's neck. "Ahah, alright. I'll let the chefs know. But - fer the sake of yer health, don't call me daddio."

Dei-Loki glanced up to his father, huffing softly. "Dad, please..."

"I'm going, I'm going." Adrian huffed, letting go and heading to the kitchen.



Malvo followed the others in happily, looking around to the class.

Adrian, who's mouth has twitched, made his way over with a forced chuckle. His hand clamping down on the back of Masaru's neck. "Ahah, alright. I'll let the chefs know. But - fer the sake of yer health, don't call me daddio."

Dei-Loki glanced up to his father, huffing softly. "Dad, please..."

"I'm going, I'm going." Adrian huffed, letting go and heading to the kitchen.



Malvo followed the others in happily, looking around to the class.


Masaru was about to say something, but closed his mouth at Dei's plead. He knew when to behave . . . for only Dei, that is. He smirked and ate some peanuts on the counter. 

"So, whatcha think about dance class?" 
@Heir of Dalania
Masaru was about to say something, but closed his mouth at Dei's plead. He knew when to behave . . . for only Dei, that is. He smirked and ate some peanuts on the counter. 

"So, whatcha think about dance class?" 
@Heir of Dalania

Dei-Loki watched his father head off, sighing in relief as he softly would rest his elbows on the counter. "Buttheads..." he chuckled.



"Seems pretty fun." Malvo admitted with a smile on her face.

@Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki watched his father head off, sighing in relief as he softly would rest his elbows on the counter. "Buttheads..." he chuckled.



"Seems pretty fun." Malvo admitted with a smile on her face.

@Heir of Dalania

Masaru snickered. "Sorry. I can't help it. This other Adrian just makes me want to tease him into hating me more." Masaru shrugged, acting innocent.


"What about you, Nia? Did you like it at all?" 
@Heir of Dalania
Masaru snickered. "Sorry. I can't help it. This other Adrian just makes me want to tease him into hating me more." Masaru shrugged, acting innocent.


"What about you, Nia? Did you like it at all?" 
@Heir of Dalania

Dei-Loki huffed and smirked. "Just be careful, please... it isn't easy talking down my dad here, let alone his... people."



Malvo, pocketing her hands, waited for a response. Stretching her back a bit in this process.

@Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki huffed and smirked. "Just be careful, please... it isn't easy talking down my dad here, let alone his... people."



Malvo, pocketing her hands, waited for a response. Stretching her back a bit in this process.

@Heir of Dalania

"I make no promises, but i'll try. That's all i can say. Sometimes, it's not even me, it's just him, hating me to hate me."
"I make no promises, but i'll try. That's all i can say. Sometimes, it's not even me, it's just him, hating me to hate me."

Dei-Loki huffed, nodding before he'd then blink. "This world's version of my family is even MORE protective than my family back home, I'll give 'em that."
Dei-Loki huffed, nodding before he'd then blink. "This world's version of my family is even MORE protective than my family back home, I'll give 'em that."

"Mhmm~. I can't wait to get your old family back. I feel like your Father is going to skin me alive. This is going to sound gay, but i miss his warm, caring smile instead of that deadly stare."
"Mhmm~. I can't wait to get your old family back. I feel like your Father is going to skin me alive. This is going to sound gay, but i miss his warm, caring smile instead of that deadly stare."

Dei-Loki would nod in agreement, grabbing a small handful of peanuts as he shifted in his seat. "I can't wait, either. And, naw, doesn't sound too gay. Especially since back home, you didn't need t' live in paranoia with my dad. The worst thing he could do is dad jokes... now it's... mafia mentality and dad jokes..."
Dei-Loki would nod in agreement, grabbing a small handful of peanuts as he shifted in his seat. "I can't wait, either. And, naw, doesn't sound too gay. Especially since back home, you didn't need t' live in paranoia with my dad. The worst thing he could do is dad jokes... now it's... mafia mentality and dad jokes..."

"A dangerous duo indeed. Do you think he tortures his victims with dad jokes?"
"A dangerous duo indeed. Do you think he tortures his victims with dad jokes?"

Dei-Loki shuttered at the thought, tugging his trapper hat down slightly. "That's the worst torture of all. Forget about breaking limbs, drive them mad with dad jokes that're bad enough t' make Satan cringe and leave the room..."
Dei-Loki shuttered at the thought, tugging his trapper hat down slightly. "That's the worst torture of all. Forget about breaking limbs, drive them mad with dad jokes that're bad enough t' make Satan cringe and leave the room..."

"It can make Satan want death. It's that bad."
"Could you imagine having enough power with just yer words to make Satan cry? Holy Hell." Dei-Loki shuttered once more, perking a bit when his drink was slid his way.

Masaru's eyes widen. "The power. It's so beautiful. I might cry."
Masaru's eyes widen. "The power. It's so beautiful. I might cry."

With a laugh from the reaction, Dei-Loki would soon remove his hands from the sides of his hat - perking up at the sight of the pizza.
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With a laugh from the reaction, Dei-Loki would soon remove his hands from the sides of his hat - perking up at the sight of the pizza.

Masaru's stomach growled as he smelled the pizza from a mile away. "Thank you, for the meal, Adrian."
Adrian, for the sake of his son, held a fake grin towards Masaru's words. Simply giving a nod. "Anytime..."

Masaru looked directly into Adrian's eyes and nodded back. He took the pizza, being nice to Adrian for Dei to be happy was difficult.

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